Cyprus, and What it Means for US.

Wake up people.
What they tried to do in Cyprus has been happening in the U.S. for quite some time, only on a much larger scale.
Cyprus's mistake is they tried to take money from the citizenry through the banks.
The U.S. is far smarter to do it using our taxation system.
Every month the FED gives the central banks and global finance companies $85,000,000,000...every month. That money comes directly from your taxes and flat out printing money out of thin air which has dramatically devalued our currency. Which is why gas prices are what they are.
Yay the stock market is at an all time high...yay.

Big deficit spending comes in with Conservative administrations. It was Reagan that destroyed regulation while spending wildly on the military.

Bush was the one that lowered interest rates to zero and created the housing bubble while implemented "emergency" spending on 2 wars, one of which..was completely unnecessary, while fostering some really bad behavior on wall street.

Deficit spending has been going down since 2009. Wonder why? Oh yeah..we have a more liberal president.
Wake up people.
What they tried to do in Cyprus has been happening in the U.S. for quite some time, only on a much larger scale.
Cyprus's mistake is they tried to take money from the citizenry through the banks.
The U.S. is far smarter to do it using our taxation system.
Every month the FED gives the central banks and global finance companies $85,000,000,000...every month. That money comes directly from your taxes and flat out printing money out of thin air which has dramatically devalued our currency. Which is why gas prices are what they are.
Yay the stock market is at an all time high...yay.

Big deficit spending comes in with Conservative administrations. It was Reagan that destroyed regulation while spending wildly on the military.

Bush was the one that lowered interest rates to zero and created the housing bubble while implemented "emergency" spending on 2 wars, one of which..was completely unnecessary, while fostering some really bad behavior on wall street.

Deficit spending has been going down since 2009. Wonder why? Oh yeah..we have a more liberal president.

Seriously Sallow? Go ahead and find the posts where I say Obama is the problem. He is what he is...another link in the chain of corruption and oligarchical government.
You are a part of the problem, not a part of a slim hope that Americans will wake up from their party cheerleading and sheep mentality and realize we are being duped and ripped off to feed special interest and the central finance system. This is the result of both parties. Your damn right that some of the republican de-regulation helped create Wall Street corruption and the resulting 2008. You however dismiss the role of Clinton, Greenspan and Larry Summers. You dismiss the role Democrats played in the housing market, and now education corruption and gross over-spending.
We are no longer living in a representative republic. We are living in an oligarchy where corporate and special interest overwhelmingly have more influence and government attention than we do.
By far. So keep up your cheer leading and rock throwing - you are doing exactly what they want you to.
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What Cyprus means for us is that our banks shouldn't take a mountain of deposits from Russian oligarchs, tax evaders and money launderers, then invest them in sky-high real estate and Greek bonds.
Money Launderers? You mean like these guys? :D
FBI: Drug Cartels Use Bank of America to Launder Money

Good think the Federal Reserve can print money and buy bonds right? So at least they're not stealing, just causing inflation. And don't forget Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) that rewards Banks punishes Savers.

America is getting raped too, it's just a different kind of rape that Americans haven't noticed yet. Or don't care about.
Since Ronald Reagan, Conservatives have been demolishing regulations put into place to keep this sort of stuff from happening. And WHILE he was doing it, it was happening. That should have been a stark reminder that if you put your hand in will be burned.

But these folks didn't care. Reagan's administration was lousy with bank bailouts and saving financials. The coup de grace came with the repeal of Glass Steagall, and that set the stage for the financial collapse that occurred at the end of the Bush administration.

A well regulated financial industry, like the one that Canada has, doesn't see these wild swings.
Yes, it is amazing how well the Canadians have ridden out this depression -- especially considering how many wild lunatics there are just south of their border!

Ironically, they are the REAL conservatives!
"Confiscating the customer deposits in Cyprus banks, it seems, was not a one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone 'troika' officials scrambling to salvage their balance sheets.

"A joint paper by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England dated December 10, 2012, shows that these plans have been long in the making; that they originated with the G20 Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland (discussed earlier here); and that the result will be to deliver clear title to the banks of depositor funds."

The Confiscation Scheme Planned for US and UK Depositors » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Would Americans continue to divide along Republican/Democrat lines or would they finally see the class aspect of the (eternal) class war?
Would Americans continue to divide along Republican/Democrat lines or would they finally see the class aspect of the (eternal) class war?

When you have Republican capitalism there are no classes. You are free to work in hedge fund industry or become a nurse.

Only a liberal could be so very slow and accordingly
not know that.
Does the nurse and hedge fund tithe the same share of their income to their government under Republican capitalism?
Does the nurse and hedge fund tithe the same share of their income to their government under Republican capitalism?

if the hedge fund guy is in the top 1% he pays million each year while a nurse may pay little or nothing!! It's very biased I agree since the nurse hardly pays anything.
Hedge fund guy extracts wealth and the nurse produces it.

Hedge fund guy should be taxed into extinction.

Got it?
Wake up people.
What they tried to do in Cyprus has been happening in the U.S. for quite some time, only on a much larger scale.
Cyprus's mistake is they tried to take money from the citizenry through the banks.
The U.S. is far smarter to do it using our taxation system.
Every month the FED gives the central banks and global finance companies $85,000,000,000...every month. That money comes directly from your taxes and flat out printing money out of thin air which has dramatically devalued our currency. Which is why gas prices are what they are.
Yay the stock market is at an all time high...yay.

Big deficit spending comes in with Conservative administrations. It was Reagan that destroyed regulation while spending wildly on the military.

Bush was the one that lowered interest rates to zero and created the housing bubble while implemented "emergency" spending on 2 wars, one of which..was completely unnecessary, while fostering some really bad behavior on wall street.

Deficit spending has been going down since 2009. Wonder why? Oh yeah..we have a more liberal president.

Seriously Sallow? Go ahead and find the posts where I say Obama is the problem. He is what he is...another link in the chain of corruption and oligarchical government.
You are a part of the problem, not a part of a slim hope that Americans will wake up from their party cheerleading and sheep mentality and realize we are being duped and ripped off to feed special interest and the central finance system. This is the result of both parties. Your damn right that some of the republican de-regulation helped create Wall Street corruption and the resulting 2008. You however dismiss the role of Clinton, Greenspan and Larry Summers. You dismiss the role Democrats played in the housing market, and now education corruption and gross over-spending.
We are no longer living in a representative republic. We are living in an oligarchy where corporate and special interest overwhelmingly have more influence and government attention than we do.
By far. So keep up your cheer leading and rock throwing - you are doing exactly what they want you to.

Clinton made several huge mistakes. First and foremost was thinking that Republicans were going to be good partners. Secondly he went along with some of their flaky economic shennigans, like repealing Glass Steagall, to strengthen the CRA (Which had zero to do with economic meltdown). But all in all? He was a great President and the economy really thrived under his leadership. The "gross" over spending is generally found in the military. Government SHOULD be spending on education, technology, research and infrastructure.

You are somewhat correct about corporate influence, but hey, that's basically what conservatives want.

They think that corporations are people and money is speech.

So these are the results of that thinking.
Since Ronald Reagan, Conservatives have been demolishing regulations put into place to keep this sort of stuff from happening. And WHILE he was doing it, it was happening. That should have been a stark reminder that if you put your hand in will be burned.

But these folks didn't care. Reagan's administration was lousy with bank bailouts and saving financials. The coup de grace came with the repeal of Glass Steagall, and that set the stage for the financial collapse that occurred at the end of the Bush administration.

A well regulated financial industry, like the one that Canada has, doesn't see these wild swings.
Yes, it is amazing how well the Canadians have ridden out this depression -- especially considering how many wild lunatics there are just south of their border!

Ironically, they are the REAL conservatives!
Actually Canadians no longer agree with you for the most part.
Hedge fund guy extracts wealth ?

do you have a best example to present or is your liberal IQ to low to know what you're talking about??
Amaze me with your IQ, Eb:

"Finance capitalism is fatally flawed in theory and in practice. Its ultimate product is that which is before us: a global plutocracy dependent on state capture, power and control to plunder and loot what will become, by necessity, increasingly resistant populations.

"The post-War ‘moderation’ cited by mainstream economists worked to the extent it did by limiting private debt creation. However, the base imperative of finance capitalism today is infinitely expanding (private) debt—it is the source of its political and economic power.

"Those in the U.S. who remain in the Democrat / Republican divide are blind to where real power lies. Events in Cyprus have provided a glimpse for those who care to see."

Wall Street?s Role in the Crisis in Cyprus » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Hedge fund guys extract wealth ?

do you have a best example to present or is your liberal IQ to low to know what you're talking about??

Amaze me with your IQ, Eb:

dear, do you have your best example of how hedge fund guys extract wealth or must you admit you were parroting pure nonsense like a brainwashed liberal fool??
What do the terms "huddle", "whale", and "insider trading" tell you about wealth extraction?
It's only nonsense for those useful idiots who obediently swallow every Wall Street load.
What do the terms "huddle", "whale", and "insider trading" tell you about wealth extraction?

absolutely nothing. Please please tell us what they say to you and why they say it or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so. You are parroting someone else but cant explain why, do you realize that now?

See why we say a liberal is slow. You have a liberal feeling but not a single thought in your brainless head. As a liberal you don't know the difference between a feeling and a thought. Do you want to be a liberal all your life?
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What do the terms "huddle", "whale", and "insider trading" tell you about wealth extraction?

absolutely nothing. Please please tell us what they say to you and why they say it or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so. You are parroting someone else but cant explain why, do you realize that now?

See why we say a liberal is slow. You have a liberal feeling but not a single thought in your brainless head. As a liberal you don't know the difference between a feeling and a thought. Do you want to be a liberal all your life?
Do you want to be an apologist for plutocrats all your life?
If you're too stupid to connect the dots, say so...I'll type more slowly.
What do the terms "huddle", "whale", and "insider trading" tell you about wealth extraction?

absolutely nothing. Please please tell us what they say to you and why they say it or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so. You are parroting someone else but cant explain why, do you realize that now?

See why we say a liberal is slow. You have a liberal feeling but not a single thought in your brainless head. As a liberal you don't know the difference between a feeling and a thought. Do you want to be a liberal all your life?
Do you want to be an apologist for plutocrats all your life?
If you're too stupid to connect the dots, say so...I'll type more slowly.

George, you're not fooling anyone. Please please tell us what the whale for example says to you and why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.
admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

Ed I have recently completed an extensive set of neurological tests. Among other things, I have had a brain MRI to measure the amount of arteriosclerosis of the brain, and two days of cognitive function tests. I have lost 10-15 IQ points over the last few years; which means that I have lost more intelligence than you have exhibited on this board. As you attribute a lack of IQ to being liberal, I must reply that your mental deficits seem to have nothing to do with your political beliefs. You are unique in your dementia. What I have is treatable, but I fear there is no course of treatment for your maladies.

You may not return to the Twilight Zone.

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