Daily Show bit about conservatives being silenced

What was their final excuse, it was changing daily back when? What specific Term of Service did he violate?
Spreading known misinformation.

But you know this already.

Therefore, you're a bad faith actor.
What was their final excuse, it was changing daily back when? What specific Term of Service did he violate?
Spreading known misinformation.

But you know this already.

Therefore, you're a bad faith actor.
Let me give just one example. Shithead Adam Schiff has been spreading misinformation about the President for 4 years. Conclusively. Yet he still maintains his Twitter account.
This is 100% on the money. The codespeak here is, "We're not allowed to bray our lies about a "stolen" election, or a moronic conspiracy about Dems consuming baby flesh..so we're going to cry that we're silenced".
The vast pools of Internet media websites and social media lean right. Combine that with three TV outlets (at the moment), two of whom are about as far right as you can get and what do you have? Same thing
you had six months ago. A cloaked metastasized cancer that is rapidly overshadowing and destroying real conservatism.
Please! No more bleating about what "real conservatives" are like, what they think, how they behave, etc.

That bullshit doesn't fly. At all.
^amazing. that tard's meltdown is still ongoing. lol

you are taking trump's landslide loss with all the expected grace and dignity.
^ Amazing the hatred forum Nazis have for any and all civil rights.

Seig Heil - Uber Alles Democrat

From it's founding in 1828 by white racist slaveholders, the Democrat party has always opposed civil rights.
This is 100% on the money. The codespeak here is, "We're not allowed to bray our lies about a "stolen" election, or a moronic conspiracy about Dems consuming baby flesh..so we're going to cry that we're silenced".
The vast pools of Internet media websites and social media lean right. Combine that with three TV outlets (at the moment), two of whom are about as far right as you can get and what do you have? Same thing
you had six months ago. A cloaked metastasized cancer that is rapidly overshadowing and destroying real conservatism.
Please! No more bleating about what "real conservatives" are like, what they think, how they behave, etc.

That bullshit doesn't fly. At all.

And that's exactly why your ideology will continue to be rejected by the majority of Americans. Because it's not conservatism. It's fundamentalism.
By all means continue. I don't care. Conservatism has largely been a failure in so far as a belief system. It has no policy success stories..at least not in the last four decades.
So it's only appropriate that in the end, like the coronavirus, it mutates...and then proceeds to consume its predecessor. :)
And that's exactly why your ideology will continue to be rejected by the majority of Americans. Because it's not conservatism. It's fundamentalism.
By all means continue. I don't care. Conservatism has largely been a failure in so far as a belief system. It has no policy success stories..at least not in the last four decades.
So it's only appropriate that in the end, like the coronavirus, it mutates...and then proceeds to consume its predecessor.
Your comments are absurd when one realizes the only thing that kept Donald Trump from another term as president was the unprecedented theft of the presidency in 2020.
Your delusions are not supportable...especially when one considers the red wave in Congress in 2020.
And check how many republican governors we have, as long as you are comfortable in your own little bubble
of delusion.
And that's exactly why your ideology will continue to be rejected by the majority of Americans. Because it's not conservatism. It's fundamentalism.
By all means continue. I don't care. Conservatism has largely been a failure in so far as a belief system. It has no policy success stories..at least not in the last four decades.
So it's only appropriate that in the end, like the coronavirus, it mutates...and then proceeds to consume its predecessor.
Your comments are absurd when one realizes the only thing that kept Donald Trump from another term as president was the unprecedented theft of the presidency in 2020.
Your delusions are not supportable...especially when one considers the red wave in Congress in 2020.
And check how many republican governors we have, as long as you are comfortable in your own little bubble
of delusion.

There..was..no..theft. He lost. Plain and simple. Because he was a lousy President. And yes, Republicans did better than expected on 11/3/2020. But...the truth is always in the tail of the tape.
I wonder if the election were held today how many of those Republicans would have lost after two months of supporting bogus claims of a fraudulent election and then tacitly supporting
and even in some cases encouraging an insurrection intended to overturn said election? My guess? Half of them would have lost. :)
There..was..no..theft. He lost. Plain and simple
That's an argument you can never ever win. The evidence says you are a liar.

65 lower court judges, 2 Supreme Court cases, Trump's own handpicked AG, Trump's own election Security Chief, Republican and Democrat election officials across all 50 states agree the evidence says...no fraud..therefore, he lost.
Now, the first voting machine company forces a retraction on right wing media and today, a nice big, fat lawsuit is dropped on Trump's D-Team and a few notable right wing media personalities.
Here come those chickens.
Basically points out the blatant lies and lack of relation to reality these people are in.

Check it out...

So true.

South African comes to America, gets opportunities that he'd never get in his home country and then proceeds to be a partisan hack for one political party, ostacizing half of the country he is allowed to live in.

He not only isn't funny, he isn't particularly brave. Maybe he will make some jokes about President Xi, he will really show that he has some courage then.

They are still running anti-Trump commercials from him in Canada. The guy hasn't been in office for a month.

If somebody is forcing you to watch his TV show, you should call 911 right now. Otherwise, you can just watch any of the hundreds of batshit crazy right wing shows as they whine about not being allowed to say what they are saying.

You unknowingly support my point and I agree with you, I don't watch him. Unfortunately, I watch the Big Bang Theory reruns on Comedy TV and his mug is on often during commercials (along with the Canadian, Samantha Bee promoting her show, seems there is a pattern of dislike for America by those who weren't even born there. How rich) and I am not fast enough to mute his shtick. None of the commercials are funny. I'm not even sure how he broke into the industry.

I wouldn't willingly watch "comedy" that only has an interest in criticizing politicians with extreme bias. Be it SNL or any other show. You can make a few generic jokes about government of all stripes, but, you need some real talent and material and not low hanging fruit that pleases a particular cult.

Perhaps they aren't giving enough consideration to how batshit crazy canadians feel about their advertisement scheduling. I doubt they will read your remarks here, so you should contact them directly with your complaint.

Americans on this forum are probably wiser than those I would reach out to.

Yes. I can imagine how nuts the people are that you would normally reach out to. After all, they spend many hours broadcasting each day while whining something about them not being to get their message out.
This is 100% on the money. The codespeak here is, "We're not allowed to bray our lies about a "stolen" election, or a moronic conspiracy about Dems consuming baby flesh..so we're going to cry that we're silenced".
The vast pools of Internet media websites and social media lean right. Combine that with three TV outlets (at the moment), two of whom are about as far right as you can get and what do you have? Same thing
you had six months ago. A cloaked metastasized cancer that is rapidly overshadowing and destroying real conservatism.

I've seen plenty of conservatives silenced for far more mainstream speech other than quanon.

Your pretense that it is only happening to radicals, is not true.

Why are you misrepresenting what is happening?

Not misrepresenting anything. The argument here is that "conservatives" are being silenced. They are not. Right wing outlets outnumber left wing outlets by almost 3:1.
You'll have to show me where a conservative got the boot for an honest disagreement over policy.

1. Right wing outlets?

2. Got teh boot? Policy? Please clarify what you are askign for.

Jeez, really? The dozens of alt-right Internet publications that serve as "news" for a lot of right wingers. A lot of them quoted right here on posts on these boards. Along with two dozen or so plus YouTube channels dedicated to farther and farther right wing beliefs. Three TV outlets parroting right wing views almost nonstop. The vast sea of Facebook and Twitter that you right wingers like to cry censor conservative views?...they don't. They just flag the whack-a-doodle posts...sometimes, they remove them. As private companies, that is their right. Quote me a conservative who was silenced over something you consider benign. Better?

Ok, that seems like a serious and reasonable request, so, here is a clip discussing how Ethan Ralph was banned from youtube not for something he even said, but for something other people said, on "superchats" on the side of his stream and the Quartering even describes how such superchats are sometimes reported by the very people that make them.

In other words, lefty partisans will pay to "superchat" make an offensive statement and then report their own post to try to deplatform their target.

It is 16 minutes, I would rarely ask someone to watch such a long video, but you asked a serious question about a serious issue, so if you are serious about it, this is some good information.


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