Cultural appropriation - what do you think of this idea?

This is an honest and sincere question: HOW or WHY do to have time to "teach" children the worthless "culture" of a dead, primitive stone age people? Don't you have your hands full teaching them reading, writing, and arithmetic?

Go back and read the lesson plan again. In what class would this be curricular?
I would be teaching them Manifest Destiny and WHY GOD replaced them and the LESSON America should learn from their demise

They should be learning patriotism and our traditions and why they should be grateful to be here and not some shithole totalitarian state. If they want to learn about feral homicidal savages and their miserable failed 'cultures' they can take an anthropology course in college from Cheech and Chong worshippers.
In what class do kids learn to play instruments like drums? Reading? no. Writing? no. Math? no
Are you a music teacher? What grade? Schools today, and the crap they waste students time on these days is nothing like when I was in school. We had "social studies" in grade school, and I remember being shown South Africa was a LIGHT on the Dark Continent and an example of what the other African nations should strive to become. America has lost SOMETHING. Multiculturalism has destroyed this nation and our collective national identity
(However, when I learned her story, I understood why she did this. I don't condone it, but I understood.)
Dogbert Management

Reminds me of the scene in Taxi when Alex wrecked his cab trying to avoid hitting a dog:

LOUIE (Danny DeVito): "Really, Alex—a dog? If it had been an old lady, I'd understand. I wouldn't approve, but I'd understand."
I'll give another example. I have been teaching young children for 30 years, and know the best way for children to understand something is to engage in it. So for example, when we learn Native American music, I play authentic clips and we do simple drumming, circle dances, and singing games from the culture.

At the height of the "appropriation" panic the word was "you can't do this" because I'm not Native. Wrong. The teacher these children have is me. If I don't introduce these children to authentic Native music, maybe no one does. So I do so, and also other music from all over the world.

The above is cultural appreciation. Always been important to me.
I bet you haven't taught them Japanese Metal huh! Who's gonna fill that void now??? 🤔
Drumming With Human Bones

I suppose the New Guinea savages who captured, killed, and ate Nelson Rockefeller's multicultie heir had some spiffy tunes too.

It's funny how you folks want all judgment stripped from teaching except, of course, when it's YOUR judgment. Which is perfection.

Meanwhile, for the last 30 years up til now, I just teach my curriculum without telling kids who the bad people are or what they should do about it.

I bet you haven't taught them Japanese Metal huh! Who's gonna fill that void now??? 🤔

Well now I suspect you're kidding halfway, but we have a "listening warm up" where I try to introduce them to all kinds of genres, from Gregorian Chant to Fleetwood Mac to Frank Sinatra to Mozart to the Native American music folks find so offensive here (because people they find bad don't make music, I guess).

Japanese metal? Huh. Put some here--but it has to be school appropriate in all languages.

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