DACA is not the problem-it's our political establishment.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Children from Mexico who came here illegally many years ago are not our biggest problem. No one blames them; they’re just pawns in the game. When you make a deal with the Devil you have to give something up. Our people did not make the deal; our leadership did. But it’s our people and our way of life that are being given up. DACA is a manufactured humanitarian crisis that never should have happened but it is part of the deal.

Mexico is probably the most corrupt country on Earth and it has been almost since its inception. Unfortunately it shares a large border with the United States. Mexico has been practicing de facto chemical warfare against the US for generations by producing and funneling illegal drugs into our communities and preying on our children. But our political establishment has bigger fish to fry so your opioid-addicted children are apparently considered expendable for the greater good of enriching the status quo of globalization.

Due to its iniquitous class system Mexico’s marginalized citizens lead a hopeless existence and seeing no other option violate our immigration laws. Mexico is the North Korea of the western world but it has struck a deal with the political establishment of the US to allow its desperate, disenfranchised lower classes to overrun our borders. The only difference between the border policies of North Korea and Mexico is that North Korea uses its borders to keep its lower classes in because China has no such deal with it to allow illegal immigration.

The most valuable possession American citizens have is their way of life and up until the US political establishment beginning in earnest with NAFTA, decided to sell out its own people, immigration policies and border laws were strictly enforced to protect that way of life. But greed is a powerful motivator and the fear of missing out on the globalist party has driven our leaders to make decisions that benefit themselves at our expense.

Stagnated wages, the disappearance of workplace benefits, the vanishing advantages of a college education, home ownership levels the lowest in fifty years, half the US population on some form of welfare-the Devil is getting his due. It’s not Mexican kids that stabbed us in the back, it’s our own leadership.

End DACA-we can’t afford to absorb Mexico’s poverty. Let them stay. It’s our political establishment we need to get rid of.

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