My wife, who has worked for a well-known pharmaceutical giant for four years, received the dreaded notice letter on the 23rd of December—last week. She is the accounts payable director and a staff accountant, and she has been working (mostly) from home since March 2020. The deadline for her to apply for a religious or medical exemption is the 29th of December or tomorrow. Her company's HR department is not giving her the option to test weekly as an alternative to receiving the COVID jab(s). All employees of her company must have at least one jab by January 4, 2022, unless their exemption is approved before then—in order to EVER enter the physical office again.

We're at wits end, to be honest. I mean, we'd be fine financially if she walked away from her job tomorrow, but that's not the fucking point. This job represents the career she'd always dreamed of having. When she started working at her company the accounts payable department was in shambles. She came in and rebuilt the entire department and worked closely with offshore software developers to come up with and implement a new AP system. This job is her baby, and she loves it.

At the moment she is one of five corporate finance employees refusing to submit to the COVID jabs. One of the finance VPs sent an email to HR basically stating that he was going into the office one more time to collect his personal items and was from that moment forward only working from home. She copied me in on the email and she's thinking of doing the same. There's essentially no reason for her to go into the office anymore, since after the implementation of yet another new system, her essential job duties can be completed remotely. If that doesn't work, she's going to try for a religious exemption—but the chances she'll get that seem quite slim. Worst case scenario . . . her last day with the company will be January 3rd.

As far as we can understand the mandate for companies who employ 100 or more personnel was shot down twice in lower courts and then resurrected a couple weeks ago. The only chance remaining in the courts for employees who refuse the jab(s) is the coming Supreme Court decision on the matter, which I believe is going to be decided by Kavanaugh.

Wouldn't it be great if Americans who refuse to get the jab still had First Amendment rights?

It wasn't lower courts, it was coequal federal circuit courts. Under the Hobbs Act, only federal courts of appeal have authority to hear challenges of federal regulations. The cases were subsequently Consolidated in the sixth circuit, which reinstated the rule pending final decision by the court. So in all likelihood the sixth circuit will likewise strike it, but if they don't then it will go to scotus
It wasn't lower courts, it was coequal federal circuit courts. Under the Hobbs Act, only federal courts of appeal have authority to hear challenges of federal regulations. The cases were subsequently Consolidated in the sixth circuit, which reinstated the rule pending final decision by the court. So in all likelihood the sixth circuit will likewise strike it, but if they don't then it will go to scotus

It's already going to SCOTUS, oral arguments are scheduled on Jan 7.

It has no current legal status
It’s merely a statement or suggestion
It has no current legal status
It’s merely a statement or suggestion
It has legal status because the question is being put before SCOTUS after The Biden Regime had it bounced from two lower courts, the last one doing the Regime a favor in only lifting the stay temporarily which is something they should not have done since they technically rejected that the mandate was Constitutional.

The Legal Status technically is "under review" Employers should exercise caution if they feel like they should go forward with enforcement before SCOTUS hears the issue.

EmperorShitzHizPantz nearly shit his pants on this.
You really have no clue about the propaganda you're spewing. Hannity has always said he chose to be "vaccinated" and everyone should make their own decision in consultation with their doctor. So carry on in your ignorance, you really are a pathetic piece of shit.

Awwww! Did I hurt your little feelings, Tex? Fact is your buddies on Fox have been casting doubt on these vaccines since Biden took office.

Yea, Tex. Let's all run to our family doctor & ask him/her if we should take the vaccine cuz we're little boys & girls & can't decide for ourselves.

Do you run to your doctor & ask him if you're using the right technique to wipe your ass? Probably.
Awwww! Did I hurt your little feelings, Tex? Fact is your buddies on Fox have been casting doubt on these vaccines since Biden took office.

Yea, Tex. Let's all run to our family doctor & ask him/her if we should take the vaccine cuz we're little boys & girls & can't decide for ourselves.

Do you run to your doctor & ask him if you're using the right technique to wipe your ass? Probably.

Natural selection at its finest . . .
Exactly, so in my opinion the so called companies cannot require employees to even fill out religious exemption forms, because we have freedom of religion and an employer requesting information about your religious practices is a violation of The Civil Rights Act.

They should only be able to ask if you have a moral objection to forced vaccination and weekly testing.

Yay or Nay is all they should get, or THE 5TH....... As you do not have to answer them at all.
So, go hire a lawyer, give him/her a $10,000 retainer & in a couple years you may finally be in front of a judge who will laugh you out of court.

Your legal fees will probably be over $100,000. To get laughed out of court.

I'll do it here for free.

So, go hire a lawyer, give him/her a $10,000 retainer & in a couple years you may finally be in front of a judge who will laugh you out of court.

Your legal fees will probably be over $100,000. To get laughed out of court.

I'll do it here for free.

No need to hire a lawyer until a wrongful dismissal occurs. You don't have to prove Biden's mandate is unconstitutional. That is not even the question when it comes to workplace standards, practices and treatment of employees.
It has legal status because the question is being put before SCOTUS after The Biden Regime had it bounced from two lower courts, the last one doing the Regime a favor in only lifting the stay temporarily which is something they should not have done since they technically rejected that the mandate was Constitutional.

The Legal Status technically is "under review" Employers should exercise caution if they feel like they should go forward with enforcement before SCOTUS hears the issue.

EmperorShitzHizPantz nearly shit his pants on this.
Do you have any idea how many healthcare workers are going to work on religious observances taking care of asshats like you & putting their lives on the line? Maybe they should walk out & you anti vaxx bozos can take care of yourselves in an ICU or whereever.

Take your "religioius exemption" horseshit walking. You want to be a primma donna that's your business. But don't expect employers to bow to your demands. Don't work that way, Ace.
It has legal status because the question is being put before SCOTUS after The Biden Regime had it bounced from two lower courts, the last one doing the Regime a favor in only lifting the stay temporarily which is something they should not have done since they technically rejected that the mandate was Constitutional.

The Legal Status technically is "under review" Employers should exercise caution if they feel like they should go forward with enforcement before SCOTUS hears the issue.

EmperorShitzHizPantz nearly shit his pants on this.
It’s to SC due to lack of legal status permitting implementation but implemented it has been and that’s what SC will decide
Anyone “arrested” over exercising their prerogative will be a millionaire within 2 years.
Do you have any idea how many healthcare workers are going to work on religious observances taking care of asshats like you & putting their lives on the line? Maybe they should walk out & you anti vaxx bozos can take care of yourselves in an ICU or whereever.

Take your "religioius exemption" horseshit walking. You want to be a primma donna that's your business. But don't expect employers to bow to your demands. Don't work that way, Ace.
No one should be forced to take an experimental vaccine that requires forever boosters, and can have mortal side effects for a virus that has evolved in to essentially a cold like most coronaviruses eventually do.

Employers have laws and policies they have to follow. Too bad The Biden Regime didn't think their mandate through very well. SCOTUS will strike this down like the other two courts did.
Awwww! Did I hurt your little feelings, Tex? Fact is your buddies on Fox have been casting doubt on these vaccines since Biden took office.

Yea, Tex. Let's all run to our family doctor & ask him/her if we should take the vaccine cuz we're little boys & girls & can't decide for ourselves.

Do you run to your doctor & ask him if you're using the right technique to wipe your ass? Probably.

Wow, not only are you a piece of shit, you're a lying piece of shit. There are a lot of people who can't take the "vaccine" for medical reasons. So exactly who are people suppose to consult with if not their doctors? But hey, feel free to keep spewing your crap, all you're doing is showing your ignorance and what kind of moron you really are.

Wow, not only are you a piece of shit, you're a lying piece of shit. There are a lot of people who can't take the "vaccine" for medical reasons. So exactly who are people suppose to consult with if not their doctors? But hey, feel free to keep spewing your crap, all you're doing is showing your ignorance and what kind of moron you really are.

Ever notice how much these CCP DemNazi Zealots act like DemNazi Agendas are The Divine Word of God?

Talk about a sick and twisted cult? Every single one of them regurgitates the exact same talking points over and over and over.

Polly want a cracker? awwk awwk! Fauci Awk Awk!
Do you have any idea how many healthcare workers are going to work on religious observances taking care of asshats like you & putting their lives on the line? Maybe they should walk out & you anti vaxx bozos can take care of yourselves in an ICU or whereever.

Take your "religioius exemption" horseshit walking. You want to be a primma donna that's your business. But don't expect employers to bow to your demands. Don't work that way, Ace.

Do you have any idea how many healthcare professionals have told the government to shove their mandate? All are people who have treated patients all through the pandemic, it's well over 30,000. As a result many hospitals are short staffed. But I'm sure, you being the good little commie sheep you are, you think that's just fine, right up to the time you or a family member needs them.

Do you have any idea how many healthcare professionals have told the government to shove their mandate? All are people who have treated patients all through the pandemic, it's well over 30,000. As a result many hospitals are short staffed. But I'm sure, you being the good little commie sheep you are, you think that's just fine, right up to the time you or a family member needs them.

Congress exempted and majority in health field don’t want it
If that doesn’t tell you something then you deliberately won’t learn
Do you have any idea how many healthcare professionals have told the government to shove their mandate? All are people who have treated patients all through the pandemic, it's well over 30,000. As a result many hospitals are short staffed. But I'm sure, you being the good little commie sheep you are, you think that's just fine, right up to the time you or a family member needs them.

Any healthcare pro who refuses a vaccine to stop a virus, the very same virus that affects patients that they are tasked to treat is in the wrong field.
Any healthcare pro who refuses a vaccine to stop a virus, the very same virus that affects patients that they are tasked to treat is in the wrong field.

Does the same go for any cardiac surgeon who refuses brain surgery on himself prior to performing it on a patient? Get outta heeeh . . .

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