Cultural appropriation - what do you think of this idea?

Are you a music teacher? What grade? Schools today, and the crap they waste students time on these days is nothing like when I was in school. We had "social studies" in grade school, and I remember being shown South Africa was a LIGHT on the Dark Continent and an example of what the other African nations should strive to become. America has lost SOMETHING. Multiculturalism has destroyed this nation and our collective national identity

Racism: Such a fascinating "Christian" perspective.
Well now I suspect you're kidding halfway, but we have a "listening warm up" where I try to introduce them to all kinds of genres, from Gregorian Chant to Fleetwood Mac to Frank Sinatra to Mozart to the Native American music folks find so offensive here (because people they find bad don't make music, I guess).

Japanese metal? Huh. Put some here--but it has to be school appropriate in all languages.
How about Taiwan Folk Metal... Her name is Nini

She is touring the US soon with Lindsey Sterling
How about Taiwan Folk Metal... Her name is Nini

She is touring the US soon with Lindsey Sterling

That's cool--I don't believe she's producing that faster passage on that instrument. I could be wrong though. It looks to me like lip synching for strings. But cool sounding
That's cool--I don't believe she's producing that faster passage on that instrument. I could be wrong though. It looks to me like lip synching for strings. But cool sounding
She plays live everyday on YouTube raising money. She also takes requests and plays literally anything by ear. Usually around 5pm central
Well now I suspect you're kidding halfway, but we have a "listening warm up" where I try to introduce them to all kinds of genres, from Gregorian Chant to Fleetwood Mac to Frank Sinatra to Mozart to the Native American music folks find so offensive here (because people they find bad don't make music, I guess).

Japanese metal? Huh. Put some here--but it has to be school appropriate in all languages.


BTW I was teasing 😆
Cultural appropriation - what do you think of this idea?

How controversial is it?

It isn't controversial at all. Except to blacks because all they know how to do is blame everything on racism and to label themselves as victims because they offer nothing of value to anyone so they seek attention through idiotic means such as claiming cultural appropriation because they can't earn attention via positive means.

If blacks want us to not appropriate their culture then they need to give up everything they enjoy because of white people. Which is pretty much everything.
It isn't controversial at all. Except to blacks because all they know how to do is blame everything on racism and to label themselves as victims because they offer nothing of value to anyone so they seek attention through idiotic means such as claiming cultural appropriation because they can't earn attention via positive means.

If blacks want us to not appropriate their culture then they need to give up everything they enjoy because of white people. Which is pretty much everything.
"Pretend They Offend" Is the Direction Given Them by the Rich Race-Traitors

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