Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month

Name someone (anyone) who is not one minute closer to their death with every minute that passes by.

It is idiotic and illogical to conclude that it is ok to kill a child just because it is expected that they are about to die anyway.

This is the ultimate in slippery slopes.

Yeah, you know what, buddy, making a woman give birth to a child to watch it die is beyond cruel... but kind of what we expect from the religious nutters.

When a woman is pregnant, birth is the only way for her pregnancy to end.

Abortions are births where the child is forcibly delivered and intentionally killed in the process.

It's still a birth (abortions.) As is proven by the fact that if the child somehow survives the assault and molestation of an abortion, they are legally recognized as a BORN citizen.

P.S., I challenge C_Clayton_Jones to prove otherwise.
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1. The greatest claim for voters that the Democrats have is absolving their adherents of any personal responsibility.

Up to and including an inconvenient birth.

Once more...
If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

It has always been my presumption that a Liberal cannot win a debate with a conservative, and that Liberals/Democrat voters have simply been raised to accept the orders of their elites, even when they reverse them 180°.

We can prove that presumption now: I challenge you to provide a justification for abortion.

If you can’t, you will have proven me correct.

If you try, I promise to eviscerate your attempt.

Let’s see some guts.
100,000 children starved to death in Yemen last year, and we couldn't care less, but say the word abortion and half the country loses their fucking minds.
View attachment 242244

It has always been my presumption that a Liberal cannot win a debate with a conservative, and that Liberals/Democrat voters have simply been raised to accept the orders of their elites, even when they reverse them 180°.

We can prove that presumption now: I challenge you to provide a justification for abortion.

If you can’t, you will have proven me correct.

If you try, I promise to eviscerate your attempt.

Let’s see some guts.
Imagine what a better country this would be if the right wing championed babies instead of a fetus.

If they helped children instead of forcing women into having unwanted babies.

In fact, if the right wing actually helped children, perhaps these women wouldn’t have an abortion.

It has always been my presumption that a Liberal cannot win a debate with a conservative, and that Liberals/Democrat voters have simply been raised to accept the orders of their elites, even when they reverse them 180°.

We can prove that presumption now: I challenge you to provide a justification for abortion.

If you can’t, you will have proven me correct.

If you try, I promise to eviscerate your attempt.

Let’s see some guts.
: I challenge you to provide a justification for abortion.
Not that it matters whether I'm a liberal or not but I believe it's the woman's right to decide, that it should be done before the third trimester of pregnancy only after councelling and the best justification is in cases of incest, rape, under-age pregnancies and prostitution. Of course, you just can't have enough crack babies crawling around can you ? :sleep:
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: I challenge you to provide a justification for abortion.
I believe it's the woman's right to decide, that it should be done before the third trimester of pregnancy only after councelling and the best justification is in cases of incest, rape, under-age pregnancies and prostitution. Of course, you just can't have enough crack babies crawling around can you ? :sleep:

1."I believe it's the woman's right to decide"
To decide to kill a separate and unique individual?
Perhaps you have a neighbor you don't care for, either?

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.

2. " in cases of incest, rape,...."
That would be 1.5% of abortions.

. Let's deal with the so very overused idea of "cases of rape or incest."
The concept that there are "cases of rape or incest" is a chimera.
They really don't exist.....well, the fact is that 98.5% of abortion don't involve either abhorrent event.

The cases in which abortion is for rape, 1%; and .5% incest

So the rest are without justification.

3. "...under-age pregnancies and prostitution. Of course, you just can't have enough crack babies crawling around can you ?"

So, somehow you know in advance what the child will turn out to be?
How....Magic 8-Ball????

I believe I have eviscerated you, but thank you for trying.

There is no justification for abortion.

It is murder of the innocent for nothing more than convenience.

Try again if you like.
He went further to include gun nuts and those who oppose gay rights
Didn't you start a thread about this subject a couple of days ago, calling it murder?
He went further to include gun nuts and those who oppose gay rights

There is no comparison between them.

One is opposing the rights of innocents (gays) the other is allowing the death of innocents (the babies).

It is one thing to be "pro-choice" but to be openly pro-abortion as Cuomo is makes no real sense to me at all.

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