
Have you ever been the victim of cyberbullying?

  • Yes

  • No

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The only people that get bullied are the ones that let themselves get bullied. Make a stand
That's blaming the victim, not the bully. Bullying is unnecessary, cruel and wrong.

So whine about being bullied, you can't stop bullying and never will. Grow a pair
I'm not whining, but we might need to send you back to anatomy class, Sassy. Can't do what you ask.

Save your attempts at bullying or I shall demonstrate how to deal with a bully.

Our kids don't get bullied, know why? Because they refuse to. They stand for themselves, try it instead of whining like a victim. This is what is wrong with today's youth and the pansy millennials, they need "safe places" and someone to coddle them. Grow a pair and make a stand
The only people that get bullied are the ones that let themselves get bullied. Make a stand
That's blaming the victim, not the bully. Bullying is unnecessary, cruel and wrong.

So whine about being bullied, you can't stop bullying and never will. Grow a pair
I'm not whining, but we might need to send you back to anatomy class, Sassy. Can't do what you ask.

Save your attempts at bullying or I shall demonstrate how to deal with a bully.

Our kids don't get bullied, know why? Because they refuse to. They stand for themselves, try it instead of whining like a victim. This is what is wrong with today's youth and the pansy millennials, they need "safe places" and someone to coddle them. Grow a pair and make a stand
Sassy girl, me like
The only people that get bullied are the ones that let themselves get bullied. Make a stand
That's blaming the victim, not the bully. Bullying is unnecessary, cruel and wrong.

So whine about being bullied, you can't stop bullying and never will. Grow a pair
I'm not whining, but we might need to send you back to anatomy class, Sassy. Can't do what you ask.

Save your attempts at bullying or I shall demonstrate how to deal with a bully.

Our kids don't get bullied, know why? Because they refuse to. They stand for themselves, try it instead of whining like a victim. This is what is wrong with today's youth and the pansy millennials, they need "safe places" and someone to coddle them. Grow a pair and make a stand
Make a stand on what? I already said what my stand is on this. Demonstrate away, bully.
I went ahead and voted yes to the poll question because I would most likely be labeled someone who has been cyber bully, but I believe that anything that has been said to me would most definitely be considered no where near as bad as what other people have seen said to them. Would I kill myself over what's been thrown at me? Never. To me, people who bully other people in any way should never be given such a thing to be proud of.

God bless you and those who get it worse than my experience always!!!

Hmmm this is an interesting subject for me personally.

While I don't consider myself a "cyberbully" nor am I specifically cruel to anyone, there is a facet of my online experience where I am far less... friendly; gaming. As a gamer, and specifically a PvP [Player vs Player] gamer, I participate in a form of what some might consider cyberbulling; while it's almost always good natured "playing to the crowd" type stuff with my rivals (taunts and joking claims of hacking kind of stuff - most of my "rivals" are actually IRL friends now), but those who think to challenge my prowess on certain issues may actually feel a bit bullied by my responses. I can also be a bit... uhm, heated, when my leadership role in games is challenged, and I admit I am blatantly and openly hostile toward those who attempt to tell others how they "must" play a certain class, or those who disparage PvE [Player vs Enviroment] players, or disparage smaller guilds. I'm afraid that I cannot say that I wouldn't do again anything I have recently said or done on game forums to the latter effects. While I wouldn't say I'm "proud" of some of this stuff, I am certainly not ashamed, nor do I really intend to alter my behavior there - but then again, nothing I have said crosses the rules of the forums either.

I do however have an experience in my past that I am mildly ashamed of, but it brings up a curiosity with this discussion...

Long story short, like 10-12 years ago, I started a massive server leadership fight that ultimately ended up destroying the server (like the mods said that the in-fighting was completely out of control and pulled the plug on the server >.<) Now, I've honestly never really forgave myself for letting things go that far, but I do /not/ feel I was in the wrong to fight the fight... In the long run, the other gamers pushed me /back/ into leadership on the new server because they had agreed with my battle (basically, the fight was about elitist hard core guilds preventing casual players in small guilds from participating server wide content; its a common problem in MMO's)

Anyway, so, on the one hand, I see cyberbullying as a "bad" thing, I mean obviously its not cool to hurt others feelings, but on the other hand I see it as a "good" thing, or at least a "necessary" thing in some cases, because if I had /not/ fought so viciously with the elite guild alliance then those elitist bastards would have been able to just take over the new server and prevent all the little guilds from participating in forts, scenerios, and keep battles. Because the fight on the ultimately shutdown server was so fierce, it was well known on /all/ servers, and ultimately I gained a majority of the popular vote on the new server - they would not be "bullied" by the elitists as they put it.

So the "moral" question is; was I cyberbullying or was I defending the weaker guilds? And if we can argue that I was rightfully "defending," then can't we also argue that the elite leaders were "defending" their elite guild status? I do not begrudge the elitists for fighting with me, nor for all the terrible things they said about me during that fight, but at the same time I disagreed vehemently with their opinions and I was not going to just say nothing about it and let them take over. (Funny... I still find myself angry about this fight after all these years, after having "won" the fight, ten other games, and everything else I've done since then... I'm getting a little mad just remembering it all lol)

I guess the bigger question in my mind has always been, is who was actually "right" there - in this case, the server voted and the mods stepped in to prevent shit from getting out of hand again, so I say that I "won the fight," but that would imply that the elitists "lost the fight" and I don't think they did; though I guess their elitist leadership alliance lost "control" so maybe that's a loss - their players were still welcomed though so idk.

On a secondary, related note, the elite leaders were far from gracious after being defeated in the vote. Right after I was voted in on the new server I began training up new leaders to run things and became a "poster leader" with no real leadership role - I actually ended up starting a new character to avoid it, I just wanted to be able to play again without all the hate tells. (Thankfully it took like idk 4 years for it to get out who my new character was) Now, I don't really consider all these hate tells as cyberbullying, but idk some might define it as such, it /did/ alter my enjoyments of the game though so was it - and if that is the case, did "I" actually lose by allowing them to force me onto a new character? (Not that I would change it honestly - I loved my new character very much and went on to later be an advisor for that class; I did a number of guides for new comers to the class and ultimately ended up helping the developers with class balancing and changes to class abilities. The "pet name" I called the class is actually listed on Wiki now o_O)

So I guess in my mind, I was both the perpetrator, and the victim, of cyberbullying. While my gut reaction to discussions about if cyberbullying should be curbed or dealt with by authorities or w/e is a resounding "Hell no!," I have no choice but to admit that it did, and has affected me, and not just while it was happening either - as I noted, I was getting a bit mad just remembering it. I am not mentally nor emotionally weak, in fact I'm oft accused of being emotionless, but there it is... Which makes one wonder, if I, a very strong willed, self confident, and mentally strong person who is not typically emotionally effected by things, can find myself /still/ eliciting strong emotions about an online event that happened 10-12 years ago, in a game that no longer even exists online... What of the weaker minded overly emotional types? And worse, what about situations that are not "just a game"?

This discussion has actually put me in a bit of a pickle since I'm currently a moderator on a game forum who has to deal with these issues between other players; in the past I have always kind of written the complaints off as "whining" (unless they were blatantly racist or sexual or threatening real life violence/stalker stuff, of course) based on my belief in freedom of speech, however, now I find myself questioning if perhaps there /is/ actually another limit upon in-game rivalries that I need to make notes on...

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