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CDZ Cyberbullying . . .

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You don't know who I am at all, you're an anonymous user on a message-board. I'm a community volunteer, a husband, a father, a pta member, a coach and I happen to have a light enough sense of humor to not take a FLAME ZONE to mean the same thing as BULLYING when people are THERE, voluntarily.....for THAT PURPOSE.

Drama queening doesn't get you out of the responsibility of your own choices, and our morals seem better than yours because I've seen you, as well as many others have seen you, devolve into this meta name calling and judgment game OUTSIDE of the flamezone when someone is arguing points that you don't like. You behavior is hypocritical, and asinine. We have honesty on our side and a warning at our door. You are completely ridiculous, and take yourself way too seriously to belong on the internet.

Getting heated during political/religious or other important matters is NOT bullying.
So now you get to rationalize you behavior and call it all good - well, cool! My rationalization is that the flame zone states, IN ITS DAMN TITLE and also WITH A DISCLAIMER, that it's an ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK/THERE FOR ROASTING section of the internet. Sorry, that's not how bullying works.

That is you rationalizing your own behavior. I was told that the reason why I am being bullied in the flamer zone is because you all think it is funny to get a negative reaction out of me. That is the DEFINITION of bullying.
You miss the key component, you were in an MMA cage to fight and then calling the fight "assault."

That's not logical, bullies don't sign up on a piece of paper to be bullied and then go whining that they were bullied - this cheapens the phenomena when a human is ACTUALLY bullied.

No, I was in the flamer zone, taking on a bunch of cheap shot flamer bullies who now to try to insinuate that I went to the flamer zone to bully them. :D Now, THAT is funny given your history with other people. Perhaps if it was just me, then you would be validated in saying that I am such a horrible and hideous person that I deserve to be made miserable, but I am not the only one.
I cannot see the FZ. I am banned from it..permanently. With that said..I wonder if there are threads down there bashing me for whatever reason. I'm betting there are. Or, the 4F is full of someone saying something nasty about me just to get funnies from their clique.
Is this bullying? Nope. Cuz I removed myself from it instead of removing myself from the people upstairs I enjoy being around and leaving this board.
Getting heated during political/religious or other important matters is NOT bullying.
So now you get to rationalize you behavior and call it all good - well, cool! My rationalization is that the flame zone states, IN ITS DAMN TITLE and also WITH A DISCLAIMER, that it's an ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK/THERE FOR ROASTING section of the internet. Sorry, that's not how bullying works.

That is you rationalizing your own behavior. I was told that the reason why I am being bullied in the flamer zone is because you all think it is funny to get a negative reaction out of me. That is the DEFINITION of bullying.
You miss the key component, you were in an MMA cage to fight and then calling the fight "assault."

That's not logical, bullies don't sign up on a piece of paper to be bullied and then go whining that they were bullied - this cheapens the phenomena when a human is ACTUALLY bullied.

No, I was in the flamer zone, taking on a bunch of cheap shot flamer bullies who now to try to insinuate that I went to the flamer zone to bully them. :D Now, THAT is funny given your history with other people. Perhaps if it was just me, then you would be validated in saying that I am such a horrible and hideous person that I deserve to be made miserable, but I am not the only one.
I cannot see the FZ. I am banned from it..permanently. With that said..I wonder if there are threads down there bashing me for whatever reason. I'm betting there are. Or, the 4F is full of someone saying something nasty about me just to get funnies from their clique.
Is this bullying? Nope. Cuz I removed myself from it instead of removing myself from the people upstairs I enjoy being around and leaving this board.
You rarely get talked about now
So now you get to rationalize you behavior and call it all good - well, cool! My rationalization is that the flame zone states, IN ITS DAMN TITLE and also WITH A DISCLAIMER, that it's an ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK/THERE FOR ROASTING section of the internet. Sorry, that's not how bullying works.

That is you rationalizing your own behavior. I was told that the reason why I am being bullied in the flamer zone is because you all think it is funny to get a negative reaction out of me. That is the DEFINITION of bullying.
You miss the key component, you were in an MMA cage to fight and then calling the fight "assault."

That's not logical, bullies don't sign up on a piece of paper to be bullied and then go whining that they were bullied - this cheapens the phenomena when a human is ACTUALLY bullied.

No, I was in the flamer zone, taking on a bunch of cheap shot flamer bullies who now to try to insinuate that I went to the flamer zone to bully them. :D Now, THAT is funny given your history with other people. Perhaps if it was just me, then you would be validated in saying that I am such a horrible and hideous person that I deserve to be made miserable, but I am not the only one.
I cannot see the FZ. I am banned from it..permanently. With that said..I wonder if there are threads down there bashing me for whatever reason. I'm betting there are. Or, the 4F is full of someone saying something nasty about me just to get funnies from their clique.
Is this bullying? Nope. Cuz I removed myself from it instead of removing myself from the people upstairs I enjoy being around and leaving this board.
You rarely get talked about now
Doesn't really matter any more if I am talked about. I can't see dat shit. :D
ChrisL....ask admin to ban you from FZ. You won't see it. No need to defend yourself either because what they say means diddly squat..even though you want so very much to fight back. Ain't worth it. It makes being here much more pleasant.
Seems the sane approach. Once I get into moods and such over the FZ banter I'll take a voluntary hike for a little. How is this hobby to kill time and kick it.... worth any anxiety? Its totally not.

I dont show up at parties with a frown on, and when a fellow Ninja Turtle asks me, "Donatello, why the frown and sudden aversion to anchovies," I respond..."someone was ridiculing my message board user handle, again. :( "

Because that's a reductio ad absurdum. The thought behind even allowing yourself such vulnerability and in a completely voluntary/preventable way is insanity.
I get cyber bullied everyday right here. But who cares? I know I'm winning when it happens

But for kids I'm sure it means much more but they need to learn to deal with adversity


Never "fight back" ... That concedes the first victory to the opposition and you will be starting from a losing position.
If you want to fight, then fricken fight ... And quit sissy footing around pretending you are any better.

That's an interesting theory. I'm sure there is not just one reason for it. There are probably a lot of different reasons depending on the person and their personal situations.

But still, these are adults now. In today's world, we get plenty of exposure to others besides our own families, and an adult knows better. To go around on the internet, insulting other people as if you are a 12-year-old child on the playground is pretty much inexcusable.
I've been blogging since 2005 and I have a sure fire way to find out if someone is a troll or not. Just ask them a direct question. Trolls don't answer questions. Ever. I figure if someone can't answer a simple and direct question, they're trolling and not here to debate. And once you know the person is a troll, that changes how you respond to them. Because now, you got a pretty good idea of what they're going to say before they say it.

It's like when you know someone who knows you and they know how to push your buttons, however, if you catch on to them and think to yourself, "They're trying to push my buttons?" "Well, this time I'm not going to let them!" So you don't give them the reaction they're fishing for, and its them who is one going off. It's called empowerment.

Have you ever heard the expression, "no one can make you mad"? The logic behind that is you are in charge of your own emotions. You decide how you are going to react to the world around you. If you are mad, it is because you chose to be mad. You decided to have that reaction. And this is a very powerful thing. Because you can also decide not to have that reaction. That's the power you possess and no one can ever take that away. If someone is pushing your buttons, you say to yourself, I know what you are trying to do and I'm not going to let you.

Let me put this another way, if someone has been taking advantage of you, you simply tell yourself, "The only reason they are taking advantage of me, is because I am allowing them to take advantage of me. So, I'm not going to allow it anymore". The power is always there and it's your decision alone, to turn it on or off.
If you feel like you are getting "bullied" on the INTERNET, you have major problems. And its more than some butthead picking on you. ESPECIALLY if you are an adult.
Words are just words. Only YOU let them hurt you.
The internet is DIGITAL. Its not even spoken words!

The thing is today society live and dies with the internet...

For me trolling was part of the game when I started surfing boards back in the 90's but today cyber stalking and bullying is a different game.

Many childlren and younh adults live their lives in cyberspace and too much information about your personal life is out there for someone to use against you...

I am sure you believe it is the weak snowflakes that can not handle it but unlike the past you only dealt with the small community now you deal with the entire cyberspace and could get bullies from Tennessee picking on kids in Texas because of some picture that was altered just so someone life could be made into hell...

The internet is a blessing and a curse and too many people use this cyberspace to live through and not for it real intention to get information flowing...

So that is all I have to say about this... For now...
Cyber stalking is different than "bullying"
That isnt bullying, that is criminal.

I agree. That is taking bullying to the next level. I'm sure that a lot of bullies would use that information if it was readily available to them though. Don't put it past them.
That has already been done by some here. It was taken to real life.
I had that happen to me. Someone who used to be here found out where I worked, stalked and tried to get me fired.
I think it's only a matter of time before the "flame zone" and other such safe havens for bullies to bully on the internet will soon be a thing of the past though. It's probably just not worth it for the mods or for the site owners. It could even be a liability for them if things were to escalate to another level.
It has a purpose in that it keeps them there. They bring it upstairs and we can choose whether to go down there or not, IMO.
I think it's only a matter of time before the "flame zone" and other such safe havens for bullies to bully on the internet will soon be a thing of the past though. It's probably just not worth it for the mods or for the site owners. It could even be a liability for them if things were to escalate to another level.
It has a purpose in that it keeps them there. They bring it upstairs and we can choose whether to go down there or not, IMO.
Them are people, not thems.
Roasting and cyber-bullying are 2 different things entirely.

He is now trying to say that the flamer zone bullying of certain posters is just roasting and all in good fun and good will. Lol. I know of plenty of people who would disagree. :D

Perhaps he is just saying that when someone repeatedly slams their own head in a car door and then complains about having a headache ...
Some people just laugh at the foolishness of the exercise.


So you think that people should just back down to the bullies? They should be able to say whatever they want whenever they want, and the person who they are talking about should just let it be?

I think we all have a natural instinct to defend ourselves against any kind of attacks, whether they are verbal or physical.
I think the best thing, though it is the hardest, is to ignore them. They get their jollies by provoking reactions. God topic btw.
Somebody's trying to cyberbully me right now, too bad it's a couple of faggots. well, ya know..They don't know me too good.

I easily can smack them into last week.
I think it's only a matter of time before the "flame zone" and other such safe havens for bullies to bully on the internet will soon be a thing of the past though. It's probably just not worth it for the mods or for the site owners. It could even be a liability for them if things were to escalate to another level.
It has a purpose in that it keeps them there. They bring it upstairs and we can choose whether to go down there or not, IMO.
Them are people, not thems.
I should have worded it differently. It keeps that behavior in the FZ, not people.
I think it's only a matter of time before the "flame zone" and other such safe havens for bullies to bully on the internet will soon be a thing of the past though. It's probably just not worth it for the mods or for the site owners. It could even be a liability for them if things were to escalate to another level.
It has a purpose in that it keeps them there. They bring it upstairs and we can choose whether to go down there or not, IMO.
Them are people, not thems.
I should have worded it differently. It keeps that behavior in the FZ, not people.
Its all good I got defensive :) Im an animal, Coyote.
I think it's only a matter of time before the "flame zone" and other such safe havens for bullies to bully on the internet will soon be a thing of the past though. It's probably just not worth it for the mods or for the site owners. It could even be a liability for them if things were to escalate to another level.
It has a purpose in that it keeps them there. They bring it upstairs and we can choose whether to go down there or not, IMO.
Them are people, not thems.
I should have worded it differently. It keeps that behavior in the FZ, not people.
Its all good I got defensive :) Im an animal, Coyote.
:lol: all’s good...I’m a varmint ;). And your point was a good one!
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It's difficult IMHO to cyberbully on an anonymous message board. Real cyber bullying usually involve people online that gang up on someone who's real life identity is known. Bullying usually happens to a person that is unable to defend himself or escape. When everyone is anonymous, escape is easy.
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