D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

Tlaib & Omar are being deliberately mischaracterized and silenced!


Calming feeling about the Holocaust....
No, that's a different question. You asked for evidence of "Arabs acting calmly toward Jewish refugees."

Yet no one made any such crazed assertion; so who knows what spastic issues you deal with? :dunno:

You asked for evidence of "Arabs acting calmly toward Jewish refugees."

Yet no one made any such crazed assertion;

Was that what Tlaib was claiming?
No. Do you think it was?

Hard to tell what the fuck she was trying to say.
What do you think made her feel calm?

You don't know what she said so you don't re just gonna make up shit? Is that about right?

I heard what she said. I just can't make sense out of it.
Can you?
That may be what some fringe righties call her, but they're saddled with the intellect of a 4 year old and think Obama's name is "Obummer" and think his wife is a dude. So I can't go by that either.

And what's so weird about my avatar? Robert Mueller is a great American who I respect. Maybe you're confusing my avatar with yours?

You picked that avatar to go anti Trump and most independents do not like Tlaib either. Nice try.

That doesn't mean Independents refer to Tlaib as Rashida Taliban like some nutty rightwingers do. Regardless, let's see your evidence that most Independents don't like Tlaib....

And you didn't elucidate about what is weird about my avatar. Pointing out why I picked it doesn't make it weird. What's weird about a Mueller avatar?

You picked it because you hate Trump and all Trump supporters. Yes or No? That makes it weird. You had no idea who Mueller was before the bogus investigation.

As far as Jew hater Rashida.
The Voter's Self Defense System
No, I don't hate trump supporters. I pity them. And I don't hate trump. I just don't respect him.

As far as Mueller, I respect the role he played in this and how he handled himself and his investigation.

You played the pity card? LMAO? Why pity winners? And you had the avatar before the findings. You had no idea who he was or what he was like. You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it. As a Jew, I know an antisemite when I see one and Tlaib is 100% one. I am Certain.
"You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it."


Do you even have an idea of just how retarded you are?
Nah, looks like my avatar is doing its job — triggering nutcases like you.
No, that's a different question. You asked for evidence of "Arabs acting calmly toward Jewish refugees."

Yet no one made any such crazed assertion; so who knows what spastic issues you deal with? :dunno:

You asked for evidence of "Arabs acting calmly toward Jewish refugees."

Yet no one made any such crazed assertion;

Was that what Tlaib was claiming?
No. Do you think it was?

Hard to tell what the fuck she was trying to say.
What do you think made her feel calm?

You don't know what she said so you don't re just gonna make up shit? Is that about right?

I heard what she said. I just can't make sense out of it.
Can you?
Yes, I can.
You asked for evidence of "Arabs acting calmly toward Jewish refugees."

Yet no one made any such crazed assertion;

Was that what Tlaib was claiming?
No. Do you think it was?

Hard to tell what the fuck she was trying to say.
What do you think made her feel calm?

You don't know what she said so you don't re just gonna make up shit? Is that about right?

I heard what she said. I just can't make sense out of it.
Can you?
Yes, I can.

Feel free to explain.
You asked for evidence of "Arabs acting calmly toward Jewish refugees."

Yet no one made any such crazed assertion;

Was that what Tlaib was claiming?
No. Do you think it was?

Hard to tell what the fuck she was trying to say.
What do you think made her feel calm?

You don't know what she said so you don't re just gonna make up shit? Is that about right?

I heard what she said. I just can't make sense out of it.
Can you?
Yes, I can.
Quote: Yes, I can.​

So they told you to stare into the light, only you can't remember it! :rolleyes:

Brainwashing is such a forgettable thing...​
No. Do you think it was?

Hard to tell what the fuck she was trying to say.
What do you think made her feel calm?

You don't know what she said so you don't re just gonna make up shit? Is that about right?

I heard what she said. I just can't make sense out of it.
Can you?
Yes, I can.

Feel free to explain.
Already have. Multiple times. Pay attention next time ... if you can.

You remain fucking deranged as she never said that either. :eusa_doh:

But g'head, keep posting links that agree with me. That was fun!.

So you hear what you want to hear. Let me ask you this, Fawn, are you pro Israel or pro “Palestine”?
I'm pro Israel. I also have family there.

No Jew would ever support Tlaib

Says a fascist pig like you. Who appointed you judge and jury.
I am a Jewish Fascist? LMAO. I never said I was judge or jury. I just gave an opinion. I know Leftists like yourself censor opinions that differ from your POV.

Anyone who disagrees with you is a leftist? I think not. You are so far to the right that Ronald Reagan would be a leftist to you. The fact is you have no right to make a statement like that. You have no right to speak for all jews.
I don't support either party. However your post is garbage. Republicans have managed to alienate Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, better educated voters, and women to name a few groups they have alienated.

You have Republicans moving to the far right by criminalizing abortion and what is so sad is we have male legislators telling a woman what she can do with her body. Falwell shuts down anybody who is against Trump. There is no evidence any illegals have voted. Opposing Netanyahu is not anti-Semitism.

You are a garbage right wing Trump supporter and Americans are sick of Trump.

1. I said nothing about 'alienating' anyone. I said this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

You didn't deny it....yet you said you don't support either party. You must be a fool, huh?

2. "You have Republicans moving to the far right by criminalizing abortion.."
Obviously you support murder and infanticide...

There is no way to separate abortion from infanticide for this reason: what if a child is born as a result of an unsuccessful attempted abortion?

And, as several states now allow abortion up to the moment of birth,… “The state of New York recently passed a horrific new abortion law removing almost all previous restrictions. The law now allows abortions to be performed up to the point of natural birth by physicians and also by some non-physician health care practitioners. It also removes protections for babies who accidentally survive an abortion procedure.” New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

"7 states already allow abortion up to birth — not just New York"
7 states already allow abortion up to birth — not just New York

…..the result of what happens to that child is included here:

“The practice in some societies of killing unwanted children soon after birth.”

infanticide | Definition of infanticide in English by Oxford Dictionaries

There is no dancing around it. It is infanticide.

3. There is no Far Right in this nation.....I'd be happy to prove it.

1. The Republican Party is anti-Muslim, anti-Hispanic, anti anyone but white males. The party is sympathetic to white supremacists and neo-nazis. They will support men who sexually harass women and even men who sexually assault women.

2. You have right wing extremists who support heartbeat bills. There is no evidence that a fetal heartbeat is a sign of a life. You people want to criminalize abortion. Ultimately it is a woman's right to do as she fits with her body. You do not end abortion by making it illegal. You end it by reaching out to women and convincing them not to have a abortion. This is a good example of what happens when we fail to have a separation between church and state.

3. The Republican Party has been taken over by the far right or more specifically white supremacists and neo-nazis. Unfortunately the so-called conservatives have sold their soul to the devil aka Trump just to get power.

Everything in your post is false.

There is no Far Right in this country.

And, I can make you prove it.

Since you are a member of the far right, there probably is no far right to you. Being a Trump supporter makes you a natural born liar. Everything is true.

There is no Far Right in this country.

I can prove it, even using a dunce like you to do so.

Let me know when you're ready.

You are the only dunce I see. We got a good look at the far right in Charlottesville. The far right sent mail bombs. The far right has shot up 2 synagogues.
You picked that avatar to go anti Trump and most independents do not like Tlaib either. Nice try.

That doesn't mean Independents refer to Tlaib as Rashida Taliban like some nutty rightwingers do. Regardless, let's see your evidence that most Independents don't like Tlaib....

And you didn't elucidate about what is weird about my avatar. Pointing out why I picked it doesn't make it weird. What's weird about a Mueller avatar?

You picked it because you hate Trump and all Trump supporters. Yes or No? That makes it weird. You had no idea who Mueller was before the bogus investigation.

As far as Jew hater Rashida.
The Voter's Self Defense System
No, I don't hate trump supporters. I pity them. And I don't hate trump. I just don't respect him.

As far as Mueller, I respect the role he played in this and how he handled himself and his investigation.

You played the pity card? LMAO? Why pity winners? And you had the avatar before the findings. You had no idea who he was or what he was like. You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it. As a Jew, I know an antisemite when I see one and Tlaib is 100% one. I am Certain.
"You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it."


Do you even have an idea of just how retarded you are?
Nah, looks like my avatar is doing its job — triggering nutcases like you.

Truth hurts? If it was not true you would
Not try do deny it so vehemently
So you hear what you want to hear. Let me ask you this, Fawn, are you pro Israel or pro “Palestine”?
I'm pro Israel. I also have family there.

No Jew would ever support Tlaib

Says a fascist pig like you. Who appointed you judge and jury.
I am a Jewish Fascist? LMAO. I never said I was judge or jury. I just gave an opinion. I know Leftists like yourself censor opinions that differ from your POV.

Anyone who disagrees with you is a leftist? I think not. You are so far to the right that Ronald Reagan would be a leftist to you. The fact is you have no right to make a statement like that. You have no right to speak for all jews.

I am far to the right? How so?
Anybody who says ...."there is always a calming feeling when I think of the Holocaust ".....is a psychopath.

D-Tlaib is a psychopath.
Anybody who says ...."there is always a calming feeling when she/he thinks of the Holocaust ".....is a psychopath.

D-Tlaib is a psychopath.

Keep on keeping on posting BIG LIES, it suits you and all the other liars.

BTW, a psychopath was a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. Today, the DSM-5 has gone through a few changes and one of those changes is the diagnostic title for sociopath. Sociopath and psychopath are now blanketed under the title Antisocial Personality disorder or APD for short.

If you are not willfully ignorant you might look up Personality Disorders and read the definitions under Cluster A (paranoid) and Cluster B (Antisocial, Histrionic & Narcissistic). See if you can rule out anyone of these conditions which are manifest in Trump and not in the woman you so arrogantly attacked.
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Anybody who says ...."there is always a calming feeling when she/he thinks of the Holocaust ".....is a psychopath.

D-Tlaib is a psychopath.

Keep on keeping on posting BIG LIES, it suits you and all the other liars.

BTW, a psychopath was a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. Today, the DSM-5 has gone through a few changes and one of those changes is the diagnostic title for sociopath. Sociopath and psychopath are now blanketed under the title Antisocial Personality disorder or APD for short.

If you are not willfully ignorant you might look up Personality Disorders and read the definitions under Cluster A (paranoid) and Cluster B (Antisocial, Histrionic & Narcissistic). See if you can rule out anyone of these conditions which are manifest in Trump.

How can an opinion be wrong?
Anybody who says ...."there is always a calming feeling when she/he thinks of the Holocaust ".....is a psychopath.

D-Tlaib is a psychopath.

Keep on keeping on posting BIG LIES, it suits you and all the other liars.

BTW, a psychopath was a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. Today, the DSM-5 has gone through a few changes and one of those changes is the diagnostic title for sociopath. Sociopath and psychopath are now blanketed under the title Antisocial Personality disorder or APD for short.

If you are not willfully ignorant you might look up Personality Disorders and read the definitions under Cluster A (paranoid) and Cluster B (Antisocial, Histrionic & Narcissistic). See if you can rule out anyone of these conditions which are manifest in Trump.

How can an opinion be wrong?

Easy, it's most prevalent in the posts by those whose opinion is based on a conspiracy theory, with not one scintilla of evidence.
I'm pro Israel. I also have family there.

No Jew would ever support Tlaib

Says a fascist pig like you. Who appointed you judge and jury.
I am a Jewish Fascist? LMAO. I never said I was judge or jury. I just gave an opinion. I know Leftists like yourself censor opinions that differ from your POV.

Anyone who disagrees with you is a leftist? I think not. You are so far to the right that Ronald Reagan would be a leftist to you. The fact is you have no right to make a statement like that. You have no right to speak for all jews.

I am far to the right? How so?

To start with you are a Trump supporter.

You are deliberately smearing people by taking their remarks out of context. You are clearly anti-Muslim.
Anybody who says ...."there is always a calming feeling when I think of the Holocaust ".....is a psychopath.

D-Tlaib is a psychopath.

You are the psychopath. You are a brainless fool who cannot think for yourself. Start with her full comment.
There’s, you know, there’s a kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, had been wiped out. . . . I mean, just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time."

She called what happened to jews horrific. You are criticizing her for saying that? All you know is what Trump tells you. If he told you the world was flat you would believe him,.
"Tlaib should be expelled from the House. she should have her ass kicked out of the house of representatives" - Dastardly Darrell Issa
The calmness came from the actions of her people, not from the holocaust. It isn’t complicated. Simple English.

Her calm people tried to destroy Israel after they declared statehood and refer to the Nabka.
Neither sounds like a calm reaction to the Jew's safe haven.
She was talking about a personal calming feeling not her calm people. Same as saying “I was assured of...” “I felt good about...” etc. Are you really not understanding or are you just doing a piss poor spin job?

She was talking about a personal calming feeling not her calm people.

Fine. Why did she have her calm feeling? Because the Jews were finally safe?

Are you really not understanding

I'm really not understanding what she was trying to say.
Simply stated, she felt good about how her people helped the Jews during the holocaust. That was her intended message. Now take issue with the historical accuracy of what she said about that whole situation, that’s fine. But don’t try and say she felt calm about the holocaust. That’s a lie and we all know it.

She said the Holocaust was "horrific",
but "felt calming" about her own folk taking an active part and trying to finish what Nazis couldn't?

That's total moral degradation and corruption, and You're insulting everyone's intelligence by trying to excuse her open racism as virtue.
I’m insulting everybody’s intelligence who claims she said she felt calmed by the holocaust like many are. I’m fine with you taking issue about any false historical claims but that’s besides my point. I’m not making any excuses for her, just looking for honest conversation

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