D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

Then why did the OP lie?
Its the same thing they did to President Barack Hussein Obama.

Lie about everything, pretend everything was a scandal.

Then once it's all said and done, deny everything they did.

In a couple of years, not one USMB self-professed conservative will remember ever seeing anything like this thread.

It's the Republican playbook, lie from sun-up to sun-down.
Now that.........is a bald-faced lie.

Most of what MarcATL posts is...
The Congress woman's full quote, in context

Not the lies these far rightwing bastards are spewing.

Wow, what a vile kunt that terrorist is. It's worse hearing her screech it.

Why is it the conservatives who are lying about what she said

They aren't - the only ones lying are you Stalinists.

""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people's passports,""

Her exact words.

Acknowledging the sacrifices to create the state of Israel

Gives her a calming feeling

Thinking about 14 million dying gives her a calming feeling.

Claiming that Arabs were the real victims gives her a platform for her terrorist hate.

The people that are insisting we read it are hanging themselves. It’s a rambling run on but Clearly emphasizes that Palestine is the aggrieved party in the Holocaust. Plus, it contends they were the noble party who extended themselves to Jews despite being put upon.
Hell, I’m white bread Methodist boy but that’s some Real Horseshit.
Then why did the OP lie?
Its the same thing they did to President Barack Hussein Obama.

Lie about everything, pretend everything was a scandal.

Then once it's all said and done, deny everything they did.

In a couple of years, not one USMB self-professed conservative will remember ever seeing anything like this thread.

It's the Republican playbook, lie from sun-up to sun-down.
Now that.........is a bald-faced lie.

Most of what MarcATL posts is...
Stone cold caught red handed but instead of conceding calls those who point it out liars. No longer credible.
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LOL you claim everything is racist no matter what. Now you wanna complain about a terrorist supporting Jew hating member of congress getting called on her shit...... PLEASE.
It's almost sad to see that Republicans are increasingly less concerned, or attached to reality. Right here in our very midst you have Republican peons engaging in fact free and baseless attacks.

To wit...

D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

They've become completely unconstrained by any concern for truth or morality. What will the end look like? Anyone has any ideas?
Yeah, a lot of ugly in this story. Partisans taking her comment out of context and running with it... shameful. And also her not being accurate about the Jewish Palestinian history. Both sides need to do much better.
That this is even allowed in America is a tragedy.

What, free speech? Or blatantly misrepresenting what Tlaib said while calling yourself "news"? Cutting off a statement mid sentence is not a truthful way to report a person's comments.

The woman is radical. Look at many of her other statements. She doesn't hide what she believes but that doesn't stop the left from trying to cover her ass.

That does not justify lying about what she has said in this instance. She'll serve up plenty of opportunities to criticize her for things she's actually said. No need to make things up.
It's up to their party to get rid of people like Tlaib. Because if you don't clean your damn house, there won't be a Democrat left in America in 10 years. We're tired of them breaking their rattlers and having to pick up the pieces on a doggone constant basis lately. Your lawgivers' contentious disinterest in fair play until you start getting in the faces of people doing their government is a waste of money and time. That's because your lawgivers aren't going to stop until they communize this country by dumbing people down to thinking they are safe socialists. That's just not going to happen in this country. We're a free market nation, and we are not going to revert free people into being nannied for life by harsher and harsher tyrants as they gain more power. Just look at your fruitcake Nancy Pelosi. She's so vain she thinks this entire country rotates around her whim and pleasure. It doesn't.

You have a deadly problem and if you don't clean house, we will. Americans are fed up with the prankster element in the government that is not doing the job it's supposed to do. How dare you creepsisters come into power and act like you didn't take your midol this month. You do nothing but tear down other people, tear down, and more tear down. It's pure bullshit, and you're here leaving cowpaddies every where you step to cover your communist leaders who think all of you are so stupid you don't know what they're up to.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

Democrats have come out of the closet in their hatred of Jews. They love Tlaib for being a mouthpiece for them.

The only reason Democrats hate Nazis is because they didn’t finish the job.
They keep screaming Jew, Jew, Jew, and when George Soros realizes he was born a Jew, it might make him a little sorry his children, nieces, nephews, and others in his family could be harmed for believing the Ten Commandments, and he might quit sending foundation funds and benefits to ungrateful creeps who've been inducted into the Democrat party. The sooner the better.
It's almost sad to see that Republicans are increasingly less concerned with, or attached to, reality.

Right here in our very midst you have Republican peons engaging in fact free and baseless attacks.

To wit...

D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

They've become completely unconstrained by any concern for truth or morality.

What will the end look like? Does anyone have any idea?
Welcome to the other side of the Political Correctness coin.
In partial to what Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib said:

“And just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.”


However, the Arab nations did not provide a “safe haven” for the Jew people during or after the Holocaust, where six million Jews were slaughtered.
After the Jewish state of Israel was declared, Arab leaders urged their people to leave the newly formed nation-state, Despite Israel officially announcing “a full and equal citizenship” for all occupants, the Arab nations, including Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq, invaded Israel the following day.

She received widespread criticism for her numerous ties to terror-affiliated activists. A pro-Hezbollah, anti-Israel activist attended her swearing-in ceremony and private dinner,. Tlaib hosted in her congressional office an avowed supporter of Palestinian terrorist organizations such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Hezbollah and Hamas. A key fundraiser in Tlaib’s congressional campaign was also an anti-Semitic Palestinian activist.

It's almost sad to see that Republicans are increasingly less concerned with, or attached to, reality.

Right here in our very midst you have Republican peons engaging in fact free and baseless attacks.

To wit...

D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

They've become completely unconstrained by any concern for truth or morality.

What will the end look like? Does anyone have any idea?
What the fuck are you talking about, bro

Pick your battles
I doubt that anyone wants to search out the other side of the story -- hey, why start now? -- but this is hers:

Rashida Tlaib Lambastes GOP Lawmakers For ‘Twisting’ Her Comments About The Holocaust | HuffPost
Twisting? Yet she has a map labeled Palestine over Israel in her office.
Maybe it is she that is twisting to try to deceive, you know taqiyya, when caught.
The picture you posted does not show a label "over" Israel. It shows a label next to Israel with an arrow pointing to Palestine. And what's wrong with that since she's Palestinian?

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been such a thing as a Palestinian and there will never be such a thing as a Palestinian. They are either Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian or just plain mangy mongrels. Just ask irosie91 .

Palestinians speak the Palestinian dialect of Arabic, they also owned more land, and made up the majority of Israel before the Nakba.
When the Nakba terrorized, and expelled Palestinians out of their homes, by Jewish Israel.

you are parroting the islamo Nazi propaganda that your catechism whore shoved down your throat----I know it well-----I read it in my
youth. I will help you with the idiot stat you quote-----Jews BOUGHT land in the OTTOMAN CONTROLLED Palestine since the 1800s---
and by 1948 owned 7% of the land . The actual non catechism whore and non Nazi FACT is that arabs owned almost none---they
were mostly squatters-----but now they claim that ALL the land that
jews did not own by purchase outright is MUSLIM LAND-----muslims are very much like the pigs of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" when it comes to that which they imagine they OWN
Wow, what a vile kunt that terrorist is. It's worse hearing her screech it.
Why is it the conservatives who are lying about what she said

They aren't - the only ones lying are you Stalinists.

""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people's passports,""

Her exact words.
Acknowledging the sacrifices to create the state of Israel

Gives her a calming feeling

Thinking about 14 million dying gives her a calming feeling.

Claiming that Arabs were the real victims gives her a platform for her terrorist hate.
The people that are insisting we read it are hanging themselves. It’s a rambling run on but Clearly emphasizes that Palestine is the aggrieved party in the Holocaust. Plus, it contends they were the noble party who extended themselves to Jews despite being put upon.
Hell, I’m white bread Methodist boy but that’s some Real Horseshit.

There's a Jewish family by the name of Zainati, from the village of Peki'in, who trace their unbroken presence in Israel from the last Jewish-Roman War in 135 CE. No Arab family can make this claim. The Land belongs to the Jewish People.

On the day Rashida Tlaib was sworn into office, she called a sitting president of the United States a "motherfucker"!
In 2016, Rashida Tlaib was forcefully removed from a Trump rally; the obivious hate she harbors for the President is cause for concern.

Here's a partial list of Palestinians who also harbored hate for America:

1968 - Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan, kills Robert Kennedy, America's brightest hope for the future!

1973 - Palestinians kill U.S. Ambassador Cleo Noel and American diplomat George Curtis Moore in Sudan!

1985 - Palestinians kill wheelchair-bound American Leon Klinghoffer and throw him overboard into the sea!

1997 - Palestinian, Abu Kamal, opened fire on the 86th floor observation deck of the Empire State Building in New York City. He killed Christoffer Burmeister, and wounded six innocent victims!

2000 - On the eve of Yom Kippur, a group of Palestinian men attacked a New York City synagogue with Molotov cocktail!. Mazin Assi, one of the attackers, was convicted of attempted arson, weapons charges and hate crimes, and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

2001 - On 9/11, America's darkest day, Palestinians rejoice and dish out candies upon learning of American deaths! (A thousand years shall past and we Americans shall never forget nor forgive!)

2003 - Palestinians name a square in Jenin after the Iraqi suicide bomber, Ali Ja'far al Na'mani, who killed four American soldiers in Southern Iraq!

"We want to honor the brave Iraqi officer who carried out the first suicide attack against the American and British occupiers," a senior Palestinian official in Jenin told The Jerusalem Post. "We hope there will be more suicide operations in the coming days."

2017 - Palestinians in West Bank Erect Memorial to Saddam Hussein (MEMRI)

The city of Kalkilya in the West Bank unveiled a memorial to Saddam Hussein on Oct. 18, along with naming a street for him.
The monument bears the slogan "Arab Palestine from the River to the Sea," referring to the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
Kalkilya District Governor Rafi' Rawajba said: "Saddam was an emblem of heroism, honor, originality and defiance."

2018 - Palestinian Waheba Issa Dais, who lived in Wisconsin, was arrested for providing material support to Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization; targets were poisoning water reservoirs and bomb attacks on street festivals!
It's almost sad to see that Republicans are increasingly less concerned with, or attached to, reality.

Right here in our very midst you have Republican peons engaging in fact free and baseless attacks.

To wit...

D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

They've become completely unconstrained by any concern for truth or morality.

What will the end look like? Does anyone have any idea?
What the fuck are you talking about, bro

Pick your battles
I'm talking about Republican lies, bigotry and immorality.

A truly righteous battle.
Enough of the pathetic defense of this anti-Semitic terrorist-supporting revisionist historian.

Tlaib attempted to sell a truckload of make-believe bullshit.

Not only was everything she said historically inaccurate, the claim that the Palestinians sacrificed in the name of attempting to create a safe haven for the Jews was a lie. Palestinian leaders actually sided with Hitler and had an historic hand in the attempted genocide of the Jews.

There is no defense of this. Even liberal news media CNN blasted Tlaib for her anti-Semitic revisionist history!

And despite this, after inviting an anti-Semitic Muslim to give an opening prayer, Pelosi - and Hoyer - demanded the President apologize to Tlaib.

After giving such an insane account of revisionist history, Tlaib should apologize to the entire world.

Once again, the Democrats have demonstrated to the world that they continue to embrace growing alarming anti-Semitism.
Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.

Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.
You're not very smart to think Mexicans owned America before the American Indians, now US Citizens, were. How did you get to be so stupid?

If Ashkenazi half Jews speaking German Yiddish can claim Israel.

Why can't Mestizo half Native Americans speaking Spanish claim the USA?

If Mexicans do take over Texas, you shouldn't fight back as a terrorist, shooting rockets to defend your land.
(Just a pointer)
Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.

Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.

Never. There is not such thing is a “Palestinian”. You fat, unemployed loser.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

The lies of Zionists are hilarious.
Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.
You're not very smart to think Mexicans owned America before the American Indians, now US Citizens, were. How did you get to be so stupid?

If Ashkenazi half Jews speaking German Yiddish can claim Israel.

Why can't Mestizo half Native Americans speaking Spanish claim the USA?

If Mexicans do take over Texas, you shouldn't fight back as a terrorist, shooting rockets to defend your land.
(Just a pointer)

Asinine analogy.

Don't you know anything?
When is your USA, and Germany going to have the balls to cut off the aid to murderous Israel?

Why are you so mad about Israel?

Why are you such a servant of murderous Israel?

Hand over the loot you owe me, America, Germans, and well a lot of other people.

Enough is enough, it's time to cut off the greedy Jewish pigs.

Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?
More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Of course, Palestinians are backward Muslims fighting a first world, very technologically advanced opponent.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Launching terrorist attacks has a cost for the Palestinians.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

Because they're really bad at it. And they're pussies.

If Mexicans took over your land, would you fight back?

I guess not, because it would make you a terrorist, and a hypocrite.

Because Palestinians should just sit down, and accept terrorist Israel, right?

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