Dak Prescott suffered a possible career ending injury.

I don't watch sports news like I used to! So Dak is kicking up a fuss? Very nervy after his results over the years! He's way overpaid; totally stealing $$ from Jones & The BOYS and he's giving DIVA attitude? Shame! Not surprising as this is Dallas! They're cursed while watching inferior teams like The Saints win it all while they can barely make the playoffs w/ all that talent! What makes it worse is Dak's doing commercials and going about his business as if he's actually doing the job! :heehee: :dunno::eek::stir:

This is the same reason eventually guys like Hitler or Putin always lose. It's why the South lost the Civil war. Right always in the end, wins. It's why Japan didn't win. And it's why if we go to war with China, we will win that war. Because God is on our side.

This is why Dallas loses. They are the bad guys. And with that many good Americans rooting against them, putting out all that bad karma, hopefully they continue to lose.

But then why do us good guys (The Lions) lose every year? What did we do wrong?

The Curse of the Billy Goat was a sports curse that was supposedly placed on the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball(MLB) franchise in 1945, by Billy Goat Tavern owner William Sianis. The curse lasted 71 years, from 1945 to 2016. During Game 4 of the 1945 World Series at Wrigley Field, Sianis's pet goat, named Murphy, was bothering other fans, and so the pair were asked to leave the stadium.[1][2] Outraged, Sianis allegedly declared, "Them Cubs, they ain't gonna win no more", which had been interpreted to mean that the Cubs would never win another National League (NL) pennant, at least for the remainder of Sianis's life.

The Cubs lost the 1945 World Series to the Detroit Tigers, and did not win a pennant or World Series championship again until 2016.

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