Dallas GOP candidate will pay his kids to only marry white

His $$$ what’s the problem?
It is his children's lives. THAT is the problem
HIS children. Again, what’s the problem? They have free will. If they don’t want the money don’t meet the terms. But I can guarantee that this man’s kids will grow up along the guidelines stipulated.
HIS children. Again, what’s the problem? They have free will. If they don’t want the money don’t meet the terms
Parents do not own their children. They can't do any damned think with them or to them that they want, especially when they are of age.
3. Gay marriage is not part of Christian Heritage. There is also the problem of two same sex people producing a child that is biologically, (you admitted validity of racial heritage above) theirs.
Now we are getting deep into the horseshit. Same sex marriage is here and it has become part of the fabric of society and has in fact been accepted and even embraced by many Christians and Christian denominations. As far as children go, the inability of two people to produce a child that is biologically related to both has long been refuted as a valid argument against same sex marriage. I doubt that the shit bag in the OP scenario would object to one of his children marrying a while Christian of the opposite sex who could not bear children for what ever reason- but was willing to adopt or use a surrogate
Gay marriage is here and fully legal which does absolutely nothing to interfere with the decisions individuals make.
3. Gay marriage is not part of Christian Heritage. There is also the problem of two same sex people producing a child that is biologically, (you admitted validity of racial heritage above) theirs.
Now we are getting deep into the horseshit. Same sex marriage is here and it has become part of the fabric of society and has in fact been accepted and even embraced by many Christians and Christian denominations. As far as children go, the inability of two people to produce a child that is biologically related to both has long been refuted as a valid argument against same sex marriage. I doubt that the shit bag in the OP scenario would object to one of his children marrying a while Christian of the opposite sex who could not bear children for what ever reason- but was willing to adopt or use a surrogate


imagine a scenario, where your daughter is dating a White Nationalist.

Are you going to approve? Are you going to want that White Nationalist living in your house once you are gone, sitting in your chair teaching your grandchildren his beliefs?
I'm asking the question,

the question raised by your supporting the Jewish woman taking steps to maintain her heritage and culture,

while attacking the Christian White male for doing the same.
Jesus fucking Christ ! Are you really that obtuse? AGAIN, the difference is between an individual making a choice for herself for her own reason and that of someone else dictating what another must choose. ...e.

That is a reason to call him a tyrant.

It is not reason to call him a bigot.

In calling him a bigot, you are showing that at some level, that you do judge White by a different standard.

If the Jewish mother I told you about, pushed her son to only marry jewish, in the same fashion as this Texan,

would you call her a bigot, or a tyrant?
3. Gay marriage is not part of Christian Heritage. There is also the problem of two same sex people producing a child that is biologically, (you admitted validity of racial heritage above) theirs.
Now we are getting deep into the horseshit. Same sex marriage is here and it has become part of the fabric of society and has in fact been accepted and even embraced by many Christians and Christian denominations. As far as children go, the inability of two people to produce a child that is biologically related to both has long been refuted as a valid argument against same sex marriage. I doubt that the shit bag in the OP scenario would object to one of his children marrying a while Christian of the opposite sex who could not bear children for what ever reason- but was willing to adopt or use a surrogate


imagine a scenario, where your daughter is dating a White Nationalist.

Are you going to approve? Are you going to want that White Nationalist living in your house once you are gone, sitting in your chair teaching your grandchildren his beliefs?
So now your resorting to a false equivalency logical fallacy by comparing gays to white nationalists? Pathetic!
3. Gay marriage is not part of Christian Heritage. There is also the problem of two same sex people producing a child that is biologically, (you admitted validity of racial heritage above) theirs.
Now we are getting deep into the horseshit. Same sex marriage is here and it has become part of the fabric of society and has in fact been accepted and even embraced by many Christians and Christian denominations. As far as children go, the inability of two people to produce a child that is biologically related to both has long been refuted as a valid argument against same sex marriage. I doubt that the shit bag in the OP scenario would object to one of his children marrying a while Christian of the opposite sex who could not bear children for what ever reason- but was willing to adopt or use a surrogate


imagine a scenario, where your daughter is dating a White Nationalist.

Are you going to approve? Are you going to want that White Nationalist living in your house once you are gone, sitting in your chair teaching your grandchildren his beliefs?
So now your resorting to a false equivalency logical fallacy by comparing gays to white nationalists? Pathetic!
You're white and militant. So are they, without the gay.
If the Jewish mother I told you about, pushed her son to only marry jewish, in the same fashion as this Texan,

would you call her a bigot, or a tyrant?
Depends on what you mean by push. If coercion and a threat of financial reprisals were involved, you I would
3. Gay marriage is not part of Christian Heritage. There is also the problem of two same sex people producing a child that is biologically, (you admitted validity of racial heritage above) theirs.
Now we are getting deep into the horseshit. Same sex marriage is here and it has become part of the fabric of society and has in fact been accepted and even embraced by many Christians and Christian denominations. As far as children go, the inability of two people to produce a child that is biologically related to both has long been refuted as a valid argument against same sex marriage. I doubt that the shit bag in the OP scenario would object to one of his children marrying a while Christian of the opposite sex who could not bear children for what ever reason- but was willing to adopt or use a surrogate


imagine a scenario, where your daughter is dating a White Nationalist.

Are you going to approve? Are you going to want that White Nationalist living in your house once you are gone, sitting in your chair teaching your grandchildren his beliefs?
So now your resorting to a false equivalency logical fallacy by comparing gays to white nationalists? Pathetic!

I'm asking you to examine your emotional responses to the situation with different labels involved.

If the situation is the problem, then changing the labels should not change anything for you.

If you feel differently about the situation if the labels are "your daughter", "your estate" and "White Nationalist",

then that shows that you are not aware of how your biases are impacting your perceptions.

What business is it of anyone's who his kids marry? Is it yours? Most of my life it was pretty common for Catholics to only want to marry other Catholics, Italians to marry other Italians, it's a personal choice, that is, unless you have a problem with freedom?
I'm asking you to examine your emotional responses to the situation with different labels involved.

If the situation is the problem, then changing the labels should not change anything for you.

If you feel differently about the situation if the labels are "your daughter", "your estate" and "White Nationalist",

then that shows that you are not aware of how your biases are impacting your perceptions.
I do not need you to tell to me examine my emotions . I know exactly what I'm thing and feeling. and I stand by what I said. Idiotically implying that gay is equivalent to being a white nationalists doesn't make it true.
If the Jewish mother I told you about, pushed her son to only marry jewish, in the same fashion as this Texan,

would you call her a bigot, or a tyrant?
Depends on what you mean by push. If coercion and a threat of financial reprisals were involved, you I would

It was not a yes no question.

It was which? Bigot or Tyrant?

But that does not make sense, within YOUR stated framework, based on YOUR words.

You've admitted that it is valid to work to maintain a heritage/culture/ethnicity.

It is quite possible that this hypothetical Jewish Mother, would sincerely want HER children to marry and continue HER culture and heritage, based solely on her valuing that culture,

without that being a slur any any other culture.

There is nothing in the definition of the word "value" that requires that valuing one thing, means that you are hostile to other things of the same category.

She might very well be acting as "tyrant" in her methods, but what is your reason for calling her a "bigot"?
I'm asking you to examine your emotional responses to the situation with different labels involved.

If the situation is the problem, then changing the labels should not change anything for you.

If you feel differently about the situation if the labels are "your daughter", "your estate" and "White Nationalist",

then that shows that you are not aware of how your biases are impacting your perceptions.
I do not need you to tell to me examine my emotions . I know exactly what I'm thing and feeling. and I stand by what I said. Idiotically implying that gay is equivalent to being a white nationalists doesn't make it true.

1. I did not tell you to. I specifically said I was "asking". That was a very telling mistake on your part.

2. People rarely know why they feel what they feel. If you do, more power to you. DOesn't mean that my question was invalid.

3. Asking you to consider a similar situation with an individual that YOU would not like your daughter to marry, in no way implies that the two groups are similar in any way.

4. BUT, by being offended by that convenient misunderstanding, you give yourself an out from answering a reasonable question.

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