Cuomo Hates Jews Almost As Much As Obama


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This guy won't lift a finger to stop riots....but he made a point of going after Jews in his state.

Whatever this guy says....the truth is usually the opposite.

This guy won't lift a finger to stop riots....but he made a point of going after Jews in his state.

Whatever this guy says....the truth is usually the opposite.

They're Facists.
I'm confused. What do you mean, "made it a point to go after the Jews?" Did the Jews refuse to close their Synagogues when the Mosques and Churches closed theirs? Did they ALL ignore the directives? Or did just the Orthodox community think they were "above" the rules? I'm asking, I don't live in NY, so I don't know.

It sounds to me like he used them as an example because they were not following directives that others apparently were, and he intends to impose consequences. I'm not at all behind any of this nonsense and think the American people as a whole should get off their asses and STOP being stupid sheep, but I don't see that happening.

Anyways, what "help" isn't he going to give "the Jews" that he IS giving other groups? I'm not being argumentative, I'm asking a question. I genuinely would like to understand what you're referring to.
This guy won't lift a finger to stop riots....but he made a point of going after Jews in his state.

Whatever this guy says....the truth is usually the opposite.

The Leftists aka Communists HATE ANYONE who is Practicing their religion with ONE exception.

They HATE Christians and have closed down Christian Churches because of COVID-19. They HATE Orthodox Jews and now close down Synagogues - I add and this is an important DISTINCTION Leftists aka Communists LOVE Secular Athiest Leftist Jews who comprise the WORLD WIDE Crowd of Leftist Jews who HATE Donald Trump and HATE any sign of a Western nation showing PATRIOTISM and who are nearly ALL descendents in some form of the Old Communists from The Soviet Bloc and it's Satellite States and they account for perhaps 80% of Western Jews and they are literally the ENEMY of Western Civilisation and WANT it to FALL into chaos so they can REAP the rewards and bring forth their Old Soviet Communist System and these Secular Athiest Leftist Jews also HATE the Orthodox Jews because they practice their Faith.

There is ONE exception to the SHUT DOWN Churches and Synagogues and places of Worship and that is have Leftists aka Communists DEMANDED that MOSQUES be CLOSED because of COVID-19? Has anyone heard of any MOSQUES being shut down?
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I'm confused. What do you mean, "made it a point to go after the Jews?" Did the Jews refuse to close their Synagogues when the Mosques and Churches closed theirs? Did they ALL ignore the directives? Or did just the Orthodox community think they were "above" the rules? I'm asking, I don't live in NY, so I don't know.

It sounds to me like he used them as an example because they were not following directives that others apparently were, and he intends to impose consequences. I'm not at all behind any of this nonsense and think the American people as a whole should get off their asses and STOP being stupid sheep, but I don't see that happening.

Anyways, what "help" isn't he going to give "the Jews" that he IS giving other groups? I'm not being argumentative, I'm asking a question. I genuinely would like to understand what you're referring to.
I guess you have no BS detector.
These Democrats actually support rioters congregating in mass....claiming it's a right.....but then they go after Jews and Christians for gathering together outside doing essentially the same thing...only worshiping God .
I hear no threats from Cuomo about unlawful assembly.
This guy won't lift a finger to stop riots....but he made a point of going after Jews in his state.

Whatever this guy says....the truth is usually the opposite.

Rightwing propaganda, it never stops.
I'm confused. What do you mean, "made it a point to go after the Jews?" Did the Jews refuse to close their Synagogues when the Mosques and Churches closed theirs? Did they ALL ignore the directives? Or did just the Orthodox community think they were "above" the rules? I'm asking, I don't live in NY, so I don't know.

It sounds to me like he used them as an example because they were not following directives that others apparently were, and he intends to impose consequences. I'm not at all behind any of this nonsense and think the American people as a whole should get off their asses and STOP being stupid sheep, but I don't see that happening.

Anyways, what "help" isn't he going to give "the Jews" that he IS giving other groups? I'm not being argumentative, I'm asking a question. I genuinely would like to understand what you're referring to.
I guess you have no BS detector.
These Democrats actually support rioters congregating in mass....claiming it's a right.....but then they go after Jews and Christians for gathering together outside doing essentially the same thing...only worshiping God .
I hear no threats from Cuomo about unlawful assembly.

There has not been ONE riot or ONE looting or ONE mass gathering of Leftist aka Communist Screaming Banshees Protesting that ANY Democrat aka Communist has shut down.

But Democrats aka Communists have CONSISTENTLY cracked down and THREATENED Christians who want to go to Church and Orthodox Jews who want to go to Synagogue.

I add that under Josef Stalin in the Old Soviet Union the Communists and also before that the Bolsheviks BOTH TARGETED Christians and Orthodox Jews, whilst Athiests in general and Athiest Jews were given TOP POSITIONS in The Soviet Politburo. The Communists from the BEGINNING have HATED ANYONE who practices their Faith and the Modern Descendents and the Modern Fellow Travellers of the Old Communists and the Bolsheviks are following suit and let's face it going just on this we can assume IF they take over in Western Nations they will reintroduce the Gulag System for ANYONE who is against the Regime. We even had some who were working within Bernie Sanders Campaign caught on open mic saying that those against The Agenda would have to be sent to a Gulag. IF this crowd take over like the Old Communists did and the Bolsheviks did they will PERSECUTE Christians and Orthodox Jews, and the Athiests who have ABANDONED Christianity and the Athiest Jews who have ABANDONED their Faith will take part in this PERSECUTION of those practicing their Faith.

They will DENY that this is what they WANT, a full return to how things were done in the Old Soviet Union and also what the Bolsheviks did, but when they DENY this do NOT listen to them, they are wolves in sheeps clothing, they are snakes in the grass.
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This guy won't lift a finger to stop riots....but he made a point of going after Jews in his state.

Whatever this guy says....the truth is usually the opposite.

Tim did a segment on this today. He slaughters these racists.


Those Orthodox Jews are obviously White Supremacists and literally Nazi's, if they were NOT they wouldn't be setting fire to those masks, I mean you know those Orthodox Jews are probably even members of The Proud Boys AND Aryan Nation :smoke:

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