Cuomo calls out McConnell on Kentucky's federal freeloading

How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
New York had a $6.1 Billion deficit going into this year before the Chinese Virus......and Cuomo wants us to pay that.

Fuck him.

Winner. He wants unrestricted Federal Aid to bail,out his deficit.

He is an asshole.
Government workers should not get pensions. They get easy jobs primarily because they are non-White, then they do overtime the last year of their 20 and the pension is based on that. Totally corrupt parasites.

The few gov employed people I know are a complete waste of oxygen.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
It's not a bailout, dope. It's disaster reief.
It seems you are not above lies, twist and spin either.
Just because Cuomo was a disaster before the Chinese Virus that doesn't mean we have to bail New York out.
Disaster reief, liar.
Cuomo has been a disaster for years. We don't need to bail out the morons in NY for electing him.

And WTF is disaster "reief"?
IF Mitch has done anything for his states regular working population its always right be for he comes up for reelection.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

Maybe because Kentucky isn't using C19 aid to back-fill gaps in their budget from irresponsible spending prior to the crisis?

Just a guess.....

You sure about that?

I guess the date of of 2008 when it actually happened escaped your notice. We shitcanned the Democrats who engineered that horseshit.

Article is from 2018. Pensions are still in deep trouble. Ther3 have been Republicans in power during that time.

You think that C19 aid should go to prop up state pensions?


Did I say that? Duh. No.

What is it with rightwingers and their inability to read?
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Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.

It's not how much federal funding each state receives, it's how much federal funding it receives, versus how much tax money it sends to Washington. New York, California, Michigran, all send far more money to Washington than they receive in federal spending. Kentucky received more than it sends.

It's not the spending, it's the net funds received/remitted to and from Washington. No way McConnell and Kentucky can compete with any blue state. Red states are takers. Always have been and always will be.

How much tax is there on a bottle of Maker's Mark?

I don't drink American Whiskey. Horrible tasting stuff. I don't even know how much it cost. I like lots of American wines, but you're hard liquor and beer aren't big sellers.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
New York had a $6.1 Billion deficit going into this year before the Chinese Virus......and Cuomo wants us to pay that.

Fuck him.

Winner. He wants unrestricted Federal Aid to bail,out his deficit.

He is an asshole.

He wants to be reimbursed for treating half of the covid patients in the nation when your dumb ass President botched the testing and let it in.
If you are do hostile to freeloading, then you should support ending welfare.
There is no freeloading if the state pays more in than they take out, dope.
Just proves that the state is over taxing their population, thus making them move out. Soon NY will be like Detroit and illinois where only the poor is left and they dont pay taxes.....Thus the bailout that Cuomo is in need of..

Taxes are high but so too are services provided. States with the lowest taxes often correlate with the lowest funding in education, poor social services and poor health funding. States with higher taxes also tend to have the highest median income and amount of spending on social services and infrastructure. You get what you pay for.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.

It's not how much federal funding each state receives, it's how much federal funding it receives, versus how much tax money it sends to Washington. New York, California, Michigran, all send far more money to Washington than they receive in federal spending. Kentucky received more than it sends.

It's not the spending, it's the net funds received/remitted to and from Washington. No way McConnell and Kentucky can compete with any blue state. Red states are takers. Always have been and always will be.

How much tax is there on a bottle of Maker's Mark?

I don't drink American Whiskey. Horrible tasting stuff. I don't even know how much it cost. I like lots of American wines, but you're hard liquor and beer aren't big sellers.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
New York had a $6.1 Billion deficit going into this year before the Chinese Virus......and Cuomo wants us to pay that.

Fuck him.

Winner. He wants unrestricted Federal Aid to bail,out his deficit.

He is an asshole.

He wants to be reimbursed for treating half of the covid patients in the nation when your dumb ass President botched the testing and let it in.

I guess you simply cannot read the English language.
If you are do hostile to freeloading, then you should support ending welfare.
There is no freeloading if the state pays more in than they take out, dope.
Just proves that the state is over taxing their population, thus making them move out. Soon NY will be like Detroit and illinois where only the poor is left and they dont pay taxes.....Thus the bailout that Cuomo is in need of..

Taxes are high but so too are services provided. States with the lowest taxes often correlate with the lowest funding in education, poor social services and poor health funding. States with higher taxes also tend to have the highest median income and amount of spending on social services and infrastructure. You get what you pay for.

You also get the increased debt that comes with it when your tax base is insufficient to maintain those expenditures.
If you are do hostile to freeloading, then you should support ending welfare.
There is no freeloading if the state pays more in than they take out, dope.
Just proves that the state is over taxing their population, thus making them move out. Soon NY will be like Detroit and illinois where only the poor is left and they dont pay taxes.....Thus the bailout that Cuomo is in need of..

Taxes are high but so too are services provided. States with the lowest taxes often correlate with the lowest funding in education, poor social services and poor health funding. States with higher taxes also tend to have the highest median income and amount of spending on social services and infrastructure. You get what you pay for.

You also get the increased debt that comes with it when your tax base is insufficient to maintain those expenditures.

Yup. It's a mixed bag on BOTH sides. But we are free to choose where we want to live.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.

It's not how much federal funding each state receives, it's how much federal funding it receives, versus how much tax money it sends to Washington. New York, California, Michigran, all send far more money to Washington than they receive in federal spending. Kentucky received more than it sends.

It's not the spending, it's the net funds received/remitted to and from Washington. No way McConnell and Kentucky can compete with any blue state. Red states are takers. Always have been and always will be.

How much tax is there on a bottle of Maker's Mark?

I don't drink American Whiskey. Horrible tasting stuff. I don't even know how much it cost. I like lots of American wines, but you're hard liquor and beer aren't big sellers.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
New York had a $6.1 Billion deficit going into this year before the Chinese Virus......and Cuomo wants us to pay that.

Fuck him.

Winner. He wants unrestricted Federal Aid to bail,out his deficit.

He is an asshole.

He wants to be reimbursed for treating half of the covid patients in the nation when your dumb ass President botched the testing and let it in.

China caused it. It’s like blaming someone who is hit by a car running a redlight for the accident.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.

It's not how much federal funding each state receives, it's how much federal funding it receives, versus how much tax money it sends to Washington. New York, California, Michigran, all send far more money to Washington than they receive in federal spending. Kentucky received more than it sends.

It's not the spending, it's the net funds received/remitted to and from Washington. No way McConnell and Kentucky can compete with any blue state. Red states are takers. Always have been and always will be.

How much tax is there on a bottle of Maker's Mark?

I don't drink American Whiskey. Horrible tasting stuff. I don't even know how much it cost. I like lots of American wines, but you're hard liquor and beer aren't big sellers.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
New York had a $6.1 Billion deficit going into this year before the Chinese Virus......and Cuomo wants us to pay that.

Fuck him.

Winner. He wants unrestricted Federal Aid to bail,out his deficit.

He is an asshole.

He wants to be reimbursed for treating half of the covid patients in the nation when your dumb ass President botched the testing and let it in.

Fucked up canadian bs lies! SSDD.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.
Andrew Cuomo (April 23, 2020): Let’s talk about fairness, Mitch. NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out. Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in. But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominately democrats?

How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.

It's not how much federal funding each state receives, it's how much federal funding it receives, versus how much tax money it sends to Washington. New York, California, Michigran, all send far more money to Washington than they receive in federal spending. Kentucky received more than it sends.

It's not the spending, it's the net funds received/remitted to and from Washington. No way McConnell and Kentucky can compete with any blue state. Red states are takers. Always have been and always will be.

How much tax is there on a bottle of Maker's Mark?

I don't drink American Whiskey. Horrible tasting stuff. I don't even know how much it cost. I like lots of American wines, but you're hard liquor and beer aren't big sellers.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
New York had a $6.1 Billion deficit going into this year before the Chinese Virus......and Cuomo wants us to pay that.

Fuck him.

Winner. He wants unrestricted Federal Aid to bail,out his deficit.

He is an asshole.

He wants to be reimbursed for treating half of the covid patients in the nation when your dumb ass President botched the testing and let it in.

China caused it. It’s like blaming someone who is hit by a car running a redlight for the accident.

The left is desperate to spin this as Trump's fault when its their pals the Chinese.
Now they are saying Trump is in bed with the Chinese because he was loans from Chinese banks.

How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
It's not a bailout, dope. It's disaster reief.
It seems you are not above lies, twist and spin either.
Just because Cuomo was a disaster before the Chinese Virus that doesn't mean we have to bail New York out.
Disaster reief, liar.
Cuomo has been a disaster for years. We don't need to bail out the morons in NY for electing him.

And WTF is disaster "reief"?

The idea of disaster relief has you stumped? Go figure.

Let's watch the virus bloom throughout the flyover bible belt over the next few weeks and see if the concept of disaster relief becomes clearer to you.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
It's not a bailout, dope. It's disaster reief.
It seems you are not above lies, twist and spin either.

The funny thing about this is that the red states like Kentucky aren't going to get bailed out either.

They will be in much horrible shape than NY state because Kentucky and states like Kentucky don't have the tax base to survive.

NY state does.

Sure there will be a hard year or so for NY state but they will recover. Kentucky won't. They don't have the infrastructure or tax base to survive on their own much less get them through the financial mess caused by the virus.

NY state and states like mine will get through ok. Red states that are already in very bad financial shape will be much worse off and probably won't recover.

All states and the federal government will have to raise taxes to pay for all this. That is IF they are responsible. Which the red states aren't. Knowing them, they will cut taxes in their sates more as their answer to their budget shortfalls. Which is beyond stupid. No intelligent person who sees a huge budget shortfall goes to their source of revenue to demand they send less money expecting to get more money. It's illogical and stupid but conservatives are very illogical and total morons. Intelligent people who see a budget shortfall increase their revenues. Either by increasing their existing revenue or get a second job. Republicans are too lazy to go get that second job.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
How much TOTAL federal funding does Kentucky receive annually compared to NY?
Not per capita.
That's not the point, dope.
The amount of funding is irrelevant. The amount contributed is the point.
NY still pays $100b more to the fed than it receives. So....subtract their total federal funding received from their total federal tax contribution and they still contribute$100b more than they receive in funding.

Kentucky is the opposite. They receive$100b more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes.
Here is the problem
Kentucky is not demanding that the Taxpayers bail them out, NY is.
The other problem is that I can't trust any stats coming from the Left because they lie, twist and spin all of the time.
It's not a bailout, dope. It's disaster reief.
It seems you are not above lies, twist and spin either.
Just because Cuomo was a disaster before the Chinese Virus that doesn't mean we have to bail New York out.
Disaster reief, liar.
Cuomo has been a disaster for years. We don't need to bail out the morons in NY for electing him.

And WTF is disaster "reief"?

The idea of disaster relief has you stumped? Go figure.

Let's watch the virus bloom throughout the flyover bible belt over the next few weeks and see if the concept of disaster relief becomes clearer to you.
You're hoping for Americans to die. What a douchebag.

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