Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month

WTF is the PURPOSE of this other than to extend the radical frenzy of the pro abortion lobby??
To, of course, make abortion more accessible.

I can say for certain that inflammatory, hyperbolic, silly comments like yours above have zero purpose but to extend the radical frenzy of anti-choicers.

I don't HAVE a side here. I want abortions to be as rare as possible WITHOUT CHEERING POLITICAL lynchings over taunting regulations.. It was disgusting to watch the cheering in the NY legislature over this "in your face and up yours" move....

They were slapping each other on the back the way they do when they invite more illegals, homeless, criminals to our great cities just for political agenda points... Carry on zealots.. The choices the two parties offer are getting worse and worse as you "noisy ones" lust for power and control...
WTF is the PURPOSE of this other than to extend the radical frenzy of the pro abortion lobby??
To, of course, make abortion more accessible.

I can say for certain that inflammatory, hyperbolic, silly comments like yours above have zero purpose but to extend the radical frenzy of anti-choicers.

I don't HAVE a side here. I want abortions to be as rare as possible WITHOUT CHEERING POLITICAL lynchings over taunting regulations.. It was disgusting to watch the cheering in the NY legislature over this "in your face and up yours" move....

They were slapping each other on the back the way they do when they invite more illegals, homeless, criminals to our great cities just for political agenda points... Carry on zealots.. The choices the two parties offer are getting worse and worse as you "noisy ones" lust for power and control...

Read up on the law . It covered lots of issues around women’s rights . It wasn’t just an abortion law .

You abortion nuts are a fountain of misinformation.
Give an example of such a risky condition wherein birthing the baby is less risky than killing it.
I'm not qualified to make those specific decisions. That is the job of a doctor, so if you are so concerned about it, go ask a doctor.

Now answer my question.
To allow indiscriminate baby murder makes us a sick society. The state has a responsibility to protect defenseless children from murder.
The state does protect defenseless children from murder.
Apparently not...abortion is simply murder plain and simple. This is not a complicated issue.
Abortion is not murder, plain and simple.
If it is legal to kill one's own children
It isn't. What a duuuuumb thing to say.
Abortion is killing one's own child. It is. Be honest. You can recognize abortion as murder and still be okay with it.
WTF is the PURPOSE of this other than to extend the radical frenzy of the pro abortion lobby??
To, of course, make abortion more accessible.

I can say for certain that inflammatory, hyperbolic, silly comments like yours above have zero purpose but to extend the radical frenzy of anti-choicers.

I don't HAVE a side here. I want abortions to be as rare as possible WITHOUT CHEERING POLITICAL lynchings over taunting regulations.. It was disgusting to watch the cheering in the NY legislature over this "in your face and up yours" move....

They were slapping each other on the back the way they do when they invite more illegals, homeless, criminals to our great cities just for political agenda points... Carry on zealots.. The choices the two parties offer are getting worse and worse as you "noisy ones" lust for power and control...

Read up on the law . It covered lots of issues around women’s rights . It wasn’t just an abortion law .

You abortion nuts are a fountain of misinformation.

Had nothing to do with making abortion SAFER or RARER or more accessible.. It was sheer political rage and rebellion against "the other side"...

This cat fight is so nonsensical that the zealots on YOUR side go after the zealots on THEIR side for writing abortion clinic sanitary standards into Texas abortion law... THAT'S how childish and moronic moves like this one appear to most rational normal people....
Liberals just want to kill babies and support a lack of responsibility in our society
Nah, you Bible thumpers just want to control women, and you have failed miserably at doing so. So this is your "Alamo". You will lose this, too.

How stupid. How incredibly stupid. You think you have won something... at the cost of millions of lives, but you still think ripping infants to shreds is winning.

Here's the thing. WOMEN already have all the control they need to prevent this. No one needs to control women. Women now have IUD's, condoms, birth CONTROL pills, <say that with me, BIRTH CONTROL pills, <say it again, over and over to our school children and they'll get it, even if you don't. And if woman chooses to ignore those options, or for any other reason has baby producing relations, these poor put upon women you are so concerned about, are STILL covered! They make day after pills now too!!!

Now, you tell me why we are having planned parenthood visit our schools and tell our children not to worry, have fun and we'll take care of the rest at lunch time. Your parent's will never even know...

You know how to stop this madness? Use that school time to teach our children how not to get pregnant. Make a big deal on how not to end up ripping a child apart in their womb. Be freaking honest with our children. Show them a film of an abortion and the end result. Then show them the alternatives. See which one they consider the better of the two.
Decide to get pregnant and then change your mind? Adoptive parents are begging for children to love...
You see this sweet little thing?

Now, I want you to stand next to me and watch what the baby does when I twist and then rip one of it's legs off. Ouch, right? Watch it's face when I turn it over and jam a knife into the base of it's neck and sever it's spine. The baby's heart is still beating, unless I have already removed it to sell later. It is paralyzed at this point but still alive. It will take awhile. Stick around and watch that baby until it dies.
Or you could hold it for me while I place it's head in a vice, and clamp down until the head explodes. If I put your head in a vice and slowly compressed your head until your skull collapses, would that hurt you?

Now tell me why it is alright to do it to someone else that has as many nerve endings as you? Because that is what we're talking about here.
Hitler killed 6 million. We have killed 7 million, who were just as innocent...
Neat. So don't kill your baby. Dang that was simple.

Don't force me to pay for you to kill yours. Dang, that's even simpler..
I see you still haven't answered my question, or maybe you did with your refusal to answer.

Let the bitch die, right?

What would she die from? Any examples?
I think you've made it pretty clear that if it was up to you, you would sacrifice the woman's life in order to bring the pregnancy to term.

So you didnt answer the question. Ill answer it for you and be done with you. There are no medical conditions in the 9th month where an abortion is indicated to save the life of the mother.
None. Zero.
Not that it matters. Its abortion you desire. Not lifesaving.
Now off to ignore with you. You had your chance.
WTF is the PURPOSE of this other than to extend the radical frenzy of the pro abortion lobby??
To, of course, make abortion more accessible.

I can say for certain that inflammatory, hyperbolic, silly comments like yours above have zero purpose but to extend the radical frenzy of anti-choicers.

I don't HAVE a side here. I want abortions to be as rare as possible WITHOUT CHEERING POLITICAL lynchings over taunting regulations.. It was disgusting to watch the cheering in the NY legislature over this "in your face and up yours" move....

They were slapping each other on the back the way they do when they invite more illegals, homeless, criminals to our great cities just for political agenda points... Carry on zealots.. The choices the two parties offer are getting worse and worse as you "noisy ones" lust for power and control...

Read up on the law . It covered lots of issues around women’s rights . It wasn’t just an abortion law .

You abortion nuts are a fountain of misinformation.

Had nothing to do with making abortion SAFER or RARER or more accessible.. It was sheer political rage and rebellion against "the other side"...

This cat fight is so nonsensical that the zealots on YOUR side go after the zealots on THEIR side for writing abortion clinic sanitary standards into Texas abortion law... THAT'S how childish and moronic moves like this one appear to most rational normal people....

And all Roe did was turn this local State level fight into a National one.

My view on the NY law is that it is pretty disgusting, but within the rights of the State of New York under the Constitution.

The Federal Constitution is mute on abortion, and thus it devolves to the State Legislatures to figure it out.

That being said, Cuomo should be excommunicated for his giddyness over the bill.
If Roe v. Wade is ever repealed, you will see quite a few states making the same decision as New York.

Some red states will outlaw abortion outright. Most will allow for "rape and incest and health of the mother", just like it was before Roe.

What most people don't know is that the "health of the mother" clause was a hole big enough to drive nearly a million abortions a year through BEFORE Roe.

And so it will be if Roe is repealed. You will see virtually no change in the number of abortions.

The fact that these kind of slime get elected really does place emphasis on the ever-increasing erosion of virtue of the Amercian electorate.

The American electorate has been watered down, dumb down and beaten into submission. The left ratchet. It will always work that way.

For instance Democrats are working hard for the goal of forcing states to give felons the right to vote. Democrats need felons. But citizens, of course, never organize to oppose felons voting. There are families to raise, jobs to attend to and governments to run.
So what you find is a small, well paid group beating local and state communities senseless who arent organized to defend themselves. It simply isnt possible to organize a group to oppose every group they organize for attack. Only one group will push for ballots, sue you in court, show up to harass legislatures, inflitrate mid level bureaucracies and organize boycotts.
And you thought the politics of grievance and division was a losing game? They use small fanatical groups. Homosexuals, abortionists, feminists, atheists, pornographers, felons, illegals, welfare recipients and so on. Those small groups are melded against a common enemy..society. Still not quite enough but all they have to do is peel off about another 9% of less educated Americans and they can rule.
They cheered for abortion because they only had abortionists to please..and the rest of the left approves and await their turn.
If Roe v. Wade is ever repealed, you will see quite a few states making the same decision as New York.

Some red states will outlaw abortion outright. Most will allow for "rape and incest and health of the mother", just like it was before Roe.

What most people don't know is that the "health of the mother" clause was a hole big enough to drive nearly a million abortions a year through BEFORE Roe.

And so it will be if Roe is repealed. You will see virtually no change in the number of abortions.
If Roe v. Wade gets repealed you will see more states banning abortion all together. People oppose baby murder.
Democrats must love these tactics. It’s like Mueller and pro-abortion forces have merged.
Liberals just want to kill babies and support a lack of responsibility in our society
Nah, you Bible thumpers just want to control women, and you have failed miserably at doing so. So this is your "Alamo". You will lose this, too.
You have already lost your Alamo.

The best and brightest women of every generation are on our side.

Every other New York citizen is a retard who would have been aborted according to their own law.
WTF is the PURPOSE of this other than to extend the radical frenzy of the pro abortion lobby??
To, of course, make abortion more accessible.

I can say for certain that inflammatory, hyperbolic, silly comments like yours above have zero purpose but to extend the radical frenzy of anti-choicers.

I don't HAVE a side here. I want abortions to be as rare as possible WITHOUT CHEERING POLITICAL lynchings over taunting regulations.. It was disgusting to watch the cheering in the NY legislature over this "in your face and up yours" move....

They were slapping each other on the back the way they do when they invite more illegals, homeless, criminals to our great cities just for political agenda points... Carry on zealots.. The choices the two parties offer are getting worse and worse as you "noisy ones" lust for power and control...

Read up on the law . It covered lots of issues around women’s rights . It wasn’t just an abortion law .

You abortion nuts are a fountain of misinformation.

No, it murders innocent babies and the legislature was cheering. Its beyond despicable and abominable. And then they light up the one world center in pink as they cheer their own bloodlust.
If Roe v. Wade is ever repealed, you will see quite a few states making the same decision as New York.

Some red states will outlaw abortion outright. Most will allow for "rape and incest and health of the mother", just like it was before Roe.

What most people don't know is that the "health of the mother" clause was a hole big enough to drive nearly a million abortions a year through BEFORE Roe.

And so it will be if Roe is repealed. You will see virtually no change in the number of abortions.

You got a point there. But what Roe DID do was "up the standards of care and consent" because it created the attention. Which as I said a few pages, the PRO side doesn't give a speedy fuck about.. It's PAST a woman's health issue and into "in your face" territory..

This NY law is written with that same GIANT loophole in it. So much so that just having clinical anxiety could be the excuse to conduct an 8month abortion...
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
If I thought the OP was intelligent enough to intend to use the word “exceptable” and not “acceptable”, I might actually agree with him in a way.

How does a person who believes these things about his fellow Americans manage to sit there and do nothing?
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

Sure there is.. if you find out that the fetus is going to have a horrible deformity like Brittle Bone Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or something else that will make their life a living hell, then terminating it in the womb is justified, and really, that's the only reason why women have this done in the third trimester.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

Yes. The Turtles and Eggs are endangered species... You can also go to jail for destroying their habitat.

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

Well, considering God killed all the babies in Sodom, but let the awful Lot live, after he offered his daughters up for gang rape before having Drunk sex with them himself, I don't think that's the best moral lesson to pick out, do you?

What do you think happened to deformed babies before abortion was legalized? Hint, there were a lot of "Crib Deaths' no one bothered to investigate.

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