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CDZ Cyberbullying . . .

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What? The point is that you can't stand it when someone stands up to your bullying! :D So, do you have something to add to this particular topic or are you just going to whine about your flame zone bullying pulpit?

If you don't like to be insulted, then don't insult other people. Find something better to do with your time than hanging out with a bunch of losers and flame baiters.

People are standing up to bullies and name-callers.

That's why so many are in this thread standing up to you.

Who? The flame zone regulars who love coming here every day to flame other posters and who basically live for it? Even you should be able to see how pathetic that is.
Anyways, like I said, I am sure that flame zone areas in message boards will soon enough be a thing of the past. Of course that likelihood is going to upset some of you. That is not surprising. Lol.
Let’s actually define bullying:

If a person is trying to end the interactions, and they other party refuses, it’s probably bullying.

If neither side refuses to quit because it’s important to “win” something, then both sides have some culpability.

That is not bullying. Words have meanings. The "bully" says or does things purposefully to get a negative reaction because they think it is fun or entertaining, like what you do in the flamer zone in order to get the approval of your fellow bullies. You would qualify as a bully according to the definition.

As would you.

So we are mutually bullying each other. But only one of us is bitching about it.
There is no denying that having a flamer zone is an invitation to trolls and bullies and a turn off to those who want to actually use the forum for what it was created for.
Isn't that a great reason to want a flame zone?

That's why it exists in the first place.

It was created to divert flaming from the rest of the board.

I don't know if it helps much since there are so many personal attacks and insults up here anyways, but that's the idea.

People are perfectly free not to go in there.

It encourages trolls and bullies and discourages good posters. There are plenty of boards that don't have a flame zone. There is no need to give you a home just because you want to bully and troll posters here. That is like succumbing to your bully tactics.
Let’s actually define bullying:

If a person is trying to end the interactions, and they other party refuses, it’s probably bullying.

If neither side refuses to quit because it’s important to “win” something, then both sides have some culpability.

That is not bullying. Words have meanings. The "bully" says or does things purposefully to get a negative reaction because they think it is fun or entertaining, like what you do in the flamer zone in order to get the approval of your fellow bullies. You would qualify as a bully according to the definition.

As would you.

So we are mutually bullying each other. But only one of us is bitching about it.

When have I bullied you? That is what I would like to know. I know I confronted you once about calling another poster a Nazi and told you that she is not a Nazi, she is a homemaker, and we have had some pleasant discussions in the coffee shop, so I have no idea why you would feel a need to bully me. What are you bullying me about?
There is no denying that having a flamer zone is an invitation to trolls and bullies and a turn off to those who want to actually use the forum for what it was created for.
Isn't that a great reason to want a flame zone?

That's why it exists in the first place.

It was created to divert flaming from the rest of the board.

I don't know if it helps much since there are so many personal attacks and insults up here anyways, but that's the idea.

People are perfectly free not to go in there.
True. But you're not in the flame zone
Let’s actually define bullying:

If a person is trying to end the interactions, and they other party refuses, it’s probably bullying.

If neither side refuses to quit because it’s important to “win” something, then both sides have some culpability.

That is not bullying. Words have meanings. The "bully" says or does things purposefully to get a negative reaction because they think it is fun or entertaining, like what you do in the flamer zone in order to get the approval of your fellow bullies. You would qualify as a bully according to the definition.

As would you.

So we are mutually bullying each other. But only one of us is bitching about it.

Anyways, this thread is about cyberbullying and why it happens and the psyche of the bully and how certain things encourage bullies and trolls and give them homes and a place to do it, like flame zones. I don't see a need to give those people a home when most of them don't really discuss any political issues and just like to flame and taunt others. This is a political messageboard for talking about politics, current events, and things like that.
Let’s actually define bullying:

If a person is trying to end the interactions, and they other party refuses, it’s probably bullying.

If neither side refuses to quit because it’s important to “win” something, then both sides have some culpability.

That is not bullying. Words have meanings. The "bully" says or does things purposefully to get a negative reaction because they think it is fun or entertaining, like what you do in the flamer zone in order to get the approval of your fellow bullies. You would qualify as a bully according to the definition.

As would you.

So we are mutually bullying each other. But only one of us is bitching about it.

Is this because I told you that, being an alleged teacher, you should be setting an example and walking the walk rather than going around posting negative things about other posters in the flamer zone? I wasn't bullying you when I said that. That is my real honest opinion. If I found that one of my child's teachers was doing that, I don't think I would feel very comfortable with that person teaching my child anything really. :dunno:
I just find it terribly unethical for someone who is a teacher to go around posting bad things about people on messageboards. I hold them to a high standard of conduct.
Not much different from blaming a woman for being raped because she was dressed provocatively or something. You need to hold the perpetrators responsible for their behaviors, instead of blaming the victim for being a victim.

It’s more like a woman who accuses a guy of date rape on their first date, but she goes out with him for another six months. Victims can at least try to protect themselves.
Anyway, I have to go. I hope there will be some more GOOD posts that are more on topic the next time I am able to catch up, instead of just more flamer zone material. That is the reason why I posted this thread in the clean debate zone. I am not terribly interested in what the trolls and bullies have to say on the matter. Their views on it are not at all surprising or unexpected. :dunno:
I think it's only a matter of time before the "flame zone" and other such safe havens for bullies to bully on the internet will soon be a thing of the past though. It's probably just not worth it for the mods or for the site owners. It could even be a liability for them if things were to escalate to another level.

Ah, so someone said a bad thing to you in the FZ. You are a USMB old dog. You know that if you don’t want to hear bad thing or have your warts pointed out and mocked then you just don’t go in there. What you are saying here is that you want to go in the flame zone and do the flame zone thing, but not take it in return. There are no bully’s in the flame zone. Perhaps you should get the coffe shop thread going again. That was the “anti” flame zone. But no one should have to pay because you can’t stop being a victim. That’s just cowardly and weak.
You are blaming the victim again. Nobody chooses to be a victim. People should not have to use the ignore function to stop bullying from other adults. That doesn't always work either.
But bullies live for the reaction. If you take that away, they cannot play.
I agree with you that it's frustrating--really, really frustrating--because it does feel like you're letting them "win," but when their only purpose is to bait and make you miserable, the only solution is not to take the bait. Anyone who knows what a poster is actually like won't believe the insults, anyway.
Yep. People like that, at least online, only have power if it's given to them.

Didn't you just start a thread saying that people need to be "nicer" to each other? And here you are making excuses for bullies by blaming the bullying on the victim. :rolleyes:
I'm not blaming the victim. You're just hypersensitive. If you don't like the way you're treated here, perhaps you shouldn't come here.

If you voluntarily come here knowing you'll be hurt, I'd think that might be an issue for you to consider about yourself.

Again, you are blaming the victim of the bullying for the bullying. It is the bullies who should be held responsible for their bad behavior, not the victim for being a victim.

People may come here because they enjoy a lot of aspects about this forum. Why should they have to leave over some bullies?

Already answered, but if you don’t like the flame zone, don’t go in it. Be an adult.
Maybe I should start an email campaign to the site owners about closing down the flamer zone? It would make this place a much better place for posting about the current issues going on in the world. ;)

I'm sure the site owners would see the logic in not having a flame zone to begin with. Giving the bullies a safe space in which to bully others is really not a very good business move either. There is no need for a flamer zone because it is only a place in which to bully other posters.

Whatever gave you the impression the site owners and/or moderators don't regularly visit the Flame Zone ... :dunno:

I am afraid you may assume that the site owners and/or moderators have no idea what they are doing.
Somehow it seems to escape your attention we are provided with more than 65 sub-forums here at USMB.
You also have a little difficulty recognizing those in charge have made every effort to establish zones in which a member can appropriately manage their own affairs.

There are areas for rigorous debate, clean debate, casual conversation, outright mud slinging and more.
If you cannot manage your own interests within the abundance of opportunities USMB provides, and tailor your experience to your desired comfort ...

Perhaps it's time you just realize that's your problem ... :thup:

then you will have the ones that will say "you're a PUSSY if you have to put people on ignore instead of standing up to them." Lol. :dunno:

So? If you put them on ignore, you wouldn’t see those posts.

That is, if you can’t handle simply disagreeing with whomever says that.
Roasting and cyber-bullying are 2 different things entirely.

He is now trying to say that the flamer zone bullying of certain posters is just roasting and all in good fun and good will. Lol. I know of plenty of people who would disagree. :D

Perhaps he is just saying that when someone repeatedly slams their own head in a car door and then complains about having a headache ...
Some people just laugh at the foolishness of the exercise.


So you think that people should just back down to the bullies? They should be able to say whatever they want whenever they want, and the person who they are talking about should just let it be?

I think we all have a natural instinct to defend ourselves against any kind of attacks, whether they are verbal or physical.

No, keep slamming your head in the car door. To do otherwise would be letting the car win.
Melania is dealing with liberal bullies all the time.

I've seen it. I've talked about the jerks who stalked me and tried very hard to bully me. They failed.

Actually, some time back, there was a cyber bully right here in this forum. He/she/it went after a poster who said they were young and gay. Shameful.

We've also seen a lot of cyber bullying of all LGBTQ. I don't mean just here buy by politicians, churches. Very shameful.

Also shameful that Melania is pretending to be against it. A lot like she's pretending to be against drugs and actually had the nerve to stand up next to Gold Star Families. OTOH, its possible she has no idea that her husband has attacked vets, POWs, handicapped and often on line.

Cyber or not, the weak and ignorant will always try to bully. I doubt that can ever be stopped. Maybe we can teach normal people to be stronger?

I disagree with you that cyber-bullying is funny.

It may be funny to the bully but not to the one being bullied.

Who was laughing?
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