D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

You hear a lot of things...out of context and out of order.

Dumbo with OCD, says what?
We’re you looking in the cracked mirror when you typed that?

Jews think half of Eurasia owes them money, but they don't think they owe Palestine for the Nakba.

Israel owes Palestine nothing, but half of Eurasia owes Israel.

No wonder why so many people see Jews as vile, greedy beasts.
Too bad too bad for you those people aren’t on this board.

Who's those people?
Everyone who hates Jews.
In this case, she's right.
Opinion. Actually, completely WRONG.

Palestinians created a safe haven for the Jews? Seriously? NOT!

"At the end of World War II, in 1945, the United States took up the Zionist cause. Britain, unable to find a practical solution, referred the problem to the United Nations, which in November 1947 voted to partition Palestine. The Jews were to possess more than half of Palestine, although they made up less than half of Palestine’s population. The Palestinian Arabs, aided by volunteers from other countries, fought the Zionist forces, but by May 14, 1948, the Jews had secured full control of their U.N.-allocated share of Palestine and also some Arab territory. On May 14, Britain withdrew with the expiration of its mandate, and the State of Israel was proclaimed.

The next day, forces from Egypt, Transjordan,
Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded."
-- https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/state-of-israel-proclaimed

I don't know which is worse, Tlaib spouting anti-Semitic garbage, supporting terrorists whose charter calls for killing Jews and driving the rest into the sea while claiming the Palestinians 'benevolently' created a Jewish Safe Haven after stating the thought of the holocaust (attempted genocide of the Jews) warms her heart or libs / snowflakes attempting to defend her by saying / echoing what she meant was how the Palestinians created a Jewish Safe Haven, which is a lie.

You got caught lying by taking her statements out of context to change their meaning. Now you are trying to change your opening post. She did not make a anti-Semitic remark by suggesting the Holocaust was calming. You are the one who did that by taking the first part of her statement and ignoring the second part.
Not even close
Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Foreign Policy Journal

Additionally, land ownership statistics from 1945 showed that Arabs owned more land than Jews in every single district of Palestine, including Jaffa, where Arabs owned 47 percent of the land while Jews owned 39 percent – and Jaffa boasted the highest percentage of Jewish-owned land of any district. In other districts, Arabs owned an even larger portion of the land. At the extreme other end, for instance, in Ramallah, Arabs owned 99 percent of the land. In the whole of Palestine, Arabs owned 85 percent of the land, while Jews owned less than 7 percent, which remained the case up until the time of Israel’s creation.

In the whole of Palestine, Arabs owned 85 percent of the land

And the Ottomans owned 0%?

Yeah, in 1945 the Ottomans owned 0% of Palestine.

What happened to the land the Ottomans owned in 1917?

When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the aid to murderous Israel?

Why are you so mad about Israel?
Just look at the picture. A brooding, scowling, vengeful nut case
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In the whole of Palestine, Arabs owned 85 percent of the land

And the Ottomans owned 0%?

Yeah, in 1945 the Ottomans owned 0% of Palestine.

What happened to the land the Ottomans owned in 1917?

When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the aid to murderous Israel?

Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.
So you, like Tlaib, are an ignorant, misguided, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic hate-filled disease that seeks the genocide of the Jews and the spread of vile filth like Hamas and the PLA.
Yeah, in 1945 the Ottomans owned 0% of Palestine.

What happened to the land the Ottomans owned in 1917?

When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the aid to murderous Israel?

Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.
So you, like Tlaib, are an ignorant, misguided, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic hate-filled disease that seeks the genocide of the Jews and the spread of vile filth like Hamas and the PLA.

I never said I seek the genocide of Jews, nor that I support terrorists.

But, Israel is a terrorist nation you support.
How come?

Why are Zionists such ignorant, scum?
What happened to the land the Ottomans owned in 1917?

When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the aid to murderous Israel?

Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.
So you, like Tlaib, are an ignorant, misguided, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic hate-filled disease that seeks the genocide of the Jews and the spread of vile filth like Hamas and the PLA.

I never said I seek the genocide of Jews, nor that I support terrorists.

But, Israel is a terrorist nation you support.
How come?

Why are Zionists such ignorant, scum?

Sobie has a crush on Tlaib. LMAO. Again don’t say things on this board that you would not say to my face.
They owned more land than Jews, it's not disputable, it's a fact.

I dispute it.

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Foreign Policy Journal

Additionally, land ownership statistics from 1945 showed that Arabs owned more land than Jews in every single district of Palestine, including Jaffa, where Arabs owned 47 percent of the land while Jews owned 39 percent – and Jaffa boasted the highest percentage of Jewish-owned land of any district. In other districts, Arabs owned an even larger portion of the land. At the extreme other end, for instance, in Ramallah, Arabs owned 99 percent of the land. In the whole of Palestine, Arabs owned 85 percent of the land, while Jews owned less than 7 percent, which remained the case up until the time of Israel’s creation.

In the whole of Palestine, Arabs owned 85 percent of the land

And the Ottomans owned 0%?

Yeah, in 1945 the Ottomans owned 0% of Palestine.

What happened to the land the Ottomans owned in 1917?

When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the funding / aid to murderous Israel?

What a CUCK you are.

Says the 45 year old virgin.
What happened to the land the Ottomans owned in 1917?

When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the aid to murderous Israel?

Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.

Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.
When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the aid to murderous Israel?

Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.
So you, like Tlaib, are an ignorant, misguided, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic hate-filled disease that seeks the genocide of the Jews and the spread of vile filth like Hamas and the PLA.

I never said I seek the genocide of Jews, nor that I support terrorists.

But, Israel is a terrorist nation you support.
How come?

Why are Zionists such ignorant, scum?

Sobie has a crush on Tlaib. LMAO. Again don’t say things on this board that you would not say to my face.
That's all he CAN say...
When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the aid to murderous Israel?

Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.

Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.
Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.

Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.

Never. There is not such thing is a “Palestinian”. You fat, unemployed loser.
Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.

Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.
You're not very smart to think Mexicans owned America before the American Indians, now US Citizens, were. How did you get to be so stupid?
What happened to the land the Ottomans owned in 1917?

When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the aid to murderous Israel?

Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.

Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?
More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Of course, Palestinians are backward Muslims fighting a first world, very technologically advanced opponent.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Launching terrorist attacks has a cost for the Palestinians.
Why shouldn't they fight back?

Because they're really bad at it. And they're pussies.
This is not what she said.

The OP, and it's radical far rightwing Republican supporters are liars of the worst order.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


It's 1928 and the democrats are the new Nazi party.

Simple fact.

democrats want to stage a genocide of whites and Christians. They tell us this every single day and we are supposed to ignore them and think they are just playing.

They're not.
That this is even allowed in America is a tragedy. And that she is elected to Congress? We are as crazy as she is.

We need a reboot desperately.

It's no different than the Nazis we voted into congress during WWII. Or wait, maybe people were smarter then....
This is not what she said.

The OP, and it's radical far rightwing Republican supporters are liars of the worst order.

Ohhh, if you JUST LIE HARD ENOUGH, reality will realign....

"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people's passports,"

I don't think we'll let you get away with lying, you pile of shit.

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