Current FLOTUS is the best EVER!!!

Our flotus is just doing the leg work to prepare us for a starving population of children.

Which is the objective of the current admin. Control and reduce food distributed to children, in order to trigger a die off.

You are a sick fucker

God hates you

I'm not the one advocating the murder and starvation of children.

That's the current admin. And you.

And God loves me.
Double down on hate speech
Without question......God hates you
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That doesnt mean you dont think the Bushes are better because they are white. Whites think in color all the time. Watch how they act when someone not white appears in their midst.
And Black Folk don't?

Just who-the-hell do you think you're kidding?

Thats a deflection from the point and sounds like whining because whites are known to do it. Without the constant racial barrage Blacks get everyday we wouldn't think of color.

Lol ! I like your sarcasm ! :lol:
Conservatives hate Michelle Obama with all their heart

Obvious grounds for a top five First Lady

Its cuz she has worked so hard to feed needy children. The right always hates that.

And, the jobs and homes she's gotten for our vets and their families - another reason some rw's hate her.

Michelle is only doing her part to put a good face on this dishonest administration. In the Philippines Imelda Marcos did the same for her tyrant of a husband. After the assassination of one of her opponents the stories of her corruption and wasteful spending and stories of her thousands of shoe purchases came out.

A regime that is constantly doing evil has to constantly remind everyone of how wonderful they are to children, the oppressed, and the poor. They rob us, lie to us, tell us how we're supposed to think, yet they care for us, want us to be healthy, want to keep our kids from eating garbage.

They're simply using the tactics every despotic regime uses to stay in the good graces of the weak minded and the gullible.

Cass Sunstein invented the name for the technique they use over and over called availability cascades, meaning turning a total lie into something that is accepted fact through repetition and social acceptance. He also talked about using what they call "non-governmental experts" to infiltrate internet message boards to put out false propaganda and offer constant rebuttal to blogger's accusations. I'm sure some of our members work either directly or indirectly for the administration. Considering all of the negative activity that surrounds him, it's a full time job to make him look decent.
We should be afraid of how easy it was for these two to bring people into their cult...I don't think a lot of folks really understood that Obama meant to transform us into a Socialist hell hole, with A fascist government from every agency deputized to attack us with armed men and women like they DID from the BLM

The majority of the people have woken up, as we SEE a few haven't
You are a sick fucker

God hates you

I'm not the one advocating the murder and starvation of children.

That's the current admin. And you.

And God loves me.
Double down on hate speech
Without question......God hates you

How do I put this in the nicest possible way? Here's the best I could come up with: she's a sick twisted freak. Theres a reason why she's on her 2nd screen name and eats bans on the regular :up: she's a toxic, lonely, overweight, hateful, lonely, overweight twat :thup: :)
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Our flotus is just doing the leg work to prepare us for a starving population of children.

Which is the objective of the current admin. Control and reduce food distributed to children, in order to trigger a die off.

i dont think thats it Kosh....

It is, though.

no,i dont think so.....she is not advocating ....dont eat.....she is saying try and eat less and be healthier and just maybe the Diabetes will stay away....maybe she should have focused on Juvenile Diabetes instead of trying to change eating habits........
I'm not the one advocating the murder and starvation of children.

That's the current admin. And you.

And God loves me.
Double down on hate speech
Without question......God hates you

How do I put this in the nicest possible way? Here's the best I could come up with: she's a sick twisted freak. Theres a reason why she's on her 2nd screen name and eats bans on the regular :up: she's a toxic, lonely, overweight, hateful, lonely, overweight twat :thup: :)

let me put this as nicely as possible.....that sounds like a poster named dotcom.....
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aside from her important work of trying to wean fat MURICAN kids (lot of them white BTW) off of uniquely MURICAN fast food. This is important, not just because it will prevent them from getting heart disease or diabetes down the road but, because the military always needs healthy recruits.

Why obesity is a national security threat -

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War | Danger Room | WIRED

Even after all that, she STILL makes time for meet & greet sessions :)

Michelle Obama Touts Education, Appears in Selfie at Dillard Graduation - NBC News

Thank you Michelle :smiliehug: You go girl!!! :thewave:

oh not this fucking trash again !!! click - this is a recording. get a life brain dead
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I'm not the one advocating the murder and starvation of children.

That's the current admin. And you.

And God loves me.
Double down on hate speech
Without question......God hates you

How do I put this in the nicest possible way? Here's the best I could come up with: she's a sick twisted freak. Theres a reason why she's on her 2nd screen name and eats bans on the regular :up: she's a toxic, lonely, overweight, hateful, lonely, overweight twat :thup: :)

That is not why God hates her

God hates koshergrl because she uses her religion to spread hate. I don't think there is a bigger offense to God
FLOTUS also made a public announcement about the kidnapped girls in Nigeria

Michelle Obama 'outraged' over Nigeria kidnapped girls
"Like millions of people across the globe, my husband and I are outraged and heartbroken over the kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian girls from their school dormitory in the middle of the night," Mrs. Obama said in the address.

"This unconscionable act was committed by a terrorist group determined to keep these girls from getting an education - grown men attempting to snuff out the aspirations of young girls."

yeah she did

And Black Folk don't?

Just who-the-hell do you think you're kidding?

Thats a deflection from the point and sounds like whining because whites are known to do it. Without the constant racial barrage Blacks get everyday we wouldn't think of color.

Black Folk are just as bad as White Folk when it comes to 'thinking of color'.

They, too, do not require any prompting, in this regard.

They are equally guilty and must bear an equal share of the responsibility for perpetuating 'color thinking'.

You dont have a point. I agree with you that both sides do it despite you saying whites dont. Now it seems you are changing your mind. You need to take a stand or cease telling fibs.

Whites rarely think in terms of skin color.
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i dont think thats it Kosh....

It is, though.

no,i dont think so.....she is not advocating ....dont eat.....she is saying try and eat less and be healthier and just maybe the Diabetes will stay away....maybe she should have focused on Juvenile Diabetes instead of trying to change eating habits........

She successfully reduced the number of calories presented at school cafeterias, in programs meant to offset the fact that many of the children being fed at school aren't fed at home.

That combined with obamacare, which is DESIGNED to allow certain populations to die off. It's clear as glass.
Double down on hate speech
Without question......God hates you

How do I put this in the nicest possible way? Here's the best I could come up with: she's a sick twisted freak. Theres a reason why she's on her 2nd screen name and eats bans on the regular :up: she's a toxic, lonely, overweight, hateful, lonely, overweight twat :thup: :)

That is not why God hates her

God hates koshergrl because she uses her religion to spread hate. I don't think there is a bigger offense to God

...but I digress. I don't want this thread to be about kg's voluminous short-comings.
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All in all the FLOTUS represents a slap in the face of butthurt people nationwide. Some of it is simple prejudice and others probably feel like their team lost. Either way she has turned out to be the best FLOTUS in recent memory.

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