Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month

Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

Sure there is.. if you find out that the fetus is going to have a horrible deformity like Brittle Bone Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or something else that will make their life a living hell, then terminating it in the womb is justified, and really, that's the only reason why women have this done in the third trimester.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

Yes. The Turtles and Eggs are endangered species... You can also go to jail for destroying their habitat.

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

Well, considering God killed all the babies in Sodom, but let the awful Lot live, after he offered his daughters up for gang rape before having Drunk sex with them himself, I don't think that's the best moral lesson to pick out, do you?

What do you think happened to deformed babies before abortion was legalized? Hint, there were a lot of "Crib Deaths' no one bothered to investigate.
Another baby born after 'groundbreaking' in-womb spina bifida surgery - The Christian InstituteThe Christian Institute

And thanks for making it clear the Left considers human life less important than a turtles.
You don't care about the Poor, after they are born. Why so much false compassion now?
He can't spell acceptable what do you expect?
Why Does the Left Consider It Exceptable [sic] to Murder a Baby As It's Born?

They're evil. It's a simplistic answer, but it seems to be all the answer that is needed.

It's not just abortion. On nearly every issue of political controversy that lines up with the distinction between good and evil, you can find the left solidly on the side of evil.

That's the side that supports homosexuality, transsexualism, and other immoral sexual perversions, and is on the verge of supporting pedophilia as well.

That's the side that supports violent criminal mobs, such as Black Lies Matter and Antifa.

That's the side that supports stealing the wages of workers, to support parasites that will not work.

That's the side that treasonously supports invading foreign criminals, to the detriment of their own country and their own fellow Americans.

That's the side that seeks to deny the right of citizens to be armed, as affirmed in the Second Amendment, for the purpose of making law-abiding citizens easier prey for criminals and corrupt government agents.

That's the side that seeks to deny freedoms of speech, religion, conscience, and association, as affirmed or implied in the First Amendment.

So, of course they support the murder of innocent unborn children. It would be inconsistent for them not to.
Mine pussy entrances so nobody wants to go in there and have kids.
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

Sure there is.. if you find out that the fetus is going to have a horrible deformity like Brittle Bone Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or something else that will make their life a living hell, then terminating it in the womb is justified, and really, that's the only reason why women have this done in the third trimester.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

Yes. The Turtles and Eggs are endangered species... You can also go to jail for destroying their habitat.

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

Well, considering God killed all the babies in Sodom, but let the awful Lot live, after he offered his daughters up for gang rape before having Drunk sex with them himself, I don't think that's the best moral lesson to pick out, do you?

What do you think happened to deformed babies before abortion was legalized? Hint, there were a lot of "Crib Deaths' no one bothered to investigate.
You and your twisted interpretation of things makes you one evil human being, but of course the devil is an evil being that was very smart in an evil way, and since you like referencing biblical figures, do you best relate to your evil connection with Satan himself ?

You know that everything that man does creates a loop hole for a doctor, and a patient to jump through (, i.e. the current and past stats concerning using abortion as birth control), where as there wasn't any risk or desease involved in aborting a perfectly healthy baby from a perfectly healthy mother.

The question is, did Blasio do this act in order to bring the Christian's to extreme anger over such a twisted political act he has now engaged in.
The day the United States ends all of it's wars and declares all future wars banned I will support getting rid of legal abortion, but until that time our country kills humans for an agenda of wealth building which is just as bad as abortion..
Most late term abortions involve healthy mothers with healthy babies.

Most late-term abortions are elective

Is it good to lie in order to justify the mass murder of babies?

The hill isn't a reliable source, they are just playing word games.
Why do you ignore the testimony of pro-abortion activists and the abortionists themselves?! Looks like your mind is nailed shut against the facts.

More facts for you to run away from:
Most late-term abortions are not for medical reasons - Just Facts

Why are you eager to kill Down Syndrome babies? Is this evidence of a balanced mind? Maybe you should seek help for your mental disorder.

Why am I eager to prevent a horrible disease that is 100% preventable?
You are clever. I guess you could prevent any disease if you killed all the patients.
The day the United States ends all of it's wars and declares all future wars banned I will support getting rid of legal abortion, but until that time our country kills humans for an agenda of wealth building which is just as bad as abortion..
Never no morals involved in wars ever eh ??? Why do you hate American's and America so bad ??
The day the United States ends all of it's wars and declares all future wars banned I will support getting rid of legal abortion, but until that time our country kills humans for an agenda of wealth building which is just as bad as abortion..
Never no morals involved in wars ever eh ??? Why do you hate American's and America so bad ??
This army veteran can see what the military is used for and it ain't national defense.. I never said there was "no morals in wars" you made that up to try to make my statement look bad, sorry Charlie you fell flat.
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
Weird the way you guys keep asking that question.

But what I want to know is why Republicans feel they have no responsibility once they forced the woman to have the baby.

At that point they feel their job is done.

And that pretty much goes against the teachings of Jesus.

And yet the right wing has no problem with that at all.

Why is that?
1. The greatest claim for voters that the Democrats have is absolving their adherents of any personal responsibility.

Up to and including an inconvenient birth.

2. “New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk” New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk

This is simply one more of the pretenses Liberals/Democrats use to allow murder.

3. Snopes:

“What's True

The New York state legislature passed a law allowing abortions after 24 weeks if the mother's health is at risk or there is an absence of fetal viability.

What's False

The law does not allow for unrestricted abortion up through the normal term of pregnancy.”
FACT CHECK: Did New York Pass a Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth?

Fact: if you can get any doctor to claim physical, or psychological, harm….you get the abortion, the legal right to kill the child you created....up to the moment before birth.

4. Is it murder?

There is the case of America’s greatest serial killer, Dr. Kermit Gosnell.

“Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Guilty of Murder in Late-Term Procedures” Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Guilty of Murder in Late-Term Procedures

Convicted of first degree murder, and now, everything that Gosnell was convicted of is legal in NY….thanks to Democrats.
You bet it’s murder! If mom’s health is at risk then give her a c section. That way both humans get to live and the least most vulnerable one won’t be murdered.

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