D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

She is totally :cuckoo:

Remind me again why I'm not supposed to believe the DNC is a hostile enemy of the Republic.

"Unfortunately, this is far from the first display of heinous anti-Semitic comments coming from Democrat House members this year, and it’s clear this is now the norm for their caucus," Scalise added. "It’s long past time for Speaker Pelosi to take swift action and make it clear that these vile comments have no place in Congress."

It is already too late for Speaker Pelosi to act to rebuke and put an end to this vile behavior - the Democrats have already embraced and defended it. Pelosi fought to take back leadership of the House, but it has proved to be a job she can not handle in the new extremist left Democratic Party.
Easy, We (The Good Men Edmund Burke spoke of) are collectively guilty as sin of allowing it.
As the Left gets it's poison into more and more of our youth through the screwals and entertainment industries etc....we are unfortunately going to see more like her in Congress.

It's not unthinkable that in the not so distant future, people like her who feel radical Islam should be the rule of the land in America....may get a much bigger say in what our laws are.

I can GUARANTEE they won't be NEAR as tolerant and supportive of those who oppose them.

We're literally aiding and abetting our own demise.
This should not be allowed today in America.

Scum all three of them.

Easy, We (The Good Men Edmund Burke spoke of) are collectively guilty as sin of allowing it.
As the Left gets it's poison into more and more of our youth through the screwals and entertainment industries etc....we are unfortunately going to see more like her in Congress.

It's not unthinkable that in the not so distant future, people like her who feel radical Islam should be the rule of the land in America....may get a much bigger say in what our laws are.

I can GUARANTEE they won't be NEAR as tolerant and supportive of those who oppose them.

We're literally aiding and abetting our own demise.
There's no 'we'. I didn't vote for her...
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.
Few things pols say actually piss me off, as they're all fucking morons, but this one is special....
That this is even allowed in America is a tragedy.

What, free speech? Or blatantly misrepresenting what Tlaib said while calling yourself "news"? Cutting off a statement mid sentence is not a truthful way to report a person's comments.

It's not surprising that after her 'poor choice of words' caused another 'firestorm' her rep quickly came out to say what she said is not what she meant and that people have 'twisted' her words.

Tlaib, who has repeatedly engaged in anti-Semitism and who supports terrorists who attack / kill Jews, wants to claim others are mis-representing her... She wants to make others 'the bad guy'.

Yeah, ok.

With her track record, perhaps she should actually THINK and CHOOSE HER WORDS MORE WISELY if she does not want them to be 'taken out of context'.

I am glad Bo sees what she is / was trying to say...more importantly I am glad Bo agrees the way she tried to say it was done in a really poor way.

To 'buy' that excuse, however, one must ignore all of her past anti-Semitic comments and actions. She should not be so quick to attack others for taking her most recent comments 'out of context' when previous comments have been so blatantly anti-Semitic.

In the end, she has the right to say whatever she wants, no matter how intentionally vile or un-intentionally 'stupid'. She has that Constitutional right.
Is Tlaib the Democrat who married her brother or is she the one who accused President Trump of having an affair with her mother?
Everytime I see her name, I see her as the Motherfucker representative of Congress.
This should not be allowed today in America.

Scum all three of them.

These people are disgusting and I rank them right up there with Hitler in their Evil thoughts and intentions, thoughts, and words.

The fact that they are Democrat, and the fact that The Democrat Party does not criticize them should tell you something.

"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

It has always been the Jews land.

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