Current 2016 Presidential Polling in Florida

I think the fact she leads Jeb and Marco Rubio is very telling. Floridians know who these guys are and apparently don't want to give them a promotion.

Jeb Bush comes the closest, at -6 or -7.

But Rubio is way underwater.

And Christie has sunk to a point where I can imagine his advisors mulling whether he should run at all.

The names missing from these polls that I personally would have like to have seen in the mix as well:

Mike Huckabee
Rick Perry
Ben Carson
Rick Santorum

But polling is expensive and most polls poll a maximum of 6 candidate matchups.

Just like the last general election, the GOP has no one who can win.

Rand Paul is positioning himself as the tea Party moderate who could appeal to the establishment. He is going to be hammered for that in the primaries so I am giving about a 50-50 chance of becoming the GOP candidate for 2016.
I think the fact she leads Jeb and Marco Rubio is very telling. Floridians know who these guys are and apparently don't want to give them a promotion.

Jeb Bush comes the closest, at -6 or -7.

But Rubio is way underwater.

And Christie has sunk to a point where I can imagine his advisors mulling whether he should run at all.

The names missing from these polls that I personally would have like to have seen in the mix as well:

Mike Huckabee
Rick Perry
Ben Carson
Rick Santorum

But polling is expensive and most polls poll a maximum of 6 candidate matchups.

Just like the last general election, the GOP has no one who can win.

Not true! There are several good candidates such as Bush, Huckabee, Paul, or Perry who will not let Hillary get away with her lies like Romney did for Barry! If Hillary gets nominated, which I doubt, a strong R candidate will beat her pants off! Hopefully not literally as that would be a ghastly sight!:badgrin:
Jeb Bush comes the closest, at -6 or -7.

But Rubio is way underwater.

And Christie has sunk to a point where I can imagine his advisors mulling whether he should run at all.

The names missing from these polls that I personally would have like to have seen in the mix as well:

Mike Huckabee
Rick Perry
Ben Carson
Rick Santorum

But polling is expensive and most polls poll a maximum of 6 candidate matchups.

Just like the last general election, the GOP has no one who can win.

Rand Paul is positioning himself as the tea Party moderate who could appeal to the establishment. He is going to be hammered for that in the primaries so I am giving about a 50-50 chance of becoming the GOP candidate for 2016.

I suspect you're right but can he win?

Not much in the way of qualifications and a lot of baggage. Teebaggers have getting voted out and hopefully that will continue. And, just came across this -

Ted Cruz Is Beating Rand Paul in the Tea Party Primary - Molly Ball - The Atlantic

MANCHESTER, N.H.—Rand Paul has been methodically planning his run for president. Now Ted Cruz could come along and spoil the whole thing.

Both senators have a path to the Republican nomination that rests on the support of the Tea Party. And when forced to choose, that segment appears to prefer Cruz, whose speech to an activists' gathering here over the weekend was the more enthusiastically received of the two.

Saturday's Freedom Summit, billed as an early audition for potential 2016 candidates, provided a rare opportunity for right-wing activists to directly compare the Texan and the Kentuckian. The senators spoke practically back to back, and the crowd clearly loved them both. But Cruz's theatrical delivery wowed them more than Paul's comparatively cerebral appeal, and his rhetorical focus on conservative red meat found more favor than Paul's detours into libertarian concerns.

"I like Rand Paul, I agree with a lot of what he says, but as far as charismatic leadership, I've got to go with Ted Cruz," Robin Parkhurst, a state-government worker from Newbury, New Hampshire, said after hearing both men speak at the event. "Ted Cruz has the ability to deliver a message that resonates with people."

Or, put another way, never underestimate the stupidity of a very vocal minority who love the prospect of a fascist president owned and operated by the Koch's.
Then there's this -

A New Wave of Wacko Evangelicals Swept GOP Primaries?and Could Win Several Seats in Washington | Alternet

July 25, 2014 |

A Southern Baptist Pastor claiming dangerous and crazy things like the notion that there is a homosexual plot to sodomize children, and that the First Amendment doesn’t apply to Muslims is so common that it barely registers as newsworthy these days. What should be catching the attention of even the most jaded news editors, however, is that a Southern Baptist Pastor who actually said exactly these aforementioned things has just won his GOP primary race, has just won his GOP primary race, for a seat in the U.S. Congress. Say hello to Tea Party Republican Jody Hice.

In the coming 2014 election, Hice will be the official Republican nominee to replace outgoing Georgia Congressman Paul Broun. Hice believes gay people have a secret plot to seduce and sodomize America’s sons, thinks same-sex marriage is akin to bestiality and incest, and compares abortion to the genocide waged by Hitler. Broun (R-GA) has endorsed Hice, which is unsurprising given it was Broun who once claimed, “Evolution and embryology and the big Bang theory are all likes straight from the pit of Hell.”

Pastor Hice has a long history of delivering hateful and homophobic laden sermons from the pulpit. He has struck out at those who oppose harmful “gay conversion therapy,” and by banning it “we are enslaving and entrapping potentially hundreds of thousands of individuals in a lifestyle that in reality they are not.”

If Pastor Hice were an anomaly, this would be the start and end of this story. Unfortunately for those who cherish America’s secular traditions, he’s not. Alarmingly, he is one face in a sea of evangelical Christian faces swept to primary electoral victories this year on the back of religious conservative activism, and by that I mean political activism drummed up by the success and growth of America’s mega-churches.

While polls show a decline in America’s religiosity, and with millennials shunning the religious enthusiasm of their parents, the mega-church movement is neither dying nor slowing. A 2013 report shows that churches with weekly attendances of 2,000 or more grew in 46 states.

"With each passing year, mega-churches are more in both number and size and the ones at the top of the list are larger than the ones at the top of the list in previous years," Warren Bird, director of research and intellectual capital development for Leadership Network, told The Christian Post.

According to Bird, there are currently 1,650 established mega-churches in the country, many of which draw a sizeable percentage of young adults. And now these asylums for the easily led are being led to the altar of radical theocratic, political ideals – and its sponsor – the Republican Party.
I think America would be proud that a woman so broke a few years ago worked her way out of abject poverty to become president! Just wait till the news comes out about her being born in a log cabin. That might even top Obama's straw hut.

Actually, like the Obamas, the Clintons came from very modest circumstances and worked their way up to where they are now.

Both presidents vastly improved the lot of the average American during their time in office. Both followed a disastrous Republican president who left the country in a shambles.

Hopefully, that is what people will remember when they're considering a vote for Hilary.
Clinton was very bright and talented and a good president although seriously flawed.

Obama presidency has been testimony to mediocrity and affirmative action. For all the gushing of his liberal base, there is no way that can be spun otherwise.
I think America would be proud that a woman so broke a few years ago worked her way out of abject poverty to become president! Just wait till the news comes out about her being born in a log cabin. That might even top Obama's straw hut.

Actually, like the Obamas, the Clintons came from very modest circumstances and worked their way up to where they are now.

Both presidents vastly improved the lot of the average American during their time in office. Both followed a disastrous Republican president who left the country in a shambles.

Hopefully, that is what people will remember when they're considering a vote for Hilary.
Clinton was very bright and talented and a good president although seriously flawed.

Obama presidency has been testimony to mediocrity and affirmative action. For all the gushing of his liberal base, there is no way that can be spun otherwise.

I would say Obama is inexperienced and probably could be more proactive on some things.

But on the other hand, he was given probably the worst time to be president in the last ~60 years, and the huge partisan divide in the country isn't helping any either.
Actually, like the Obamas, the Clintons came from very modest circumstances and worked their way up to where they are now.

Both presidents vastly improved the lot of the average American during their time in office. Both followed a disastrous Republican president who left the country in a shambles.

Hopefully, that is what people will remember when they're considering a vote for Hilary.
Clinton was very bright and talented and a good president although seriously flawed.

Obama presidency has been testimony to mediocrity and affirmative action. For all the gushing of his liberal base, there is no way that can be spun otherwise.

I would say Obama is inexperienced and probably could be more proactive on some things.

But on the other hand, he was given probably the worst time to be president in the last ~60 years, and the huge partisan divide in the country isn't helping any either.
He was given a difficult task which he has not arisen to. Weak presidents never do. The next president will have a far more arduous task given the division of the country for which he is squarely responsible.
The current field of republicans are dismal.

If they want the Tea party monkey off their backs, they'd let Rand Paul run.

That would be the second Goldwater moment.

I love how guys come up with this crap.

Dems have a SINGLE candidate, and rapidly as time goes forward she is doing worse and worse in polling across the board.

You big hope is that Hillary pulls the female vote, that is because she happens to have a vagina... Basically, you hope people vote for someone like them, like racists and bigots. That's your game plan. You better hope the GOP does not get a female lead that is credible or a VP female that is credible.

Rand might be the main on the Rep ticket, and a life long politician with no accomplishments like Clinton will have a very hard time beating a highly educated doctor. I get the far left progressives like yourself switched to hating doctors and loving sell out politicians who made all their money due to politics, but realistically it won't take much *many* people, to swing the election in Rand's favor.

So keep on bullshitting yourself that you have some great field of ONE candidate, who is quickly becoming very unlikable no matter how poor they tell people they were.

Maybe we'll she Clinton talk like a *black* again, or maybe she will turn on a form of female dialect when speaking to rooms full of feminists voting for a vagina but have no clue what the policies are.... Oddly so far Hillary has not even taken one single position on policy, a Progressives wet dream!!! You find out after you elect her, or pass it...
or a VP female that is credible.

I'm almost certain Kelly Ayotte will be the 2016 GOP VP candidate regardless of the Presidential Nominee.
A friendly shout out to some folks who may really enjoy the information in the OP:

[Mostly Partisan Dems]

Anyone who doesn't want to be on this occasional mention list: just let me know, I will drop the name immediately. If you want onto the list, just let me know. I really am trying to make this a totally non-partisan list.Thanks,






Bravo, for "Really Trying"
I think the fact she leads Jeb and Marco Rubio is very telling. Floridians know who these guys are and apparently don't want to give them a promotion.

The only thing that's "very telling" is that the OP is a thinly veiled Democratic Partisan.

Otherwise there would be a balanced analysis of poll results which would include the disclaimer that the Republican Field of candidates is splintered into 6-8 while there is no choice among Democratic contenders except Clinton.
The poll reflects little more than dissatisfaction with Rick "Never indicted" Scott, and as Samson noted, no choices for Democratic nominee BUT Clinton. I have doubts she will run, plus, the prospect of "Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Clinton" is too.......'dynasty'.
I think the fact she leads Jeb and Marco Rubio is very telling. Floridians know who these guys are and apparently don't want to give them a promotion.

The only thing that's "very telling" is that the OP is a thinly veiled Democratic Partisan.

Otherwise there would be a balanced analysis of poll results which would include the disclaimer that the Republican Field of candidates is splintered into 6-8 while there is no choice among Democratic contenders except Clinton.

This is where you are very wrong.

I am strongly Democratic, which makes me very partisan and I make no secret of it.

But when it comes to numbers themselves, and I have written this many, many times in USMB, I am brutally neutral. The numbers tell their own story. They don't need any spin from me or anyone else.

If you don't like it, then tough fuck for you.
The poll reflects little more than dissatisfaction with Rick "Never indicted" Scott, and as Samson noted, no choices for Democratic nominee BUT Clinton. I have doubts she will run, plus, the prospect of "Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Clinton" is too.......'dynasty'.

And here is where you are very, very wrong.

It's not just one poll.

It's not just two polls - completely independent from each other.

It's 13 different polls and 46 individual matchups.

Plus, none of the pollsters ask for the "why" of why poll participants make their choice, for that is a private issue. You can of course feel free to speculate that "The poll reflects little more than dissatisfaction with Rick "Never indicted" Scott, and as Samson noted, no choices for Democratic nominee BUT Clinton..." but that is only speculation and there is not one speck of evidence you can provide to prove it.

I, on the other hand, could make you look embarrassed, because many of these polls also poll Joe Biden against the GOP as well, so that killed half of your argument right there. Had you actually gone to the plethora of links I have provided, you would have known this.

The title of this OP is:

Current 2016 Presidential Polling in Florida

That's it. It's about data for a Florida baseline of data now looking into 2016.

What a shame that so many posters here don't actually have the patience to actually READ an OP and maybe discern some.
A friendly shout out to some folks who may really enjoy the information in the OP:

[Mostly Partisan Dems]

Anyone who doesn't want to be on this occasional mention list: just let me know, I will drop the name immediately. If you want onto the list, just let me know. I really am trying to make this a totally non-partisan list.Thanks,






Bravo, for "Really Trying"

And what do you mean by that? If you want on the mention list, just let me know. There are Conservatives on the list, just as there are Liberals and some Centrists.

Your point? Or are you just trolling cuz that turns you on?
The current field of republicans are dismal.

If they want the Tea party monkey off their backs, they'd let Rand Paul run.

That would be the second Goldwater moment.

I love how guys come up with this crap.

Dems have a SINGLE candidate, and rapidly as time goes forward she is doing worse and worse in polling across the board.

You big hope is that Hillary pulls the female vote, that is because she happens to have a vagina... Basically, you hope people vote for someone like them, like racists and bigots. That's your game plan. You better hope the GOP does not get a female lead that is credible or a VP female that is credible.

Rand might be the main on the Rep ticket, and a life long politician with no accomplishments like Clinton will have a very hard time beating a highly educated doctor. I get the far left progressives like yourself switched to hating doctors and loving sell out politicians who made all their money due to politics, but realistically it won't take much *many* people, to swing the election in Rand's favor.

So keep on bullshitting yourself that you have some great field of ONE candidate, who is quickly becoming very unlikable no matter how poor they tell people they were.

Maybe we'll she Clinton talk like a *black* again, or maybe she will turn on a form of female dialect when speaking to rooms full of feminists voting for a vagina but have no clue what the policies are.... Oddly so far Hillary has not even taken one single position on policy, a Progressives wet dream!!! You find out after you elect her, or pass it...

Well, that's interesting, because the polling data from all over the place does not show Hillary Clinton doing worse. As a matter of fact, it shows her generally doing better and putting states into play that have not been in play since 92 and 96.

Now, just to be real blunt: your reference to her vagina is the very reason why the Right is killing itself in the female vote. And women realize this about Righties like you.

So, good job at backing up the arguments against your own party!
The current field of republicans are dismal.

If they want the Tea party monkey off their backs, they'd let Rand Paul run.

That would be the second Goldwater moment.

I would love a Clinton/Rand Paul race. The debates would be so interesting and the campaign trail would be fun to follow.

I want this race.
The current field of republicans are dismal.

If they want the Tea party monkey off their backs, they'd let Rand Paul run.

That would be the second Goldwater moment.

I would love a Clinton/Rand Paul race. The debates would be so interesting and the campaign trail would be fun to follow.

I want this race.

I agree with you that that could be a very, very interesting race to follow, probably unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes.
The current field of republicans are dismal.

If they want the Tea party monkey off their backs, they'd let Rand Paul run.

That would be the second Goldwater moment.

I would love a Clinton/Rand Paul race. The debates would be so interesting and the campaign trail would be fun to follow.

I want this race.

What would fricking awesome about this race is it would leave social conservatives mostly without a candidate. They probably don't really realize this yet.
A friendly shout out to some folks who may really enjoy the information in the OP:

[Mostly Partisan Dems]

Anyone who doesn't want to be on this occasional mention list: just let me know, I will drop the name immediately. If you want onto the list, just let me know. I really am trying to make this a totally non-partisan list.Thanks,






Bravo, for "Really Trying"

And what do you mean by that? If you want on the mention list, just let me know. There are Conservatives on the list, just as there are Liberals and some Centrists.

Your point? Or are you just trolling cuz that turns you on?

My point is not too complex for you to grasp:

You are duplicitous.

There are few members that do not share your own partisan democratic POV on the list where you claim to be "really trying" to form anything more than a cheerleading squad to support the scant evidence presented as your subjective analysis of poll data.

Certainly, I cannot be the first to have noticed this. Interestingly, although it is so clearly part of your character for many, duplicity seems to be a trait you claim eschew. Wouldn't it be simpler to just embrace it as much as Rasmussen has embraced his bias?

Perhaps self-denial is easier.

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