Cut NASCAR But Leave NPR and PBS Alone


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minnesota, is offering an amendment to the 2011 House budget bill to ban the sponsorships, which her office said has cost the military $100 million over the past 10 years, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

The National Guard sponsors Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s team, the Army sponsors Ryan Newman, and the Air Force sponsors AJ Allmendinger, according to

"I would challenge the Pentagon to give me one example of someone today in Iraq or Afghanistan who saw the Go Army car going around the racetrack and that's why they joined the Army," Bill Harper, McCollum's chief of staff, told "It may be the reason why they go to Home Depot but not necessarily Afghanistan."

McCollum is in her sixth term and serves on the House Appropriations and Budget committees.

"NASCAR fans are the kind of people who fight America's wars, which would put into question the wisdom of banning the military's ability to reach out to them," NASCAR spokesman Randy Poston said in the HamptonRoads report.

More than 400 amendments to the budget bill have been offered. To become part of the law, they must survive subcommittee and committee votes as well as passage by the full House and Senate, followed by the president's signature. Congresswoman wants to end military's NASCAR sponsorships – This Just In - Blogs

I think we need to cut everywhere. We have to leave NPR and PBS alone according to Democrats. We have to let women write off breast-pumps. We have to keep all of the entitlements that keep Democrats in office, but we can't keep anything that helps defend this nation.

What is the primary purpose of the government?

Can anyone remember what that is?

Well, this is the purpose:

To Form a More Perfect Union:While initially, the (former) colonies weren't united, they soon came to realize that there is strength in solidarity and as such formed an alliance with one another. Thus, the Constitution provide for such a union.

To Establish Justice: The most vital role in a successful democratic government is to ensure justice within the nation. Though the term justice is open to interpretation, the explanation most widely accepted is that the law must be fair, unbiased, and logical. While these standards we are not always met within this nation, the American people wish to strive for such ideals.

To Provide for the Common Defense: While the Constitution didn't necessarily allow for elite military operations, it did intend for the government to provide a basic system of defense against enemies of the state. The U.S. government has, over the years, broadened the definition of defense and has also utilized this role of the government most often.

To Secure the Blessings of Liberty: The American nation was built around the ideals of individual freedom and liberty, however, the Founding Fathers also came to the realization that certain boundaries must be set forth
in order to ensure that such liberties would not breach those of other citizens'. While the government certainly makes it a point to promote such personal liberties, it is up to the American people to constantly challenge the government to provide for such freedoms.

To Promote the General Welfare:
A broad purpose of the government that is constantly open to adaptation and growth, is the role of the government to provide the Americna people with services and regulations that are for the public good. Such regulations may include health and food standards, public education, and consumer protection. However, in order to allow capitalism to flourish, the government leaves certain services available to private businesses (such as railroads and airline transportation), this allows market competition to thrive so that the consumer can receive the best services and prices possible.

To Insure Domestic Tranquility:This role of the federal government is relatively self-explanatory in name. The government must provide order in society and allow for domestic peace. It must also pres(v)ent the nation from ever ascending into anarchy.The Purpose of the U.S. Government Per the Constitution - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

Personally, I think Obama is leading us into anarchy, but that's in another thread.

Seems that being patriotic isn't cool. Being politically correct and assuring diversity, working for social justice, and collective salvation is the goal. Whatever the Democrats want is a priority while what this country wants takes a back seat.

I'm still trying to figure out how putting decals on NASCAR race cars cost $100 million.

Why don't we kick the UN off of US soil and stop paying them. How about ending our support of Hamas. Cut off all of the cash going to unions like the SEIU and ACORN.

If NPR and PBS are worth watching they'll survive by selling ads. Why are we propping them up?

So the Dems want to piss all over NASCAR and the military. Could it be because they think NASCAR fans are just a bunch of Red-Neck Tea Party members, and the military is just a bunch of mindless warmongers that just want to kill?

I think so.

Let's turn NASCAR into another Muslim outreach program like NASA has become. That should make them happy.
NASCAR, NPR, and PBS ... three of the most BORING things going in this country.

Cut em all.
Until NASCAR has a guaranteed crash night and PBS and NPR adopt the nude weather report I fully support defunding them all.
Until NASCAR has a guaranteed crash night and PBS and NPR adopt the nude weather report I fully support defunding them all.

NASCAR to me is just burning gas. They have some really cool jackets though.

I actually went to a couple of races in North Carolina when I was still in the service. Too many damn caution flags. Stop. Start. Stop. Start. Ugh.

But the crowd has awesome people watching opportunities and when the cars are actually racing it's fun to watch ... so going live is fun. Watching on TV ... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
The NASCAR sponsorships come out of the Militarys' advertising budget. The Money the government gives to NPR is for operating costs.

Two different things entirely.
Until NASCAR has a guaranteed crash night and PBS and NPR adopt the nude weather report I fully support defunding them all.

NASCAR to me is just burning gas. They have some really cool jackets though.

I actually went to a couple of races in North Carolina when I was still in the service. Too many damn caution flags. Stop. Start. Stop. Start. Ugh.

But the crowd has awesome people watching opportunities and when the cars are actually racing it's fun to watch ... so going live is fun. Watching on TV ... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

Maybe a sport where the particpants fail more than 2/3s of the time.........oh wait.
NASCAR to me is just burning gas. They have some really cool jackets though.

I actually went to a couple of races in North Carolina when I was still in the service. Too many damn caution flags. Stop. Start. Stop. Start. Ugh.

But the crowd has awesome people watching opportunities and when the cars are actually racing it's fun to watch ... so going live is fun. Watching on TV ... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

Maybe a sport where the particpants fail more than 2/3s of the time.........oh wait.

About 27% percent of the time the batter succeeds and about 73% of the time the pitcher succeeds.
I would have said defund all 3 as well, but Mad brings up a valid point. Unless you just think the armed forces ought not be able to advertise at all are we going to restrict HOW they can spend that part of the budget?

I really don't know how the process works but I would have to guess for things to be cut out of the budget, there has to be a line item there to actually cut and I doubt there's a line item in the budget that reads 100 million to aremed forces for NASCAR advertising. You'd have to know how money is appropriated to the armed services. I would have to guess the armed forces makes it's own budget and they're just appropriated a certain amount of money from the government.
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I actually went to a couple of races in North Carolina when I was still in the service. Too many damn caution flags. Stop. Start. Stop. Start. Ugh.

But the crowd has awesome people watching opportunities and when the cars are actually racing it's fun to watch ... so going live is fun. Watching on TV ... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

Maybe a sport where the particpants fail more than 2/3s of the time.........oh wait.

About 27% percent of the time the batter succeeds and about 73% of the time the pitcher succeeds.

I will check your stats next month as I'm attending the 2 Rays/Red Sox spring training games at Charlotte Sports Park.
Until NASCAR has a guaranteed crash night and PBS and NPR adopt the nude weather report I fully support defunding them all.

This has nothing to do with NASCAR. It would only affect three race teams. Plus the army sponsers teams from the NHRA top fuel
Maybe a sport where the particpants fail more than 2/3s of the time.........oh wait.

About 27% percent of the time the batter succeeds and about 73% of the time the pitcher succeeds.

I will check your stats next month as I'm attending the 2 Rays/Red Sox spring training games at Charlotte Sports Park.

Fuggin sweet! In retrospect if you go by OBP your numbers are prolly closer by Price is Right Rules.

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