Cultural appropriation - what do you think of this idea?

I do not think it is bad, i do not believe in this concept, im not offended by such a thing, im flattered that someone likes my culture to appropriate it
Cultural appropriation - what do you think of this idea?

How controversial is it?

It's mostly snowflakes attempting to find offense. Much of it, in fact, is just "cultural awareness", where people are respecting, appreciating, and learning from different cultures.

True appropriation would be Rachel Dolezal, who attempted to pass herself off as back when she was not. (However, when I learned her story, I understood why she did this. I don't condone it, but I understood.)
I'll give another example. I have been teaching young children for 30 years, and know the best way for children to understand something is to engage in it. So for example, when we learn Native American music, I play authentic clips and we do simple drumming, circle dances, and singing games from the culture.

At the height of the "appropriation" panic the word was "you can't do this" because I'm not Native. Wrong. The teacher these children have is me. If I don't introduce these children to authentic Native music, maybe no one does. So I do so, and also other music from all over the world.

The above is cultural appreciation. Always been important to me.
It's mostly snowflakes attempting to find offense. Much of it, in fact, is just "cultural awareness", where people are respecting, appreciating, and learning from different cultures.

True appropriation would be Rachel Dolezal, who attempted to pass herself off as back when she was not. (However, when I learned her story, I understood why she did this. I don't condone it, but I understood.)

Two words: "Elizabeth Warren."

In her's and Dolezal's case, cultural appropriation denied members of those two respective minorities the chance for advancement. One could go so far to say that cultural appropriation is just another form of white privilege and exploitation of other cultures for personal gain.
Two words: "Elizabeth Warren."

In her's and Dolezal's case, cultural appropriation denied members of those two respective minorities the chance for advancement. One could go so far to say that cultural appropriation is just another form of white privilege and exploitation of other cultures for personal gain.

Yes, excellent point. They "used" culture not to appreciate and educate, but to personally benefit.

And of course, both Leftists.
Micro cornrow braids on a white girl! :aargh:


A purty white girl. Hehehehhehe

I got $5 sez a black girl did that for her.
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It's hilarious when assorted racists and halfwits try and claim 'cultural appropriation', especially blacks and latino racists. Sniveling about white Jazz music is one example; every single major 'jazz' instrument is a western instrument, and jazz originated and was influenced by white marching bands like John Philip Souza's in New Orleans, from the 1880's, also famous in the 19th and early 20th century as a major producer of brass musical instruments. Traditional Cajun and Creole instruments. too.
I'll give another example. I have been teaching young children for 30 years, and know the best way for children to understand something is to engage in it. So for example, when we learn Native American music, I play authentic clips and we do simple drumming, circle dances, and singing games from the culture.

So, do you also have them gang rape and scalp white girls to death, and torture outsiders for entertainment and sport for the whole 'family'? Why not teach them the whole culture and all the social pastimes? They would then be able to get a much better picture of why there is no need to feel sorry for them or believe they're horribly 'Oppressed N Stuff' by Evul White Xians.

Same goes for all the blacks rescued from Africa and brought to the U.S. A full history of their tribes and those who captured and sold them would be a great history lesson, too.
So, do you also have them gang rape and scalp white girls to death, and torture outsiders for entertainment and sport for the whole 'family'? Why not teach them the whole culture and all the social pastimes? They would then be able to get a much better picture of why there is no need to feel sorry for them or believe they're horribly 'Oppressed N Stuff' by Evul White Xians.
That was uncalled for.
So, do you also have them gang rape and scalp white girls to death, and torture outsiders for entertainment and sport for the whole 'family'? Why not teach them the whole culture and all the social pastimes? They would then be able to get a much better picture of why there is no need to feel sorry for them or believe they're horribly 'Oppressed N Stuff' by Evul White Xians.

Oh, so you want me to teach CRT. Yikes.
It's hilarious when assorted racists and halfwits try and claim 'cultural appropriation', especially blacks and latino racists. Sniveling about white Jazz music is one example; every single major 'jazz' instrument is a western instrument, and jazz originated and was influenced by white marching bands like John Philip Souza's in New Orleans, from the 1880's, also famous in the 19th and early 20th century as a major producer of brass musical instruments. Traditional Cajun and Creole instruments. too.

Yes, music is shared among people and influenced by many things.

But there is no doubt Jazz descends from the African-American Spiritual
Yes, music is shared among people and influenced by many things.

But there is no doubt Jazz descends from the African-American Spiritual
Idk about all that. I think it was American musical exploration.
Well, they (some) were black. That has nothing to do with the old spirituals though. Not a damn thing.

This jazz has nothing to do with old time spirituals, sweety.

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lol yes, cuz CRT is all about telling the truth about black 'culture' and 'racism', right? lol

You're brainwashing kids about 'native American culture' with false narratives, same as the CRT hacks want to do.

No, I'm teaching them my content area. Which doesn't include lessons about scalping, war, conquests, etc. But you want that shoehorned in just like Leftists want CRT shoehorned in to every lesson.

My my. The utter hypocrisy.

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