Cuban Goes to American Supermarket for the 1st time

I hope Harley Weinbereger never saw this vid. The skinny one is fairly Hawt !....UNTIL ?
Cuban goes to an American Supermarket for the first time. From socialist Cuba where lines are long, products are scarce, and the constant struggle finding basic necessities has become an everyday normality, Yoel sees an American supermarket for the first time leaving the island.

Clueless brainwashed assholes

Looks like fun
No doubt the lack of food products in Cuba has a lot to do with the 60 years of US sanctions.

Old Joe continues those deadly sanctions on all the made up enemies of the empire, just as dumb Don did. Yet another example of how Joe and Don are very much alike.
Has nothing to do with sanctions. Cuba is free to trade with all kinds of other countries. Their problem is that it is a communist country where the average income is about 50 dollars a month. They have the same climate as DR and the DR only imports about 20% of their food supply, Cuba is the opposite. Modern agriculture is obsolete in Cuba because their is no profit to be made. Government buys the food and stocks the shelves that is why there is no Kroger or Publix.

You’re not informed. Get informed.
Cuba Sanctions - United States Department of State

PS. China is a communist nation. They have plenty of food. BOOM…there goes your silly argument.

Calling China a "communist nation," is sort of a misnomer at this point.

It is a one-party, dirigistic state, where the party makes unilateral decisions about which industries to nationalize, and which ones to privatize.

It is the first fully functioning technocracy.

True. However their government is communist and has been for a long time.

You will get no argument from me that communism has failed in numerous places. However the OP fails to recognize or even be aware of the harmful affects of US sanctions on Cuba. Secondly, the preponderance of nations in the world follow some form of capitalism. Yet, we have billions of people living in poverty. So, capitalism isn’t all that great.

The claim that Capitalism isn't all that great begs the question...what is better? Capitalism has produced a higher standard of living for billions of people.

There must be something better.

I'd love to hear what that something is then, Gipper! Show me what works better in the real world then free market Capitalism!

I don’t have the answer my son.

The fact that you don't have the answer IS the answer! Or are you too obtuse to grasp that?

Yes. Only your answer is the answer.

small minds…

With all're demanding that free market Capitalism be replaced...yet when I ask you what it is that you're going to replace it have nothing! That's absurd.

If you think this is free market capitalism, you’re badly mistaken.

What we have is a bastardized form of free market Capitalism. Big Government doesn't like free markets because Big Government likes to control things.

I’m glad you recognize that. This is why we need a new economic system. Capitalism like communism, fails.
American lefty liberals and Democrats think capitalism is evil and want our country to be more like communist Cuba were everyone has nothing and shares equally in the poverty and misery. ... :cool:
No, that was Trump.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely
“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praising a communist.
Trump's cult praising communism.
I have read that when Russian immigrants started coming to the United States and they entered an American supermarket for the first time, they literally started crying and weeping.

They were so accustomed to standing in line for long hours at Russian markets only to enter and find almost nothing to buy.
No doubt the lack of food products in Cuba has a lot to do with the 60 years of US sanctions.

Old Joe continues those deadly sanctions on all the made up enemies of the empire, just as dumb Don did. Yet another example of how Joe and Don are very much alike.
Has nothing to do with sanctions. Cuba is free to trade with all kinds of other countries. Their problem is that it is a communist country where the average income is about 50 dollars a month. They have the same climate as DR and the DR only imports about 20% of their food supply, Cuba is the opposite. Modern agriculture is obsolete in Cuba because their is no profit to be made. Government buys the food and stocks the shelves that is why there is no Kroger or Publix.

You’re not informed. Get informed.
Cuba Sanctions - United States Department of State

PS. China is a communist nation. They have plenty of food. BOOM…there goes your silly argument.

Calling China a "communist nation," is sort of a misnomer at this point.

It is a one-party, dirigistic state, where the party makes unilateral decisions about which industries to nationalize, and which ones to privatize.

It is the first fully functioning technocracy.

True. However their government is communist and has been for a long time.

You will get no argument from me that communism has failed in numerous places. However the OP fails to recognize or even be aware of the harmful affects of US sanctions on Cuba. Secondly, the preponderance of nations in the world follow some form of capitalism. Yet, we have billions of people living in poverty. So, capitalism isn’t all that great.

Cuba should not have to import 1 oz of food.

Should the USA not have to import 1 oz of food?

The fact is the U.S. shouldn’t import food unless it can not be grown here but with the wasteful culture we live in we must import from countries like Mexico to keep our markets full.

Cuba failure to keep it shelves stocked at local markets has more to do with the regime running it country than the sanctions we impose on it.

Cuba is free to trade with other countries and do trade with other countries, so the blame for the failure to keep it stores filled is with it government.

Sure trading with the U.S. could be more beneficial and I agree our sanctions are outdated and no longer needed seeing we do trade with China, Vietnam and other nations that have communist leadership, so why punish Cuba any longer?


Cuba government can go further to fix this issue and the U.S. need to let go the idea we must tell smaller nations how to govern…
No doubt the lack of food products in Cuba has a lot to do with the 60 years of US sanctions.

Old Joe continues those deadly sanctions on all the made up enemies of the empire, just as dumb Don did. Yet another example of how Joe and Don are very much alike.
Has nothing to do with sanctions. Cuba is free to trade with all kinds of other countries. Their problem is that it is a communist country where the average income is about 50 dollars a month. They have the same climate as DR and the DR only imports about 20% of their food supply, Cuba is the opposite. Modern agriculture is obsolete in Cuba because their is no profit to be made. Government buys the food and stocks the shelves that is why there is no Kroger or Publix.

You’re not informed. Get informed.
Cuba Sanctions - United States Department of State

PS. China is a communist nation. They have plenty of food. BOOM…there goes your silly argument.

Calling China a "communist nation," is sort of a misnomer at this point.

It is a one-party, dirigistic state, where the party makes unilateral decisions about which industries to nationalize, and which ones to privatize.

It is the first fully functioning technocracy.

True. However their government is communist and has been for a long time.

You will get no argument from me that communism has failed in numerous places. However the OP fails to recognize or even be aware of the harmful affects of US sanctions on Cuba. Secondly, the preponderance of nations in the world follow some form of capitalism. Yet, we have billions of people living in poverty. So, capitalism isn’t all that great.

Cuba should not have to import 1 oz of food.

Should the USA not have to import 1 oz of food?

The fact is the U.S. shouldn’t import food unless it can not be grown here but with the wasteful culture we live in we must import from countries like Mexico to keep our markets full.

Cuba failure to keep it shelves stocked at local markets has more to do with the regime running it country than the sanctions we impose on it.

Cuba is free to trade with other countries and do trade with other countries, so the blame for the failure to keep it stores filled is with it government.

Sure trading with the U.S. could be more beneficial and I agree our sanctions are outdated and no longer needed seeing we do trade with China, Vietnam and other nations that have communist leadership, so why punish Cuba any longer?


Cuba government can go further to fix this issue and the U.S. need to let go the idea we must tell smaller nations how to govern…

US sanctions are ineffective and terribly harmful to the poor people of Cuba. After 60 years of sanctions, it’s obvious they aren’t working to cause regime change in Cuba.

One of the few things O did right was opening up trade with Cuba. Of course, Don and Joe (brothers from different mothers) have reimposed the sanctions.

Having the world’s greatest economic and military power 90 miles from your shores refusing to trade with you, has greatly harmed Cuba.

Good article on the subject.
Harm and Inefficacy: the U.S. sanctions on Cuba - Brown Political Review
No doubt the lack of food products in Cuba has a lot to do with the 60 years of US sanctions.

Old Joe continues those deadly sanctions on all the made up enemies of the empire, just as dumb Don did. Yet another example of how Joe and Don are very much alike.
Has nothing to do with sanctions. Cuba is free to trade with all kinds of other countries. Their problem is that it is a communist country where the average income is about 50 dollars a month. They have the same climate as DR and the DR only imports about 20% of their food supply, Cuba is the opposite. Modern agriculture is obsolete in Cuba because their is no profit to be made. Government buys the food and stocks the shelves that is why there is no Kroger or Publix.

You’re not informed. Get informed.
Cuba Sanctions - United States Department of State

PS. China is a communist nation. They have plenty of food. BOOM…there goes your silly argument.

Calling China a "communist nation," is sort of a misnomer at this point.

It is a one-party, dirigistic state, where the party makes unilateral decisions about which industries to nationalize, and which ones to privatize.

It is the first fully functioning technocracy.

True. However their government is communist and has been for a long time.

You will get no argument from me that communism has failed in numerous places. However the OP fails to recognize or even be aware of the harmful affects of US sanctions on Cuba. Secondly, the preponderance of nations in the world follow some form of capitalism. Yet, we have billions of people living in poverty. So, capitalism isn’t all that great.

Cuba should not have to import 1 oz of food.

Should the USA not have to import 1 oz of food?

The fact is the U.S. shouldn’t import food unless it can not be grown here but with the wasteful culture we live in we must import from countries like Mexico to keep our markets full.

Cuba failure to keep it shelves stocked at local markets has more to do with the regime running it country than the sanctions we impose on it.

Cuba is free to trade with other countries and do trade with other countries, so the blame for the failure to keep it stores filled is with it government.

Sure trading with the U.S. could be more beneficial and I agree our sanctions are outdated and no longer needed seeing we do trade with China, Vietnam and other nations that have communist leadership, so why punish Cuba any longer?


Cuba government can go further to fix this issue and the U.S. need to let go the idea we must tell smaller nations how to govern…

US sanctions are ineffective and terribly harmful to the poor people of Cuba. After 60 years of sanctions, it’s obvious they aren’t working to cause regime change in Cuba.

One of the few things O did right was opening up trade with Cuba. Of course, Don and Joe (brothers from different mothers) have reimposed the sanctions.

Having the world’s greatest economic and military power 90 miles from your shores refusing to trade with you, has greatly harmed Cuba.

Good article on the subject.
Harm and Inefficacy: the U.S. sanctions on Cuba - Brown Political Review

Again, Cuba is free to trade with other nations and they do, and the inability to stock their shelves has more to do with their government than ours.

So let be clear Cuba has trade partners and the failure to keep their shelves stocked fall on their own Government and not ours…
US sanctions are terribly harmful to the poor people of Cuba.
That may have been true 3 or 4 decades ago.
But today Cuba does a billion dollars in trade with Canada annually, and also has economic ties with China, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Like all communist run countries, the problem is the government, not the US sanctions.. ... :cool:
Last edited:
US sanctions are terribly harmful to the poor people of Cuba.
That may have been true 3 or 4 decades ago.
But today Cuba does a billion dollars in trade with Canada annually, and also has economic ties with China, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Like all communist run countries, the problem is the government, not the US sanctions.. ... :cool:
No. The answer is both cause problems.
It's not our responsibility to prop up the commie run Cuban economy.
If the Cuban people were feed up with the situation, They would rise up and stage a coup. But obviously, they aren't that concerned. ... :cool:
US sanctions are terribly harmful to the poor people of Cuba.
That may have been true 3 or 4 decades ago.
But today Cuba does a billion dollars in trade with Canada annually, and also has economic ties with China, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Like all communist run countries, the problem is the government, not the US sanctions.. ... :cool:
No. The answer is both cause problems.

No, this time it is Cuba government that is failing it people and the U.S. sanctions is not preventing them from trading with other nations.

Sure, the influx of U.S. currency would help the Island nation but they can still work around the sanctions, so put the blame on their government…
US sanctions are terribly harmful to the poor people of Cuba.
That may have been true 3 or 4 decades ago.
But today Cuba does a billion dollars in trade with Canada annually, and also has economic ties with China, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Like all communist run countries, the problem is the government, not the US sanctions.. ... :cool:
No. The answer is both cause problems.

No, this time it is Cuba government that is failing it people and the U.S. sanctions is not preventing them from trading with other nations.

Sure, the influx of U.S. currency would help the Island nation but they can still work around the sanctions, so put the blame on their government…
Actually, this time Gipper is right.

It is a bit more complex, on the monetary and political side than you are making it out to be. . . and A LOT does hinge on D.C.

Not so much, just on sanctions though.

Will Cuba rejoin the IMF?​

US sanctions are terribly harmful to the poor people of Cuba.
That may have been true 3 or 4 decades ago.
But today Cuba does a billion dollars in trade with Canada annually, and also has economic ties with China, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Like all communist run countries, the problem is the government, not the US sanctions.. ... :cool:
No. The answer is both cause problems.

No, this time it is Cuba government that is failing it people and the U.S. sanctions is not preventing them from trading with other nations.

Sure, the influx of U.S. currency would help the Island nation but they can still work around the sanctions, so put the blame on their government…
Actually, this time Gipper is right.

It is a bit more complex, on the monetary and political side than you are making it out to be. . . and A LOT does hinge on D.C.

Not so much, just on sanctions though.

Will Cuba rejoin the IMF?​

One would think every American would know that 60 years of sanctions by the world’s largest economic power would cause harm to the Cuban people, but you’d be wrong.
US sanctions are terribly harmful to the poor people of Cuba.
That may have been true 3 or 4 decades ago.
But today Cuba does a billion dollars in trade with Canada annually, and also has economic ties with China, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Like all communist run countries, the problem is the government, not the US sanctions.. ... :cool:
No. The answer is both cause problems.

No, this time it is Cuba government that is failing it people and the U.S. sanctions is not preventing them from trading with other nations.

Sure, the influx of U.S. currency would help the Island nation but they can still work around the sanctions, so put the blame on their government…
Actually, this time Gipper is right.

It is a bit more complex, on the monetary and political side than you are making it out to be. . . and A LOT does hinge on D.C.

Not so much, just on sanctions though.

Will Cuba rejoin the IMF?​

One would think every American would know that 60 years of sanctions by the world’s largest economic power would cause harm to the Cuban people, but you’d be wrong.

You would think you would realize that Cuba has trade agreements with many countries, so again their inability to stock their shelves is on their government and not the U.S. …
US sanctions are terribly harmful to the poor people of Cuba.
That may have been true 3 or 4 decades ago.
But today Cuba does a billion dollars in trade with Canada annually, and also has economic ties with China, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Like all communist run countries, the problem is the government, not the US sanctions.. ... :cool:
No. The answer is both cause problems.

No, this time it is Cuba government that is failing it people and the U.S. sanctions is not preventing them from trading with other nations.

Sure, the influx of U.S. currency would help the Island nation but they can still work around the sanctions, so put the blame on their government…
Actually, this time Gipper is right.

It is a bit more complex, on the monetary and political side than you are making it out to be. . . and A LOT does hinge on D.C.

Not so much, just on sanctions though.

Will Cuba rejoin the IMF?​

One would think every American would know that 60 years of sanctions by the world’s largest economic power would cause harm to the Cuban people, but you’d be wrong.

You would think you would realize that Cuba has trade agreements with many countries, so again their inability to stock their shelves is on their government and not the U.S. …
You’re not thinking. We’re talking about a time period that started around 1960. Do you know what nation made everything then? Even today the US is still the leading producer of many products.

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