Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month

That’s the first step abortion enthusiasts deploy! De humanize the fetus! As my pictorial review shows they will save an egg from another species but a baby isn’t a human!
Is the child's life more important than the life of the mother?
The baby has an equal right to life!
That means the mother has an equal right to life.
Except its the parents duty to protect and nuture their child.....
A fetus isn't a child, now you know.
What is it? A goat?
It's called a fetus, look it up since you seem to be ignorant of the word.
100,000 children starved to death in Yemen last year, and we couldn't care less, but say the word abortion and half the country loses their fucking minds.
Imagine what a better country this would be if the right wing championed babies instead of a fetus.

If they helped children instead of forcing women into having unwanted babies.

In fact, if the right wing actually helped children, perhaps these women wouldn’t have an abortion.
5.Recognizing the evil that they endorse, Democrats hide behind euphemisms….”it’s only a ball of cell, it’s just fetal tissue, it isn’t a baby.”

If a mission to Mars were to discover that same material, performing the life functions and having a unique DNA...

And every headline would be

“Life Found On Mars.”

Baby or not….the word is still ‘human life.’

6. There is no argument for the killing of the unborn that doesn’t fail upon inspection.

The real reason for nearly every abortion is simply this: convenience.

Is that anything but a rationalization for murder?
5.Recognizing the evil that they endorse, Democrats hide behind euphemisms….”it’s only a ball of cell, it’s just fetal tissue, it isn’t a baby.”

If a mission to Mars were to discover that same material, performing the life functions and having a unique DNA...

And every headline would be

“Life Found On Mars.”

Baby or not….the word is still ‘human life.’

6. There is no argument for the killing of the unborn that doesn’t fail upon inspection.

The real reason for nearly every abortion is simply this: convenience.

Is that anything but a rationalization for murder?
So how do you North Koreans plan on stopping abortions? Do you even have a plan? Anything?
The baby has an equal right to life!
That means the mother has an equal right to life.
Except its the parents duty to protect and nuture their child.....
A fetus isn't a child, now you know.
What is it? A goat?
It's called a fetus, look it up since you seem to be ignorant of the word.
Your word game doesn't lessen the parents duty...…..or their guilt
That means the mother has an equal right to life.
Except its the parents duty to protect and nuture their child.....
A fetus isn't a child, now you know.
What is it? A goat?
It's called a fetus, look it up since you seem to be ignorant of the word.
Your word game doesn't lessen the parents duty...…..or their guilt
Imagine what a better world this would be if Republicans ever felt guilt.
1. The greatest claim for voters that the Democrats have is absolving their adherents of any personal responsibility.

Up to and including an inconvenient birth.

2. “New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk” New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk

This is simply one more of the pretenses Liberals/Democrats use to allow murder.

3. Snopes:

“What's True

The New York state legislature passed a law allowing abortions after 24 weeks if the mother's health is at risk or there is an absence of fetal viability.

What's False

The law does not allow for unrestricted abortion up through the normal term of pregnancy.”
FACT CHECK: Did New York Pass a Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth?

Fact: if you can get any doctor to claim physical, or psychological, harm….you get the abortion, the legal right to kill the child you created....up to the moment before birth.

4. Is it murder?

There is the case of America’s greatest serial killer, Dr. Kermit Gosnell.

“Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Guilty of Murder in Late-Term Procedures” Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Guilty of Murder in Late-Term Procedures

Convicted of first degree murder, and now, everything that Gosnell was convicted of is legal in NY….thanks to Democrats.
Free contraption so we don't need free abortion!
That means the mother has an equal right to life.
Except its the parents duty to protect and nuture their child.....
A fetus isn't a child, now you know.
What is it? A goat?
It's called a fetus, look it up since you seem to be ignorant of the word.
Your word game doesn't lessen the parents duty...…..or their guilt
Sure it does. Please try again soon.
7. A Conservative View of Abortion

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson.

And based on the above, every conservative is pro-life.

Our nation was founded on the premise that each individual has the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But they don’t become rights by virtue of birth…we are endowed with these rights by our Creator, at the moment of creation.
This is a political argument: the form of the Creator invoked by the Founders is irrelevant to the debate. Morality is not a consideration here, so there is no mention of contraception as being right or wrong; one’s use of contraceptives does not infringe on anyone else’s rights.

The fact is that our nation, at its very founding, acknowledged that, by virtue of being created, of being conceived, the unborn child, has a right to live. It is not a right that is alienable….even by the child’s mother.

8. What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death.

“New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk” New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk
7. A Conservative View of Abortion

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson.

And based on the above, every conservative is pro-life.

Our nation was founded on the premise that each individual has the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But they don’t become rights by virtue of birth…we are endowed with these rights by our Creator, at the moment of creation.
This is a political argument: the form of the Creator invoked by the Founders is irrelevant to the debate. Morality is not a consideration here, so there is no mention of contraception as being right or wrong; one’s use of contraceptives does not infringe on anyone else’s rights.

The fact is that our nation, at its very founding, acknowledged that, by virtue of being created, of being conceived, the unborn child, has a right to live. It is not a right that is alienable….even by the child’s mother.

8. What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death.

“New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk” New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk
So North Koreans are god fearing? Who knew?
The baby has an equal right to life!
That means the mother has an equal right to life.
Except its the parents duty to protect and nuture their child.....
A fetus isn't a child, now you know.
What is it? A goat?
It's called a fetus, look it up since you seem to be ignorant of the word.
It’s a human.
Except its the parents duty to protect and nuture their child.....
A fetus isn't a child, now you know.
What is it? A goat?
It's called a fetus, look it up since you seem to be ignorant of the word.
Your word game doesn't lessen the parents duty...…..or their guilt
Sure it does. Please try again soon.
No it doesn't.....for rubes and uneducated eager to absolve themselves …..maybe......just talk to the girls tormented by their "choice"
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Short of a medical emergency, I just can't see why someone would kill a 9 month old baby so arbitrarily.

There's such an erosion of virtue in American society today.

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