Dads "racist" rant against race mixing daughter goes viral

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Chimpanzees have a higher genetic diversity than Black Africans, do you think of Chimpanzees as your superiors too?

You're just proving it's you who are of limited intelligence.
Chimpanzees are not humans dummy.

I know you believe that since you are mixed with Neanderthal you are part monkey but you are more human than neanderthal.

Neanderthals had maxillary prognathism, and hyper-dolichocephalic skulls just like your Negroes do.
Why did your dumb white ass think chimps having high genetic diversity had anything to do with humans? You must have more neanderthal in you than most whites. What a dummy you are.

Some genetic studies prove that you know who, are the closest to Chimpanzees genetically.

The missing link, that's what you are.
Yes I know who. You white guys are closer to chimps. Thats why you smell like them when you get wet and you attract lice. You even have wispy fur like them and just as hairy.
Ace, I posted to this earlier, but ever notice who's always missing in these heated discussion about ww and bm? WHITE WOMEN....rarely do you find them here defending themselves or championing black men....its always us and white men...which speaks volume
Liberals would consider you a "redneck" regardless of any of that. The problem is, you value your culture and race -- something whites aren't permitted in liberal circles

Many Liberals like to enrich themselves learning about other cultures, but when it comes to Whites they want us to vanish.

Why any Whites would be like this is beyond me, clearly brainwashed hacks who have been brainwashed into a stupor.

Oh give it a rest. The constant whining and sobbing from you professional victim, white male cupcakes is reeeel old.

Grow up, grow a pair and take responsibility for your own failures. Blacks, liberals, Hispanics, gays, women nor President Obama did not cause your problems and they're not responsible to fix them.

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I care about our heritage, why would I want it to vanish, to be replaced by third-World riff-raff?

That's completely insulting, and senseless.

No, I don't like Blacks, I've been harassed by Blacks in various locations from Manhattan, to White Plains, to Peekskill, Danbury, and even in my own Brewster.

Although they only do so in GROUPS.

Alone I've never had Blacks harass me.

Oh, you poor baby ...

You're lying. If you really "care about our heritage", you would accept and celebrate racial diversity cuz that's what you came from.

Like it or not, you already have "third world riff raff" blood, middle eastern blood and black blood.

Suck it up cupcake and quit whining about how you have such a hard time because you're a poor weak little victim.

Damn whiny little bitches - I am beyond fed up with this set-pitying from "white male" cry babies.

Oh and Vin Diesel doesn't even know his bloodline so how can you?


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I support the right for EVERYONE to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands.

I certainly don't support multicultural DIEversity where everyone's heritages will eventually vanish.

I support everyone's rights to exist, but especially my own heritage.

It's truly a sickness to stomp out anyone's ethnic heritage, multiculturalism is truly the sick monstrosity of our times which seeks to destroy people's heritages.

No you don't "support the right for everyone to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands". Or, I should say, that's not what yo have posted so far.

Maybe you're not American but if you are, that means you accept our melting pot as well as as a society and govt built on the principle of equality.

If you're one of tho froot loops who says blacks belong in Africa, that's crazy. They've been in this country as long as just about every other nationality.

From your own words, you do want to "stomp out ethnic heritage". Multi-culturing does not automatically to that. If you look around the world, it's whites who do that.

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Oh, you poor baby ...

You're lying. If you really "care about our heritage", you would accept and celebrate racial diversity cuz that's what you came from.

Like it or not, you already have "third world riff raff" blood, middle eastern blood and black blood.

Suck it up cupcake and quit whining about how you have such a hard time because you're a poor weak little victim.

Damn whiny little bitches - I am beyond fed up with this set-pitying from "white male" cry babies.

Oh and Vin Diesel doesn't even know his bloodline so how can you?


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I support the right for EVERYONE to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands.

I certainly don't support multicultural DIEversity where everyone's heritages will eventually vanish.

I support everyone's rights to exist, but especially my own heritage.

It's truly a sickness to stomp out anyone's ethnic heritage, multiculturalism is truly the sick monstrosity of our times which seeks to destroy people's heritages.
Go hide in your bunker then. Maybe you can be the last white guy left?

More like I'll move to my ancestral homeland of Poland, to get away from you bozos.
Sounds like a plan. Go bunker yourself up in Poland and leave the rest of the world alone.

I don't even like Western Europeans, anyways.

How can a people change so quickly from racist imperialism genocide, to anti-racist multiculturalism suicide.

Western Europeans mostly seem to be dull witted, degenerates, who live without consciousness.

I think it's because they're contaminated with Negro DNA.

Western Europeans have lots of traits intermediate between Eastern Europeans, and Negroes, including curlier hair, less sexual dimorphism, thicker skulls, more dolichocephalic skulls, more O blood type, etc.
You seem to be on a mission to display just how thoroughly ignorant you are. I dont really know what to say to such stupidity but it does make for great comedy.
If you dont mix with stronger more dominant genes like ours you will die out of multiple genetic defects.
That is some funny shit right there... :lmao:

"Dominant"? You sickle cell (which is almost exclusively found in the African American community)?

Sorry you racist prick...there is no such thing as a race with "dominant genes". Every race has their share of brilliant people and stupid people. Every race has their share of amazing athletes and and uncoordinated buffoons.
Yes dominant. Sickle cell is a mutation to protect against malaria. Most ignorant white clowns such as yourself dont know that. :laugh:
Yeah...because nothing protects against malaria like a stroke... :lmao:
And I feel the same about a lice head balding tobacco chewing white boy with a riced grained ding dong LOLOLOLOLO...Dude, yaw women are leaving you for a reason...thats all I gotta say!! You can hate on black women all you want, but trust me, if they turn to white men, its cause your women is getting all the black men, not because they like white men, cause nobody does but a green card seeking asian!!
I think he brought that up to deflect from the fact that white women flock to Black men and all the white men can do is write manifestos explaining why they decided to kill some church going Blacks.

The thing is that like the Black man, the Black women are the most beautiful women on the face of the planet.

Is that why mixed race people in the U.S.A are only a small portion of the U.S.A?


They are the 2nd fastest growing demographic in America, dummy.

About 3% of the U.S.A is mixed race.. I never denied it's a fast growing demographic ,either.... So nothing I said is wrong, you brutish simpleton

Do you know what "fastest growing" means, buffoon?

I never said the mixed race demographic isn't fast growing, but that it's a small segment of society, which is true.

In general all you do is make screeching Chimp noises.

You have absolutely nothing to contribute worthwhile to this forum.
Chimpanzees are not humans dummy.

I know you believe that since you are mixed with Neanderthal you are part monkey but you are more human than neanderthal.

Neanderthals had maxillary prognathism, and hyper-dolichocephalic skulls just like your Negroes do.
Why did your dumb white ass think chimps having high genetic diversity had anything to do with humans? You must have more neanderthal in you than most whites. What a dummy you are.

Some genetic studies prove that you know who, are the closest to Chimpanzees genetically.

The missing link, that's what you are.
Yes I know who. You white guys are closer to chimps. Thats why you smell like them when you get wet and you attract lice. You even have wispy fur like them and just as hairy.
Ace, I posted to this earlier, but ever notice who's always missing in these heated discussion about ww and bm? WHITE WOMEN....rarely do you find them here defending themselves or championing black men....its always us and white men...which speaks volume

White women have a vested interest in keeping quiet. They know what I say is true about most if not all white women having the itch for a Black man. They already get it from insecure white males threatening them about ever being with a Black man. They like the security of having their cake and eating it to. They can marry a white man and use his money and have a Black man on the side. Think about it. White men even made laws against white women being with Black men and this was during slavery. They were so insecure about it that the penalty was that the white woman would become a slave if she were caught with a Black man.
Oh give it a rest. The constant whining and sobbing from you professional victim, white male cupcakes is reeeel old.

Grow up, grow a pair and take responsibility for your own failures. Blacks, liberals, Hispanics, gays, women nor President Obama did not cause your problems and they're not responsible to fix them.

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I care about our heritage, why would I want it to vanish, to be replaced by third-World riff-raff?

That's completely insulting, and senseless.

No, I don't like Blacks, I've been harassed by Blacks in various locations from Manhattan, to White Plains, to Peekskill, Danbury, and even in my own Brewster.

Although they only do so in GROUPS.

Alone I've never had Blacks harass me.

Oh, you poor baby ...

You're lying. If you really "care about our heritage", you would accept and celebrate racial diversity cuz that's what you came from.

Like it or not, you already have "third world riff raff" blood, middle eastern blood and black blood.

Suck it up cupcake and quit whining about how you have such a hard time because you're a poor weak little victim.

Damn whiny little bitches - I am beyond fed up with this set-pitying from "white male" cry babies.

Oh and Vin Diesel doesn't even know his bloodline so how can you?


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I support the right for EVERYONE to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands.

I certainly don't support multicultural DIEversity where everyone's heritages will eventually vanish.

I support everyone's rights to exist, but especially my own heritage.

It's truly a sickness to stomp out anyone's ethnic heritage, multiculturalism is truly the sick monstrosity of our times which seeks to destroy people's heritages.
Go hide in your bunker then. Maybe you can be the last white guy left?

More like I'll move to my ancestral homeland of Poland, to get away from you bozos.

Don't let the screen door hit you on your way out.

(Could you please take some other ignorant, inbred, cracker, bottom feeding trailer trash itch you? Thank ever so much.)

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I think he brought that up to deflect from the fact that white women flock to Black men and all the white men can do is write manifestos explaining why they decided to kill some church going Blacks.

The thing is that like the Black man, the Black women are the most beautiful women on the face of the planet.

Is that why mixed race people in the U.S.A are only a small portion of the U.S.A?


They are the 2nd fastest growing demographic in America, dummy.

About 3% of the U.S.A is mixed race.. I never denied it's a fast growing demographic ,either.... So nothing I said is wrong, you brutish simpleton

Do you know what "fastest growing" means, buffoon?

I never said the mixed race demographic isn't fast growing, but that it's a small segment of society, which is true.

In general all you do is make screeching Chimp noises.

You have absolutely nothing to contribute worthwhile to this forum.
You said about 3% you idiot. Its 7%.
Is that why mixed race people in the U.S.A are only a small portion of the U.S.A?


They are the 2nd fastest growing demographic in America, dummy.

About 3% of the U.S.A is mixed race.. I never denied it's a fast growing demographic ,either.... So nothing I said is wrong, you brutish simpleton

Do you know what "fastest growing" means, buffoon?

I never said the mixed race demographic isn't fast growing, but that it's a small segment of society, which is true.

In general all you do is make screeching Chimp noises.

You have absolutely nothing to contribute worthwhile to this forum.
You said about 3% you idiot. Its 7%.

Multiracial Americans are Americans who have mixed ancestry of "two or more races". The term may also include Americans of mixed-race ancestry who self-identify with just one group culturally and socially (cf. the one-drop rule). In the 2010 US census, approximately 9 million individuals, or 2.9% of the population, self-identified as multiracial.[2

Multiracial Americans - Wikipedia
Many Liberals like to enrich themselves learning about other cultures, but when it comes to Whites they want us to vanish.

Why any Whites would be like this is beyond me, clearly brainwashed hacks who have been brainwashed into a stupor.

Oh give it a rest. The constant whining and sobbing from you professional victim, white male cupcakes is reeeel old.

Grow up, grow a pair and take responsibility for your own failures. Blacks, liberals, Hispanics, gays, women nor President Obama did not cause your problems and they're not responsible to fix them.

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I care about our heritage, why would I want it to vanish, to be replaced by third-World riff-raff?

That's completely insulting, and senseless.

No, I don't like Blacks, I've been harassed by Blacks in various locations from Manhattan, to White Plains, to Peekskill, Danbury, and even in my own Brewster.

Although they only do so in GROUPS.

Alone I've never had Blacks harass me.

Oh, you poor baby ...

You're lying. If you really "care about our heritage", you would accept and celebrate racial diversity cuz that's what you came from.

Like it or not, you already have "third world riff raff" blood, middle eastern blood and black blood.

Suck it up cupcake and quit whining about how you have such a hard time because you're a poor weak little victim.

Damn whiny little bitches - I am beyond fed up with this set-pitying from "white male" cry babies.

Oh and Vin Diesel doesn't even know his bloodline so how can you?


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I support the right for EVERYONE to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands.

I certainly don't support multicultural DIEversity where everyone's heritages will eventually vanish.

I support everyone's rights to exist, but especially my own heritage.

It's truly a sickness to stomp out anyone's ethnic heritage, multiculturalism is truly the sick monstrosity of our times which seeks to destroy people's heritages.

No you don't "support the right for everyone to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands". Or, I should say, that's not what yo have posted so far.

Maybe you're not American but if you are, that means you accept our melting pot as well as as a society and govt built on the principle of equality.

If you're one of tho froot loops who says blacks belong in Africa, that's crazy. They've been in this country as long as just about every other nationality.

From your own words, you do want to "stomp out ethnic heritage". Multi-culturing does not automatically to that. If you look around the world, it's whites who do that.

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I was born in America, but don't identify as American, I think America is a bit of a monstrosity, something of an ethnicity killer, it killed the heritage of Natives, Blacks, Whites etc.

About the only thing America is united in is in Capitalist greed.
If you're one of tho froot loops who says blacks belong in Africa, that's crazy. They've been in this country as long as just about every other nationality.
"Been in this country"? Hell...they helped found this nation. If the left hadn't been the racist party of the KKK and taken over education in this nation, Americans would know about the founders like Peter Salem, Prince Estabrook, James Armistead, Oliver Cromwell, and Prince Whipple.

They are the 2nd fastest growing demographic in America, dummy.

About 3% of the U.S.A is mixed race.. I never denied it's a fast growing demographic ,either.... So nothing I said is wrong, you brutish simpleton

Do you know what "fastest growing" means, buffoon?

I never said the mixed race demographic isn't fast growing, but that it's a small segment of society, which is true.

In general all you do is make screeching Chimp noises.

You have absolutely nothing to contribute worthwhile to this forum.
You said about 3% you idiot. Its 7%.

Multiracial Americans are Americans who have mixed ancestry of "two or more races". The term may also include Americans of mixed-race ancestry who self-identify with just one group culturally and socially (cf. the one-drop rule). In the 2010 US census, approximately 9 million individuals, or 2.9% of the population, self-identified as multiracial.[2

Multiracial Americans - Wikipedia
Now you know the meaning of multiracial. I already knew. What is your point?
I guess that sucks for them.

Her mom and dad have strong beliefs that should be respected.
The girl also has strong beliefs that should be respected.

I'm not seeing a winner in that scenario.
I am serious. If you can't see that then perhaps you aren't really watching. Now, I have no problem with other races wanting to preserve their heritage, but if whites do, they get slammed for being racist all the time.
Listen, Mike you need to have a talk with your white bitches, thems the one's running tits first to black meat. Whining about purity here, is useless!!

Wishful thinking.

Study reveals racial segregation in online dating

When it comes to online dating, segregation appears to be alive and well. After analyzing more than one million profiles on a mainstream dating website, researchers at the University of California Berkeley, concluded that whites are highly unlikely to initiate contact with black people.

Even when their profiles indicate that they are indifferent about the race or ethnicity of a potential romantic interest. The researchers expected to find homophily, a social science term which means love of the same, in their analysis but they were surprised that the internet did not play a role in eroding reluctance to date outside ones own race.

“When the constraints of segregation are lifted by technology, what do people do? They don’t act all that differently,” said Gerald Mendelsohn, PhD, one of the professors who worked on the study. “Segregation remains a state of mind as much as it is a physical reality.”

The study indicates that more than 80 percent of the communication initiated by whites was to other whites. Only 3 percent went to blacks. Black members of the same site were more open to dating whites and were ten times more likely to contact whites. Black men were actually slightly more likely to initiate contact with white women than black women.
Come on dude. Black men have to spray white women with pepper spray to keep them away. If a Black guy wants a white women all he has to do is stand still and smile. All your women like Black men. Thats why the cheat on you behind your back even as they stay married to you and give your money to Black men. Even the ones that lay on their asses all day and play video games.
I've said this a zillion times, a black guy fresh out of prison has a better chance of getting with a ww, than white guy driving a benz with a 6 figure job and that is fact!! Number one reason Trump is in office today...white people finding themselves and their race diluting fast with nigga babies poppin up all in the family!!
I care about our heritage, why would I want it to vanish, to be replaced by third-World riff-raff?

That's completely insulting, and senseless.

No, I don't like Blacks, I've been harassed by Blacks in various locations from Manhattan, to White Plains, to Peekskill, Danbury, and even in my own Brewster.

Although they only do so in GROUPS.

Alone I've never had Blacks harass me.

Oh, you poor baby ...

You're lying. If you really "care about our heritage", you would accept and celebrate racial diversity cuz that's what you came from.

Like it or not, you already have "third world riff raff" blood, middle eastern blood and black blood.

Suck it up cupcake and quit whining about how you have such a hard time because you're a poor weak little victim.

Damn whiny little bitches - I am beyond fed up with this set-pitying from "white male" cry babies.

Oh and Vin Diesel doesn't even know his bloodline so how can you?


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I support the right for EVERYONE to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands.

I certainly don't support multicultural DIEversity where everyone's heritages will eventually vanish.

I support everyone's rights to exist, but especially my own heritage.

It's truly a sickness to stomp out anyone's ethnic heritage, multiculturalism is truly the sick monstrosity of our times which seeks to destroy people's heritages.
Go hide in your bunker then. Maybe you can be the last white guy left?

More like I'll move to my ancestral homeland of Poland, to get away from you bozos.

Don't let the screen door hit you on your way out.

(Could you please take some other ignorant, inbred, cracker, bottom feeding trailer trash itch you? Thank ever so much.)

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Negroes spend all their time whining about Whitey's oppression, but why didn't they leave for Liberia, or other places? Maybe because they are masochists, or dumb, or lazy?

What ever it is, it's truly ridiculous.
I guess that sucks for her.

Her mom and dad have strong beliefs that should be respected.
The girl also has beliefs that should be respected.

I'm not seeing a winner in that scenario.
But the girl should respect the parents beliefs exponentially more until she is a grown adult and out on her own.
I support the right for EVERYONE to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands.

I certainly don't support multicultural DIEversity where everyone's heritages will eventually vanish.

I support everyone's rights to exist, but especially my own heritage.

It's truly a sickness to stomp out anyone's ethnic heritage, multiculturalism is truly the sick monstrosity of our times which seeks to destroy people's heritages.
Go hide in your bunker then. Maybe you can be the last white guy left?

More like I'll move to my ancestral homeland of Poland, to get away from you bozos.
Sounds like a plan. Go bunker yourself up in Poland and leave the rest of the world alone.

I don't even like Western Europeans, anyways.

How can a people change so quickly from racist imperialism genocide, to anti-racist multiculturalism suicide.

Western Europeans mostly seem to be dull witted, degenerates, who live without consciousness.

I think it's because they're contaminated with Negro DNA.

Western Europeans have lots of traits intermediate between Eastern Europeans, and Negroes, including curlier hair, less sexual dimorphism, thicker skulls, more dolichocephalic skulls, more O blood type, etc.
You seem to be on a mission to display just how thoroughly ignorant you are. I dont really know what to say to such stupidity but it does make for great comedy.

Notice Unkotare, and yourself are basically the same crap.

Liberals behave like we're just Negroes with different skin colors, and it's probably actually true for Liberals.
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