Cyclonus/Agus: Collegiate Game [TrumpUSA Prom]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA capitalism inspire you to think about the sporting features of capitalism (e.g., The Wolf of Wall Street)?

I didn't feel comfy posting this capitalism-imaginarium TrumpUSA 'parable' in the Writing section (given its patriotism-overtones), but I welcome any kind of comments/critiques!



"Cyclonus, a wolfish first-knight robot of the army of Decepticons from planet Cybertron, met with the idealist freelance sky-pilot robot Agus who was interested in traveling to Earth to analyze TrumpUSA capitalism as a 'tower' or 'system' of contract-negotiation aesthetics/couture. You see, Agus wanted to evaluate humanity's interest in capitalism imagination, since Earth was such an organically fertile planet. Cyclonus became interested in Agus's plan and wanted to join him for the study, perhaps to see if Earth warranted some kind of intriguing colonization. Agus agreed to bring Cyclonus with him on his special mission but remained wary of entreating Cyclonus's rather diabolical/calculating schemes to actually colonize human civilization. Agus/Cyclonus headed towards Earth's moon to begin spying on TrumpUSA(!)."


"Cyclonus and Agus were both interested in a strange and mystical mechanical/electrical device located at the center of the universe called the Matrix of Energy [ME]. The ME was capable of releasing enough of an electrically-charged energy blast to radiate/stimulate the nervous-system of any thinking-being within a large radius and turning all the 'affected' beings into 'charged warriors.' Cyclonus and Agus wanted to evaluate if the contours of TrumpUSA capitalism on planet Earth reflected some of the dynamic motion intrigue inherent in the ME. In other words, Cyclonus/Agus wanted to see if the ME could be 'symbolically' likened to the 'flowery' of TrumpUSA capitalism. This was great political theory!"


"When Cyclonus and Agus landed on Earth's moon and began spying on TrumpUSA, they immediately noticed (it was Autumn 2019, well into Trump's presidency) that America, land of great capitalism imagination, was livened by NCAA entertainment/media/marketing. In fact, collegiate athletics represented a great portion of consumerism and sports-entertainment for countless Americans tuning into games between exciting colleges/universities, games which led to incredible rivalries (e.g., Duke/UNC, Florida/Miami, Harvard/Yale, etc.). This inspired Cyclonus and Agus to transform themselves (using their special body-and-energy metamorphosis crystals) into two college students (transfer-students from war-torn Chechnya) at Dartmouth and Yale (named Ethan and Evan) who were preparing to face-off at a great Ivby League fencing-competition. Cyclonus (Ethan) and Agus (Evan) wanted to 'immerse' themselves in the 'culture' of NCAA sports media/marketing by participating as athletes in a televised fencing match!"


"Cyclonus (Ethan), who represented Yale's fencing team, was considered the best fencer on the squad for that symbolic matchup with upstart Dartmouth. Yale was ranked #1, but Dartmouth managed to climb to a #2 ranking and made the final in the autumn tournament. Agus (Evan) represented Dartmouth and was considered the best fencer on their squad. As the Yale-Dartmouth matchup proceeded, Ethan (Cyclonus) defeated Dartmouth's #3 and #4 players, while Evan (Agus) defeated Yale's #2 and #3 players. Yale's #5 defeated Dartmouth's #5, but Dartmouth's #2 defeated Yale's #4. This led to a final match between Ethan (Yale #1) and Evan (Dartmouth #1). It was a rousing and incredible match, as Ethan used his wolfish thrust-and-parry skills to create much elegance in disarming the otherwise well-coordinated Evan. Evan had to retaliate by using great footwork and incredible jousting-oriented body-defense-positioning skills. Ultimately, the referees declared the match a draw, and sports-announcers at the televised (ESPN) event declared the Ethan-Evan fencing match nearly
'religious' (citing it as a fine example of Ivy League sportsmanship). Ethan (Cyclonus) and Evan (Agus) told reporters they planned to leave school and travel to Europe where they would begin private sabbatical-oriented studies in altruism theory as it pertained to religion. Cyclonus/Agus noted that America's love of competition and sports was imprinted onto its metaphysical appreciation of collegiate imagination."


"Was TrumpUSA trumpeting of NCAA sports/media a reflection or representation of capitalism theory on Earth? Did NCAA themed Hollywood (USA) films such as Blue Chips and The Program symbolize humanity's love of competition as it related to the foundations of 'teamwork-oriented capitalism' (e.g., league-negotiated recruitment)? Cyclonus and Agus returned to Earth's moon and continued spying on the aesthetics of TrumpUSA capitalism, noting in particular the special appreciation Americans held for the terrific/iconic NCAAF (football) rivalry between the University of Miami (Hurricanes) and the University of Florida (Gators). Cyclonus preferred the Gators (which invented Gatorade!), but Agus preferred the Hurricanes (since he found the city of Miami a great retirement area for 'capitalism-minded' American dreamers/bureaucrats!). As Cyclonus/Agus watched Gators-Hurricanes games using their special TV-catalog device (similar to microfiche), they concluded that NCAA media/marketing in TrumpUSA was a reflection of pure capitalism spirit, suggesting that TrumpUSA capitalism really did 'hoist' some of the teamwork-inherent uniform qualities in the ME [Matrix of Energy].


CYCLONUS: It seems that NCAA media in TrumpUSA shines!
AGUS: We had a terrific Yale-Dartmouth fencing match...
CYCLONUS: It was considered a draw, and it was good for TV!
AGUS: I like that Florida-Miami rivalry in autumn NCAA football...
CYCLONUS: TrumpUSA citizens care about 'collegiate entertainment.'
AGUS: Perhaps capitalism has 'lateralized' or 'formalized' education media.
CYCLONUS: Yes, marketing education has been 'linked' to sports networking!
AGUS: Perhaps TrumpUSA capitalism captures the 'teamwork' of the ME.
CYCLONUS: The Matrix of Energy reveals the depth of coordinated play.
AGUS: TrumpUSA capitalism offers great 'democracy-theatrics.'
CYCLONUS: Perhaps human civilization does not warrant colonization.
AGUS: Yes, humanity is dealing with capitalism choreography just fine...
CYCLONUS: They need only deal with anti-capitalism fury (e.g., 9/11)!
AGUS: It seems our study is finished...humanity's scope of capitalism is sweet.
CYCLONUS: Maybe we'll return in a millennium to watch Gators-Hurricanes games.
AGUS: Will they still have ESPN then?



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