D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

In this case, she's right.
Opinion. Actually, completely WRONG.

Palestinians created a safe haven for the Jews? Seriously? NOT!

"At the end of World War II, in 1945, the United States took up the Zionist cause. Britain, unable to find a practical solution, referred the problem to the United Nations, which in November 1947 voted to partition Palestine. The Jews were to possess more than half of Palestine, although they made up less than half of Palestine’s population. The Palestinian Arabs, aided by volunteers from other countries, fought the Zionist forces, but by May 14, 1948, the Jews had secured full control of their U.N.-allocated share of Palestine and also some Arab territory. On May 14, Britain withdrew with the expiration of its mandate, and the State of Israel was proclaimed.

The next day, forces from Egypt, Transjordan,
Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded."
-- https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/state-of-israel-proclaimed

I don't know which is worse, Tlaib spouting anti-Semitic garbage, supporting terrorists whose charter calls for killing Jews and driving the rest into the sea while claiming the Palestinians 'benevolently' created a Jewish Safe Haven after stating the thought of the holocaust (attempted genocide of the Jews) warms her heart or libs / snowflakes attempting to defend her by saying / echoing what she meant was how the Palestinians created a Jewish Safe Haven, which is a lie.

not her fault----she is a product of DA MOSQUE I is a old lady----
but long ago was young. since late teens and COUNTING---I have
worked with and socialized with muslims from MANY DIFFERENT
parts of the world -----thruout Africa, Asia and----some from Balkan
like places. The mosque version of history seems to be common
to all -----including DA SHIAS The mosque version of history
ALWAYS includes the HISTORIC FACT that muslims protected
and nurtured DA JOOOOS. (da jooos being an ungrateful lot of
money grubbers ((da franklins baby)) and traitors and evil bastards)
The places that harbor the LEAST JEWS produce the muslims who
KNOW THE MOST. Islam may vary in some opinions and
practices to some extent-----but regarding DA JOOOOS ---it is,
INDEED -----MONOLITHIC --- for excellent reason-----da pwofit---
said so
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost

Actually I was looking for background on this whole thing and am still left wondering, based on her statement, how this is not a case of foot-in-mouth disease.

It is also true that, during WWII and the Holocaust, Palestine was actively advocating that no Jews be sent to Palestine, so I think Tlaib may want to do a bit of digging herself on the history of this relationship before she gets all warm and fuzzy about Palestine's role in helping the Jews.

"The Mufti opposed all immigration of Jews into Palestine. The Mufti's numerous letters appealing to various governmental authorities to prevent Jewish emigration to Palestine have been widely republished and cited as documentary evidence of his collaboration with Nazis and his participative support for their actions. For instance, in June 1943 the Mufti recommended to the Hungarian minister that it would be better to send Jews in Hungary to Concentration Camps in Poland rather than let them find asylum in Palestine (it is not entirely clear that the Mufti was aware of the Extermination Camps in Poland, e.g. Auschwitz, at this time):

"I ask your Excellency to permit me to draw your attention to the necessity of preventing the Jews from leaving your country for Palestine, and if there are reasons which make their removal necessary, it would be indispensable and infinitely preferable to send them to other countries where they would find themselves under active control, for example, in Poland …""

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .

right----ask me-----for more than 1500 years ---the ONLY PALESTINIANS in the world were jews living in the area
that the Romans had renamed PALESTINA. As a kid----
(long ago) I actually thought that "Palestine" is a Hebrew word----
it ain't----nor is it Arabic. IT IS GREEK (the romans worshipped
the greeks and considered greek a "SCHOLARLY LANGUAGE"
For fun ----listen to an Arabic speaker TRY to say "Palestine"-----
------it comes out a kind of tortured "balistin" When Egyptians
say the word-----they grimace in disgust. It gets worse----the city
now called NABLUS-----(city of 'palestinians') is actually NEOPOLIS-----(new city) invented by the romans------but arabs
cannot say that word--------it got transformed into "Nablus"
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .
Sadly for you, Palestine is recognized as a non-member sovereign state by the U.N.. You don't have to like that reality, but Tlaib, a Paleatinian herself, is not subject to your hallucinations.

And again, depotoo falsely portrayed the Palestine label on that map.
There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .
Great point. The U.N. actually offered to acknowledge Palestine as an actual state - all they had to do was remove the goal of destroying Israel / killing the Jews from their charter...and they refused to.
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

where is DA LIE? She describes ISRAEL AS "PALESTINE"----
Present day ISRAEL is, of course---part of PALESTINE-----but the
ONLY PEOPLE called Palestinians until the 1960s were JEWS.
TLAIB does not have a FAMILY HERITAGE OF "palestinian'----
Her map actually is a political deception. For the record----my hubby is a real Palestinian on his childhood government papers----

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The lie was the false claim the sticky note covered Israel. It doesn't. Nor does it point to Israel as Palestine. It's pointing to the words, "Gaza city."
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .
Sadly for you, Palestine is recognized as a non-member sovereign state by the U.N.. You don't have to like that reality, but Tlaib, a Paleatinian herself, is not subject to your hallucinations.

And again, depotoo falsely portrayed the Palestine label on that map.

I am intrigued by this "controversy" What are the borders of the
"STATE OF PALESTINE" -----even Vatican city-----another "state"---
has borders. Also----how did Tlaib (uhm----bint Harbi) come to be a "Palestinian"
She was born in the USA------If her parents were determined to be
"Palestinians" on their government papers at birth-----she could be
called a child of Palestinians-----is that the case? Lets try to be
They do not want peace. They live in the past
If Aliens came down to put a stop to it their requirement would be -“NO discussions of past gripes...only discussions of how you can help your people now and for the future”
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

where is DA LIE? She describes ISRAEL AS "PALESTINE"----
Present day ISRAEL is, of course---part of PALESTINE-----but the
ONLY PEOPLE called Palestinians until the 1960s were JEWS.
TLAIB does not have a FAMILY HERITAGE OF "palestinian'----
Her map actually is a political deception. For the record----my hubby is a real Palestinian on his childhood government papers----

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The lie was the false claim the sticky note covered Israel. It doesn't. Nor does it point to Israel as Palestine. It's pointing to the words, "Gaza city."

oh----so only "GAZA CITY" is being represented as "Palestine"-----
-----how did Rashida herself ----born in the USA-----come to be
PALESTINIAN? Were her parents born in Gaza City?
I have often wondered if GAZA was ever considered part of
PALESTINA--------when I was a kid----it was part of Egypt so
why would Rashida label it "PALESTINE"? Historically (way back)
Gaza was a kind of OUTPOST of Egypt------important in its many wars
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .
Sadly for you, Palestine is recognized as a non-member sovereign state by the U.N.. You don't have to like that reality, but Tlaib, a Paleatinian herself, is not subject to your hallucinations.

And again, depotoo falsely portrayed the Palestine label on that map.

I am intrigued by this "controversy" What are the borders of the
"STATE OF PALESTINE" -----even Vatican city-----another "state"---
has borders. Also----how did Tlaib (uhm----bint Harbi) come to be a "Palestinian"
She was born in the USA------If her parents were determined to be
"Palestinians" on their government papers at birth-----she could be
called a child of Palestinians-----is that the case? Lets try to be
People born in that region are referred to as Palestinians. She is Palestinian by heritage.
This should not be allowed today in America.
Scum all three of them.

Agreed, yet there are some here who ignorantly call that sentiment "bigoted" or wanting to deny "free speech"

But only ignorant fools call HATE speech free speech and that's exactly what ALL three are all about.
There is ZERO message of national unity in their language. Just seething hatred aimed at jews AND white Americans.

Imagine if the WH and Congress was nothing but people like these 3.

Do you think they'd be focused on bettering the nation or cleansing it of those they disagree with?

We are SICK as a society to tolerate these incredibly damaging and dangerous ideologies. Nothing good is going to come of it.
In the end, she has the right to say whatever she wants, no matter how intentionally vile or un-intentionally 'stupid'. She has that Constitutional right.

Yep. Her Constitutional rights are helping her and others who want America to fall, do just that..
Good thing they have those rights. :rolleyes:

I'm sure the intent of the Constitution was to give those wanting to destroy it all the rights they need to get it done.
I have often wondered if GAZA was ever considered part of
PALESTINA--------when I was a kid----it was part of Egypt so
why would Rashida label it "PALESTINE"? Historically (way back)
Gaza was a kind of OUTPOST of Egypt------important in its many wars
Wonder no more....

I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

where is DA LIE? She describes ISRAEL AS "PALESTINE"----
Present day ISRAEL is, of course---part of PALESTINE-----but the
ONLY PEOPLE called Palestinians until the 1960s were JEWS.
TLAIB does not have a FAMILY HERITAGE OF "palestinian'----
Her map actually is a political deception. For the record----my hubby is a real Palestinian on his childhood government papers----

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The lie was the false claim the sticky note covered Israel. It doesn't. Nor does it point to Israel as Palestine. It's pointing to the words, "Gaza city."

oh----so only "GAZA CITY" is being represented as "Palestine"-----
-----how did Rashida herself ----born in the USA-----come to be
PALESTINIAN? Were her parents born in Gaza City?

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