Zone1 CVS is racist

How many CVS Pharmacy locations are there in the United States in 2022?​

There are 9,790 CVS Pharmacy locations in the United States as of June 20, 2022.

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Stop crying.
CVS promoted black fathers over all other races. This is so racist that you will have to evade discussing it.
You can't bs your way through this. I posted a pic that I shot right there in CVS, where's your white specific card pic?

Every other card on that shelf was a "white specific card". What you got against the free market catering to niche markets? It's not perfect -- but it will go where the DEMAND is.

Hope you dont have the same reaction in a record shop or sports memorabilia shop. Because the only Asian music you'll find are the symphony orchestras that lately are 40% or so Asian. And I doubt they have Mariachi or Tejano sections in most of them outside of the SWest and Cali.
Every other card on that shelf was a "white specific card".
Wrong. The ONLY race specific cards were for black fathers. There were absolutely NO other race specific cards besides the black ones. I sure hope you aren't just assuming that all the other cards that were not race specific were for white fathers, because that would be racist. Let's not forget that we have American Indians, Pacific Islanders, and Asians, right? The only race specific cards were for blacks. There were no white specific cards. CVS was promoting black fathers over all other races.

Can you imagine the headlines if CVS really did offer white specific cards as you claim? CVS would be looted and burned to the ground. No flac, there were not any white specific cards available.
Wrong. The ONLY race specific cards were for black fathers. There were absolutely NO other race specific cards besides the black ones. I sure hope you aren't just assuming that all the other cards that were not race specific were for white fathers, because that would be racist. Let's not forget that we have American Indians, Pacific Islanders, and Asians, right? The only race specific cards were for blacks. There were no white specific cards. CVS was promoting black fathers over all other races.

Can you imagine the headlines if CVS really did offer white specific cards as you claim? CVS would be looted and burned to the ground. No flac, there were not any white specific cards available.

And here is a classic example of the delusion some whites live in. Every card that was not black specific was white specific. This is where some whites get lost. For example people like metro whine about black history, but what is teaching about George Washington, Abe Lincoln and other whites in history that has excluded blacks called? It's white history but it is called American history. Yet because it doesn't say white history we get whining from a specific section of the white population about how race should not be part of anything.

White has been default for American, whites have always made things race specific featuring themselves. The majority of CVS race specific fathers day cards were for white fathers. And you don't see blacks whining about it.
There are 1000's of CVS locations white ---. Damn near all of them have white fathers day cards only. I don't have to show you a picture to prove things to you. Quit whining about something thats not happening. Whites aren't being excluded from a damn thing in this nation. You're crying about a card in a corporation owned and controlled by whites. You aren't talking about the exclusion of non white people in important positions of employment. Instead you want to whine about a card.

F--- that.
But whites ARE being excluded from important positions. The President of the United States even did it when he bragged how he wouldn’t consider a White for the VP slot, or for the SCOTUS nominee.

As far as the black father’s day cards, I really don’t mind the addition of that, but I understand OP’s point. If there are to be special cards for blacks, then why aren’t there special cards for Asians? They are about the same percentage of the population.

It‘s like what flacaltenn said upthread about the pendulum swinging too far, and giving the example of half of TV commercials being of POC, particularly blacks, and saying he (she?) expects equilibrium eventually. In the meantime, it’s emblematic of the overcompensation going on. it was the same thing when I mentioned the posters, in which I walked by 20 of them IN A ROW and every single one was of a black model, or how TurboTax used only black models to advertise its services, or how the hair care company had shelf after shelf of posters, every single one black there was well. Never mind that there were none of the majority. But what about Asians?
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In a way, I think it’s insulting. I wouldn‘t like to walk into a store and find a section that said “Jewish Father Day cards”. A dad is a dad, and something like that would be setting us up as different from other families.
Every other card on that shelf was a "white specific card".
White specific means that it specifically names whites with the word "white," like the card this thread is about names blacks. Please provide a link to substantiate this claim that all the other cards named white dads.
Every card that was not black specific was white specific.
Even if every other card specifically named whites using the word white as you falsely claim, then what about pacific islanders. Asians, and American Indians? Your continued hate-whitey posts do not address these other 3 races.
White specific means that it specifically names whites with the word "white," like the card this thread is about names blacks. Please provide a link to substantiate this claim that all the other cards named white dads.

Are you editing for greeting cards now? If you're gonna give a card, the more personal the better. And since black dads are in kinda short supply -- maybe they deserve some encouragement.

Greeting card companies stringently try to neuter the messaging unless its comedy. You picked ONE CARD design out to criticize. Were there OTHER "black dad" greeting cards? Yes there are. Look them up.

Seems like you're advocating "Nobody gets one -- if I dont get one". But in reality -- YOU CAN GET ONE if you look for it.



Are you editing for greeting cards now? If you're gonna give a card, the more personal the better. And since black dads are in kinda short supply -- maybe they deserve some encouragement.

Greeting card companies stringently try to neuter the messaging unless its comedy. You picked ONE CARD design out to criticize. Were there OTHER "black dad" greeting cards? Yes there are. Look them up.

Seems like you're advocating "Nobody gets one -- if I dont get one". But in reality -- YOU CAN GET ONE if you look for it.



There were other black specific cards available, but no other race specific cards. CVS was promoting black fathers over every other race. This is racist.

What do you think would happen if CVS offered a white specific card, as in "Happy White Dads Day?" Worse yet, what do you think would happen if there were only white specific cards and no other race specific cards were available? This would make headlines for month, and CVS would be destroyed, right?
Some of the members who responded to this thread have actually been defending CVS and their promotion of one race over all others. It is a fact that CVS promoted blacks over all other races, and those on this thread who have fought so hard to defend the blatant and undeniable CVS racism described in the opening post are racist for defending it. Supporting racism IS racism. Not recognizing or acknowledging racism in its purest form is absolutely arrogant and racist. Using censorship to marginalize racism is censorship.

The very concept of a black fathers day card in the first place is textbook racial supremacy. Before even evaluating the role CVS played in this racism, it should be noted that the actual card in the opening post is intended to make black fathers feel superior over fathers of all other races because they are black. The card itself is a textbook definition of racism, the belief that one race is superior to another.
Are you editing for greeting cards now? If you're gonna give a card, the more personal the better. And since black dads are in kinda short supply -- maybe they deserve some encouragement.

Greeting card companies stringently try to neuter the messaging unless its comedy. You picked ONE CARD design out to criticize. Were there OTHER "black dad" greeting cards? Yes there are. Look them up.

Seems like you're advocating "Nobody gets one -- if I dont get one". But in reality -- YOU CAN GET ONE if you look for it.

Card number is 3 is intended to make black people feel superior over other races. Only card 3. Cards one and two don't label people by race. Card 3 is so racist that Coyote hit the like button on your post.
Card number is 3 is intended to make black people feel superior over other races. Only card 3. Cards one and two don't label people by race. Card 3 is so racist that Coyote hit the like button on your post.

This is a weird perception. I cannot fathom how ANY RATIONAL person would confuse a Father's Day card with "racial superiority". ESPECIALLY when you dont have to buy it or subsidize it or even notice.

How do you think this country would survive without TOLERANCE for items that dont concern you? The whole basic concept of tolerance is that you dont HAVE TO LIKE or AGREE to it or BUY it, but you tolerate it because toleration is the FUNDAMENTAL requirement for liberties and freedoms.

Cant have nice things like liberties and freedoms if you dont tolerate stuff that others do that does not harm you. And if you're woke enough -- EVERYTHING is harmful to the "collective you" so language/culture/math/science/history ALL have to be destroyed and rebuilt to "avoid harming" people.

I think your "race superiority" Father's Day card tests, are a little like that. You see HARM -- where there IS none. Lack of tolerance? Dunno. Maybe dont care.
This is a weird perception. I cannot fathom how ANY RATIONAL person would confuse a Father's Day card with "racial superiority".

Flac, what on earth are you trying to do here? Nobody is arguing that fathers day cards in general, as you are suggesting here, are racist. I'm pointing out that the card that this thread goes BEYOND just recognizing fathers. You are trying to conflate fathers day cards that promote racial superiority like the third one you posted, with regular fathers day cards that don't even mention race like the first two you posted.

Can you differentiate the first two cards that you posted from the third one that promotes racial superiority? See if you can isolate which race each of the three cards SPECIFIES, and wrap quotes around them.

The racial superiority is blatantly obvious, it's what real victims of racism have been trying to quantify to people who are blind to it for generations. Blindness to it is the closest thing to the systemic racism problem that people have been talking about. Look harder.
Can you differentiate the first two cards that you posted from the third one that promotes racial superiority? See if you can isolate which race each of the three cards SPECIFIES, and wrap quotes around them.

oh heck no EVM -- I cannot see a diff. Or why anyone would think the 3rd card or ANY of hundreds I could have posted has ANYTHING to do with racial superiority. What about that card puts you "on edge" in ANY way?
oh heck no EVM -- I cannot see a diff. Or why anyone would think the 3rd card or ANY of hundreds I could have posted has ANYTHING to do with racial superiority. What about that card puts you "on edge" in ANY way?
Find the word "black" in each of the three cards. How many of the three cards specify this race? How many of each of those three cards specify ANY race?
oh heck no EVM -- I cannot see a diff.

This is a big problem. You are writing forum rules for discussing racism, but you are not seeing racial superiority and racism when it is right in front of you. You are blind to a card (my op card or your third card) that is clearly meant to make a father feel superior for being a "black" father. It is not just about being a father, it is about being a father of a specific race. The card is destined to be given to a black father. Unlike the first two cards you posted, and it is meant SPECIFICALLY to promote racial superiority, specifically the black race. The first two cards you posted are appropriate for fathers of any race.
Or why anyone would think the 3rd card or ANY of hundreds I could have posted has ANYTHING to do with racial superiority.
The third card is only meant for black fathers. It says so right on the front of the card. It is meant to make that father feel special for being not just any father, but rather for being a "black" father. Textbook racial superiority. There was only one reason to specify a particular race in this card, and that was to make the recipient feel special for being that race. If it wasn't to make him feel special for being that race, it would have just made him feel special for being a father.
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You are blind to a card (my op card or your third card) that is clearly meant to make a father feel superior for being a "black" father.

This is like one of those internet tests where folks will listen to a spoken phrase and hear 2 or 3 different things or the other kind where folks cant even agree on a color.

ALL 3 cards feature black fathers and son/daughter. Not any different there. But SAYING the word black father suddenly makes the 3rd one about "superiority". Can't leap to that. Dont see it. The important part is that artwork is appropriate to the race.

For minorities in any multi-cultural free societies, it's fine to decide to choose a Father's Day that's race/ethnic/culturally appropriate without DECLARING ANY superiority to anyone else. Largely because by definition, not a lot of race neutral cards CELEBRATE the race/ethnic/cultures that are in the minority. It's IDENTITY confirmation - not even CLOSE to "superiority".

I can provide some evidence to that. Because like I said a couple pages ago -- black fathers are ACTUALLY RARE. Let's quantify that. About 65% of black families have one parent. Be generous and assume that 15% of those one-parent households lack a mom. That leaves 50% of black children WITHOUT "a black dad" or on very limited terms with their fathers. THAT FACT ALONE - justifies sending their "black dad" a special thanks for father's day. NOT anything to do with superiority, It has to do with giving thanks for him for being ACTUALLY special and not being a "statistic".

Far less white kids even imagine an unmarried or absentee dad exists. Hispanics with the ultra family structure ALSO have a rather high "absentee" dad issue.

Just to be clear -- I'm pointing all this out to DEFEND special recognition for black dads, not to harp on anything LIKE "white superiority" in that regard.
This is like one of those internet tests where folks will listen to a spoken phrase and hear 2 or 3 different things or the other kind where folks cant even agree on a color.

In the father's day cards that promote race, we hear two things, father, and race. In the cards that promote farmers. We only hear about fathers. There are not 3 things, and you hear whatever the card says. If the card is meant to promote a particular race, you will hear which race that is when you read the card.
ALL 3 cards feature black fathers and son/daughter. Not any different there.

Pictures can be interpreted to mean what you like. The races of the fathers in the picture can mean whatever the viewer wants them to mean, kinda like several people do on this thread when they declare that all other cards are automatically for white people. The written words is very different and very specific. The pictures of darker skin do not mean black, that is up to the reader to decide.
But SAYING the word black father suddenly makes the 3rd one about "superiority". Can't leap to that. Dont see it. The important part is that artwork is appropriate to the race.

The art work does not isolate blacks from several other races with darker skin color. Words guarantee that it is about a specific race. The reason for giving a father's day card is to make a father feel special. The reason for giving a card that specifies racial identity to someone is to make them feel special about their race.
It's IDENTITY confirmation - not even CLOSE to "superiority".
Euphemism. A race based card that is meant to make someone feel special about their race is textbook racism.
I can provide some evidence to that. Because like I said a couple pages ago -- black fathers are ACTUALLY RARE. Let's quantify that. About 65% of black families have one parent. Be generous and assume that 15% of those one-parent households lack a mom. That leaves 50% of black children WITHOUT "a black dad" ....
You are just trying to justify blatant racism.

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