D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


I would suggest you use her entire statement rather than selectively taking her comments out of context. It is the House GOP that is hateful and apparently hates Muslims.

There’s, you know, there’s a kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, had been wiped out. . . . I mean, just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time."

When you look at her entire statement you see something different than what you are pushing. She pointed out that Muslims sacrificed many things for Jews to have a homeland. She did say what happened to Jews was horrific.

Why are you pushing a Republican lie? Apparently you are a bigot who hates Muslims.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

It has always been the Jews land.
Like America's always been the Natives' land.


Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .
Great point. The U.N. actually offered to acknowledge Palestine as an actual state - all they had to do was remove the goal of destroying Israel / killing the Jews from their charter...and they refused to.

Hand over the loot you owe me Goyim.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


I would suggest you use her entire statement rather than selectively taking her comments out of context. It is the House GOP that is hateful and apparently hates Muslims.

There’s, you know, there’s a kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, had been wiped out. . . . I mean, just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time."

When you look at her entire statement you see something different than what you are pushing. She pointed out that Muslims sacrificed many things for Jews to have a homeland. She did say what happened to Jews was horrific.

Why are you pushing a Republican lie? Apparently you are a bigot who hates Muslims.
That is a full of shit interpretation spin on her comments
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


I would suggest you use her entire statement rather than selectively taking her comments out of context. It is the House GOP that is hateful and apparently hates Muslims.

There’s, you know, there’s a kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, had been wiped out. . . . I mean, just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time."

When you look at her entire statement you see something different than what you are pushing. She pointed out that Muslims sacrificed many things for Jews to have a homeland. She did say what happened to Jews was horrific.

Why are you pushing a Republican lie? Apparently you are a bigot who hates Muslims.
I would suggest you pull your head out of your ads and acknowledge that Tlaib wrote her own history in the bullshit she spewed. Not only was it anti-Semitic and vile, it was completely devoid of FACT.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

It has always been the Jews land.
Like America's always been the Natives' land.


Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
If that is your picture it has ALL the markings of an angry, vengeful lunatic.
I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

It has always been the Jews land.
Like America's always been the Natives' land.


Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
If that is your picture it has ALL the markings of an angry, vengeful lunatic.

Can't answer the statement, so has OCD over pictures.
In this case, she's right.
Opinion. Actually, completely WRONG.

Palestinians created a safe haven for the Jews? Seriously? NOT!

"At the end of World War II, in 1945, the United States took up the Zionist cause. Britain, unable to find a practical solution, referred the problem to the United Nations, which in November 1947 voted to partition Palestine. The Jews were to possess more than half of Palestine, although they made up less than half of Palestine’s population. The Palestinian Arabs, aided by volunteers from other countries, fought the Zionist forces, but by May 14, 1948, the Jews had secured full control of their U.N.-allocated share of Palestine and also some Arab territory. On May 14, Britain withdrew with the expiration of its mandate, and the State of Israel was proclaimed.

The next day, forces from Egypt, Transjordan,
Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded."
-- https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/state-of-israel-proclaimed

I don't know which is worse, Tlaib spouting anti-Semitic garbage, supporting terrorists whose charter calls for killing Jews and driving the rest into the sea while claiming the Palestinians 'benevolently' created a Jewish Safe Haven after stating the thought of the holocaust (attempted genocide of the Jews) warms her heart or libs / snowflakes attempting to defend her by saying / echoing what she meant was how the Palestinians created a Jewish Safe Haven, which is a lie.

You got caught lying by taking her statements out of context to change their meaning. Now you are trying to change your opening post. She did not make a anti-Semitic remark by suggesting the Holocaust was calming. You are the one who did that by taking the first part of her statement and ignoring the second part.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

It has always been the Jews land.
Like America's always been the Natives' land.


Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...
I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

It has always been the Jews land.
Like America's always been the Natives' land.


Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom against Jews, but didn't exist until 1967.

Zionists are barbaric bozos, who kicked Palestinians to the curb in the Nakba.

Only a sub-Human savage, would be unaware that Palestinians have a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, owned more land than Jews, and made up the majority up until the Nakba.
In this case, she's right.
Opinion. Actually, completely WRONG.

Palestinians created a safe haven for the Jews? Seriously? NOT!

"At the end of World War II, in 1945, the United States took up the Zionist cause. Britain, unable to find a practical solution, referred the problem to the United Nations, which in November 1947 voted to partition Palestine. The Jews were to possess more than half of Palestine, although they made up less than half of Palestine’s population. The Palestinian Arabs, aided by volunteers from other countries, fought the Zionist forces, but by May 14, 1948, the Jews had secured full control of their U.N.-allocated share of Palestine and also some Arab territory. On May 14, Britain withdrew with the expiration of its mandate, and the State of Israel was proclaimed.

The next day, forces from Egypt, Transjordan,
Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded."
-- https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/state-of-israel-proclaimed

I don't know which is worse, Tlaib spouting anti-Semitic garbage, supporting terrorists whose charter calls for killing Jews and driving the rest into the sea while claiming the Palestinians 'benevolently' created a Jewish Safe Haven after stating the thought of the holocaust (attempted genocide of the Jews) warms her heart or libs / snowflakes attempting to defend her by saying / echoing what she meant was how the Palestinians created a Jewish Safe Haven, which is a lie.

You got caught lying by taking her statements out of context to change their meaning. Now you are trying to change your opening post. She did not make a anti-Semitic remark by suggesting the Holocaust was calming. You are the one who did that by taking the first part of her statement and ignoring the second part.

Almost every word she stated was a lie, and you seek to defend her by calling others liars?

Why don't you just be honest and admit you get all warm and tingly every time you think of Jews being marched into the ovens, too...
It has always been the Jews land.
Like America's always been the Natives' land.


Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom against Jews, but didn't exist until 1967.

Zionists are barbaric bozos, who kicked Palestinians to the curb in the Nakba.

Only a sub-Human savage, would be unaware that Palestinians have a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, owned more land than Jews, and made up the majority up until the Nakba.
There is no Palestinian state. These people were nomadic and owned no territory. The UN actually offered them an opportunity to be recognized as a state - all they had to do was remove from their charter the call for Jews to be eradicated / killed. They refused.

In 2017 a new charter was agreed upon but The PLO / PLA stated it did not recognize Israel, would not agree to peace until it had reclaimed territory it never officially owned...

Netanyahu pointed out that the PLA was attempti g to fool the world as it had not ended its relationship with GANAS & the Muslim Brotherhood as it had claimed.

Nothing has changed, as can be seen by the constAnt violence and attacks against Israel.
It has always been the Jews land.
Like America's always been the Natives' land.


Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom against Jews, but didn't exist until 1967.

Zionists are barbaric bozos, who kicked Palestinians to the curb in the Nakba.

Only a sub-Human savage, would be unaware that Palestinians have a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, owned more land than Jews, and made up the majority up until the Nakba.
Having a dialect and a culture does not make one a state, dumbass, any more than knowing what a small fork in place-settings is for makes you royalty.
Like America's always been the Natives' land.


Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom against Jews, but didn't exist until 1967.

Zionists are barbaric bozos, who kicked Palestinians to the curb in the Nakba.

Only a sub-Human savage, would be unaware that Palestinians have a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, owned more land than Jews, and made up the majority up until the Nakba.
There is no Palestinian state. These people were nomadic and owned no territory. The UN actually offered them an opportunity to be recognized as a state - all they had to do was remove from their charter the call for Jews to be eradicated / killed. They refused.

In 2017 a new charter was agreed upon but The PLO / PLA stated it did not recognize Israel, would not agree to peace until it had reclaimed territory it never officially owned...

Netanyahu pointed out that the PLA was attempti g to fool the world as it had not ended its relationship with GANAS & the Muslim Brotherhood as it had claimed.

Nothing has changed, as can be seen by the constAnt violence and attacks against Israel.

They owned more land than Jews, it's not disputable, it's a fact.
They also made up more people too.

The UN is anti-Semitic, but they created Israel.

The stupidity of Zionists is hilarious, you should be treated as what you are, Sub Human savages.
Like America's always been the Natives' land.


Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom against Jews, but didn't exist until 1967.

Zionists are barbaric bozos, who kicked Palestinians to the curb in the Nakba.

Only a sub-Human savage, would be unaware that Palestinians have a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, owned more land than Jews, and made up the majority up until the Nakba.
Having a dialect and a culture does not make one a state, dumbass, any more than knowing what a small fork in place-settings is for makes you royalty.

The people who live on the land for many hundreds of years should have rights.

Just because Ottoman Turks conquered Arabs of Palestine, just like Israel did later, doesn't make it their rightful land.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

I see what she was trying to say...that it took the Holocaust to create a Jewish homeland. Not a good way to say it....but it does remind me of those who say that slavery for blacks was a good thing at the end because it got them here and out of Africa.

Jews won WW2.
Germans won.

Jews gained Israel out of WW2, they expanded the Soviet Union into most of Central-Europe, they were able to push Liberalism, and a demise of anti-Semitism, by kicking, and screaming anti-Semite, Nazi.
Yes, we all know Liberalism kept your parents from starving.

Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom against Jews, but didn't exist until 1967.

Zionists are barbaric bozos, who kicked Palestinians to the curb in the Nakba.

Only a sub-Human savage, would be unaware that Palestinians have a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, owned more land than Jews, and made up the majority up until the Nakba.
Having a dialect and a culture does not make one a state, dumbass, any more than knowing what a small fork in place-settings is for makes you royalty.

The people who live on the land for many hundreds of years should have rights.

Just because Ottoman Turks conquered Arabs of Palestine, just like Israel did later, doesn't make it their rightful land.
You better get on a message board and tell people.

Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom against Jews, but didn't exist until 1967.

Zionists are barbaric bozos, who kicked Palestinians to the curb in the Nakba.

Only a sub-Human savage, would be unaware that Palestinians have a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, owned more land than Jews, and made up the majority up until the Nakba.
Having a dialect and a culture does not make one a state, dumbass, any more than knowing what a small fork in place-settings is for makes you royalty.

The people who live on the land for many hundreds of years should have rights.

Just because Ottoman Turks conquered Arabs of Palestine, just like Israel did later, doesn't make it their rightful land.
Yet they refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist...
Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom against Jews, but didn't exist until 1967.

Zionists are barbaric bozos, who kicked Palestinians to the curb in the Nakba.

Only a sub-Human savage, would be unaware that Palestinians have a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, owned more land than Jews, and made up the majority up until the Nakba.
Having a dialect and a culture does not make one a state, dumbass, any more than knowing what a small fork in place-settings is for makes you royalty.

The people who live on the land for many hundreds of years should have rights.

Just because Ottoman Turks conquered Arabs of Palestine, just like Israel did later, doesn't make it their rightful land.
You better get on a message board and tell people.

Colonists make the arguments like this.
I've heard Hungarian Colonists claim Slovakia never existed, I've heard Russian, and Polish Colonists claim that Ukraine never existed,
and most of all the Zionist Colonists claim Palestine never existed.

The fact is in Palestine, like Slovakia, and Ukraine people lived there in such a culture for many hundreds of years, if not a 1,000 years.
Palestinian Arabs lived a lot longer in Palestine, than American Whites have in the USA.

Zionists must be either really dumb, or really hypocritical.
There was never any such place as Palestine, and Yassar Arafat came up with 'Palestine/Palestinians'.

The Palestinians did not make a safe haven for the Jewish people. They did not lose any land.

Everything Tlaib said was factually incorrect.

And what do you think she and ' her people's, Hamas and the PLA mean by a 'single-state solution' considering their charter which calls for murdering the Jews and driving the rest into the sea...?


Wake the f* up already...

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom against Jews, but didn't exist until 1967.

Zionists are barbaric bozos, who kicked Palestinians to the curb in the Nakba.

Only a sub-Human savage, would be unaware that Palestinians have a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, owned more land than Jews, and made up the majority up until the Nakba.
Having a dialect and a culture does not make one a state, dumbass, any more than knowing what a small fork in place-settings is for makes you royalty.

The people who live on the land for many hundreds of years should have rights.

Just because Ottoman Turks conquered Arabs of Palestine, just like Israel did later, doesn't make it their rightful land.
Yet they refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist...

Hand over the loot you owe me Goyim, you owe me your land, your property, your livelihood.

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