Current FLOTUS is the best EVER!!!

She successfully reduced the number of calories presented at school cafeterias, in programs meant to offset the fact that many of the children being fed at school aren't fed at home.

That combined with obamacare, which is DESIGNED to allow certain populations to die off. It's clear as glass.

She also makes sure those kids that don't eat at home eat at school, despite republican cutbacks.
Gov Brown cut the same stuff out here when he passed his dont get too partisan....he also cut services for the poor and disabled....i guess that makes him no different then those evil hearted Republican basterds....

When are you dimwits going to learn not to lie when I'm around? ????

California budget deal overhauls four-decade-old school funding model - San Jose Mercury News
The days of posting bullshit on this forum are over. There's a new sheriff in town.
What on earth is Howey talking about?

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Classic leftwing gagaism:

"America Stands for the Ideals of Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights!

When Barack talks about “where and what America stands for”, he is talking about the American ideals of democracy, freedom and human rights guiding American foreign policy in a world menaced by a motley crew of nasty tin-pot dictators, petty tyrants and bloodthirsty thugs. In July, 2004, Barack said:
In every region of the globe, our foreign policy should promote traditional American ideals: democracy and human rights… It is our commonality of interests in the world that can ultimately restore our influence and win back the hearts and minds necessary to defeat terrorism and project American values around the globe. "


A new sheriff is coming to town
these types threads are only for SHIT STIRRING

You think we saw threads like this from them with Laura Bush?


we saw how she had a car accident and how she was so un-responsible at the age of seventeen.. and the ugly continued from there

don't let them sucker you into these
Michelle Obama is the best FLOTUS because she personifies strength and beauty along with her action to make this world a better place for children. I applaud her efforts in working with our military who are frequently afterthoughts when there is no war ongoing. All over the world she has provided a vibrant example of what it means to be a proud person of color.
these types threads are only for SHIT STIRRING

You think we saw threads like this from them with Laura Bush?


we saw how she had a car accident and how she was so un-responsible at the age of seventeen.. and the ugly continued from there

don't let them sucker you into these

"Driving her father’s brand new Chevy Impala on November 6, 1963, Laura Welch ran a stop sign on Farm Road 868 at 8:08 p.m. at 50 m.p.h., plowing into a Corvair sedan driven by Michael Dutton Douglas, the high school’s track and football star, and according to some, a former beau of hers. The impact of the collision hurled Douglas’ car some 50 feet off the road, instantly killing him. Laura and her passenger, schoolmate Judy Dykes, were both treated at the local hospital for their own bruises. It was there she learned that Douglas had died of a broken neck.

Laura Bush writes that she and her friend were hurrying to a drive-in; others thought she may have been returning to town from a party".:booze::booze::booze:

Behind Laura Bush's Car Crash - The Daily Beast
back to topic :)

Michelle makes me so proud

I have no reaction either way, but I really don't look for President's wives to influence whether I should be proud or not, all they are, are figure heads and just happen to be married to a President.
these types threads are only for SHIT STIRRING

You think we saw threads like this from them with Laura Bush?


we saw how she had a car accident and how she was so un-responsible at the age of seventeen.. and the ugly continued from there

don't let them sucker you into these

"Driving her father’s brand new Chevy Impala on November 6, 1963, Laura Welch ran a stop sign on Farm Road 868 at 8:08 p.m. at 50 m.p.h., plowing into a Corvair sedan driven by Michael Dutton Douglas, the high school’s track and football star, and according to some, a former beau of hers. The impact of the collision hurled Douglas’ car some 50 feet off the road, instantly killing him. Laura and her passenger, schoolmate Judy Dykes, were both treated at the local hospital for their own bruises. It was there she learned that Douglas had died of a broken neck.

Laura Bush writes that she and her friend were hurrying to a drive-in; others thought she may have been returning to town from a party".:booze::booze::booze:

Behind Laura Bush's Car Crash - The Daily Beast

Life moves on, you should to.
The days of posting bullshit on this forum are over. There's a new sheriff in town.

oh eat shit fuckhead when Brown passed his first budget he fucked all those people and did not blink an eye and dipshits like you had nothing to say about it,but you had plenty to say if a Republican did the same fucking thing.....right now many of the disabled still havent got their benefits restored are you going to say anything about that or are you going to tell me some more of your bullshit....with "Sheriffs" like you if a Democrat does the same shit as a Republican,you have an excuse for them,but the Republicans are heartless aint no Sheriff Howey you aint even a Jr Marshall.....
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