Dallas GOP candidate will pay his kids to only marry white

So its racist now to want your kids to stick with their own kind? Its NONE of ANYONE'S business but his and his wife and kids! I want the same thing and my kids all know date/mate/marry outside our race you are disowned like you never existed. If it was up to you totalitarian leftists we would have a law FORCING mixed race marriages to rid the world of the white race.
------------------------------------------- good post , you got it correct in my opinion . Its no one business Odium .
Liberals have moved on to prohibiting people from marrying who they want and who their family will accept.
So its racist now to want your kids to stick with their own kind? Its NONE of ANYONE'S business but his and his wife and kids! I want the same thing and my kids all know date/mate/marry outside our race you are disowned like you never existed. If it was up to you totalitarian leftists we would have a law FORCING mixed race marriages to rid the world of the white race.
------------------------------------------- good post , you got it correct in my opinion . Its no one business Odium .
----------------------------------- no ones business but the guy and his kids Toro .
So its racist now to want your kids to stick with their own kind? Its NONE of ANYONE'S business but his and his wife and kids! I want the same thing and my kids all know date/mate/marry outside our race you are disowned like you never existed. If it was up to you totalitarian leftists we would have a law FORCING mixed race marriages to rid the world of the white race.
------------------------------------------- good post , you got it correct in my opinion . Its no one business Odium .
----------------------------------- no ones business but the guy and his kids Toro .

Just come right out and say you completely agree with the scumbag's views on the matter, if that's how you feel.
The children...all children in the US...are free to marry whoever will have them when they become of age.
So its bigoted and racist to marry someone of your own race eh? Sure is MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of racist bigots then all over the world.
No one has said that, have they?

Why is it that the ONLY way trumpanzees can frame a "successful" argument is by creating strawmen?
Penelope said he was a bigot, teaching his kids to be bigots.

No strawman.

Bigotry is first, then racist , I imagine the father is both.https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-bigot-and-a-racist

An old friend of mine, her jewish heritage is very important to her.

She limited her dating to jewish men, and eventually found a husband on a jewish dating site.

Was that bigoted and/or racist of her?
That is rather intelligent question coming from you . I'm surprised and impressed although I doubt that you appreciate the complexity of it .

Your one flash of sight, only highlights your normal blindness.

My first thought is- when comparing to the would be judge in the OP is that this is not coercion born of animosity towards those who are of a different belief. It does not indicate that she has any hatred for others but rather, may just want constancy and coherence in her life for herself and any children that she may have. I don't know that she is not a bigot but I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

So we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal when considering marriage and producing children.

Wow. In the absence of any evidence that she holds bigoted views, (since we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal)

in the absence of any evidence that she hold bigoted views, you are willing to give her the benefit of a doubt.

In my world, I want to see the evidence before I even start thinking about marginalizing people.

The would be judge in the OP is an entirely different matter. I don't think that any reasonable person would believe that what he did was not motivated by bigotry. He has no business trying to control the blood line and lives of his offspring by dictating them who they can marry , and even if there is some legitimacy to a concern about racial and religious heritage, by insisting that it be someone of the opposite sex destroys that argument since it is clear that he would object to the marriage of his children to a white, Christian homosexual

1. You've already admitted that there is legitimacy to a concern about racial and religious heritage above, with Jewishness. Unless White and Christian is somehow judged by different rules than Jewishness?

That can't be, can it?

2. He obviously has a strong concern for his "racial and religious heritage", which you have admitted is valid. It is likely that he believes his actions, in trying to steer this children to continue it, is in their best interests.

3. Gay marriage is not part of Christian Heritage. There is also the problem of two same sex people producing a child that is biologically, (you admitted validity of racial heritage above) theirs.
..... of course it`s a former traitor slave state....

Oh, you mean a democrat state?
A southern democrat state. Learn history, Democrats Are No Longer the Racist Party – If They Ever Really Were

And by history, you mean your opinion. Which I demolished easily.
Horseshit. You demolished nothing except in the dark recesses of your twisted mind


Hey, remember this? Tell me again how Nixon's supposedly racist Southern Strategy flipped the South to the GOP to this day.

its funny , as this thread shows , the politically correct and already socially engineered 'peons' in society want to socially engineer everyone else . ------------- Parents of public school attending kids oughta be ready for some unpleasant surprises in the near future if not today imo .
Teaching his kids to be bigots like he is .
So its bigoted and racist to marry someone of your own race eh? Sure is MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of racist bigots then all over the world.
No one has said that, have they?

Why is it that the ONLY way trumpanzees can frame a "successful" argument is by creating strawmen?
Penelope said he was a bigot, teaching his kids to be bigots.

No strawman.

Bigotry is first, then racist , I imagine the father is both.https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-bigot-and-a-racist

An old friend of mine, her jewish heritage is very important to her.

She limited her dating to jewish men, and eventually found a husband on a jewish dating site.

Was that bigoted and/or racist of her?
It was idiotic.
I'd rather my daughter date a member of MS 13 that you or your ilk, that is for damned sure

You would rather put her in serious danger of being murdered, and certainly beaten on a regular basis,

than someone who disagrees with you politically?

You are literally insane.
No that is why I would rather she date an MS 13 guy.

You would put political partisan ship over the safety of your daughter.

You are insane.
No. He is EVIL.
If any of his children are younger than 18, they should probably be taken from him for their own safety.

Wow. Hi Marxist. Would you really just stop there?

Don't you want to put him in a camp? THat he is likely to not come out of?
So its bigoted and racist to marry someone of your own race eh? Sure is MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of racist bigots then all over the world.
No one has said that, have they?

Why is it that the ONLY way trumpanzees can frame a "successful" argument is by creating strawmen?
Penelope said he was a bigot, teaching his kids to be bigots.

No strawman.

Bigotry is first, then racist , I imagine the father is both.https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-bigot-and-a-racist

An old friend of mine, her jewish heritage is very important to her.

She limited her dating to jewish men, and eventually found a husband on a jewish dating site.

Was that bigoted and/or racist of her?
It was idiotic.

If any of his children are younger than 18, they should probably be taken from him for their own safety.

Wow. Hi Marxist. Would you really just stop there?

Don't you want to put him in a camp? THat he is likely to not come out of?

I want his children safe, while he seems fine having his daughter raped and beaten regularly. Does it HURT to be this stupid?
No one has said that, have they?

Why is it that the ONLY way trumpanzees can frame a "successful" argument is by creating strawmen?
Penelope said he was a bigot, teaching his kids to be bigots.

No strawman.

Bigotry is first, then racist , I imagine the father is both.https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-bigot-and-a-racist

An old friend of mine, her jewish heritage is very important to her.

She limited her dating to jewish men, and eventually found a husband on a jewish dating site.

Was that bigoted and/or racist of her?
It was idiotic.

The same reason marrying your first cousin is a bad idea.

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