Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month

The more I think about Cuomo and what he said ....the more I believe he has become a monster.

He is a real monster.
Now the left have re-labeled ABORTION "reproductive health" WTF?
Washington Post: After New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law Tuesday one of the most expansive abortion rights bills in U.S. history, some prominent Catholics have urged Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York to declare Cuomo excommunicated.
Cuomo the Monster- should know........he should know that 9 full months it's not 9 days!


Spoken like a true fascist, which describes all the left wing radicals. He is retaliating for the protests against the new law allowing people to kill babies up till birth.

Some fools say the law is only to save the mother's life. Here's the thing. Doctors already have a way of saving the mother's life if a pregnancy that late risks her health. It's called an emergency C-section. No need to kill the baby in order to terminate the pregnancy. The NY bill is about partial birth abortion. Killing the baby. Killing a 9 month old baby in no way helps the mother, in fact would be more risky if her life was really in danger. I guess PP wanted to be able to sell fully developed baby parts.

The argument that it's the woman's body is futile when the baby is about to be born. The radicals calling for population control love being able to kill babies up to the last minute. Hell, they'd like to be able to kill them after birth. Much like Hitler, who wanted to exterminate the "lesser people", PP founder sought to reduce or eliminate the black population. The majority of babies killed are minority, so the racist organization continues the tradition of PP.

Cuomo, like other leftists, do not believe in tolerance or even allowing dissenting views. Hitler couldn't have done better.

And make no mistake, what we are seeing now with division, attempts to disarm us and more government control (for our own good) is exactly what was happening in Germany before Hitler revealed his true plans.
Torturing babies to death gives the Left sexual gratification.

I doubt that's it. At least I certainly hope not.
I heard that super wealthy Elites were using the babies tissue for stem cell research and other bodily fluids in a bid to live longer.
Who knows? A possible explanation of the dogged protection of PP by the left....maybe.
If you were in the 1% living a fantasy life like they can, would you be looking to live longer?

read this before ya hit that "Funny" button (if you can read) G'hed and hit it if ya can't.
This startup takes cash from aging adults in exchange for young people’s blood

Late term abortions are the thing a woman hopes she never has to have because it means something has gone horribly, horribly wrong, and the beautiful baby she was prepared to welcome either has major medical problems, or she does. These abortioos need to be protected because they are the ones which are medically necessary. There is no "choice" involved.

God's blessings on Govenor Cuomo. God gave women free will in regards to the birth of babies, and Republicans would take it away.
Those abortions need to be protected otherwise that baby would end up in a dumpster, wrapped in plastic bags and left in an alley, left in a gas station toilet or more recently a Starbucks toilet.

See. If planned parenthood paid these women directly the dead babies would be worth something. But they don't. They want the body parts. Planned parenthood wants to sell the body parts from abortions but they won't share with the baby part factory.

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