Cuomo calls out McConnell on Kentucky's federal freeloading

Trump's SALT tax deduction only affects people who have homes that are worth more than $500,000, how is that a tax cut for the rich?
BTW hating the rich is a sure sign of an immature mind
No, it's a sign that I'm a hell of a lot smarter than you. Numbers don't lie. What did Georgia do with their federal funding? That's right, gave it to the rich. And? They get a big fat deficit instead of a surplus for their efforts. It's the same thing with Kentucky. McConnell flexes reelection muscle with $1B gift for Kentucky
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
Let's run some numbers.

Poverty rate:

Kentucky 17%
New York 14%

Take those percentages and multiply them by the population of each state and you get this:

Number living in poverty:

Kentucky: 748,000
New York: 2,723,000

Number of people living in Subsidized housing:

Kentucky: 812,000
New York: 2,760,000

New York is worse on all counts, Dummy.
And yet, New York gives back to the federal government more than it takes in. That extra money goes to kentucky. Why? Because red states throw their money away on tax cuts for the wealthy leaving them deficit poor every time.
It only fair.
Retarded counter argument. Next!
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
Let's run some numbers.

Poverty rate:

Kentucky 17%
New York 14%

Take those percentages and multiply them by the population of each state and you get this:

Number living in poverty:

Kentucky: 748,000
New York: 2,723,000

Number of people living in Subsidized housing:

Kentucky: 812,000
New York: 2,760,000

New York is worse on all counts, Dummy.
And yet, New York gives back to the federal government more than it takes in. That extra money goes to kentucky. Why? Because red states throw their money away on tax cuts for the wealthy leaving them deficit poor every time.
It only fair.
Retarded counter argument. Next!
Why do you oppose fairness?
In the mean time, Mitch McConnell and his state take in more money than they give out, while New York state gives more money than they receive. In other words, New York funds the state of Kentucky, while Moscow Mitch cheers for bailouts of corporations. McConnell has always been a phony. He always will be.

The corrupt and backwards Left Wing states need to stop looting the taxpayers.
They should raise the taxes on the dumb democrat voters who elected cretins such as Cuomo.

Your argument has no relationship with anything intelligent. What are you talking about, and can you back up what you say? You are talking total nonsense.

If Dems states have bankrupt pension systems they need to raise their own taxes

What a dumb ass. Don't you get it? Kentucky has the worst pension plan in the country, and blue states are funding them. That's McConnells state he is bashing while blaming blue states for funding them. McConnell has no real argument by way of his hypocrisy. :laughing0301: You got the shit backwards you dumb fuck;The states where pensions are safe — and where they’re in trouble

Red states are waiting for their blue states to give them their welfare. This is so gd funny. You just can't make this shit up folks.

do you hear the red states demanding that the Democrats pay off their debts?


Today the blithering idiot Cuomo said that NY can't open back up unless Trump pays for it. Um, how were you going to stay open before the Chinese Virus?

They made surpluses thats how.

Lies. New York was already facing a huge budget deficit.

The red portion of the below explains why Cuomo targeted people in nursing homes for death by the Chinese Virus.

New York state faces $6.1 billion budget hole next year: officials

Gov. Cuomo faces a growing budget mess as officials projected a shocking $6.1 billion hole in the state’s finances next year.

The figure was provided by the state Division of Budget in its mid-year budget report, which was released weeks after its legally mandated due date.

That tallies up to roughly 6 percent of the state’s $102 billion budget for its agencies and operations.

More than half of the gap — $4 billion — is linked to a dramatic rise in the state’s Medicaid costs.

In an effort to patch the hole, Cuomo is considering slashing payments to hospitals and nursing homes in the current budget and perhaps next year.

"Faces next year?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Damn son, is that all you've got? Using the virus as your go to argument on surpluses is about as shity as they get. What a coward. Everyone will be suffering next year. What a dick.
In the mean time, Mitch McConnell and his state take in more money than they give out, while New York state gives more money than they receive. In other words, New York funds the state of Kentucky, while Moscow Mitch cheers for bailouts of corporations. McConnell has always been a phony. He always will be.

The corrupt and backwards Left Wing states need to stop looting the taxpayers.
They should raise the taxes on the dumb democrat voters who elected cretins such as Cuomo.

Your argument has no relationship with anything intelligent. What are you talking about, and can you back up what you say? You are talking total nonsense.

If Dems states have bankrupt pension systems they need to raise their own taxes

What a dumb ass. Don't you get it? Kentucky has the worst pension plan in the country, and blue states are funding them. That's McConnells state he is bashing while blaming blue states for funding them. McConnell has no real argument by way of his hypocrisy. :laughing0301: You got the shit backwards you dumb fuck;The states where pensions are safe — and where they’re in trouble

Red states are waiting for their blue states to give them their welfare. This is so gd funny. You just can't make this shit up folks.

do you hear the red states demanding that the Democrats pay off their debts?


Today the blithering idiot Cuomo said that NY can't open back up unless Trump pays for it. Um, how were you going to stay open before the Chinese Virus?

They made surpluses thats how.

Lies. New York was already facing a huge budget deficit.

The red portion of the below explains why Cuomo targeted people in nursing homes for death by the Chinese Virus.

New York state faces $6.1 billion budget hole next year: officials

Gov. Cuomo faces a growing budget mess as officials projected a shocking $6.1 billion hole in the state’s finances next year.

The figure was provided by the state Division of Budget in its mid-year budget report, which was released weeks after its legally mandated due date.

That tallies up to roughly 6 percent of the state’s $102 billion budget for its agencies and operations.

More than half of the gap — $4 billion — is linked to a dramatic rise in the state’s Medicaid costs.

In an effort to patch the hole, Cuomo is considering slashing payments to hospitals and nursing homes in the current budget and perhaps next year.

"Faces next year?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Damn son, is that all you've got? Using the virus as your go to argument on surpluses is about as shity as they get. What a coward. Everyone will be suffering next year. What a dick.

My link is from last November, Window Licker. Well before anyone knew about the Chinese Virus.

Man, you are too easy you single digit IQ Moron. :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
Let's run some numbers.

Poverty rate:

Kentucky 17%
New York 14%

Take those percentages and multiply them by the population of each state and you get this:

Number living in poverty:

Kentucky: 748,000
New York: 2,723,000

Number of people living in Subsidized housing:

Kentucky: 812,000
New York: 2,760,000

New York is worse on all counts, Dummy.
And yet, New York gives back to the federal government more than it takes in. That extra money goes to kentucky. Why? Because red states throw their money away on tax cuts for the wealthy leaving them deficit poor every time.
It only fair.
Retarded counter argument. Next!
Why do you oppose fairness?
Oh, so now it's "fairness" you want to pedal? I see. We'll, except for one thing, McConnell and you don't understand what the word means. Here's what it means. It means you and McConnell do not blame blue states for your bail out. In other words, keep your gd mouth shut.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
Let's run some numbers.

Poverty rate:

Kentucky 17%
New York 14%

Take those percentages and multiply them by the population of each state and you get this:

Number living in poverty:

Kentucky: 748,000
New York: 2,723,000

Number of people living in Subsidized housing:

Kentucky: 812,000
New York: 2,760,000

New York is worse on all counts, Dummy.
And yet, New York gives back to the federal government more than it takes in. That extra money goes to kentucky. Why? Because red states throw their money away on tax cuts for the wealthy leaving them deficit poor every time.
It only fair.
Retarded counter argument. Next!
Why do you oppose fairness?
Oh, so now it's "fairness" you want to pedal? I see. We'll, except for one thing, McConnell and you don't understand what the word means. Here's what it means. It means you and McConnell do not blame blue states for your bail out. In other words, keep your gd mouth shut.
Am I asking blue states for a bailout?

Cuomo is the only one I see on TV every day crying and whining for a bailout due to the fact he can't run his own state.

$6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus. YIKES!
In the mean time, Mitch McConnell and his state take in more money than they give out, while New York state gives more money than they receive. In other words, New York funds the state of Kentucky, while Moscow Mitch cheers for bailouts of corporations. McConnell has always been a phony. He always will be.

The corrupt and backwards Left Wing states need to stop looting the taxpayers.
They should raise the taxes on the dumb democrat voters who elected cretins such as Cuomo.

Your argument has no relationship with anything intelligent. What are you talking about, and can you back up what you say? You are talking total nonsense.

If Dems states have bankrupt pension systems they need to raise their own taxes

What a dumb ass. Don't you get it? Kentucky has the worst pension plan in the country, and blue states are funding them. That's McConnells state he is bashing while blaming blue states for funding them. McConnell has no real argument by way of his hypocrisy. :laughing0301: You got the shit backwards you dumb fuck;The states where pensions are safe — and where they’re in trouble

Red states are waiting for their blue states to give them their welfare. This is so gd funny. You just can't make this shit up folks.

do you hear the red states demanding that the Democrats pay off their debts?


Today the blithering idiot Cuomo said that NY can't open back up unless Trump pays for it. Um, how were you going to stay open before the Chinese Virus?

They made surpluses thats how.

Lies. New York was already facing a huge budget deficit.

The red portion of the below explains why Cuomo targeted people in nursing homes for death by the Chinese Virus.

New York state faces $6.1 billion budget hole next year: officials

Gov. Cuomo faces a growing budget mess as officials projected a shocking $6.1 billion hole in the state’s finances next year.

The figure was provided by the state Division of Budget in its mid-year budget report, which was released weeks after its legally mandated due date.

That tallies up to roughly 6 percent of the state’s $102 billion budget for its agencies and operations.

More than half of the gap — $4 billion — is linked to a dramatic rise in the state’s Medicaid costs.

In an effort to patch the hole, Cuomo is considering slashing payments to hospitals and nursing homes in the current budget and perhaps next year.

"Faces next year?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Damn son, is that all you've got? Using the virus as your go to argument on surpluses is about as shity as they get. What a coward. Everyone will be suffering next year. What a dick.

My link is from last November, Window Licker. Well before anyone knew about the Chinese Virus.

Man, you are too easy you single digit IQ Moron. :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

November is when we first heard about the virus, and some say it was earlier than that. 1st known case of coronavirus traced back to November in China
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
Let's run some numbers.

Poverty rate:

Kentucky 17%
New York 14%

Take those percentages and multiply them by the population of each state and you get this:

Number living in poverty:

Kentucky: 748,000
New York: 2,723,000

Number of people living in Subsidized housing:

Kentucky: 812,000
New York: 2,760,000

New York is worse on all counts, Dummy.
And yet, New York gives back to the federal government more than it takes in. That extra money goes to kentucky. Why? Because red states throw their money away on tax cuts for the wealthy leaving them deficit poor every time.
It only fair.
Retarded counter argument. Next!
Why do you oppose fairness?
Oh, so now it's "fairness" you want to pedal? I see. We'll, except for one thing, McConnell and you don't understand what the word means. Here's what it means. It means you and McConnell do not blame blue states for your bail out. In other words, keep your gd mouth shut.
Am I asking blue states for a bailout?

Cuomo is the only one I see on TV every day crying and whining for a bailout due to the fact he can't run his own state.

$6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus. YIKES!
Asking, not asking, Kentucky took it. That's a fact.
In the mean time, Mitch McConnell and his state take in more money than they give out, while New York state gives more money than they receive. In other words, New York funds the state of Kentucky, while Moscow Mitch cheers for bailouts of corporations. McConnell has always been a phony. He always will be.

The corrupt and backwards Left Wing states need to stop looting the taxpayers.
They should raise the taxes on the dumb democrat voters who elected cretins such as Cuomo.

Your argument has no relationship with anything intelligent. What are you talking about, and can you back up what you say? You are talking total nonsense.

If Dems states have bankrupt pension systems they need to raise their own taxes

What a dumb ass. Don't you get it? Kentucky has the worst pension plan in the country, and blue states are funding them. That's McConnells state he is bashing while blaming blue states for funding them. McConnell has no real argument by way of his hypocrisy. :laughing0301: You got the shit backwards you dumb fuck;The states where pensions are safe — and where they’re in trouble

Red states are waiting for their blue states to give them their welfare. This is so gd funny. You just can't make this shit up folks.

do you hear the red states demanding that the Democrats pay off their debts?


Today the blithering idiot Cuomo said that NY can't open back up unless Trump pays for it. Um, how were you going to stay open before the Chinese Virus?

They made surpluses thats how.

Lies. New York was already facing a huge budget deficit.

The red portion of the below explains why Cuomo targeted people in nursing homes for death by the Chinese Virus.

New York state faces $6.1 billion budget hole next year: officials

Gov. Cuomo faces a growing budget mess as officials projected a shocking $6.1 billion hole in the state’s finances next year.

The figure was provided by the state Division of Budget in its mid-year budget report, which was released weeks after its legally mandated due date.

That tallies up to roughly 6 percent of the state’s $102 billion budget for its agencies and operations.

More than half of the gap — $4 billion — is linked to a dramatic rise in the state’s Medicaid costs.

In an effort to patch the hole, Cuomo is considering slashing payments to hospitals and nursing homes in the current budget and perhaps next year.

"Faces next year?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Damn son, is that all you've got? Using the virus as your go to argument on surpluses is about as shity as they get. What a coward. Everyone will be suffering next year. What a dick.

My link is from last November, Window Licker. Well before anyone knew about the Chinese Virus.

Man, you are too easy you single digit IQ Moron. :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

November is when we first heard about the virus, and some say it was earlier than that. 1st known case of coronavirus traced back to November in China

First case may be traced back to China in November.....................and that caused Cuomo to run up a $6.1 BILLION deficit in November?

Do you have a clue how fucking stupid you sound? :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
Let's run some numbers.

Poverty rate:

Kentucky 17%
New York 14%

Take those percentages and multiply them by the population of each state and you get this:

Number living in poverty:

Kentucky: 748,000
New York: 2,723,000

Number of people living in Subsidized housing:

Kentucky: 812,000
New York: 2,760,000

New York is worse on all counts, Dummy.
And yet, New York gives back to the federal government more than it takes in. That extra money goes to kentucky. Why? Because red states throw their money away on tax cuts for the wealthy leaving them deficit poor every time.
It only fair.
Retarded counter argument. Next!
Why do you oppose fairness?
Oh, so now it's "fairness" you want to pedal? I see. We'll, except for one thing, McConnell and you don't understand what the word means. Here's what it means. It means you and McConnell do not blame blue states for your bail out. In other words, keep your gd mouth shut.
Am I asking blue states for a bailout?

Cuomo is the only one I see on TV every day crying and whining for a bailout due to the fact he can't run his own state.

$6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus. YIKES!
This is such a retarded response in the face of a world wide pandemic. You really are at the end of your rope. Cuomo gave back $116 billion, while Kentucky took in $148 billion, and you're talking about Cuomo's $6.1 billion? :laughing0301: You've got to be kidding? What a joke.
In the mean time, Mitch McConnell and his state take in more money than they give out, while New York state gives more money than they receive. In other words, New York funds the state of Kentucky, while Moscow Mitch cheers for bailouts of corporations. McConnell has always been a phony. He always will be.

The corrupt and backwards Left Wing states need to stop looting the taxpayers.
They should raise the taxes on the dumb democrat voters who elected cretins such as Cuomo.

Your argument has no relationship with anything intelligent. What are you talking about, and can you back up what you say? You are talking total nonsense.

If Dems states have bankrupt pension systems they need to raise their own taxes

What a dumb ass. Don't you get it? Kentucky has the worst pension plan in the country, and blue states are funding them. That's McConnells state he is bashing while blaming blue states for funding them. McConnell has no real argument by way of his hypocrisy. :laughing0301: You got the shit backwards you dumb fuck;The states where pensions are safe — and where they’re in trouble

Red states are waiting for their blue states to give them their welfare. This is so gd funny. You just can't make this shit up folks.

do you hear the red states demanding that the Democrats pay off their debts?


Today the blithering idiot Cuomo said that NY can't open back up unless Trump pays for it. Um, how were you going to stay open before the Chinese Virus?

They made surpluses thats how.

Lies. New York was already facing a huge budget deficit.

The red portion of the below explains why Cuomo targeted people in nursing homes for death by the Chinese Virus.

New York state faces $6.1 billion budget hole next year: officials

Gov. Cuomo faces a growing budget mess as officials projected a shocking $6.1 billion hole in the state’s finances next year.

The figure was provided by the state Division of Budget in its mid-year budget report, which was released weeks after its legally mandated due date.

That tallies up to roughly 6 percent of the state’s $102 billion budget for its agencies and operations.

More than half of the gap — $4 billion — is linked to a dramatic rise in the state’s Medicaid costs.

In an effort to patch the hole, Cuomo is considering slashing payments to hospitals and nursing homes in the current budget and perhaps next year.

"Faces next year?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Damn son, is that all you've got? Using the virus as your go to argument on surpluses is about as shity as they get. What a coward. Everyone will be suffering next year. What a dick.

My link is from last November, Window Licker. Well before anyone knew about the Chinese Virus.

Man, you are too easy you single digit IQ Moron. :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

November is when we first heard about the virus, and some say it was earlier than that. 1st known case of coronavirus traced back to November in China

First case in New York confirmed on March 1, 2020............and you are trying to claim the $6.1 BILLION deficit they knew about in Nov 2019 was caused by the Chinese Virus.

Too fucking funny.:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

During the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic, the first case of COVID-19 in the U.S. state of New York was confirmed on March 1, 2020.

If you factor in the previous aid to the whiny Cuomo administration it makes Kentucky look like a distant cousin.
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
Let's run some numbers.

Poverty rate:

Kentucky 17%
New York 14%

Take those percentages and multiply them by the population of each state and you get this:

Number living in poverty:

Kentucky: 748,000
New York: 2,723,000

Number of people living in Subsidized housing:

Kentucky: 812,000
New York: 2,760,000

New York is worse on all counts, Dummy.
And yet, New York gives back to the federal government more than it takes in. That extra money goes to kentucky. Why? Because red states throw their money away on tax cuts for the wealthy leaving them deficit poor every time.
It only fair.
Retarded counter argument. Next!
Why do you oppose fairness?
Oh, so now it's "fairness" you want to pedal? I see. We'll, except for one thing, McConnell and you don't understand what the word means. Here's what it means. It means you and McConnell do not blame blue states for your bail out. In other words, keep your gd mouth shut.
Am I asking blue states for a bailout?

Cuomo is the only one I see on TV every day crying and whining for a bailout due to the fact he can't run his own state.

$6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus. YIKES!
This is such a retarded response in the face of a world wide pandemic. You really are at the end of your rope. Cuomo gave back $116 billion, while Kentucky took in $148 billion, and you're talking about Cuomo's $6.1 billion? :laughing0301: You've got to be kidding? What a joke.
Cuomo gave $116 Billion? Link to him giving $116 billion?

Keep digging.:dig::dig::dig::dig::dig:
In the mean time, Mitch McConnell and his state take in more money than they give out, while New York state gives more money than they receive. In other words, New York funds the state of Kentucky, while Moscow Mitch cheers for bailouts of corporations. McConnell has always been a phony. He always will be.

The corrupt and backwards Left Wing states need to stop looting the taxpayers.
They should raise the taxes on the dumb democrat voters who elected cretins such as Cuomo.

Your argument has no relationship with anything intelligent. What are you talking about, and can you back up what you say? You are talking total nonsense.

If Dems states have bankrupt pension systems they need to raise their own taxes

What a dumb ass. Don't you get it? Kentucky has the worst pension plan in the country, and blue states are funding them. That's McConnells state he is bashing while blaming blue states for funding them. McConnell has no real argument by way of his hypocrisy. :laughing0301: You got the shit backwards you dumb fuck;The states where pensions are safe — and where they’re in trouble

Red states are waiting for their blue states to give them their welfare. This is so gd funny. You just can't make this shit up folks.

do you hear the red states demanding that the Democrats pay off their debts?


Today the blithering idiot Cuomo said that NY can't open back up unless Trump pays for it. Um, how were you going to stay open before the Chinese Virus?

They made surpluses thats how.

Lies. New York was already facing a huge budget deficit.

The red portion of the below explains why Cuomo targeted people in nursing homes for death by the Chinese Virus.

New York state faces $6.1 billion budget hole next year: officials

Gov. Cuomo faces a growing budget mess as officials projected a shocking $6.1 billion hole in the state’s finances next year.

The figure was provided by the state Division of Budget in its mid-year budget report, which was released weeks after its legally mandated due date.

That tallies up to roughly 6 percent of the state’s $102 billion budget for its agencies and operations.

More than half of the gap — $4 billion — is linked to a dramatic rise in the state’s Medicaid costs.

In an effort to patch the hole, Cuomo is considering slashing payments to hospitals and nursing homes in the current budget and perhaps next year.

"Faces next year?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Damn son, is that all you've got? Using the virus as your go to argument on surpluses is about as shity as they get. What a coward. Everyone will be suffering next year. What a dick.

My link is from last November, Window Licker. Well before anyone knew about the Chinese Virus.

Man, you are too easy you single digit IQ Moron. :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

November is when we first heard about the virus, and some say it was earlier than that. 1st known case of coronavirus traced back to November in China

First case may be traced back to China in November.....................and that caused Cuomo to run up a $6.1 BILLION deficit in November?

Do you have a clue how fucking stupid you sound? :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:

Dude, do you have any idea how fucking ridiculous you look with your argument? Get a fucking clue. $116 billion dollars back in, $148 billion dollars received by kentucky, and you're talking about $6.1 billion? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Are you for real?
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.

Okay Fake News poster, total Federal 2019 spending in Kentucky was $70 billion. :itsok: Total Federal 2019 spending in California a whopping $436 billion 6 times as much. More facts that destroy your spin, Kentucky spends mostly on education and healthcare for the poor, something libs claim to care about. In 2015 Education accounted for 37.5 percent of state expenditures and 30.9 percent went to Medicaid which was expanded under Obamacare.

God forbid Kentucky care for its poor, many of them registered Democrats.

Kentucky spends lots of money on the poor because they have so many. 18.3% of the population is poor. 6th highest rate of poverty in the nation. 38th best school system. Out of 51 states, Kentucky ranks 46th as the best state to live in. It's unemployment rate is 5.8 verus 3.8 nation wide. It also has a 3 year shorter life expectancy that the rest of the nation.

Sounds like Moscow Mitch should shutting his trap and being more grateful for all that New York does for his pissant state.
Let's run some numbers.

Poverty rate:

Kentucky 17%
New York 14%

Take those percentages and multiply them by the population of each state and you get this:

Number living in poverty:

Kentucky: 748,000
New York: 2,723,000

Number of people living in Subsidized housing:

Kentucky: 812,000
New York: 2,760,000

New York is worse on all counts, Dummy.
And yet, New York gives back to the federal government more than it takes in. That extra money goes to kentucky. Why? Because red states throw their money away on tax cuts for the wealthy leaving them deficit poor every time.
It only fair.
Retarded counter argument. Next!
Why do you oppose fairness?
Oh, so now it's "fairness" you want to pedal? I see. We'll, except for one thing, McConnell and you don't understand what the word means. Here's what it means. It means you and McConnell do not blame blue states for your bail out. In other words, keep your gd mouth shut.
Am I asking blue states for a bailout?

Cuomo is the only one I see on TV every day crying and whining for a bailout due to the fact he can't run his own state.

$6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus. YIKES!
This is such a retarded response in the face of a world wide pandemic. You really are at the end of your rope. Cuomo gave back $116 billion, while Kentucky took in $148 billion, and you're talking about Cuomo's $6.1 billion? :laughing0301: You've got to be kidding? What a joke.
Cuomo gave $116 Billion? Link to him giving $116 billion?

Keep digging.:dig::dig::dig::dig::dig:
The video I posted proves it. No one has disputed the numbers by Cuomo. You lose as always.
In the mean time, Mitch McConnell and his state take in more money than they give out, while New York state gives more money than they receive. In other words, New York funds the state of Kentucky, while Moscow Mitch cheers for bailouts of corporations. McConnell has always been a phony. He always will be.

The corrupt and backwards Left Wing states need to stop looting the taxpayers.
They should raise the taxes on the dumb democrat voters who elected cretins such as Cuomo.

Your argument has no relationship with anything intelligent. What are you talking about, and can you back up what you say? You are talking total nonsense.

If Dems states have bankrupt pension systems they need to raise their own taxes

What a dumb ass. Don't you get it? Kentucky has the worst pension plan in the country, and blue states are funding them. That's McConnells state he is bashing while blaming blue states for funding them. McConnell has no real argument by way of his hypocrisy. :laughing0301: You got the shit backwards you dumb fuck;The states where pensions are safe — and where they’re in trouble

Red states are waiting for their blue states to give them their welfare. This is so gd funny. You just can't make this shit up folks.

do you hear the red states demanding that the Democrats pay off their debts?


Today the blithering idiot Cuomo said that NY can't open back up unless Trump pays for it. Um, how were you going to stay open before the Chinese Virus?

They made surpluses thats how.

Lies. New York was already facing a huge budget deficit.

The red portion of the below explains why Cuomo targeted people in nursing homes for death by the Chinese Virus.

New York state faces $6.1 billion budget hole next year: officials

Gov. Cuomo faces a growing budget mess as officials projected a shocking $6.1 billion hole in the state’s finances next year.

The figure was provided by the state Division of Budget in its mid-year budget report, which was released weeks after its legally mandated due date.

That tallies up to roughly 6 percent of the state’s $102 billion budget for its agencies and operations.

More than half of the gap — $4 billion — is linked to a dramatic rise in the state’s Medicaid costs.

In an effort to patch the hole, Cuomo is considering slashing payments to hospitals and nursing homes in the current budget and perhaps next year.

"Faces next year?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Damn son, is that all you've got? Using the virus as your go to argument on surpluses is about as shity as they get. What a coward. Everyone will be suffering next year. What a dick.

My link is from last November, Window Licker. Well before anyone knew about the Chinese Virus.

Man, you are too easy you single digit IQ Moron. :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

November is when we first heard about the virus, and some say it was earlier than that. 1st known case of coronavirus traced back to November in China

First case may be traced back to China in November.....................and that caused Cuomo to run up a $6.1 BILLION deficit in November?

Do you have a clue how fucking stupid you sound? :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:

Dude, do you have any idea how fucking ridiculous you look with your argument? Get a fucking clue. $116 billion dollars back in, $148 billion dollars received by kentucky, and you're talking about $6.1 billion? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Are you for real?

You clearly have no idea what the difference is between federal taxes paid by the citizens of NY vs State tax money spent by Cuomo.

They have no connection, Moron.
In the mean time, Mitch McConnell and his state take in more money than they give out, while New York state gives more money than they receive. In other words, New York funds the state of Kentucky, while Moscow Mitch cheers for bailouts of corporations. McConnell has always been a phony. He always will be.

The corrupt and backwards Left Wing states need to stop looting the taxpayers.
They should raise the taxes on the dumb democrat voters who elected cretins such as Cuomo.

Your argument has no relationship with anything intelligent. What are you talking about, and can you back up what you say? You are talking total nonsense.

If Dems states have bankrupt pension systems they need to raise their own taxes

What a dumb ass. Don't you get it? Kentucky has the worst pension plan in the country, and blue states are funding them. That's McConnells state he is bashing while blaming blue states for funding them. McConnell has no real argument by way of his hypocrisy. :laughing0301: You got the shit backwards you dumb fuck;The states where pensions are safe — and where they’re in trouble

Red states are waiting for their blue states to give them their welfare. This is so gd funny. You just can't make this shit up folks.

do you hear the red states demanding that the Democrats pay off their debts?


Today the blithering idiot Cuomo said that NY can't open back up unless Trump pays for it. Um, how were you going to stay open before the Chinese Virus?

They made surpluses thats how.

Lies. New York was already facing a huge budget deficit.

The red portion of the below explains why Cuomo targeted people in nursing homes for death by the Chinese Virus.

New York state faces $6.1 billion budget hole next year: officials

Gov. Cuomo faces a growing budget mess as officials projected a shocking $6.1 billion hole in the state’s finances next year.

The figure was provided by the state Division of Budget in its mid-year budget report, which was released weeks after its legally mandated due date.

That tallies up to roughly 6 percent of the state’s $102 billion budget for its agencies and operations.

More than half of the gap — $4 billion — is linked to a dramatic rise in the state’s Medicaid costs.

In an effort to patch the hole, Cuomo is considering slashing payments to hospitals and nursing homes in the current budget and perhaps next year.

"Faces next year?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Damn son, is that all you've got? Using the virus as your go to argument on surpluses is about as shity as they get. What a coward. Everyone will be suffering next year. What a dick.

My link is from last November, Window Licker. Well before anyone knew about the Chinese Virus.

Man, you are too easy you single digit IQ Moron. :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

November is when we first heard about the virus, and some say it was earlier than that. 1st known case of coronavirus traced back to November in China

First case may be traced back to China in November.....................and that caused Cuomo to run up a $6.1 BILLION deficit in November?

Do you have a clue how fucking stupid you sound? :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:

Dude, do you have any idea how fucking ridiculous you look with your argument? Get a fucking clue. $116 billion dollars back in, $148 billion dollars received by kentucky, and you're talking about $6.1 billion? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Are you for real?

Laughing emojis tells me you have surrendered the argument.

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