Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month

11. There is the case of America’s greatest serial killer, Dr. Kermit Gosnell.

“Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Guilty of Murder in Late-Term Procedures” Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Guilty of Murder in Late-Term Procedures

Convicted of first degree murder, and now, everything that Gosnell was convicted of is legal in NY….thanks to Democrats.

It was first degree murder then….and first degree murder now.

But, like the ‘good Germans’ who managed to overlook Nazi atrocities, the ‘good Democrats’ do exactly the same.

12. If rape and incest are legitimate reasons for abortion, fine….that leaves 98.5% of abortions without justification.
When has President Trump ever blamed an entire race for anything?

His constant railing against Mexicans... calling countries shitholes.. it goes on and on.
You hear Mexicans, but everyone else hears bad people coming over across the border illegally, and no they aren't being identified only as Mexican, but they are identified as those who are bad hombre's, gangs or those intent on hurting American's.

You have to make it about race, because you think race baiting is a productive thing for the Demon-crats, but you are quickly becoming a minority in view as the people have grown wise to the bullcrap now.

Keep it up please.
13. “The moral bankruptcy of New York’s new law – the pride of “Christian” governor Andrew Cuomo – is fully exposed in the last phrase of this sentence: “an abortion may be performed by a licensed, certified, or authorized practitioner within 24 weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or [if] there is an absence of fetal viability, or at any time when necessary to protect a patient’s life or health.”

Yes, the baby may be terminated “at any time when necessary to protect a patient’s life or health.”

And what, exactly, does that mean? What if the mother’s mental heath needed to be protected? What if she felt, the day before her due date, that she just couldn’t take the stress of having a child. Would that merit abortion?

The NY law authorizing the killing of babies in the third trimester PROVES that the aim of the abortion lobby is NOT the protection of maternal health in circumstances of hazardous pregnancy, but is rather the right to destroy an unwanted child whose existence poses no risk to maternal health (in any sense of the term ‘health’ that amounts to anything other than a rationalization for killing unwanted babies).” New York Reveals Its Blood Lust for Baby Killing
13. “The moral bankruptcy of New York’s new law – the pride of “Christian” governor Andrew Cuomo – is fully exposed in the last phrase of this sentence: “an abortion may be performed by a licensed, certified, or authorized practitioner within 24 weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or [if] there is an absence of fetal viability, or at any time when necessary to protect a patient’s life or health.”

Yes, the baby may be terminated “at any time when necessary to protect a patient’s life or health.”

And what, exactly, does that mean? What if the mother’s mental heath needed to be protected? What if she felt, the day before her due date, that she just couldn’t take the stress of having a child. Would that merit abortion?

The NY law authorizing the killing of babies in the third trimester PROVES that the aim of the abortion lobby is NOT the protection of maternal health in circumstances of hazardous pregnancy, but is rather the right to destroy an unwanted child whose existence poses no risk to maternal health (in any sense of the term ‘health’ that amounts to anything other than a rationalization for killing unwanted babies).” New York Reveals Its Blood Lust for Baby Killing
You already showed that you’re pro-abortion.
14. None of the pro-slaughter individuals, the ones who simply support Democrat policy without judging, or thinking, can come up with a single justification for the killing of a distinct, separate human being....the unborn she helped create.

15. “And under what moral code is this not barbarous and inhumane? Or should we mention the grisly details of “partial-birth abortion,” where the child is delivered feet first, then the skull is pierced with scissors and its brains sucked out – while still alive?

“the baby is injected with a poison directly into his skull or torso. He then suffers a hideously painful death, which he will certainly feel because of his developed nervous system. The mother carries the corpse around in her womb for a day. The next day, there is an ultrasound to check if the baby is dead. If he isn’t — if he has been writhing and suffering in agony for the past 24 hours, clinging onto life — then he will be injected again. The following day, the mother delivers her dead child.

Yet New Yorkers were celebrating this moral madness. They were shouting for joy!

And in a final statement of depravity, the 400-foot spire of One World Trade Center was lit up in pink, as if to honor the women of New York.

It should have been lit up blood red.”
New York Reveals Its Blood Lust for Baby Killing
14. None of the pro-slaughter individuals, the ones who simply support Democrat policy without judging, or thinking, can come up with a single justification for the killing of a distinct, separate human being....the unborn she helped create.

15. “And under what moral code is this not barbarous and inhumane? Or should we mention the grisly details of “partial-birth abortion,” where the child is delivered feet first, then the skull is pierced with scissors and its brains sucked out – while still alive?

“the baby is injected with a poison directly into his skull or torso. He then suffers a hideously painful death, which he will certainly feel because of his developed nervous system. The mother carries the corpse around in her womb for a day. The next day, there is an ultrasound to check if the baby is dead. If he isn’t — if he has been writhing and suffering in agony for the past 24 hours, clinging onto life — then he will be injected again. The following day, the mother delivers her dead child.

Yet New Yorkers were celebrating this moral madness. They were shouting for joy!

And in a final statement of depravity, the 400-foot spire of One World Trade Center was lit up in pink, as if to honor the women of New York.

It should have been lit up blood red.”
New York Reveals Its Blood Lust for Baby Killing
You already agreed that abortion is ok sometimes.
And all Roe did was turn this local State level fight into a National one.

My view on the NY law is that it is pretty disgusting, but within the rights of the State of New York under the Constitution.

The Federal Constitution is mute on abortion, and thus it devolves to the State Legislatures to figure it out.

That being said, Cuomo should be excommunicated for his giddyness over the bill.

Agreed all the way around. Abortion is a state issue...and an unequivocal evil.

These seizures of power from the people, or the states, leave us fighting for decades. But when liberals grab any government arm they operate it like cudgel..."raw power" as justice Byron White called it. Of course the remnant of real Americans are going to fight it like hell. As we will with homosexual "marriages".
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If the mother’s life is at stake . Forget the that major piece of the story?

Give an example of a medical condition where a pregnancy in the 9th month needs to be terminated in order to save the life of a mother.
I think it's pretty self explanatory, you moron.

If a doctor deems the mother's life is at risk, and terminating the pregnancy is the only way to save her life, then the pregnancy can be legally terminated.

Would you prefer the woman dies?

Give an example of such a risky condition wherein birthing the baby is less risky than killing it.

Every Doctor i know has told me that an abortion after 24 weeks is pointless. The Baby is a viable human life at much earlier stages and the mother would have to birth the baby anyway... This law is pointless and inhumane..
If the mother’s life is at stake . Forget the that major piece of the story?

Give an example of a medical condition where a pregnancy in the 9th month needs to be terminated in order to save the life of a mother.
I think it's pretty self explanatory, you moron.

If a doctor deems the mother's life is at risk, and terminating the pregnancy is the only way to save her life, then the pregnancy can be legally terminated.

Would you prefer the woman dies?

Give an example of such a risky condition wherein birthing the baby is less risky than killing it.

Every Doctor i know has told me that an abortion after 24 weeks is pointless. The Baby is a viable human life at much earlier stages and the mother would have to birth the baby anyway... This law is pointless and inhumane..

There are ZERO late term abortions to save the mothers life. Accept that abortion itself is their sacrament.
If the mother’s life is at stake . Forget the that major piece of the story?

Give an example of a medical condition where a pregnancy in the 9th month needs to be terminated in order to save the life of a mother.
I think it's pretty self explanatory, you moron.

If a doctor deems the mother's life is at risk, and terminating the pregnancy is the only way to save her life, then the pregnancy can be legally terminated.

Would you prefer the woman dies?

Give an example of such a risky condition wherein birthing the baby is less risky than killing it.

Every Doctor i know has told me that an abortion after 24 weeks is pointless. The Baby is a viable human life at much earlier stages and the mother would have to birth the baby anyway... This law is pointless and inhumane..

There are ZERO late term abortions to save the mothers life. Accept that abortion itself is their sacrament.
instant C-Section and the baby is born... The law is based on baseless piles of crap..
Aktion T-4

JoeB131's rhetoric certainly is in line with Aktion T-4.

again, a woman who doesn't want to bring a dying baby into the world is hardly a Nazi.

That you guys attack these women makes you beyond reprehensible.

Name someone (anyone) who is not one minute closer to their death with every minute that passes by.

It is idiotic and illogical to conclude that it is ok to kill a child just because it is expected that they are about to die anyway.

This is the ultimate in slippery slopes.
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
Weird the way you guys keep asking that question.

But what I want to know is why Republicans feel they have no responsibility once they forced the woman to have the baby.

At that point they feel their job is done.

And that pretty much goes against the teachings of Jesus.

And yet the right wing has no problem with that at all.

Why is that?
Boy, that’s some excuse you’ve got for murdering babies by tearing their limbs off, Bundy.
There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

Sure there is.. if you find out that the fetus is going to have a horrible deformity like Brittle Bone Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or something else that will make their life a living hell, then terminating it in the womb is justified, and really, that's the only reason why women have this done in the third trimester.

That is how the Nazi Holocaust began—not with huge concentration camps where Jews and other ethnic minorities were rounded up and killed in an efficient, mass-produced manner; but with smaller-scale killings of those deemed to be handicapped or otherwise likely to be a burden.

Aktion T-4

JoeB131's rhetoric certainly is in line with Aktion T-4.


Inside The Secret Nazi Program That Killed 300,000 Disabled People, Half Of Them Children
The only difference between the Left of today and the Nazis of 70 years ago is the Nazis wore cool uniforms.
Don't give us the BS that the NY law change does not allow that. The old law said when the mothers life is in danger. It was changed to when the mothers health is at risk. Every pregnancy involves risk, especially birth. So the law reads that the baby can be murdered as it is born. With no doctor required.

Every doctor will tell you that in the late stages of pregnancy if there are complications they simply induce labor. There is no medical justification for ripping apart a baby at 9 months.

So why can I go to prison for breaking a turtle or bird egg, but I can rip the limbs off of babies as they are born?

The Left love the thought of tearing limbs off of babies. Hearing the screams is a new high for them. The Left are pure evil. There is nothing any civilization can rationalize allowing such psychotic vermin to wonder freely within it.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
You republicans own almost all the state houses, governors, federal senate and House, White House and scotus and they didn’t change the law. Why blame us?

If the baby’s gonna be severely retarded abort. You can push a retard around in a wheel chair for the rest of your life. Not us.

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