D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

Jews won WW2.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

Jews won WW2.
Germans won.
That this is even allowed in America is a tragedy.

What, free speech? Or blatantly misrepresenting what Tlaib said while calling yourself "news"? Cutting off a statement mid sentence is not a truthful way to report a person's comments.

It's not surprising that after her 'poor choice of words' caused another 'firestorm' her rep quickly came out to say what she said is not what she meant and that people have 'twisted' her words.

Tlaib, who has repeatedly engaged in anti-Semitism and who supports terrorists who attack / kill Jews, wants to claim others are mis-representing her... She wants to make others 'the bad guy'.

Yeah, ok.

With her track record, perhaps she should actually THINK and CHOOSE HER WORDS MORE WISELY if she does not want them to be 'taken out of context'.

I am glad Bo sees what she is / was trying to say...more importantly I am glad Bo agrees the way she tried to say it was done in a really poor way.

To 'buy' that excuse, however, one must ignore all of her past anti-Semitic comments and actions. She should not be so quick to attack others for taking her most recent comments 'out of context' when previous comments have been so blatantly anti-Semitic.

In the end, she has the right to say whatever she wants, no matter how intentionally vile or un-intentionally 'stupid'. She has that Constitutional right.

Aww the poor wittle Jew is so innocent, and everbody picks on them.

Jews are among the worst scumbags for their small numbers.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

Jews won WW2.
Sure as hell did!
Aww the poor wittle Jew is so innocent, and everbody picks on them.
Jews are among the worst scumbags for their small numbers.

Maybe they are, but is that opinion or do you have some specific credible evidence?

And to clump ALL Jews into one big pot seems racist, bigoted.
Like whites who say ALL blacks are "n_____s" and scum.

I find it hard to believe that ALL Jews are the same.
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .
Sadly for you, Palestine is recognized as a non-member sovereign state by the U.N.. You don't have to like that reality, but Tlaib, a Paleatinian herself, is not subject to your hallucinations.

And again, depotoo falsely portrayed the Palestine label on that map.

I am intrigued by this "controversy" What are the borders of the
"STATE OF PALESTINE" -----even Vatican city-----another "state"---
has borders. Also----how did Tlaib (uhm----bint Harbi) come to be a "Palestinian"
She was born in the USA------If her parents were determined to be
"Palestinians" on their government papers at birth-----she could be
called a child of Palestinians-----is that the case? Lets try to be
People born in that region are referred to as Palestinians. She is Palestinian by heritage.

oh-------people born in that "region" .... are referred to as Palestinians-------since when? I spent some of my childhood
in New Jersey------land of the LENI LANAPE Indians------were they
called people from JOISEY -----by the Indians of MANHATTAN---
500 years ago? or by Columbus? I will help you------her parents were probably not called PALESTINIANS when they were born by ANYONE------75 years ago----my hubby ----a jew born in a shariah shit hole------was called a PALESTINIAN even when he got to Egypt--------at age one-----because he is a jew------at that time----if he had not been a jew----he would have been called either an ARAB or a SYRIAN. When he got to british mandate Palestine-----he was also called a PALESTINIAN----not an arab, not a Syrian not even a jew -----A PALESTINIAN
I have often wondered if GAZA was ever considered part of
PALESTINA--------when I was a kid----it was part of Egypt so
why would Rashida label it "PALESTINE"? Historically (way back)
Gaza was a kind of OUTPOST of Egypt------important in its many wars
Wonder no more....


oh ok ALL THE WAY BACK to Herodotus (about 500 BC)-----before the birth of
the rapist of Mecca-------I will help you-----a bit later most of
PALESTINA became known as 'JUDEA" by the romans-----
and the people therein called JEWS (like Jesus) ----Syria
became a separate place----Cleopatra was born there----and it
came under GREEK control long before she was born. Does
Bashar Assad ALSO call himself a "PALESTINIAN"?
"It’s long past time for Speaker Pelosi to take swift action and make it clear that these vile comments have no place in Congress."

By elevating her to a commitie no less lol.

Hard to say who the bigger enemy to America is, the left or the media
That this is even allowed in America is a tragedy.

What, free speech? Or blatantly misrepresenting what Tlaib said while calling yourself "news"? Cutting off a statement mid sentence is not a truthful way to report a person's comments.

It's not surprising that after her 'poor choice of words' caused another 'firestorm' her rep quickly came out to say what she said is not what she meant and that people have 'twisted' her words.

Tlaib, who has repeatedly engaged in anti-Semitism and who supports terrorists who attack / kill Jews, wants to claim others are mis-representing her... She wants to make others 'the bad guy'.

Yeah, ok.

With her track record, perhaps she should actually THINK and CHOOSE HER WORDS MORE WISELY if she does not want them to be 'taken out of context'.

I am glad Bo sees what she is / was trying to say...more importantly I am glad Bo agrees the way she tried to say it was done in a really poor way.

To 'buy' that excuse, however, one must ignore all of her past anti-Semitic comments and actions. She should not be so quick to attack others for taking her most recent comments 'out of context' when previous comments have been so blatantly anti-Semitic.

In the end, she has the right to say whatever she wants, no matter how intentionally vile or un-intentionally 'stupid'. She has that Constitutional right.

Aww the poor wittle Jew is so innocent, and everbody picks on them.

Jews are among the worst scumbags for their small numbers.
You’d better get on a message board and alert everyone!
In this case, she's right.
Opinion. Actually, completely WRONG.

Palestinians created a safe haven for the Jews? Seriously? NOT!

"At the end of World War II, in 1945, the United States took up the Zionist cause. Britain, unable to find a practical solution, referred the problem to the United Nations, which in November 1947 voted to partition Palestine. The Jews were to possess more than half of Palestine, although they made up less than half of Palestine’s population. The Palestinian Arabs, aided by volunteers from other countries, fought the Zionist forces, but by May 14, 1948, the Jews had secured full control of their U.N.-allocated share of Palestine and also some Arab territory. On May 14, Britain withdrew with the expiration of its mandate, and the State of Israel was proclaimed.

The next day, forces from Egypt, Transjordan,
Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded."
-- https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/state-of-israel-proclaimed

I don't know which is worse, Tlaib spouting anti-Semitic garbage, supporting terrorists whose charter calls for killing Jews and driving the rest into the sea while claiming the Palestinians 'benevolently' created a Jewish Safe Haven after stating the thought of the holocaust (attempted genocide of the Jews) warms her heart or libs / snowflakes attempting to defend her by saying / echoing what she meant was how the Palestinians created a Jewish Safe Haven, which is a lie.

Why are you so fucking incapable of keeping up with your own fucking posts? I didn't say Tlaib is right, I said that her spokesperson was correct in saying that she was misrepresented. Read your own comments, you senile idiot.

It's not surprising that after her 'poor choice of words' caused another 'firestorm' her rep quickly came out to say what she said is not what she meant and that people have 'twisted' her words.

In this case, she's right. You should read the rest of the sentence before you blab about the alleged meaning of a sentence fragment. Because what Tlaib said "warms her heart" was that Palestinians created "a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time."

You want to criticize her, criticize her on real things, not made up bullshit.

"Palestinians" created a "safe haven" for jews ? ---- some how
IMPRESSES YOU? Are you the victim of a mosque education too?

Where did I say I was impressed with what Tlaib had to say? If you ask me, I think what she's saying makes no sense. The Zionist migrations began in the 19th century, decades before the Holocaust. And was marked by widespread violence on both sides, which continues to this day. Tlaib's interpretations are divorced from historical facts.

It's not surprising that after her 'poor choice of words' caused another 'firestorm' her rep quickly came out to say what she said is not what she meant and that people have 'twisted' her words.

In this case, she's right. You should read the rest of the sentence before you blab about the alleged meaning of a sentence fragment. Because what Tlaib said "warms her heart" was that Palestinians created "a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time."

You want to criticize her, criticize her on real things, not made up bullshit.

"Palestinians" created a "safe haven" for jews ? ---- some how
IMPRESSES YOU? Are you the victim of a mosque education too?

Where did I say I was impressed with what Tlaib had to say? If you ask me, I think what she's saying makes no sense. The Zionist migrations began in the 19th century, decades before the Holocaust. And was marked by widespread violence on both sides, which continues to this day. Tlaib's interpretations are divorced from historical facts.

oh---sorry---I misinterpreted you
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

Jews won WW2.
Germans won.

Jews gained Israel out of WW2, they expanded the Soviet Union into most of Central-Europe, they were able to push Liberalism, and a demise of anti-Semitism, by kicking, and screaming anti-Semite, Nazi.
It’s nice the horrors make her all warm and cozy. My dick up her ass might do the same for her
Where’s the outrage, the investigations, the impeachment, the hearings, the contempt citations And who on earth voted for this piece of shit?
Last edited:
Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.[/QUOTE]

Jews won WW2.[/QUOTE]
Germans won.[/QUOTE]

Jews gained Israel out of WW2, they expanded the Soviet Union into most of Central-Europe, they were able to push Liberalism, and a demise of anti-Semitism, by kicking, and screaming anti-Semite, Nazi.[/QUOTE]

whilst poles lay in their own vomit in the throes of Delirium Tremens
in Woodhull Hospital and in POW camps and refugee flop houses
in Poland
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .

Palestinians speak the Palestinian dialect of Arabic, they also owned more land, and made up the majority of Israel before the Nakba.
When the Nakba terrorized, and expelled Palestinians out of their homes, by Jewish Israel.
That this is even allowed in America is a tragedy.

What, free speech? Or blatantly misrepresenting what Tlaib said while calling yourself "news"? Cutting off a statement mid sentence is not a truthful way to report a person's comments.

The woman is radical. Look at many of her other statements. She doesn't hide what she believes but that doesn't stop the left from trying to cover her ass.
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost

to send Jews in Hungary to Concentration Camps in Poland rather than let them find asylum in Palestine (it is not entirely clear that the Mufti was aware of the Extermination Camps in Poland, e.g. Auschwitz, at this time):

"I ask your Excellency to permit me to draw your attention to the necessity of preventing the Jews from leaving your country for Palestine, and if there are reasons which make their removal necessary, it would be indispensable and infinitely preferable to send them to other countries where they would find themselves under active control, for example, in Poland …""

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia

Auschwitz was created by Nazi Germans, and their servant Jews on annexed Nazi German soil.

Just another dirty comment, by the Heeb Jews in their blaming Poland for the Holocaust.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

You see what she was saying? I don't know what you read but the Arab Musloom (no such thing as a Palestinian) deserves her Jew-hating face stomped. I'll volunteer.

No one deserves their face stomped for their opinions, you Zionist maniac.

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