Daily Presidential Tracking Poll


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Mitt Romney attracting 48% of the vote, while President Obama earns 43%. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

The president picks up support from just 35% of white voters overall. That’s eight points below the 43% of the white vote he won in 2008.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Just 33% now believe the president is doing a good or excellent job when it comes to the economy. That’s down from 41% at the beginning of May.
Rasmussen is right wing propaganda with zero credibility. Obama, like usual, is still beating Willard. :up:
Just look at RCP, it really tells you something of how incredibily biased rasmussen is being the only pollster showing Willard in the lead. Not only that, but by fairly big numbers,...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

you go with that bozo. I'll take Rasmussen.

We know you will. Those on the far right don't give a damn in the slightest about the facts, only about hearing what they want to hear.
Rasmussen is right wing propaganda with zero credibility. Obama, like usual, is still beating Willard. :up:
Just look at RCP, it really tells you something of how incredibily biased rasmussen is being the only pollster showing Willard in the lead. Not only that, but by fairly big numbers,...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

you go with that bozo. I'll take Rasmussen.

We know you will. Those on the far right don't give a damn in the slightest about the facts, only about hearing what they want to hear.

How can you hear anything? You have your head up yo ass.
Rasmussen is right wing propaganda with zero credibility. Obama, like usual, is still beating Willard. :up:
Just look at RCP, it really tells you something of how incredibily biased rasmussen is being the only pollster showing Willard in the lead. Not only that, but by fairly big numbers,...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

you go with that bozo. I'll take Rasmussen.

We know you will. Those on the far right don't give a damn in the slightest about the facts, only about hearing what they want to hear.

We? Ohhhh, you mean the borg. Gotcha.
Oh my God, label you used that right wing site Realclear politics?
But I do believe it's about even, I mean the Bloomburg poll IS a joke, that's a major statistical outlier.
you go with that bozo. I'll take Rasmussen.

We know you will. Those on the far right don't give a damn in the slightest about the facts, only about hearing what they want to hear.

We? Ohhhh, you mean the borg. Gotcha.

Are you ever able to contribute anything in even the slightest amount to a conversation? Or does your right wing mind lack that kind of intelligence to post more than a few words every time?
Oh my God, label you used that right wing site Realclear politics?
But I do believe it's about even, I mean the Bloomburg poll IS a joke, that's a major statistical outlier.

In the past few days, the left have totally tingled over Bloomberg polls showing a variety of 'good news' for Obama.... unfortunately, none of them seemed to read the actual parameters of their 'polls'. One was based on 1,002 respondents, the other on 734. You could not make this shit up. I sometimes despair of the utter stupidity of borg-like idiots who drool over shit without fucking reading it. :lmao:
Oh my God, label you used that right wing site Realclear politics?
But I do believe it's about even, I mean the Bloomburg poll IS a joke, that's a major statistical outlier.

RCP isn't right wing, and is considered the only legitimate source to run poll data off of.
Bloomberg isn't a partisan source by any means, and coming off of the wildly successful announcement of Obama's reform to the immigration issue, I'm sure the poll results are legit.
Will it carry all the way to election day? Who knows.
We know you will. Those on the far right don't give a damn in the slightest about the facts, only about hearing what they want to hear.

We? Ohhhh, you mean the borg. Gotcha.

Are you ever able to contribute anything in even the slightest amount to a conversation? Or does your right wing mind lack that kind of intelligence to post more than a few words every time?

Occasionally, when the need arises, I'll post substance... but generally not when responding to left wing hacks. I don't waste many words on illiterate twits.
I will ask a question I have before was Rasmussen a right wing poll when it showed Obama with a 7 point lead over McCain in 2008 or when they showed Obama with approval ratings in 60s? Funny how any poll that does not favor Obama is right wing propaganda poll isn't it?
I will ask a question I have before was Rasmussen a right wing poll when it showed Obama with a 7 point lead over McCain in 2008 or when they showed Obama with approval ratings in 60s? Funny how any poll that does not favor Obama is right wing propaganda poll isn't it?

They're all biased except Bloomberg. :lmao:
Oh my God, label you used that right wing site Realclear politics?
But I do believe it's about even, I mean the Bloomburg poll IS a joke, that's a major statistical outlier.

In the past few days, the left have totally tingled over Bloomberg polls showing a variety of 'good news' for Obama.... unfortunately, none of them seemed to read the actual parameters of their 'polls'. One was based on 1,002 respondents, the other on 734. You could not make this shit up. I sometimes despair of the utter stupidity of borg-like idiots who drool over shit without fucking reading it. :lmao:
I couoldnt have said it better myself. I mean polls are just that polls, I dont get too worked up on them this far out. Romney still needs a VP and state polls matter more, but getting excited over a 13 point lead in a clearly biased poll, democrats never cease to amaze, I guess that's only poistive thing they have.

They need to hang on to that life raft....er mirage, becuase Obama's got nothing. And the supremes meet next week to tell us healthcare and arizona's law. Cant wait for those two.
Oh my God, label you used that right wing site Realclear politics?
But I do believe it's about even, I mean the Bloomburg poll IS a joke, that's a major statistical outlier.

RCP isn't right wing, and is considered the only legitimate source to run poll data off of.
Bloomberg isn't a partisan source by any means, and coming off of the wildly successful announcement of Obama's reform to the immigration issue, I'm sure the poll results are legit.
Will it carry all the way to election day? Who knows.


Is considered? By whom?

Seriously, you're a joke.
I will ask a question I have before was Rasmussen a right wing poll when it showed Obama with a 7 point lead over McCain in 2008 or when they showed Obama with approval ratings in 60s? Funny how any poll that does not favor Obama is right wing propaganda poll isn't it?

It's the programmed response every right winger says when it's pointed out how biased rasmussen is to instantly respond with "ooooooooo oooooo! but 4 years ago in one poll they were pretty accurate!" :rolleyes:
Oh my God, label you used that right wing site Realclear politics?
But I do believe it's about even, I mean the Bloomburg poll IS a joke, that's a major statistical outlier.

RCP isn't right wing, and is considered the only legitimate source to run poll data off of.
Bloomberg isn't a partisan source by any means, and coming off of the wildly successful announcement of Obama's reform to the immigration issue, I'm sure the poll results are legit.
Will it carry all the way to election day? Who knows.


Is considered? By whom?

Seriously, you're a joke.

RCP is right wing? I'd love to see some links confirming that. Otherwise the only thing being confirmed is that you are a radical right wing idiot that doesn't know what in the hell they are talking about (besides stupidity)
I will ask a question I have before was Rasmussen a right wing poll when it showed Obama with a 7 point lead over McCain in 2008 or when they showed Obama with approval ratings in 60s? Funny how any poll that does not favor Obama is right wing propaganda poll isn't it?

They're all biased except Bloomberg. :lmao:

Yeah I'm still waiting for someone to explain how every other major poll has Obama and Romney anywhere from tied to a 1-5 point difference except Bloomberg who has Obama ahead by i3 points.

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