
Have you ever been the victim of cyberbullying?

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Pretty predictable that the bullies on the board say bullying doesn't hurt anyone, and if it does, it's the victim's fault. Good try, though, Bruce.
We had a school bully when I was in sixth grade.
He started waiting for me after school and would bully me.
This went on for a week or so. I went to the school principal and told him. He said to me: "The next time he starts to bully you look at the end of his nose and hit it as hard as you can".
I did just that. The fucking little bastard went down like a ton of bricks. I knocked one of his front teeth out. He went crying home to his mommy and daddy. They immediately came to the school. They were screaming at me and threatening me. The principal told them their kid was the school bully and he got what was coming to him. They left and I was never once bullied again. My 'reputation' stayed with me even through high school.
There's only one way to deal with a bully.
I've been "on line" since the late 80's
Never had problems, I mean, people hated me. Some people liked me to the point of sending me packages etc.
But no one every got crazy nuts about it.
Pretty predictable that the bullies on the board say bullying doesn't hurt anyone, and if it does, it's the victim's fault. Good try, though, Bruce.
It seems as though the only people that are so called "bullied" are the bleeding heart type... LOL
I was chased with a knife by a crazy boy neighbor when I was 5 or 6 years old.
I'm glad I was fast.
He was known for cornering animals in his back yard and slitting their throats.....
I think it's unfair to mock fragile people.
People are fragile for a reason - just because you are tough and can take it, not everyone else can..... empathy... it's a good thing to have.
I don't have much patience for bullies nor for most "victims" of bullies. If you are being bullied deal with it- report them, fight back in some way or avoid the bully. Cyber bullying is the easiest kind of bullying to avoid.

I agree with OP that we ought to watch how we talk to each other- that's just good manners and common decency. Being rude or a jerk doesn't mean we are bullies causing people to kill themselves. Jerks don't have that much power.
Bullying is linked to suicide in kids. So, jerks do have a lot of power.
The statistics on bullying and suicide are alarming:

  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.
  • Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University
  • A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying
  • 10 to 14 year old girls may be at even higher risk for suicide, according to the study above
  • According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying
Bullying and Suicide - Bullying Statistics
No, parents are not teaching kids how to deal with it.

Parents actually make things worse by stressing to their kids that they need to "fit in" - it puts pressure on them.
If a person kills themselves over words from an anonymous poster on the internet, "bullying" is the LEAST of their problems.

Very true and I have thought about that but I also feel that sometimes those like me can be very harsh with our words, and sometimes just need to step back and calm it.

The individual that does kill themselves over words by another person no matter anonymous or not has mental issues and should seek professional help but if someone knows this person is fragile and keep the bullying going should that person be held responsible for the action of the other person?
No such thing as cyberbullying...

You must not be a parent Rustic...

I have young daughters…
Why r u letting them young girls on the internet?
How are you going to stop them? My son's best buddy when he was a kid had professor parents that did not have a television. He came to our house every weekend and was glued to our set (as long as I would let them). Kids who don't have the internet at home just go elsewhere and use it.
U c this is the problem with our society, we r letting out kids suck on the tit until Damn near adulthood. Bully? That's life, aplha n omega. But cyber bully holy shit what weak ass topic will u people complain n cry about next? Lets make a safe zone n talk about our feelings. Lmao.
No such thing as cyberbullying...

You must not be a parent Rustic...

I have young daughters…
Why r u letting them young girls on the internet?
How are you going to stop them? My son's best buddy when he was a kid had professor parents that did not have a television. He came to our house every weekend and was glued to our set (as long as I would let them). Kids who don't have the internet at home just go elsewhere and use it.
Sounds like an excuse not to give a fuck
I just hope to GAAAWWWD that someone can find the off button on their puter before it comes to suicide.

The internet has become such a garbage dump. People are anonymous so they say things they would never say in person.
U c this is the problem with our society, we r letting out kids suck on the tit until Damn near adulthood. Bully? That's life, aplha n omega. But cyber bully holy shit what weak ass topic will u people complain n cry about next? Lets make a safe zone n talk about our feelings. Lmao.

In English please?
People are bullied, manipulated and taken advantage of all the time.
More often then not.

I'm not saying it's right, but, human nature is not going to change after all this time.

At least we don't watch Christian's get eaten and killed by lions for fun/entertainment anymore......
Look at these old people sending their life savings to someone they have never met, and fall in love with a picture.

They are emotionally starved, and seek it in dysfunctional places..


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