Cuomo Accuser #8, His Current Aide, Steps Forward

When will this serial murderer and sexual predator throw in the towel?

I"m not buying this. Look, there is not a doubt in my mind that this guy is one of those really old school cats that has made some remarks that are just in poor taste. Really. But, not a one of them stepped up until the nursing home scandal became undeniable. Not a one of them. Now? It's like some kind of macabre #metoo horror film where they just march out like robotic dolls with fake tears and a brave smile one after another.

I don't like the man. I think he should be gone anyway. I just don't give a damn or believe that he is a "sexual predator".
> I don't like the man. I think he should be gone anyway. I just don't give a damn or believe that he is a "sexual predator".

It's an interesting point. I don't like him either. He certainly seems to have the powerful and aggressive personality of an alpha male, but is being aggressively flirtatious with the opposite gender and not being told to stop, or not stopping when being told to do so, really harrassment?

I have not followed this closely, but the only really potentially actionable thing I had heard was something about unwanted hands under a blouse, which does not sound good at all.

Other stuff that I had heard like suggesting to play strip poker, does not seem to be actionable, unless the behavior was unwanted, pervasive, and communicated as undesired.

I am not up on the latest facts, probably, but I don't find this article convincing. One of the things the latest accuser says is:
"He has a way of making you feel very comfortable around him, almost like you’re his friend," McGrath told the newspaper. "

What the heck does that mean?
You can't be aggressively flirtatious on the job. If it's unwanted then you take action. You have to take action. I think McGrath may have been saying that the women are really vulnerable to his alpha male voodoo? They lose their bloody minds and before you know it she is willingly giving him too much information and......?

The person briefed on the case, who is not authorized to comment publicly, said the woman — who is much younger than Cuomo — told the governor to stop. Her broader allegations include that he frequently engaged in flirtatious behavior with her, and that it was not the only time that he had touched her.
Female aide said Cuomo aggressively groped her at Executive Mansion

This occurred October, November, December of last year? She came forward on March 3 while sitting at a table watching him on television talking about how he had never touched anyone inappropriately. She continued to work for him and said nothing.

All of these allegations are being investigated by the state attorney general. Either they have a case or they don't.

I personally think they are trying to distract from the fact that Cuomo didn't deliver the correct information because he didn't want to be investigated by Trump and all of his staffers knew as well. So we are going to redirect attention over to sexual harassment.
For the record, I agree with just about all of your post.

>You can't be aggressively flirtatious on the job

That's not always true, particularly if the flirts are not unwanted or repelled.

> The person briefed on the case, who is not authorized to comment publicly, said the woman — who is much younger than Cuomo — told the governor to stop. Her broader allegations include that he frequently engaged in flirtatious behavior with her, and that it was not the only time that he had touched her.

Okay, she told him to stop. Did he stop?

On prior occasions of flirtatious behavior, did she likewise inform him that his behavior was not wanted?

Or was this a one-time reprimand? That does not make harassment, IMO.

You're right that's not always true. However, all of them work for the government so they have probably encountered more information than say a retail clerk and a manager of a store. There is no, "Oh, gee. I didn't know what to do in this situation." They knew. They just opted not to do anything because of the benefits of the relationship at that time.

When he allegedly groped her that was a wrap. Now that's a crime--again allegedly. She told him to stop. You have a great question. Did he stop? We don't know. We don't know if she ever said anything at all to him. If she did say something as she reported, is that the only time anything was ever said? We don't know.
You Trump Humpers must be equally outraged by this guy

Tom Reed. R NY House rep.

Drunkenly groped a woman
You Trump Humpers must be equally outraged by this guy

Tom Reed. R NY House rep.

Drunkenly groped a woman

Davis also reported the incident, at the time, to her supervisor at the company, then-vice president and counsel Brad Knox.
Knox said he recalled Davis telling him that Reed had been drinking and had undone an article of her clothing. He said she declined when he asked if she wanted to file a complaint with the House Ethics Committee.

Just out of curiosity, what do you want people to do at this point? More to the point, what precisely do you think Davis wants done?
You Trump Humpers must be equally outraged by this guy

Tom Reed. R NY House rep.

Drunkenly groped a woman

Gee, isn't this thread about Cuomo?
When will this serial murderer and sexual predator throw in the towel?

Let's be really clear FuckBoi: NONE of these women have accused Cuome of "sexual assault" - none of them. They have accused Cuomo of "sexual harassment".

When will this serial murderer and sexual predator throw in the towel?

Sexual harassment is sexual assault now? Really?
Why are you defending this cretin?

Why are YOU creating threads about things that Cuomo is not accused of. There are NO allegations of sexual assault nor is there any suggestion that Cuomo murdered anyone.

Putting a hand up a woman’s shirt and groping her breast isn’t sexual assault?

STFU, moron.
As I just posted above. Cuomo didn't want to be investigated by Trump and all of his staffers were aware. However, attention is currently being redirected to a sex scandal or 8.

I don't quite understand the democrat's thinking here. We already know he is guilty of manslaughter/murder, and they think throwing a handful of sexual misconduct allegations in the mix are going to somehow make it better.

So he's a murderer and sexual predator. :dunno:

It takes some really smart people to come up with that plan.:rolleyes:
As I just posted above. Cuomo didn't want to be investigated by Trump and all of his staffers were aware. However, attention is currently being redirected to a sex scandal or 8.

I don't quite understand the democrat's thinking here. We already know he is guilty of manslaughter/murder, and they think throwing a handful of sexual misconduct allegations in the mix are going to somehow make it better.

So he's a murderer and sexual predator. :dunno:

It takes some really smart people to come up with that plan.:rolleyes:
As Pelosi said, he should search his heart about resigning.
One suggested reading is De Grazia, How Fascism Ruled Women, the girls gang up to project the reverse of the protection-racket theologian’s altar call that relies on guilt and troubled spirit. In comparison, blm’s destruction eye-pain is the flipside of fascism. This collective projection of sexual harassment resonates with the nazi strive for pure form.

’Black people, the handicapped, the blind and prostitutes become ‘people of color’, the disabled ‘the visually impaired’, and ‘sex workers’: they have to be laundered like dirty money. Every negative destiny has to be cleaned up by doctoring even more obscene than what it is trying to hide. Euphemistic language, the struggle against sexual harassment — all this protective and protectionist masquerade is of the same order as the use of the condom. Its mental use, of course — that is, the prophylactic use of ideas and concepts. Soon we shall think only when we are sheathed in latex. And the data suit of Virtual Reality already slips on like a condom.’
(Baudrillard, The New Victim Order)
The Governor is guilty of some boorish and inappropriate behavior. So what?

These women should be ashamed of themselves, complaining about harmless behavior that could have been stopped immediately with an appropriate response. There is no accusation that he pressured anyone to do anything they were uncomfortable with, or conditioned their good standing on compliance with his apparent wishes. That's what "sexual harassment" is.

It is all bullshit, as is the claim that his actions "killed people." He ordered actions that seemed appropriate at the time, based on the information he had in front of him. Second guessing is evil.

In Pittsburgh patois, this governor is a jag-off. But New York elected him, and the people of New York should deal with it.
Appropriate response to sexual assault: two 9mm JHP to the chest.
Putting a hand up a woman’s shirt and groping her breast isn’t sexual assault?
What about a woman throwing herself at a man, unbuttoning his shirt, and feeling up his masculine chest?

He isn't even allowed to push her away without being charged with physical assault and battery, and she's pressing charges against him in court, because she's got the backing of the pimp of the district, and eyewitnesses ready and willing to "come forward" and testify in court to the carnal act of rape.
Putting a hand up a woman’s shirt and groping her breast isn’t sexual assault?
What about a woman throwing herself at a man, unbuttoning his shirt, and feeling up his masculine chest?

He isn't even allowed to push her away without being charged with physical assault and battery, and she's pressing charges against him in court, because she's got the backing of the pimp of the district, and eyewitnesses ready and willing to "come forward" and testify in court to the carnal act of rape.

It's been a while since you got any.............

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