Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month

Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
Because they are soulless creatures who are not fit for this planet. They should have been aborted first. Yet they pass judgment on the innocent!
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
Still pushing that lie are we? And you title word is spelled wrong, what a maroon. The state of NY is well within the federal limits on abortion.
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

Sure there is.. if you find out that the fetus is going to have a horrible deformity like Brittle Bone Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or something else that will make their life a living hell, then terminating it in the womb is justified, and really, that's the only reason why women have this done in the third trimester.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

Yes. The Turtles and Eggs are endangered species... You can also go to jail for destroying their habitat.

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

Well, considering God killed all the babies in Sodom, but let the awful Lot live, after he offered his daughters up for gang rape before having Drunk sex with them himself, I don't think that's the best moral lesson to pick out, do you?

What do you think happened to deformed babies before abortion was legalized? Hint, there were a lot of "Crib Deaths' no one bothered to investigate.

You are one disgusting human being. Abort a baby because it has Downs Syndrome?
JoeB believes people with handicaps should be put down out of their misery!

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Really, nothing more needs to be said about or in response to any of JoeB131's posts in this thread, than to point out that he exactly demonstrates what I said about how, where political issues line up with issues of good or evil, that the left are always found on the side of evil.
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

Sure there is.. if you find out that the fetus is going to have a horrible deformity like Brittle Bone Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or something else that will make their life a living hell, then terminating it in the womb is justified, and really, that's the only reason why women have this done in the third trimester.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

Yes. The Turtles and Eggs are endangered species... You can also go to jail for destroying their habitat.

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

Well, considering God killed all the babies in Sodom, but let the awful Lot live, after he offered his daughters up for gang rape before having Drunk sex with them himself, I don't think that's the best moral lesson to pick out, do you?

What do you think happened to deformed babies before abortion was legalized? Hint, there were a lot of "Crib Deaths' no one bothered to investigate.
Another baby born after 'groundbreaking' in-womb spina bifida surgery - The Christian InstituteThe Christian Institute

And thanks for making it clear the Left considers human life less important than a turtles.

What does this have to do with the laws in NY??
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

He did when the Israelites acted worst, in EZE 16.
Really, nothing more needs to be said about or in response to any of JoeB131's posts in this thread, than to point out that he exactly demonstrates what I said about how, where political issues line up with issues of good or evil, that the left are always found on the side of evil.

Only if define "evil' as "not agreeing with Bob's Whacky Cult" on an issue.

If you guys were really concerned about abortion, you'd support family leave, universal health care and sex education... that's how you reduce the number of abortions.
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

Sure there is.. if you find out that the fetus is going to have a horrible deformity like Brittle Bone Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or something else that will make their life a living hell, then terminating it in the womb is justified, and really, that's the only reason why women have this done in the third trimester.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

Yes. The Turtles and Eggs are endangered species... You can also go to jail for destroying their habitat.

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

Well, considering God killed all the babies in Sodom, but let the awful Lot live, after he offered his daughters up for gang rape before having Drunk sex with them himself, I don't think that's the best moral lesson to pick out, do you?

What do you think happened to deformed babies before abortion was legalized? Hint, there were a lot of "Crib Deaths' no one bothered to investigate.
Most late term abortions are committed on healthy babies.

Most late-term abortions are elective

Is it good to lie in order to justify the mass murder of babies?

Why are you eager to kill Down Syndrome babies? Is this evidence of a balanced mind? Maybe you should seek help for your mental disorder.
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I don't buy that.

They know what they are doing, and it is what they intend.
Oh. Sweet. You can tell me what exceptable means. I assume you know.
Could mean Auto-correct strikes again. Back when I used an I-Pad, the auto-correct would sometimes change correctly spelled words that I intended to use to the wrong words.
I don't buy that.

They know what they are doing, and it is what they intend.
Oh. Sweet. You can tell me what exceptable means. I assume you know.
Could mean Auto-correct strikes again. When I used to use an I-Pad, the auto-correct would sometimes change correctly spelled words that I intended to use to the wrong words.

Nope. Insufficient education struck again.
Just consider it an opportunity to be petty.
Most late term abortions involve healthy mothers with healthy babies.

Most late-term abortions are elective

Is it good to lie in order to justify the mass murder of babies?

The hill isn't a reliable source, they are just playing word games.

Again, the funny thing is, you guys would be all for making parents go broke taking care of a deformed baby because insurance wouldn't cover a "Pre-existing condition". But don't you dare consider an abortion. It makes baby Jesus cry.

Why are you eager to kill Down Syndrome babies? Is this evidence of a balanced mind? Maybe you should seek help for your mental disorder.

Why am I eager to prevent a horrible disease that is 100% preventable?

I think you just answered your own question.
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
The right wing is For using weapons of micro and mass destruction on a for-profit basis and mining the border.

The left is trying to let go, of the "way's of the right".
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

Sure there is.. if you find out that the fetus is going to have a horrible deformity like Brittle Bone Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or something else that will make their life a living hell, then terminating it in the womb is justified, and really, that's the only reason why women have this done in the third trimester.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

Yes. The Turtles and Eggs are endangered species... You can also go to jail for destroying their habitat.

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

Well, considering God killed all the babies in Sodom, but let the awful Lot live, after he offered his daughters up for gang rape before having Drunk sex with them himself, I don't think that's the best moral lesson to pick out, do you?

What do you think happened to deformed babies before abortion was legalized? Hint, there were a lot of "Crib Deaths' no one bothered to investigate.
Another baby born after 'groundbreaking' in-womb spina bifida surgery - The Christian InstituteThe Christian Institute

And thanks for making it clear the Left considers human life less important than a turtles.
You don't care about the Poor, after they are born. Why so much false compassion now?
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

Sure there is.. if you find out that the fetus is going to have a horrible deformity like Brittle Bone Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or something else that will make their life a living hell, then terminating it in the womb is justified, and really, that's the only reason why women have this done in the third trimester.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

Yes. The Turtles and Eggs are endangered species... You can also go to jail for destroying their habitat.

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

Well, considering God killed all the babies in Sodom, but let the awful Lot live, after he offered his daughters up for gang rape before having Drunk sex with them himself, I don't think that's the best moral lesson to pick out, do you?

What do you think happened to deformed babies before abortion was legalized? Hint, there were a lot of "Crib Deaths' no one bothered to investigate.
Another baby born after 'groundbreaking' in-womb spina bifida surgery - The Christian InstituteThe Christian Institute

And thanks for making it clear the Left considers human life less important than a turtles.
You don't care about the Poor, after they are born. Why so much false compassion now?
It's the anniversary of Roe vs Wade and all these people can do is bitch about abortion being legal, they want it illegal so women have to use back alley abortion clinics..
I don't buy that.

They know what they are doing, and it is what they intend.
Oh. Sweet. You can tell me what exceptable means. I assume you know.
Could mean Auto-correct strikes again. When I used to use an I-Pad, the auto-correct would sometimes change correctly spelled words that I intended to use to the wrong words.

Nope. Insufficient education struck again.
Just consider it an opportunity to be petty.

Just consider it an opportunity to improve.

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