
Have you ever been the victim of cyberbullying?

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Look at these old people sending their life savings to someone they have never met, and fall in love with a picture.

They are emotionally starved, and seek it in dysfunctional places..

That's one way of putting. Another is the lonliness of old age. How lonely would you be if everyone you were close to had died?
I was chased with a knife by a crazy boy neighbor when I was 5 or 6 years old.
I'm glad I was fast.
He was known for cornering animals in his back yard and slitting their throats.....

I shared a house with 4 other party girls while in my 20's. I had a freaken peeping Tom that was so frightening..

A few months later a dad bought his teen son over to say sorry for ...

Look at these old people sending their life savings to someone they have never met, and fall in love with a picture.

They are emotionally starved, and seek it in dysfunctional places..

That's one way of putting. Another is the lonliness of old age. How lonely would you be if everyone you were close to had died?

Yes, they prey on the fragile who's spouse just died. If my husband goes first I am going to move into a active retirement home..They do much better than the isolated...

But there are bullies and gossipers in the old folks home too...

No such thing as cyberbullying...

You must not be a parent Rustic...

I have young daughters…
Why r u letting them young girls on the internet?
How are you going to stop them? My son's best buddy when he was a kid had professor parents that did not have a television. He came to our house every weekend and was glued to our set (as long as I would let them). Kids who don't have the internet at home just go elsewhere and use it.
Sounds like an excuse not to give a fuck
Not an excuse at all. Just reality.
The only people that get bullied are the ones that let themselves get bullied. Make a stand
You must not be a parent Rustic...

I have young daughters…
Why r u letting them young girls on the internet?
How are you going to stop them? My son's best buddy when he was a kid had professor parents that did not have a television. He came to our house every weekend and was glued to our set (as long as I would let them). Kids who don't have the internet at home just go elsewhere and use it.
Sounds like an excuse not to give a fuck
Not an excuse at all. Just reality.
Reality is subjective. My reality is while my babies live under my roof I'm responsible for all their actions. There is no time off, u ask questions, u meet the friends n their parents, u make unannounced visits while they're visiting their friends. I will do everything in my power to keep my babies safe n alive. If something happens out of my hands then I make sure it never happens again. But I never say oh well it's just reality.
I have young daughters…
Why r u letting them young girls on the internet?
How are you going to stop them? My son's best buddy when he was a kid had professor parents that did not have a television. He came to our house every weekend and was glued to our set (as long as I would let them). Kids who don't have the internet at home just go elsewhere and use it.
Sounds like an excuse not to give a fuck
Not an excuse at all. Just reality.
Reality is subjective. My reality is while my babies live under my roof I'm responsible for all their actions. There is no time off, u ask questions, u meet the friends n their parents, u make unannounced visits while they're visiting their friends. I will do everything in my power to keep my babies safe n alive. If something happens out of my hands then I make sure it never happens again. But I never say oh well it's just reality.
Ok. Best of luck with that.
I am happy I did this thread.


I was bullied as a child and those that bullied me will tell you they made my life hell including my aunt and uncle that raised me, but not one moment did I ever consider suicide because I would never give anyone the satisfaction they had beaten me to that point where I would take my life to end the pain.

Some people are wired to handle it and some are fragile and can not handle it, and those that can not need to seek help because killing yourself is never worth it and the bully wins if you do kill yourself.
Cyber bullying would be impossible without society's slavish attachment to social media. Kids in the same room will text each other instead of talking. Adults will feel like they don't exist if their snapchat thread expires. It's very sad. There's something to be said for being able to greet your neighbors by name.
Why r u letting them young girls on the internet?
How are you going to stop them? My son's best buddy when he was a kid had professor parents that did not have a television. He came to our house every weekend and was glued to our set (as long as I would let them). Kids who don't have the internet at home just go elsewhere and use it.
Sounds like an excuse not to give a fuck
Not an excuse at all. Just reality.
Reality is subjective. My reality is while my babies live under my roof I'm responsible for all their actions. There is no time off, u ask questions, u meet the friends n their parents, u make unannounced visits while they're visiting their friends. I will do everything in my power to keep my babies safe n alive. If something happens out of my hands then I make sure it never happens again. But I never say oh well it's just reality.
Ok. Best of luck with that.
Not luck, hard work n devotion with some deep love mixed in there n u can go to bed a night knowing u did all u could do for ur family.
People are bullied, manipulated and taken advantage of all the time.
More often then not.

I'm not saying it's right, but, human nature is not going to change after all this time.

At least we don't watch Christian's get eaten and killed by lions for fun/entertainment anymore......
Well, there is that.
I am happy I did this thread.


I was bullied as a child and those that bullied me will tell you they made my life hell including my aunt and uncle that raised me, but not one moment did I ever consider suicide because I would never give anyone the satisfaction they had beaten me to that point where I would take my life to end the pain.

Some people are wired to handle it and some are fragile and can not handle it, and those that can not need to seek help because killing yourself is never worth it and the bully wins if you do kill yourself.
Ahhh, yes. But having had a few brushes with that emotion myself, the last person who thinks they need help is the person so depressed they want to die.
In terms of bullying, I think that would all depend on whether people knew you in real life and whether they had power over you.

Take this forum, for instance. It has a group of low functioning leftists who indulge in group think, and like to ridicule those who do not indulge in their particular brand of lock-step orthodoxy by submitting "funny" to posts that are serious. Is this stupid? Yes. Is it childish? Yes. Is it bullying, however? How can it be bullying when these posters cannot control any site content and don't even know the identity of those they ridicule?

Moderators hounding people is one thing -- especially if they are removing the postings of those they harass. A group of numb nuts to insecure to ever come up with an opinion that has not been approved by their equally insecure little peeps is something else. That is simply pathetic playground antics and not actual bullying.
We all need to watch our step when it comes to arguing politics. A person who's a political enemy should still be respected enough to keep it civil. I've been guilty of bullying many times and just yesterday I apologized to a woman I insulted. I got personal with her and that's out of bounds or should be even if she has few, if any boundaries. My pop told me long ago it doesn't cost anything to be a gentleman but it can cost you plenty if you ain't one. That said, this is no place for the timid, meek, or the easily bruised. I've tried to be friendly with political foes here and elsewhere and you know what? can change a mind on occasion if you're courteous and don't strive to humiliate them.
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We all need to watch our step when it comes to arguing politics. A person who's a political enemy should still be respected enough to keep it civil. I've been guilty of bullying many times and just yesterday I apologized to a woman I insulted. I got personal with her and that's out of bounds or should be even if she has few, if any boundaries. My pop told me long ago it doesn't cost anything to be a gentleman but it can cost you plenty if you ain't one. That said, this is no place for the timid, meek, or the easily bruised. I've tried to be friendly with political foes here and elsewhere and you know what? can change a mind here and there if you're courteous and don't strive to humiliate them.
Well said

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