Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month

If the mother’s life is at stake . Forget the that major piece of the story?

You mean if the woman says she will kill herself if she can't have an abortion?

Yep, sounds about right.

But when I consider what happened with the abortion doctor Gosnell, I'm not sure it matters what the laws are. As we see with Gosnell, the Dims fallow the abortion laws like they do the immigration laws.

That's right, they just ignore them and do their own thing.
The Cuomo's are degenerate wops!
They helped invent the 'electric kool-aid unhinged lefty test'.
Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month
So does Trump.

So that’s why he speaks out against abortion now?

Just the false dichotomy of the left. "We hate Trump he is anti-choice..but you people should accept that Trump is pro-abortion". Its a mind game to demoralize you.

The degree of cognitive dissonance required to be a liberal is astounding.
Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month
So does Trump.

So that’s why he speaks out against abortion now?

Just the false dichotomy of the left. "We hate Trump he is anti-choice..but you people should accept that Trump is pro-abortion". Its a mind game to demoralize you.

The degree of cognitive dissonance required to be a liberal is astounding.

Trump is a liberal pretending to be a conservative. And he has shown over and over again he is saying the things a liberal thinks conservatives believe. That's why he kept blowing his "pro-life" answers when he began his journey to scam you retards. Trump never had a pro-life thought in his head.

After Trump registered as a Republican and announced he was running for President, you could see the chameleon huckster change his colors in real time in his natural habitat, television:

TAPPER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

TRUMP: Right. I'm Pro-Choice.

TAPPER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

TRUMP: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

As those of you who have been on this forum a while know, I am pro-life, and always have been. Let me ask all of you pro-lifers out there something. Have you EVER in your life accidentally identified yourself as pro-choice?

Me, neither.

And was it a Freudian slip when he apologized for being pro-life? “I’m pro-life. I’m sorry.”

Having been “very pro-choice” all his life, it was not surprising this huckster a few months later completely fumbled a fundamental question about the abortion issue. When asked if women should be punished for getting an abortion, Trump gave five different answers in three days!

Face it. On the abortion issue, Donald Trump is a far left liberal faking he is pro-life…and you know it.


I'm very pro-choice. Right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. I have New York values.


Those bitches who abort should go to prison.

Is handed a note:

Things are unclear.

Is handed another note:

D. The woman is a victim. Final answer.
Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month
So does Trump.

We are currently having a government shutdown over a border wall. Talk to the progressive socialist politicians who as a few years ago wanted one. Donald Trump found agendas. Like all of those lifetime politicians who change their views every few years. Only he has been it for a couple of years. He told you his agendas. You harp on his personality. Sadly he may go down as a despicable president in the near term if he succeeds in saving our nation for at least a couple of decades. That sucks. And if he is true, that saves souls. I know we have people from other nations not living good. We can ot accept massive amounts of individuals here or America dies and the flame of liberty dies. Progressive Socialists are false Christians. Democrats may not be. As well as RINOS and moderate and conservative Repubs who are not war mongers.
If the mother’s life is at stake . Forget the that major piece of the story?

You mean if the woman says she will kill herself if she can't have an abortion?

Yep, sounds about right.

But when I consider what happened with the abortion doctor Gosnell, I'm not sure it matters what the laws are. As we see with Gosnell, the Dims fallow the abortion laws like they do the immigration laws.

That's right, they just ignore them and do their own thing.
She should have done a couple things first:
A.) Not spread her legs.
B. ) Make her mind up long before the 9th month.
Also, the part where the mothers life is a stake is rare and if the doctor makes the call then so be it. But liberals want it in 9th month because they support abortion at anytime.
Before Trump realized it would be easier to hoax the pseudocons in the GOP, he and his entire family donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats.

Including Chuck Schumer. In fact, Trump and his kids donated to Schumer's first three Senate campaigns. Bigly.
Hey dumbshits.

Pro-choice Donald donated $64,000 to Andrew Cuomo.

Feast on that.
If the mother’s life is at stake . Forget the that major piece of the story?

You mean if the woman says she will kill herself if she can't have an abortion?

Yep, sounds about right.

But when I consider what happened with the abortion doctor Gosnell, I'm not sure it matters what the laws are. As we see with Gosnell, the Dims fallow the abortion laws like they do the immigration laws.

That's right, they just ignore them and do their own thing.
If the mother’s life is at stake . Forget the that major piece of the story?

You mean if the woman says she will kill herself if she can't have an abortion?

Yep, sounds about right.

But when I consider what happened with the abortion doctor Gosnell, I'm not sure it matters what the laws are. As we see with Gosnell, the Dims fallow the abortion laws like they do the immigration laws.

That's right, they just ignore them and do their own thing.

I just love conversing with Dims.

So where is your drum sonny?

If the mother’s life is at stake . Forget the that major piece of the story?

Give an example of a medical condition where a pregnancy in the 9th month needs to be terminated in order to save the life of a mother.
I think it's pretty self explanatory, you moron.

If a doctor deems the mother's life is at risk, and terminating the pregnancy is the only way to save her life, then the pregnancy can be legally terminated.

Would you prefer the woman dies?

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