Culture, not guns. Sweden shows that criminals drive gun crime, not law abiding gun owners.

And you still can't explain how American gun murder and crime rates dropped while more Americans not only bought guns, but now carry them.

They haven't. They've gone up. Shootings have never been as bad as they are now.

That is a lie, dumb ass....they have gone up in Baltimore and New York, but everywhere else, in cities not controlled by the democrat party, they have gone is democrat party policies that create gun crime in this country...not normal people who own and carry guns for self Pew shows....

Stop the democrat party politicians from creating laws that release violent gun offenders without bail....and stop democrat party judges from passing light sentences for violent gun offenders, and stop democrat party prosecutors from dropping gun charges as plea agreements and those democrat party controlled cities will see a 95% drop in gun crime....

You dope.
And you still can't explain how American gun murder and crime rates dropped while more Americans not only bought guns, but now carry them.

They haven't. They've gone up. Shootings have never been as bad as they are now.

You are a moron...For 2019.

THERE WERE approximately 1.2 million violent crimes in the U.S. in 2018, down 3.3% from the year before, according to data recently released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The South saw the greatest decline in violent crime per capita, with a 4.8% drop from 424 violent crimes per 100,000 people in 2017 to 403 offenses per 100,000 people in 2018. The drop was driven by West Virginia, whose violent crime rate per capita dropped nearly 20%.
Violent crime includes robbery offenses, murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, aggravated assault and rape.

All regions saw a decline in violent crime per capita, ranging from the South's nearly 5% drop to the West's 0.6% decline.

All types of violent crime decreased from 2017 to 2018 except for rape, with offenses increasing by 2% per capita. There were nearly 43 rapes per 100,000 people in 2018, compared to 42 rapes per capita in 2017.
We aren't talking about violent crimes, we are talking about gun murders. They've gone up.
We aren't talking about violent crimes, we are talking about gun murders. They've gone up. are adding in suicide.....nice trick.......

In New York gun murder is going up because deblasio abandoned Gulliani's Baltimore gun murder is up because they catch and release gang members who shoot each other.......the rest of the just fine....
We aren't talking about violent crimes, we are talking about gun murders. They've gone up.

Even Chicago is getting a clue...or to you is CNN another way to spell, "NRA?"

Chicago decided to focus on actual criminals....and this is after they passed concealed carry moron...

Chicago's homicide rate decreases for the third straight year - CNN

Chicago is reporting a significant drop in homicides for the third straight year, news that city leaders are embracing after the Windy City was singled out for gun violence during a particularly deadly 2016.

The nation's third-most populous city has recorded 490 murders in 2019 as of Tuesday morning, Chicago police say -- about 13% lower than 2018's total of 564.


Still, city leaders have expressed hope that efforts undertaken since 2016 -- hiring more police officers, emphasizing community policing and making investments in social services and schools -- are helping to lessen violent crime.
They also credit what they call data-driven policing. The department in recent years has created support centers where supervisors use information from many sources and technologies -- including security cameras and gunshot detection systems -- to learn where crimes are happening and where they are likely to occur.

Sweden has apparently passed the point of no return in regard to the crime problem.

This is because they have let in so many black-haired migrants, and lots of them are criminals. Boy, that was sure stupid.
Well, the DA and the judge—guys and gals with degrees in the field disagree with a moron like you on the Internet.

We've already been over this, sheep. The court system is not infallible. "Baaaaaaaa" some more for me.

And you are still wrong

Am I? Pretty sure every person that has been released from prison due to wrongful conviction would beg to disagree... but tell us more about how the courts are always right.


Never made such a claim.

However I’ll put the totality of the court’s accuracy going back to 1787 vs the dipshit like yourself on the internet’s accuracy any day.

You're doing it right now you dipshit. You've been repeatedly asked what are the facts of this case that substantiate a murder charge and your only answer is "because the court says so" and "muh racism".


I ignore your question because it doesn’t matter fuck face. Unless you want to go over every detail of everyone in prison for murder. She was tried and convicted. You don’t like it because of who she is and who her victim was.

If you want to say all of those convicted of gun crimes should get sentence X, great. I’m for that. But you can’t pick and choose fuck stain
If you hadn’t, you could comment on what you were asked..,

“so you actually believe that if the roles were reversed in this case, he’d get a slap on the wrist sentence as well?”

You have spent the last several pages of this thread ducking, dodging, and ignoring questions that have been asked of you. Answer them and I'll reciprocate. I am NOT going to maintain a discussion with someone who dialogues like a goddamn 12 year old.

again, you’ve painted yourself into a corner. Either you have to admit the reason you feel that poor Amber was wrongfully convicted was because of her race and her victim’s race or you have to take the ridiculous position that if the roles were reversed, the black guy would get a slap on the wrist as well.

That you’re now predicating your response because I supposedly have to come up with a motive (the trial is over dumbass)?just underscores it more.

I believe Amber was wrongfully convicted because she was incorrectly charged in the first place you dope. The charge of MURDER doesn't fit the facts. This has been explained to you over and over and over. But in typical leftist form all you can do is hysterically yammer on about racism because you feeble minded lemmings are incapable of deviating from the assigned narrative. You are a sheep, completely devoid of common sense, reason, or logic. You might as well just come to this forum and reply to everything with "Baaaaa" because that's all you're good for.

Well, the DA and the judge—guys and gals with degrees in the field disagree with a moron like you on the Internet.

We've already been over this, sheep. The court system is not infallible. "Baaaaaaaa" some more for me.

But you’re certain, of course that the same courts that convict black kids from the ghetto are infallible, right?
We've already been over this, sheep. The court system is not infallible. "Baaaaaaaa" some more for me.

And you are still wrong

Am I? Pretty sure every person that has been released from prison due to wrongful conviction would beg to disagree... but tell us more about how the courts are always right.


Never made such a claim.

However I’ll put the totality of the court’s accuracy going back to 1787 vs the dipshit like yourself on the internet’s accuracy any day.

You're doing it right now you dipshit. You've been repeatedly asked what are the facts of this case that substantiate a murder charge and your only answer is "because the court says so" and "muh racism".


I ignore your question because it doesn’t matter fuck face. Unless you want to go over every detail of everyone in prison for murder. She was tried and convicted. You don’t like it because of who she is and who her victim was.

If you want to say all of those convicted of gun crimes should get sentence X, great. I’m for that. But you can’t pick and choose fuck stain

You responded to my solution to gun crime by bringing up this rarest of rare accidental shooting that only made the public attention because the accidental shooter was an off duty police officer who shot an unarmed man in his own apartment. Her explanation was that she had been exhausted from long hours, got off on the wrong floor of her apartment building, went to the apartment that she thought was hers and the door was unlocked. She went in, found a strange guy in, what she believed was her apartment, and ended up shooting the guy.

You used this to call me a racist...when you couldn't answer the basic question about this shooting if it was actually murder......Why did she murder this guy? All of the elements point to it being a tragic mistake.....since she had no motive to murder the guy.

You use this shooting because my solution to gun crime actually works....but does not include targeting normal gun owners who own guns for self defense, sport and hunting. The verdict in this case was political........this should have been at most a manslaughter charge:

What Is Manslaughter? What Is Murder vs. Manslaughter?

Manslaughter is an unlawful killing that doesn’t involve malice aforethought—intent to seriously harm or kill, or extreme, reckless disregard for life. The absence of malice aforethought means that manslaughter involves less moral blame than either first or second degree murder.

And given the situation, she probably should have even walked on that...

You use this because my solution to gun crime would actually work....but because it doesn't include banning and confiscating hate it. My idea would actually work, but since you don't actually care about crime... you simply hate guns and gun have to find a way to dodge responding to the actual solution...which is why you called me a racist, the lazy left wing dodge.........and then brought up this irrelevant case.....

95% of all gun crime in the U.S. is committed by a tiny number of a country of over 320 million people there were 10,265 gun murders....with over 600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people able to legally carry guns for self defense..........individuals with prior criminal records who have been released from jail and prison, over and over again. They have been released over and over again due to policies of the democrat party.....policies that allow these individuals who should be in custody to go out and use illegal guns to kill more people.

Stop this endless cycle of catch and release and our gun crime rate drops 95%.....

You don't care about stopping the actual gun only care that normal people own and carry guns......

If we could only find a way to find and legally confiscate guns that are not legally registered.

There is no reason to register guns.....registration of guns is the precursor to gun bans and confiscation......we know this from history...Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia.....first registered keep people safe....then went on to pass gun bans and confiscations........

In Germany....they registered guns in the 1920s and 30s, and when the socialists gained power, they used those registration lists to disarm their political enemies and the groups they planned on murdering.....France and the other countries also registered, banned and confiscated guns at this time.....and when the socialists invaded their countries, no one was armed and able to resist the occupation......and then handed over their citizens the socialists wanted to murder.....

Switzerland, on the other hand.......had 435,000 armed and ready civilians......with military rifles......and because of this, the socialists decided not to invade Switzerland.......the resistance after the invasion being too much to overcome.....

The only reason to register guns is to later ban and confiscate them......that is the only reason.
And you are still wrong

Am I? Pretty sure every person that has been released from prison due to wrongful conviction would beg to disagree... but tell us more about how the courts are always right.


Never made such a claim.

However I’ll put the totality of the court’s accuracy going back to 1787 vs the dipshit like yourself on the internet’s accuracy any day.

You're doing it right now you dipshit. You've been repeatedly asked what are the facts of this case that substantiate a murder charge and your only answer is "because the court says so" and "muh racism".


I ignore your question because it doesn’t matter fuck face. Unless you want to go over every detail of everyone in prison for murder. She was tried and convicted. You don’t like it because of who she is and who her victim was.

If you want to say all of those convicted of gun crimes should get sentence X, great. I’m for that. But you can’t pick and choose fuck stain

You responded to my solution to gun crime by bringing up this rarest of rare accidental shooting that only made the public attention because the accidental shooter was an off duty police officer who shot an unarmed man in his own apartment. Her explanation was that she had been exhausted from long hours, got off on the wrong floor of her apartment building, went to the apartment that she thought was hers and the door was unlocked. She went in, found a strange guy in, what she believed was her apartment, and ended up shooting the guy.

You used this to call me a racist...when you couldn't answer the basic question about this shooting if it was actually murder......Why did she murder this guy? All of the elements point to it being a tragic mistake.....since she had no motive to murder the guy.

You use this shooting because my solution to gun crime actually works....but does not include targeting normal gun owners who own guns for self defense, sport and hunting. The verdict in this case was political........this should have been at most a manslaughter charge:

What Is Manslaughter? What Is Murder vs. Manslaughter?

Manslaughter is an unlawful killing that doesn’t involve malice aforethought—intent to seriously harm or kill, or extreme, reckless disregard for life. The absence of malice aforethought means that manslaughter involves less moral blame than either first or second degree murder.

And given the situation, she probably should have even walked on that...

You use this because my solution to gun crime would actually work....but because it doesn't include banning and confiscating hate it. My idea would actually work, but since you don't actually care about crime... you simply hate guns and gun have to find a way to dodge responding to the actual solution...which is why you called me a racist, the lazy left wing dodge.........and then brought up this irrelevant case.....

95% of all gun crime in the U.S. is committed by a tiny number of a country of over 320 million people there were 10,265 gun murders....with over 600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people able to legally carry guns for self defense..........individuals with prior criminal records who have been released from jail and prison, over and over again. They have been released over and over again due to policies of the democrat party.....policies that allow these individuals who should be in custody to go out and use illegal guns to kill more people.

Stop this endless cycle of catch and release and our gun crime rate drops 95%.....

You don't care about stopping the actual gun only care that normal people own and carry guns......
You’re the one who wants the convicted murderer Amber Guyger you’re the one who is soft on crime.

No, I called you a racist because in this case, you want the murderer to get off with a light sentence because she is white.

A trained white police officer is “tired” and confused and murders a black dude and you are ready to toss out the verdict. Do you ever give a second thought to all of the other murders? Of course you don’t. Hmmm...wonder why?
Am I? Pretty sure every person that has been released from prison due to wrongful conviction would beg to disagree... but tell us more about how the courts are always right.


Never made such a claim.

However I’ll put the totality of the court’s accuracy going back to 1787 vs the dipshit like yourself on the internet’s accuracy any day.

You're doing it right now you dipshit. You've been repeatedly asked what are the facts of this case that substantiate a murder charge and your only answer is "because the court says so" and "muh racism".


I ignore your question because it doesn’t matter fuck face. Unless you want to go over every detail of everyone in prison for murder. She was tried and convicted. You don’t like it because of who she is and who her victim was.

If you want to say all of those convicted of gun crimes should get sentence X, great. I’m for that. But you can’t pick and choose fuck stain

You responded to my solution to gun crime by bringing up this rarest of rare accidental shooting that only made the public attention because the accidental shooter was an off duty police officer who shot an unarmed man in his own apartment. Her explanation was that she had been exhausted from long hours, got off on the wrong floor of her apartment building, went to the apartment that she thought was hers and the door was unlocked. She went in, found a strange guy in, what she believed was her apartment, and ended up shooting the guy.

You used this to call me a racist...when you couldn't answer the basic question about this shooting if it was actually murder......Why did she murder this guy? All of the elements point to it being a tragic mistake.....since she had no motive to murder the guy.

You use this shooting because my solution to gun crime actually works....but does not include targeting normal gun owners who own guns for self defense, sport and hunting. The verdict in this case was political........this should have been at most a manslaughter charge:

What Is Manslaughter? What Is Murder vs. Manslaughter?

Manslaughter is an unlawful killing that doesn’t involve malice aforethought—intent to seriously harm or kill, or extreme, reckless disregard for life. The absence of malice aforethought means that manslaughter involves less moral blame than either first or second degree murder.

And given the situation, she probably should have even walked on that...

You use this because my solution to gun crime would actually work....but because it doesn't include banning and confiscating hate it. My idea would actually work, but since you don't actually care about crime... you simply hate guns and gun have to find a way to dodge responding to the actual solution...which is why you called me a racist, the lazy left wing dodge.........and then brought up this irrelevant case.....

95% of all gun crime in the U.S. is committed by a tiny number of a country of over 320 million people there were 10,265 gun murders....with over 600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people able to legally carry guns for self defense..........individuals with prior criminal records who have been released from jail and prison, over and over again. They have been released over and over again due to policies of the democrat party.....policies that allow these individuals who should be in custody to go out and use illegal guns to kill more people.

Stop this endless cycle of catch and release and our gun crime rate drops 95%.....

You don't care about stopping the actual gun only care that normal people own and carry guns......
You’re the one who wants the convicted murderer Amber Guyger you’re the one who is soft on crime.

No, I called you a racist because in this case, you want the murderer to get off with a light sentence because she is white.

A trained white police officer is “tired” and confused and murders a black dude and you are ready to toss out the verdict. Do you ever give a second thought to all of the other murders? Of course you don’t. Hmmm...wonder why? use "racism, racism, racism," to try to hide the fact that you have nothing else.......

When we ask you...."What was her motive for shooting this man...." you have nothing. It could be they were lovers, and he dumped her....maybe he cheated at cards.........that would be motive for 1st degree murder.......but you can't tell us why she did it. The facts are she seems to have had no motive for murdering this guy...unless someone can provide one from the trial......see, you could have done that but you are too fucking lazy to do that....... and that would have shown why she shot him.......

At this point, all we have is that she had no reason to walk upstairs and "with malice aforethought" shoot and kill this guy. seems more than likely her conviction was political, not fact base.....

You moron.....race has nothing to do with it...

You can't respond to my point that gun crime rates have nothing to do with normal people who own and carry guns.....that criminals with long records of crime are the ones using illegal guns...and that targeting people who don't commit crime will not lower the crime rate... say..."racism, racism, racism..." which is translated......." I have nothing, I look like a fool.....I have to do something....I know....I'll call him a racist....that ends the conversation and prevents me from having to actually respond with facts and truth...."

You are a moron.
Am I? Pretty sure every person that has been released from prison due to wrongful conviction would beg to disagree... but tell us more about how the courts are always right.


Never made such a claim.

However I’ll put the totality of the court’s accuracy going back to 1787 vs the dipshit like yourself on the internet’s accuracy any day.

You're doing it right now you dipshit. You've been repeatedly asked what are the facts of this case that substantiate a murder charge and your only answer is "because the court says so" and "muh racism".


I ignore your question because it doesn’t matter fuck face. Unless you want to go over every detail of everyone in prison for murder. She was tried and convicted. You don’t like it because of who she is and who her victim was.

If you want to say all of those convicted of gun crimes should get sentence X, great. I’m for that. But you can’t pick and choose fuck stain

You responded to my solution to gun crime by bringing up this rarest of rare accidental shooting that only made the public attention because the accidental shooter was an off duty police officer who shot an unarmed man in his own apartment. Her explanation was that she had been exhausted from long hours, got off on the wrong floor of her apartment building, went to the apartment that she thought was hers and the door was unlocked. She went in, found a strange guy in, what she believed was her apartment, and ended up shooting the guy.

You used this to call me a racist...when you couldn't answer the basic question about this shooting if it was actually murder......Why did she murder this guy? All of the elements point to it being a tragic mistake.....since she had no motive to murder the guy.

You use this shooting because my solution to gun crime actually works....but does not include targeting normal gun owners who own guns for self defense, sport and hunting. The verdict in this case was political........this should have been at most a manslaughter charge:

What Is Manslaughter? What Is Murder vs. Manslaughter?

Manslaughter is an unlawful killing that doesn’t involve malice aforethought—intent to seriously harm or kill, or extreme, reckless disregard for life. The absence of malice aforethought means that manslaughter involves less moral blame than either first or second degree murder.

And given the situation, she probably should have even walked on that...

You use this because my solution to gun crime would actually work....but because it doesn't include banning and confiscating hate it. My idea would actually work, but since you don't actually care about crime... you simply hate guns and gun have to find a way to dodge responding to the actual solution...which is why you called me a racist, the lazy left wing dodge.........and then brought up this irrelevant case.....

95% of all gun crime in the U.S. is committed by a tiny number of a country of over 320 million people there were 10,265 gun murders....with over 600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people able to legally carry guns for self defense..........individuals with prior criminal records who have been released from jail and prison, over and over again. They have been released over and over again due to policies of the democrat party.....policies that allow these individuals who should be in custody to go out and use illegal guns to kill more people.

Stop this endless cycle of catch and release and our gun crime rate drops 95%.....

You don't care about stopping the actual gun only care that normal people own and carry guns......
You’re the one who wants the convicted murderer Amber Guyger you’re the one who is soft on crime.

No, I called you a racist because in this case, you want the murderer to get off with a light sentence because she is white.

A trained white police officer is “tired” and confused and murders a black dude and you are ready to toss out the verdict. Do you ever give a second thought to all of the other murders? Of course you don’t. Hmmm...wonder why?

For those just tuning update...

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....
Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....
What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he he didn't pop on the background check..

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