D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

They can protect themselves.


And that's part of the problem. The world can't bear the thought of them not being victims.

That doesn't mean Independents refer to Tlaib as Rashida Taliban like some nutty rightwingers do. Regardless, let's see your evidence that most Independents don't like Tlaib....

And you didn't elucidate about what is weird about my avatar. Pointing out why I picked it doesn't make it weird. What's weird about a Mueller avatar?

You picked it because you hate Trump and all Trump supporters. Yes or No? That makes it weird. You had no idea who Mueller was before the bogus investigation.

As far as Jew hater Rashida.
The Voter's Self Defense System
No, I don't hate trump supporters. I pity them. And I don't hate trump. I just don't respect him.

As far as Mueller, I respect the role he played in this and how he handled himself and his investigation.

You played the pity card? LMAO? Why pity winners? And you had the avatar before the findings. You had no idea who he was or what he was like. You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it. As a Jew, I know an antisemite when I see one and Tlaib is 100% one. I am Certain.
"You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it."


Do you even have an idea of just how retarded you are?
Nah, looks like my avatar is doing its job — triggering nutcases like you.

Truth hurts? If it was not true you would
Not try do deny it so vehemently
You’re actually getting nuttier. :cuckoo: I didn’t think that was even possible. What do your hallucinations tell you I’m denying?
Tlaib's most recent remarks may not be explicitly anti-Semitic, but they come in an ugly context for the congresswoman. In January, Tlaib opposed a bill allowing states to punish those who boycott Israel in the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement against the Jewish State. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and the American Jewish Committee condemned her attack on the bill as expressing the typical "dual loyalty" anti-Semitic smear.

Tlaib became infamous early this year for calling Trump a "mother**ker," and calling for his impeachment. Shortly after that, however, someone put a post-it note on a map in her office, attempting to rename Israel "Palestine." Tlaib has supported a one-state solution where Palestine essentially replaces Israel.

Tlaib is a close friend of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), whose anti-Semitic remarks and anti-Israel statements have drawn widespread ire, most recently inspiring Vice President Mike Pence to call for her removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Omar has compared Israel to Iran and met with Islamist Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Anti-Semitism is rife in the Middle East. Omar grew up in Somalia while Tlaib was raised by her Palestinian immigrant parents in Detroit. Americans should be able to debate about Israel without being demonized, but these women have arguably crossed the line into anti-Semitism.

Furthermore, Tlaib has shown a willingness to accuse others of racism for much less. In fact, she blasted Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) as racist for inviting Lynn Patton, a Trump administration staffer, to a congressional hearing.

"Just to make a note, Mr. Chairman, just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them does not mean they aren’t racist," Tlaib said."It is insensitive — some would even say it’s the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself."

Tlaib's recent remarks about the Holocaust and Israel were also utterly false, as Klein argued. The congresswoman claimed that her Arab ancestors provided a "safe haven" to Jews in Israel after the Holocaust, enabling them to find a new homeland.

The Jewish return to Israel dates back far before the Holocaust, however. While some Jews remained in Israel for thousands of years, the modern return began with Jews from Yemen in 1881. In 1917, the British government supported the establishment of a Jewish state in the Balfour Declaration, but Arabs rejected the idea. In 1937, the British government proposed a two-state solution for Jews and Arabs, but Arabs rejected that proposal because they could not accept Jewish presence in the region.

Trump: Rashida Tlaib's Holocaust Comments Show 'Tremendous Hatred of Israel and the Jewish People'

Trump is the one fermenting hatred against Muslims. Taking a page out of Hitler's playbook. The fact is that the bill never should have been taken up. Government has no business in deciding what private entities do. This is typical of the hegemony that Israel has over American politics.

Mark Meadows is a racist and far right wing radical. He is a typical Trump supporter. The only reason that he has a seat is a gerrymandered map. Stephen King should be removed from Congress. You are aware of the fact that Gen Flynn was lobbying for Erdogan. You didn't seem to have any trouble with that. She is not entirely wrong to say bringing in a black woman is a political stunt. Clearly they want a black person to testify to give them cover.

She is right in that whether it was involuntary or voluntary Arabs did wind up providing a home for jews and they have suffered for it. By the way I wonder what the reaction would be if someone proposed giving Texas back to Mexico. Or giving parts of the country taken by force back to native Americans for example. I suspect that would get a very negative reaction.
Tlaib's most recent remarks may not be explicitly anti-Semitic, but they come in an ugly context for the congresswoman. In January, Tlaib opposed a bill allowing states to punish those who boycott Israel in the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement against the Jewish State. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and the American Jewish Committee condemned her attack on the bill as expressing the typical "dual loyalty" anti-Semitic smear.

Tlaib became infamous early this year for calling Trump a "mother**ker," and calling for his impeachment. Shortly after that, however, someone put a post-it note on a map in her office, attempting to rename Israel "Palestine." Tlaib has supported a one-state solution where Palestine essentially replaces Israel.

Tlaib is a close friend of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), whose anti-Semitic remarks and anti-Israel statements have drawn widespread ire, most recently inspiring Vice President Mike Pence to call for her removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Omar has compared Israel to Iran and met with Islamist Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Anti-Semitism is rife in the Middle East. Omar grew up in Somalia while Tlaib was raised by her Palestinian immigrant parents in Detroit. Americans should be able to debate about Israel without being demonized, but these women have arguably crossed the line into anti-Semitism.

Furthermore, Tlaib has shown a willingness to accuse others of racism for much less. In fact, she blasted Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) as racist for inviting Lynn Patton, a Trump administration staffer, to a congressional hearing.

"Just to make a note, Mr. Chairman, just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them does not mean they aren’t racist," Tlaib said."It is insensitive — some would even say it’s the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself."

Tlaib's recent remarks about the Holocaust and Israel were also utterly false, as Klein argued. The congresswoman claimed that her Arab ancestors provided a "safe haven" to Jews in Israel after the Holocaust, enabling them to find a new homeland.

The Jewish return to Israel dates back far before the Holocaust, however. While some Jews remained in Israel for thousands of years, the modern return began with Jews from Yemen in 1881. In 1917, the British government supported the establishment of a Jewish state in the Balfour Declaration, but Arabs rejected the idea. In 1937, the British government proposed a two-state solution for Jews and Arabs, but Arabs rejected that proposal because they could not accept Jewish presence in the region.

Trump: Rashida Tlaib's Holocaust Comments Show 'Tremendous Hatred of Israel and the Jewish People'

Trump is the one fermenting hatred against Muslims. Taking a page out of Hitler's playbook. The fact is that the bill never should have been taken up. Government has no business in deciding what private entities do. This is typical of the hegemony that Israel has over American politics.

Mark Meadows is a racist and far right wing radical. He is a typical Trump supporter. The only reason that he has a seat is a gerrymandered map. Stephen King should be removed from Congress. You are aware of the fact that Gen Flynn was lobbying for Erdogan. You didn't seem to have any trouble with that. She is not entirely wrong to say bringing in a black woman is a political stunt. Clearly they want a black person to testify to give them cover.

She is right in that whether it was involuntary or voluntary Arabs did wind up providing a home for jews and they have suffered for it. By the way I wonder what the reaction would be if someone proposed giving Texas back to Mexico. Or giving parts of the country taken by force back to native Americans for example. I suspect that would get a very negative reaction.

Jews were living there anyway. Since the Second Temple.
1. The Republican Party is anti-Muslim, anti-Hispanic, anti anyone but white males. The party is sympathetic to white supremacists and neo-nazis. They will support men who sexually harass women and even men who sexually assault women.

2. You have right wing extremists who support heartbeat bills. There is no evidence that a fetal heartbeat is a sign of a life. You people want to criminalize abortion. Ultimately it is a woman's right to do as she fits with her body. You do not end abortion by making it illegal. You end it by reaching out to women and convincing them not to have a abortion. This is a good example of what happens when we fail to have a separation between church and state.

3. The Republican Party has been taken over by the far right or more specifically white supremacists and neo-nazis. Unfortunately the so-called conservatives have sold their soul to the devil aka Trump just to get power.

Everything in your post is false.

There is no Far Right in this country.

And, I can make you prove it.

Since you are a member of the far right, there probably is no far right to you. Being a Trump supporter makes you a natural born liar. Everything is true.

There is no Far Right in this country.

I can prove it, even using a dunce like you to do so.

Let me know when you're ready.

You are the only dunce I see. We got a good look at the far right in Charlottesville. The far right sent mail bombs. The far right has shot up 2 synagogues.

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

That is a very good joke. The fact is that law enforcement at all levels including the federal government have recognized that there is a VIOLENT far right wing.
Self-denial is amazing.
Everything in your post is false.

There is no Far Right in this country.

And, I can make you prove it.

Since you are a member of the far right, there probably is no far right to you. Being a Trump supporter makes you a natural born liar. Everything is true.

There is no Far Right in this country.

I can prove it, even using a dunce like you to do so.

Let me know when you're ready.

You are the only dunce I see. We got a good look at the far right in Charlottesville. The far right sent mail bombs. The far right has shot up 2 synagogues.

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

That is a very good joke. The fact is that law enforcement at all levels including the federal government have recognized that there is a VIOLENT far right wing.
Self-denial is amazing.

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.
Be sure to let me know when you'd like us to prove it together.
Tlaib's most recent remarks may not be explicitly anti-Semitic, but they come in an ugly context for the congresswoman. In January, Tlaib opposed a bill allowing states to punish those who boycott Israel in the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement against the Jewish State. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and the American Jewish Committee condemned her attack on the bill as expressing the typical "dual loyalty" anti-Semitic smear.

Tlaib became infamous early this year for calling Trump a "mother**ker," and calling for his impeachment. Shortly after that, however, someone put a post-it note on a map in her office, attempting to rename Israel "Palestine." Tlaib has supported a one-state solution where Palestine essentially replaces Israel.

Tlaib is a close friend of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), whose anti-Semitic remarks and anti-Israel statements have drawn widespread ire, most recently inspiring Vice President Mike Pence to call for her removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Omar has compared Israel to Iran and met with Islamist Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Anti-Semitism is rife in the Middle East. Omar grew up in Somalia while Tlaib was raised by her Palestinian immigrant parents in Detroit. Americans should be able to debate about Israel without being demonized, but these women have arguably crossed the line into anti-Semitism.

Furthermore, Tlaib has shown a willingness to accuse others of racism for much less. In fact, she blasted Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) as racist for inviting Lynn Patton, a Trump administration staffer, to a congressional hearing.

"Just to make a note, Mr. Chairman, just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them does not mean they aren’t racist," Tlaib said."It is insensitive — some would even say it’s the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself."

Tlaib's recent remarks about the Holocaust and Israel were also utterly false, as Klein argued. The congresswoman claimed that her Arab ancestors provided a "safe haven" to Jews in Israel after the Holocaust, enabling them to find a new homeland.

The Jewish return to Israel dates back far before the Holocaust, however. While some Jews remained in Israel for thousands of years, the modern return began with Jews from Yemen in 1881. In 1917, the British government supported the establishment of a Jewish state in the Balfour Declaration, but Arabs rejected the idea. In 1937, the British government proposed a two-state solution for Jews and Arabs, but Arabs rejected that proposal because they could not accept Jewish presence in the region.

Trump: Rashida Tlaib's Holocaust Comments Show 'Tremendous Hatred of Israel and the Jewish People'

Trump is the one fermenting hatred against Muslims. Taking a page out of Hitler's playbook. The fact is that the bill never should have been taken up. Government has no business in deciding what private entities do. This is typical of the hegemony that Israel has over American politics.

Mark Meadows is a racist and far right wing radical. He is a typical Trump supporter. The only reason that he has a seat is a gerrymandered map. Stephen King should be removed from Congress. You are aware of the fact that Gen Flynn was lobbying for Erdogan. You didn't seem to have any trouble with that. She is not entirely wrong to say bringing in a black woman is a political stunt. Clearly they want a black person to testify to give them cover.

She is right in that whether it was involuntary or voluntary Arabs did wind up providing a home for jews and they have suffered for it. By the way I wonder what the reaction would be if someone proposed giving Texas back to Mexico. Or giving parts of the country taken by force back to native Americans for example. I suspect that would get a very negative reaction.

"FERMENTING"-----no one ferments anything for muslims----
doing so is a violation of shariah law-------your post is a distillation of the islamo Nazi shit that you so love
You picked it because you hate Trump and all Trump supporters. Yes or No? That makes it weird. You had no idea who Mueller was before the bogus investigation.

As far as Jew hater Rashida.
The Voter's Self Defense System
No, I don't hate trump supporters. I pity them. And I don't hate trump. I just don't respect him.

As far as Mueller, I respect the role he played in this and how he handled himself and his investigation.

You played the pity card? LMAO? Why pity winners? And you had the avatar before the findings. You had no idea who he was or what he was like. You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it. As a Jew, I know an antisemite when I see one and Tlaib is 100% one. I am Certain.
"You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it."


Do you even have an idea of just how retarded you are?
Nah, looks like my avatar is doing its job — triggering nutcases like you.

Truth hurts? If it was not true you would
Not try do deny it so vehemently
You’re actually getting nuttier. :cuckoo: I didn’t think that was even possible. What do your hallucinations tell you I’m denying?

That you used that avatar because of your hatred of DJT and his supporters. Full Stop. It has zero to do with your so called respect for Bob Mueller.
Since you are a member of the far right, there probably is no far right to you. Being a Trump supporter makes you a natural born liar. Everything is true.

There is no Far Right in this country.

I can prove it, even using a dunce like you to do so.

Let me know when you're ready.

You are the only dunce I see. We got a good look at the far right in Charlottesville. The far right sent mail bombs. The far right has shot up 2 synagogues.

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

That is a very good joke. The fact is that law enforcement at all levels including the federal government have recognized that there is a VIOLENT far right wing.
Self-denial is amazing.

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.
Be sure to let me know when you'd like us to prove it together.

IN MY SUPERIOR OPINION----the use of the terms left/right----
don't work no more

How could they 'lose' what they never owned????????

On the other hand....you are perfectly correct about Jews and the Nakba.

The two situations are not comparable.....the Jews bought the land.

The Jews did not buy all of the lands they currently own- or what was to be apportioned to them as part of the British Mandate.

Just look at the map of the partition plan in 1947 and then compare it to the Israeli map at the point of then 1949 Armistice.

The Jews should’ve taken all of it- not because they bought it. But because as Jews they have the legitimate rights as indigenous peoples to the land of Israel. From the river to the sea.

Let's check:

One would expect to see commonplace examples of Jews stealing, strong-arming, swindling, blackmailing; basically resorting to any trick up their sleeve to pry land out of Arab hands. In reality, the Jewish technique of accumulating land was simple ... they bought it. Both the concern and the complaints of Jews dispossessing Arabs centered on how much land the Jews were purchasing, not stealing, from land owners:

  • The British investigation into the Arab riots during 1936-39 identifies "Arab alarm at the continued Jewish purchase of land"1, not Jewish theft of land, as one of the motivating factors.

  • "Conversely, the main Ottoman and Arab complaint against the Zionists was about land sales..."2

  • "Meanwhile, Jewish land purchase continued apace, exacerbating Palestinian disquiet."3

  • "Arab discontent on account of Jewish immigration and the sale of lands to Jews which has been a permanent feature of political opinion in Palestine for the past ten years, began to show signs of renewed activity from the beginning of 1933, developing in intensity until it reached a climax in the riots of October and November."4

  • "In the beginning of the 1930s, the national value of the land and its transfer from one people to the other became one of the main issues in the political conflict between the two communities. The Arabs insisted that His Majesty's Government put an end to land purchase by the Jews, claiming that it threatened their national existence."5

  • "Though they had profited from the enhanced trade and employment opportunities generated by the new Jewish settlements, Palestinian Arabs had grown increasingly concerned about the rise of Jewish immigration and land purchases."

  • "An article published in July 1911 by Mustafa Effendi Tamr, a teacher of mathematics at a Jerusalem school" reads, "You are selling the property of your fathers and grandfathers for a pittance to people who will have no pity on you, to those who will act to expel you and expunge your memory from your habitations and disperse you among the nations. This is a crime that will be recorded in your names in history, a black stain and disgrace that your descendants will bear, which will not be expunged even after years and eras have gone by. ... Opposition to land sales was one of the principal focal points around which the Arab national idea in Palestine coalesced."

  • "Of course, the Zionists bought the land from Arab landholders, who moved to cities or even left the country. They were all too willing to sell, for the price paid by the purchasers was often many times more than anyone else would or could pay."

  • King Abdallah of Jordan complains several times in his memoirs about Jews acquiring land in Palestine. Not once does he accuse the Jews of stealing it from the Arabs. Each time he mentions it, the complaint is how much land they are buying:
    • "... the fears of the Arab political leaders are supported by the fact that the sale of land continues unrestricted and every day one piece of land after another is torn from the hands of the Arabs.

  • "According to my information the Jews have requested the continuance of the mandate so that they can buy up more land and bring in additional immigrants. No other country has gone through such a trial as Palestine."

  • "Or are you among those who believe that there is no harm in continuing the present deleterious mandate despite the Jewish usurpers it has brought and despite the demonstrated inability of those Palestinians now at the political helm to prevent their compatriots from selling their land? Furthermore, it is made quite clear to all, both by the map drawn up by the Simpson Commission and by another compiled by the Peel Commission, that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land as they are in useless wailing and weeping."

  • "‘Know each of you that in the end every Arab who sells land of the Arab patrimony or who pimps for the Jews will soon receive his due, which is certain death.’ The placards were signed by an organization calling itself ‘Revenge.’ ‘Our problem is the outcome of the sale of our land. The amazing thing is that we sell to the Jews and then scream and wail and ask for the government’s help,’"11

  • "The land policy of the Zionist movement in the pre-state era was based on purchase of land on the open market by Jewish institutions (mainly the JNF) and subsequent freezing of the ownership so as to ensure that the purchased land would be in Jewish hands in perpetuity."33

Not only was the land being legally purchased, it was being purchased at drastically inflated prices. Arab land owners were making a killing selling their land during the waves of Jewish immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Despite the animosity against selling land to Jews coming from elitist Arabs, it simply made good economic sense for landlords to sell while they could exploit the thriving market Jewish demand was creating. Sometimes the land being purchased was nothing more than sand dune, malarial swamps and marshes, or other unattractive plots of waste. Even so, it was payday for many landlords; a day many hadn't seen in a long time and one that wouldn't come again:

  • "Until 1936 ... the Jews acquired about 25,000 dunam in the Beit-Shean Valley ... The soil was of the poorest quality, in scattered parcels of land, and it was impossible to establish even one settlement on it. The Jewish purchasers paid the full price for these lands; in addition the Government compelled them to cover all the outstanding debts that the sellers had accumulated. (In most cases not one penny of these bad debts had been paid for years.)"12

  • "The Jewish authorities have nothing with which to reproach themselves in the matter of the Sursock lands. They paid high prices for the land, and in addition they paid to certain of the occupants of those lands a considerable amount of money which they were not legally bound to pay."13

  • "He [the Arab] may sell his land for a fantastic price and add to the congestion in the other zones by moving there. An Arab living a short distance away, just across the zone boundary, cannot obtain anything approximating the same sum for land of equal quality.”14

  • "The Jews were paying exorbitant prices to wealthy landowners for small tracts of arid land. “In 1944, Jews paid between $1,000 and $1,100 per acre in Palestine, mostly for arid or semiarid land; in the same year, rich black soil in Iowa was selling for about $110 per acre."15

  • "The settlers were ready to pay much more than the economic value of the land. The same or better land is available a few kilometers to the east or north of the Palestine frontiers at one tenth or less of the Palestinian price."16

  • “Between 1880 and 1914 over sixty thousand Jews entered Palestine … Many settled on wasteland, sand-dunes and malarial marsh, which they then drained, irrigated and farmed. In 1909 a group of Jews founded the first entirely Jewish town, Tel Aviv, on the sandhills north of Jaffa. The Jews purchased their land piecemeal, from European, Turkish and (principally) Arab landlords, mostly at extremely high prices.”17

  • “By 1925 over 2,600 Jews had settled in the [Jezreel] valley, and 3,000 acres of barren hillside had been afforested. This previously uncultivated land, bought at highly inflated prices, became the pattern of all subsequent Jewish National Fund settlements in Palestine.”18

  • "In his 'note of reservations' to the Report of the Woodhead Commission, Sir Alison Russel says: 'It does not appear to me that to permit an Arab to sell his land for three or four times its value, and to go with the money to a different part of the Arab world where land is cheap, can be said to "prejudice" his rights and position.'"19

  • "The average price paid by Jews for the rural land they bought in Palestine during 1944 amounted to over $1000 per acre or about $250 per dunam (including the value of buildings, orchards and other improvements). These prices are, of course, highly inflated …"20

  • "... land brokers sometimes purchased their shares or parcels at a very low price and sold them at ten and twenty multiples to Jewish buyers. Peasants who were in musha' villages were particularly incensed at landlords, land brokers, or agents after learning that they had been swindled."21

  • "Aharon Danin of KKL told of an interesting conversation he had at the beginning of the 1940s with Khaled Zu’bi (brother of Sayf al-Din), who helped him buy land in the Zu’biyya villages east of Nazareth: He [Zu’bi] said, ‘Look, who knows better than me that your work is pure. You pay money for everything, top dollar, many times more than what the land is worth. But that doesn’t change the fact that you are dispossessing us. You are dispossessing us with money, not by force, but the fact is that we are leaving the land.’ I say to him: ‘You are from this Zu’biyya tribe which is located here, in Transjordan, and in Syria, what difference does it make to you where you are, if you are here or if you and your family are there? …’ He said: ‘It’s hard for me to tell you, but in any case the graves of my forefathers are here. I feel that we are leaving this place. It’s our fault and not yours.’"30
1 Great Britain, and William Robert Wellesley Peel Peel. Palestine Royal Commission Report. London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1937.
2 Western Imperialism in the Middle East 1914 - 1958 by D. K. Fieldhouse, Pg. 125
3 Palestine and Israel: The Uprising and Beyond by David McDowall, Pg. 23
4 Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Council of the League of Nations of the Administration of Palestine and Trans-Jordan, 31 December 1933
5 "The Tenants of Wadi Hawarith: Another View of the Land Question in Palestine" by Raya Adler,International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2. (May, 1988), pg. 199.
6 Oren, Michael. Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the PresentPg. 368
7 Cohen, Hillel. Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. 45
8 King Abdallah of Jordan, My Memoirs Completed (Al-Takmilah), Pg. 81. In a letter written to the High Commissioner for Transjordan, Sir Arthur Wauchope on July 25, 1934.
9 King Abdallah of Jordan, My Memoirs Completed (Al-Takmilah), Pg. 88. In a letter written to 'Abd al-Hamid Sa'id on June 5, 1938.
10 King Abdallah of Jordan, My Memoirs Completed (Al-Takmilah), Pp. 88-89. In a letter written to 'Abd al-Hamid Sa'id on June 5, 1938.
11 Cohen, Hillel. Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. 219-220.
12 Avneri, Aryeh L. The Claim of Dispossession: Jewish Land-Settlement and the Arabs 1878-1948. Efal, Israel: Yad Tabenkin, 1982. 168.
13 Hope Simpson Report, Pg. 51
14 Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, Chapter I
15 Bard, Mitchell G. Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict. 2006. 19.
16 Jewish Colonisataion and Arab Development in Palestine by David Horowitz, Central Zionist Archives, Record Group S90/File 76, 7 October 1945
17 Gilbert, Martin, and Martin Gilbert. The Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. London: Routledge, 2002. 3.
18 Gilbert, Martin, and Martin Gilbert. The Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. London: Routledge, 2002. 12.
19 Schechtman, Joseph B. Population Transfers in Asia. New York: Hallsby Press, 1949. 101
20 Schechtman, Joseph B. Population Transfers in Asia. New York: Hallsby Press, 1949. 112
21 Stein, Kenneth W. One Hundred Years of Social Change: The Creation of the Palestinian Refugee Problem. 1991.
22 Stein, Kenneth W. One Hundred Years of Social Change: The Creation of the Palestinian Refugee Problem. 1991.
23 Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Council of the League of Nations of the Administration of Palestine and Trans-Jordan, 31 December 1933
24 The Tenants of Wadi Hawarith: Another View of the Land Question in Palestine by Raya Adler,International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2. (May, 1988), pg. 197.
25 The Tenants of Wadi Hawarith: Another View of the Land Question in Palestine by Raya Adler,International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2. (May, 1988), pg. 215.
26 Morris, Benny. 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War. New Haven [Conn.]: Yale University Press, 2008 14
27 Morris, Benny. 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War. New Haven [Conn.]: Yale University Press, 2008 83
28 Cohen, Hillel. Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. 225.
29 Cohen, Hillel. Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. 173.
30 Cohen, Hillel. Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. 200.

Middle East Piece - Jewish Land Purchase and Dispossession

You just completely disregarded what I stated regarding the 1948 war lol.

Everything you've said....err, linked.... is true.

It's also true that Israel acquired more land than what was apportioned to them (and rightfully so) during the first Arab-Israeli war.

Israeli soldiers displayed indefatigability of the highest order in the face of a multi-pronged Arab assault. Brilliant tactics, logistics command, military planning and navigation of the terrain despite having only arrived there in a matter of a few decades.

I am here to shout down the pro-Palestinian/Arab/Muslim propagandists who want to claim that all of that is somehow moral or sinful.

"... land than what was apportioned to them..."

The King of Jordan says they purchased it.

BTW....I've been to both Israel and Jordan. Same land....but what each has done with it is dramatic.

They purchased significant portions of it, yes. Others was subsumed upon military victories.

I’ve been to Israel, Jordan, the West Bank and Lebanon and I agree with you.

"Jews Legally Purchased ‘Palestinian’ Land Before The Holocaust. Rashida Lied.

In the 1800s, Jewish zionists, which are diaspora Jews who wanted to return to their biblical homeland, started buying land in the region of Palestine, which belonged to the Ottoman Empire (the Turks). The Empire made these land purchases very difficult, discriminatorily restricting Jews’ ability to purchase land in the region as much as they could through legislation. By the 1900s, land purchase became easier and Zionists accelerated their land purchases of the Turk-controlled land.

According to the Ottoman census of 1875, Jews constituted a majority of the population of Jerusalem. By 1905, they comprised two-thirds of Jerusalem. The Encyclopedia Britannica of 1910 stated Jerusalem’s population as 60,000, of which 40,000 were Jews. The population of both Jews and Christians surpassed that of Muslims in Jerusalem by the start of the twentieth century.

After WWI, the Ottoman Empire was no more, and the British took control of the land known as Palestine. The 1917 Balfour Declarationhad declared Great Britain’s support for the establishment of Jewish sovereignty in Palestine, in recognition of the ancient Jewish claim and connection to the land of Israel, describing this land as the “national home for the Jewish people.” The League of Nations (predecessor the the UN) unanimously adopted the British Mandate in 1922, overturning Ottoman-era restrictions and creating a legal right for Jewish people to settle anywhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Meanwhile in the early 1900’s in Europe, pogroms began. These were public lynchings of Jews and burnings of Jewish homes, businesses, schools, and places of worship. The Holocaust followed after WWII began in 1939. By 1945, six million Jewish people were murdered. The scale of the eradication was unprecedented. Consider a single weekend in Ukraine in 1941, in which 33,771 children, women, men, and elders were shot dead because they were born of “Jewish blood.”

This type of history revisionism is part of the Palestinian propaganda movement. Palestinian propaganda includes revisionist history, brainwashing children, “pallywood” distortions, manipulation of leftist politics, calls to Jihad, and manipulation of the media, amongst other similarly disturbing techniques. And of course there’s the outlandish anti-semitic Jew-blaming for anything and everything, like earth quakes.

A staple of the Palestinian propaganda ideology, as parroted by Tlaib, is the concept that Jews took their land. Luckily, those Jews kept the receipts from the land purchases."
Jews Legally Purchased ‘Palestinian’ Land Before The Holocaust. Rashida Lied.
Were are the lies?

Is Tlaib a Democrat?

Is she an anti-Semite?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Do you really think her statement said that the holocaust gives her a calming feeling?

There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports. And just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.

(Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib)

Shall I make the lie larger, or do you get it?

BTW.....is she a Democrat in good standing?

Is she an anti-Semite?
Why are you avoiding the question? It’s very simple. Do you think she said the holocaust gave her a calming effect? Yes or No
Of course she did and the fact that she added on a lie about the Arabs giving safe refuge to Jews put an exclamation point on it. However, Tlaib is just another ignorant bigot, what's really troubling is that because of the Democrats' embrace of Identity politics, valuing who someone is above what they say or do, Tlaib and Omar will be protected by the leadership no matter how racist or evil their statements are.
No she didn’t answer my question, she jumped to the false historical claim which is valid criticism but not my point. My gripe is with the low life spinners like the OP trying to dishonestly claim she said the holocaust calms her.
lol "There's always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust". Just what is it about the Holocaust that you imagine give her a calming feeling? Do you think she is calmed by the claim that "her people" lost everything because of the Holocaust? Obviously, she is still smoldering with hate over Holocaust Remembrance Day, which she references by saying she celebrated it and then corrects herself, and took the opportunity to sat the Holocaust was a great tragedy for her people. Which part do you imagine had a calming effect on her, her "celebration" of Holocaust Remembrance Day or her belief "her people" last everything because of the Holocaust.

Stop being such a tool. The only reason the Democratic leadership is trying to defend her indefensible remarks is because she and Omar are protected by the Congressional Black Caucus, and to condemn her hateful remarks would split the Party.
No, I don't hate trump supporters. I pity them. And I don't hate trump. I just don't respect him.

As far as Mueller, I respect the role he played in this and how he handled himself and his investigation.

You played the pity card? LMAO? Why pity winners? And you had the avatar before the findings. You had no idea who he was or what he was like. You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it. As a Jew, I know an antisemite when I see one and Tlaib is 100% one. I am Certain.
"You picked the avatar to troll Trump supporters but are too cowardly to admit it."


Do you even have an idea of just how retarded you are?
Nah, looks like my avatar is doing its job — triggering nutcases like you.

Truth hurts? If it was not true you would
Not try do deny it so vehemently
You’re actually getting nuttier. :cuckoo: I didn’t think that was even possible. What do your hallucinations tell you I’m denying?

That you used that avatar because of your hatred of DJT and his supporters. Full Stop. It has zero to do with your so called respect for Bob Mueller.

And how does your abnormal brain tell you I denied that given I just reposted an old post stating as much?

Even worse for your apparent personal issues, I never said I picked it because I respected Mueller.... I said I respect him, as in currently, and asked what's weird about having that avatar. For which, you have no lucid response. Clearly, reading comprehension isn't one of your stronger suits.
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Do you really think her statement said that the holocaust gives her a calming feeling?

There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports. And just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.

(Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib)

Shall I make the lie larger, or do you get it?

BTW.....is she a Democrat in good standing?

Is she an anti-Semite?
Why are you avoiding the question? It’s very simple. Do you think she said the holocaust gave her a calming effect? Yes or No

See, I think the mistake you're making here is assuming that Rashida Tlaib much like her fellow coreligionists speak the truth to power and do not dissemble.

Newsflash: they do
I take issue with many things Tlaib says. But my critique here is the lie of an OP trying to twist her statement into something that it wasn’t
No one has to twist her words into something they aren't. She does an extremely fine job of giving a revisionist history account where Palestinians welcomed the Jews and worked hard to carve out a safe haven for them ...

Sounds like a Norman Al-Hassan-Hussein Rockwell Painting...

Except the truth is the man she revered as a hero went to Hitler, sided with him, and contributed in the Halaucist against the Jews.
You’re right, nobody has to twist her words, theres enough to critique by taking an honest look at her statement... yet you still do twist and spin what she says. The title of your OP says it all. Do better
Do you really think her statement said that the holocaust gives her a calming feeling?

There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports. And just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.

(Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib)

Shall I make the lie larger, or do you get it?

BTW.....is she a Democrat in good standing?

Is she an anti-Semite?
Why are you avoiding the question? It’s very simple. Do you think she said the holocaust gave her a calming effect? Yes or No
Of course she did and the fact that she added on a lie about the Arabs giving safe refuge to Jews put an exclamation point on it. However, Tlaib is just another ignorant bigot, what's really troubling is that because of the Democrats' embrace of Identity politics, valuing who someone is above what they say or do, Tlaib and Omar will be protected by the leadership no matter how racist or evil their statements are.
No she didn’t answer my question, she jumped to the false historical claim which is valid criticism but not my point. My gripe is with the low life spinners like the OP trying to dishonestly claim she said the holocaust calms her.
lol "There's always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust". Just what is it about the Holocaust that you imagine give her a calming feeling? Do you think she is calmed by the claim that "her people" lost everything because of the Holocaust? Obviously, she is still smoldering with hate over Holocaust Remembrance Day, which she references by saying she celebrated it and then corrects herself, and took the opportunity to sat the Holocaust was a great tragedy for her people. Which part do you imagine had a calming effect on her, her "celebration" of Holocaust Remembrance Day or her belief "her people" last everything because of the Holocaust.

Stop being such a tool. The only reason the Democratic leadership is trying to defend her indefensible remarks is because she and Omar are protected by the Congressional Black Caucus, and to condemn her hateful remarks would split the Party.
If you can’t understand simple English then I can’t help ya. Most on the right have fessed up to the fact she wasn’t talking about the holocaust, but the hacks like yourself still holding on to a warped interpretation are only making yourselves look like fools

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