Current event: The tone of American anger that Could be Foretelling a Near Future Attempt at a Fascist Coup.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

The expressions of anger, racism, and not so cleverly concealed expressions of gun violence on this forum might be taken seriously or it might just be put off to a few extremists looking for attention and solace following the defeat of Trump. Something bad is happening in America today, be it as bad as some predict or be it just anger and frustration of the few. Now is the time to expose it for 'whatever' it really is!

Expressing hate for minorities, be they black people, Slovenians, or Jews, early attempts at installing a fascist regime are always consistent.
The 'downtrodden' people's feelings are directed at the country's minorities as being the reason why their country is leaving the ordinary working person in poverty.

If either Trump, or the Republican party on behalf of Trump are going to make another attempt against America's democracy, the people will have to be clearly directed to seeing that some minority or minorities are to blame.

Americans will see huge increases in racism and gun related violence to compliment the violence as the time for the fascist attempted takeover draws nearer.

Are ordinary Americans hurting enough yet to justify in their minds more drastic measures be taken to stop black people from gaining anything resembling equality?

That which was possible to turn the people of 1930's Germany may not be any worse situation for them than it is for Americans today.

Were Germans or Italians less educated and less sophisticated then today's American people?
Just the opposite seems to be true.

The tone of the extremists posting on this forum is revealing, although it might be argued that they don't represent very many Americans.
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This attempt at a discussion needs an example that can lend legitimacy to the charges or suggestions:

We have one member threatening to go out and buy up more Glock handguns. What does this indicate to forum members?

1. Attempt at making wise investments? (the benefit of the doubt)
2. Attempts to flame or troll the forum with extremist rhetoric?
3. An attempt to encourage more people to arm themselves with more efficient handguns, in preparation for the soon coming violence on the streets?

This is a thread that's meant for supporters of the theory that fascism in on the rise in America, as well as for those who oppose the very idea and can show alternative reasons for the obvious issues that are coming to light.

The expressions of anger, racism, and not so cleverly concealed expressions of gun violence on this forum might be taken seriously or it might just be put off to a few extremists looking for attention and solace following the defeat of Trump. Something bad is happening in America today, be it as bad as some predict or be it just anger and frustration of the few. Now is the time to expose it for 'whatever' it really is!

Expressing hate for minorities, be they black people, Slovenians, or Jews, early attempts at installing a fascist regime are always consistent.
The 'downtrodden' people's feelings are directed at the country's minorities as being the reason why their country is leaving the ordinary working person in poverty.

If either Trump, or the Republican party on behalf of Trump are going to make another attempt against America's democracy, the people will have to be clearly directed to seeing that some minority or minorities are to blame.

Americans will see huge increases in racism and gun related violence to compliment the violence as the time for the fascist attempted takeover draws nearer.

Are ordinary Americans hurting enough yet to justify in their minds more drastic measures be taken to stop black people from gaining anything resembling equality?

That which was possible to turn the people of 1930's Germany may not be any worse situation for them than it is for Americans today.

Were Germans or Italians less educated and less sophisticated then today's American people?
Just the opposite seems to be true.

The tone of the extremists posting on this forum is revealing, although it might be argued that they don't represent very many Americans.
Look to history.

When people are their most frightened, their most paranoid, and their most frustrated, the right kind of person can swoop in and play to all of that. He will have a knack for speaking only to them and in their language That creates a bond with his followers that can only be broken by the worst of outcomes. He and they are the good victims, the others are the evil monsters.

That's exactly what we have right now. These people think they're patriots engaged in a holy war. And they're more than willing to at least threaten to use their guns and ammo.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".

The expressions of anger, racism, and not so cleverly concealed expressions of gun violence on this forum might be taken seriously or it might just be put off to a few extremists looking for attention and solace following the defeat of Trump. Something bad is happening in America today, be it as bad as some predict or be it just anger and frustration of the few. Now is the time to expose it for 'whatever' it really is!

Expressing hate for minorities, be they black people, Slovenians, or Jews, early attempts at installing a fascist regime are always consistent.
The 'downtrodden' people's feelings are directed at the country's minorities as being the reason why their country is leaving the ordinary working person in poverty.

If either Trump, or the Republican party on behalf of Trump are going to make another attempt against America's democracy, the people will have to be clearly directed to seeing that some minority or minorities are to blame.

Americans will see huge increases in racism and gun related violence to compliment the violence as the time for the fascist attempted takeover draws nearer.

Are ordinary Americans hurting enough yet to justify in their minds more drastic measures be taken to stop black people from gaining anything resembling equality?

That which was possible to turn the people of 1930's Germany may not be any worse situation for them than it is for Americans today.

Were Germans or Italians less educated and less sophisticated then today's American people?
Just the opposite seems to be true.

The tone of the extremists posting on this forum is revealing, although it might be argued that they don't represent very many Americans.
Late last week. Tucker Carlson thanked a guest he invited on his show who said that Republicans will vote in a fascist soon, and Tucker's response was along the lines of "very well said" and "I hope you come back."

Eerily similar to Trump's blowing kisses and expressions of love to the Capitol attackers on January 6th.
This attempt at a discussion needs an example that can lend legitimacy to the charges or suggestions:

We have one member threatening to go out and buy up more Glock handguns. What does this indicate to forum members?

1. Attempt at making wise investments? (the benefit of the doubt)
2. Attempts to flame or troll the forum with extremist rhetoric?
3. An attempt to encourage more people to arm themselves with more efficient handguns, in preparation for the soon coming violence on the streets?

This is a thread that's meant for supporters of the theory that fascism in on the rise in America, as well as for those who oppose the very idea and can show alternative reasons for the obvious issues that are coming to light.

The signs are not good. Trump got the ball rolling.
Late last week. Tucker Carlson thanked a guest he invited on his show who said that Republicans will vote in a fascist soon, and Tucker's response was along the lines of "very well said" and "I hope you come back."

Eerily similar to Trump's blowing kisses and expressions of love to the Capitol attackers on January 6th.

Trump told them he loved them.. and that they were special.
A democrat party operative and radical Sanders supporter opened fire on republican congressmen practicing for a baseball game a couple of months after Trump's inauguration and lefties pretty much dismissed it. Some republicans use their 1st Amendment rights to criticize a doddering old man and lefties think it's part of a fascist coup. Go figure.

The expressions of anger, racism, and not so cleverly concealed expressions of gun violence on this forum might be taken seriously or it might just be put off to a few extremists looking for attention and solace following the defeat of Trump. Something bad is happening in America today, be it as bad as some predict or be it just anger and frustration of the few. Now is the time to expose it for 'whatever' it really is!

Expressing hate for minorities, be they black people, Slovenians, or Jews, early attempts at installing a fascist regime are always consistent.
The 'downtrodden' people's feelings are directed at the country's minorities as being the reason why their country is leaving the ordinary working person in poverty.

If either Trump, or the Republican party on behalf of Trump are going to make another attempt against America's democracy, the people will have to be clearly directed to seeing that some minority or minorities are to blame.

Americans will see huge increases in racism and gun related violence to compliment the violence as the time for the fascist attempted takeover draws nearer.

Are ordinary Americans hurting enough yet to justify in their minds more drastic measures be taken to stop black people from gaining anything resembling equality?

That which was possible to turn the people of 1930's Germany may not be any worse situation for them than it is for Americans today.

Were Germans or Italians less educated and less sophisticated then today's American people?
Just the opposite seems to be true.

The tone of the extremists posting on this forum is revealing, although it might be argued that they don't represent very many Americans.
You have reason to fear.
What we will see more than anything is the government, specifically the CIA, creating events so they can use them to overstep their authority.
What else can one expect when our government cannot be trusted and does not trust their voters to do what they want.
This isn't a reaction from extremists.....but a reaction to extremism being forced upon us.
The communists picked the wrong country to fuck with.
Late last week. Tucker Carlson thanked a guest he invited on his show who said that Republicans will vote in a fascist soon, and Tucker's response was along the lines of "very well said" and "I hope you come back."

Eerily similar to Trump's blowing kisses and expressions of love to the Capitol attackers on January 6th.
Thank you for your comment!

Tucker Carlson in my opinion isn't a proponent of fascism, even though he's obviously trying to give that impression. He's talking the idea up because he knows it's popular trolling to his audience, and it will increase his popularity and thus his pay cheque.

And so even though your remarks are right on target for this thread, they don't quite get to answering the question. Tucker has made it a game for his audience and that will encourage the real thing. He's disguising a perceived rise to fascism as comedy, regardless of the negative effects it may have on his country's future.
I saw the interview in full....You obviously didn't and are lying about it....Thee word "fascist" was never used.

Fuck you, liar.
"The right is going to pick a fascist in 10 to 20 years..."

This was said at point 1:02 in the video.

Tucker's response: "That's so well put." and he ended w/"Please come back."

So are you ready to leave the site now for good, or what?
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You have reason to fear.
What we will see more than anything is the government, specifically the CIA, creating events so they can use them to overstep their authority.
What else can one expect when our government cannot be trusted and does not trust their voters to do what they want.
This isn't a reaction from extremists.....but a reaction to extremism being forced upon us.
The communists picked the wrong country to fuck with.

An excellent comment in my opinion that speaks directly to the questions!
You have drawn the clear battle lines between communism and fascism. Did you intend to do that or was it a careless slip of the tongue?

In any case, let it be clearly established and you be given the credit!
Look to history.

When people are their most frightened, their most paranoid, and their most frustrated, the right kind of person can swoop in and play to all of that. He will have a knack for speaking only to them and in their language That creates a bond with his followers that can only be broken by the worst of outcomes. He and they are the good victims, the others are the evil monsters.

That's exactly what we have right now. These people think they're patriots engaged in a holy war. And they're more than willing to at least threaten to use their guns and ammo.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".

Exactly and well said! Looking to history is what I've done and so the questions are being answered here on this thread much more quickly than I would have expected.

But one of the biggest questions is still on whether the hate, vitriol, and extremism is real or just isolated extremism that represents the views of a few on this forum?

They have proven there is a potential of choosing fascism as a remedy, in spades! Are they just a few crazies or are they the real thing?

I very highly suspect that Trump is the real thing (a would be fascist leader) but do any of his followers even understand that much?
Late last week. Tucker Carlson thanked a guest he invited on his show who said that Republicans will vote in a fascist soon, and Tucker's response was along the lines of "very well said" and "I hope you come back."

Eerily similar to Trump's blowing kisses and expressions of love to the Capitol attackers on January 6th.
Thank you for your comment!

Tucker Carlson in my opinion isn't a proponent of fascism, even though he's obviously trying to give that impression. He's talking the idea up because he knows it's popular trolling to his audience, and it will increase his popularity and thus his pay cheque.

And so even though your remarks are right on target for this thread, they don't quite get to answering the question. Tucker has made it a game for his audience and that will encourage the real thing. He's disguising a perceived rise to fascism as comedy, regardless of the negative effects it may have on his country's future.
The rub is Trump was thanking supporters....not rioters. Clearly many of those rioters weren't his supporters.
But don't let the truth get in the way of passing along a major league fib.
Look to history.

When people are their most frightened, their most paranoid, and their most frustrated, the right kind of person can swoop in and play to all of that. He will have a knack for speaking only to them and in their language That creates a bond with his followers that can only be broken by the worst of outcomes. He and they are the good victims, the others are the evil monsters.

That's exactly what we have right now. These people think they're patriots engaged in a holy war. And they're more than willing to at least threaten to use their guns and ammo.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".

Exactly and well said! Looking to history is what I've done and so the questions are being answered here on this thread much more quickly than I would have expected.

But one of the biggest questions is still on whether the hate, vitriol, and extremism is real or just isolated extremism that represents the views of a few on this forum?

They have proven there is a potential of choosing fascism as a remedy, in spades! Are they just a few crazies or are they the real thing?

I very highly suspect that Trump is the real thing (a would be fascist leader) but do any of his followers even understand that much?
Trump's followers have been maligned and accused of being racist by extremists in the Democrat/Communist Party.
Since Jan 6th.....they have decided that they finally have a Pearl Harbor.....a 911....a Custers Last Stand that they can rally around. You, and people like you, have turned the actual victims in all of this into the enemy.

Nothing pisses off an innocent man more than being falsely accused by a scumbag. This is by design. Instead of adhering to Biden's calls for unity.....his administration is fomenting conflict. They hope more than anything that someone who is actually a Trump supporter will do the unthinkable. Up until now all they've gotten is leftist crazies to do their dirty work.
Late last week. Tucker Carlson thanked a guest he invited on his show who said that Republicans will vote in a fascist soon, and Tucker's response was along the lines of "very well said" and "I hope you come back."

Eerily similar to Trump's blowing kisses and expressions of love to the Capitol attackers on January 6th.

Trump told them he loved them.. and that they were special.

Trump said he loved them on national television.. Why deny it? Are you suddenly ashamed of what Trump said and did?

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