Current FLOTUS is the best EVER!!!

these types threads are only for SHIT STIRRING

You think we saw threads like this from them with Laura Bush?


we saw how she had a car accident and how she was so un-responsible at the age of seventeen.. and the ugly continued from there

don't let them sucker you into these

"Driving her father’s brand new Chevy Impala on November 6, 1963, Laura Welch ran a stop sign on Farm Road 868 at 8:08 p.m. at 50 m.p.h., plowing into a Corvair sedan driven by Michael Dutton Douglas, the high school’s track and football star, and according to some, a former beau of hers. The impact of the collision hurled Douglas’ car some 50 feet off the road, instantly killing him. Laura and her passenger, schoolmate Judy Dykes, were both treated at the local hospital for their own bruises. It was there she learned that Douglas had died of a broken neck.

Laura Bush writes that she and her friend were hurrying to a drive-in; others thought she may have been returning to town from a party".:booze::booze::booze:

Behind Laura Bush's Car Crash - The Daily Beast

so did she run like the little chubby guy did?....just askin....
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Michelle makes me so proud

I have no reaction either way, but I really don't look for President's wives to influence whether I should be proud or not, all they are, are figure heads and just happen to be married to a President.

like or respect for a person is one thing....worshiping is a whole other ball game...."Dottie" worships.....
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Michelle makes me so proud

I have no reaction either way, but I really don't look for President's wives to influence whether I should be proud or not, all they are, are figure heads and just happen to be married to a President.

Everyone is a figure head. Figure heads influence people regardless of you believing it or not.
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Michelle makes me so proud

I have no reaction either way, but I really don't look for President's wives to influence whether I should be proud or not, all they are, are figure heads and just happen to be married to a President.

Everyone is a figure head. Figure heads influence people regardless of you believing it or not.

exactly. The First Family represents this great nation. Thats why the President has the Bully Pulpit.
these types threads are only for SHIT STIRRING

You think we saw threads like this from them with Laura Bush?


we saw how she had a car accident and how she was so un-responsible at the age of seventeen.. and the ugly continued from there

don't let them sucker you into these

I don't recall any liberal criticizing any First Lady, republican or democrat, for any reason...until Barack Obama became president. I know I certainly haven't. In fact, I've often praised all of them for their accomplishments and projects.

I mean...why? The wife didn't get elected to office. Her husband did.
these types threads are only for SHIT STIRRING

You think we saw threads like this from them with Laura Bush?


we saw how she had a car accident and how she was so un-responsible at the age of seventeen.. and the ugly continued from there

don't let them sucker you into these

I don't recall any liberal criticizing any First Lady, republican or democrat, for any reason...until Barack Obama became president. I know I certainly haven't. In fact, I've often praised all of them for their accomplishments and projects.

I mean...why? The wife didn't get elected to office. Her husband did.

are you allowed too?.....just asking.....
these types threads are only for SHIT STIRRING

You think we saw threads like this from them with Laura Bush?


we saw how she had a car accident and how she was so un-responsible at the age of seventeen.. and the ugly continued from there

don't let them sucker you into these

I don't recall any liberal criticizing any First Lady, republican or democrat, for any reason...until Barack Obama became president. I know I certainly haven't. In fact, I've often praised all of them for their accomplishments and projects.

I mean...why? The wife didn't get elected to office. Her husband did.

I seem to remember people being critical of Mary Lincoln though.
Hillary caught hell, but she felt she was duel-president.
Nancy Reagan was criticized for possibly doing exactly what Hillary was praised for doing, power sharing.
Jackie Kennedy was criticized for remarrying.
Laura Bush never did anything worth criticizing.

But they weren't so kind to his daughters.......Bush twins hounded by media
back to topic :)

Michelle makes me so proud

I have no reaction either way, but I really don't look for President's wives to influence whether I should be proud or not, all they are, are figure heads and just happen to be married to a President.

Everyone is a figure head. Figure heads influence people regardless of you believing it or not.

I didn't say whether she influenced people or not, I stated I don't have a reaction either way as to being proud or not proud of her.
I have no reaction either way, but I really don't look for President's wives to influence whether I should be proud or not, all they are, are figure heads and just happen to be married to a President.

Everyone is a figure head. Figure heads influence people regardless of you believing it or not.

I didn't say whether she influenced people or not, I stated I don't have a reaction either way as to being proud or not proud of her.

Looked to me like you were discrediting her influence by saying she is just a figure head. I apologize if that was not the case.

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