Dallas GOP candidate will pay his kids to only marry white

If any of his children are younger than 18, they should probably be taken from him for their own safety.

Wow. Hi Marxist. Would you really just stop there?

Don't you want to put him in a camp? THat he is likely to not come out of?

I want his children safe, while he seems fine having his daughter raped and beaten regularly. Does it HURT to be this stupid?

Damn it.

I got this thread mixed up with one where the guy from Texas wanted his kids to marry white.

To answer your question, it does hurt.
Penelope said he was a bigot, teaching his kids to be bigots.

No strawman.

Bigotry is first, then racist , I imagine the father is both.https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-bigot-and-a-racist

An old friend of mine, her jewish heritage is very important to her.

She limited her dating to jewish men, and eventually found a husband on a jewish dating site.

Was that bigoted and/or racist of her?
It was idiotic.

The same reason marrying your first cousin is a bad idea.

I've not heard that jews are that inbred.
He has no business trying to control the blood line and lives of his offspring by dictating them who they can marry
He did not dictate who they could marry, he gave them a choice.

Money or love. He wanted them to marry white, Christian
and the opposite sex.
GOP Candidate Set Up Trust That Pays His Kids For Marrying White People | HuffPost
He gave the kids a choice. What is wrong with that?
So we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal when considering marriage and producing children.
Yes we do. The same would hold true for any religion or culture that an individual wishes to preserve. It does not follow that such a desire is born of animus to anyone else
So we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal when considering marriage and producing children.

Wow. In the absence of any evidence that she holds bigoted views, (since we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal)

in the absence of any evidence that she hold bigoted views, you are willing to give her the benefit of a doubt.

In my world, I want to see the evidence before I even start thinking about marginalizing people.

The difference between the two scenarios-yours and the OP -is that in yours you have an individual making her own choice and in the OP you have a bigot trying to control others and forcing them to adhere to his own standards of "family values" which is standard code for intolerance for anyone or anything that is different.
So we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal when considering marriage and producing children.

Wow. In the absence of any evidence that she holds bigoted views, (since we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal)

in the absence of any evidence that she hold bigoted views, you are willing to give her the benefit of a doubt.

In my world, I want to see the evidence before I even start thinking about marginalizing people.

The difference between the two scenarios-yours and the OP -is that in yours you have an individual making her own choice and in the OP you have a bigot trying to control others and forcing them to adhere to his own standards of "family values" which is standard code for intolerance for anyone or anything that is different.
It's his kids and his money cry baby.
1. You've already admitted that there is legitimacy to a concern about racial and religious heritage above, with Jewishness. Unless White and Christian is somehow judged by different rules than Jewishness?

That can't be, can it?
I did not say that . You did.
So we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal when considering marriage and producing children.
Yes we do. The same would hold true for any religion or culture that an individual wishes to preserve. It does not follow that such a desire is born of animus to anyone else

Any religion or culture?

Why, thank you.

SO, how much is this guy's estate worth? Anyone know?
2. He obviously has a strong concern for his "racial and religious heritage", which you have admitted is valid. It is likely that he believes his actions, in trying to steer this children to continue it, is in their best interests.
He can be concerned about his heritage but when his children are of age to marry, they and only they have the right to determine what is in their best interest and to chose the life that they want for themselves. Again, he is clearly motivated by distain for those who are of a different race, religion or sexual orientation- not "heritage"
So we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal when considering marriage and producing children.

Wow. In the absence of any evidence that she holds bigoted views, (since we agree that Jewishness is a valid goal)

in the absence of any evidence that she hold bigoted views, you are willing to give her the benefit of a doubt.

In my world, I want to see the evidence before I even start thinking about marginalizing people.

The difference between the two scenarios-yours and the OP -is that in yours you have an individual making her own choice and in the OP you have a bigot trying to control others and forcing them to adhere to his own standards of "family values" which is standard code for intolerance for anyone or anything that is different.

We've agreed that maintaining a culture and/or heritage is a valid goal. Not a reason to call someone a bigot.

This guy is trying to control his children's choices. Or at least influence them.

That can be a lot of things, but it is not "bigotry".

It might be tyrannical. Or selfish. Or both.
1. You've already admitted that there is legitimacy to a concern about racial and religious heritage above, with Jewishness. Unless White and Christian is somehow judged by different rules than Jewishness?

That can't be, can it?
I did not say that . You did.

I'm asking the question,

the question raised by your supporting the Jewish woman taking steps to maintain her heritage and culture,

while attacking the Christian White male for doing the same.
3. Gay marriage is not part of Christian Heritage. There is also the problem of two same sex people producing a child that is biologically, (you admitted validity of racial heritage above) theirs.
Now we are getting deep into the horseshit. Same sex marriage is here and it has become part of the fabric of society and has in fact been accepted and even embraced by many Christians and Christian denominations. As far as children go, the inability of two people to produce a child that is biologically related to both has long been refuted as a valid argument against same sex marriage. I doubt that the shit bag in the OP scenario would object to one of his children marrying a while Christian of the opposite sex who could not bear children for what ever reason- but was willing to adopt or use a surrogate
2. He obviously has a strong concern for his "racial and religious heritage", which you have admitted is valid. It is likely that he believes his actions, in trying to steer this children to continue it, is in their best interests.
He can be concerned about his heritage but when his children are of age to marry, they and only they have the right to determine what is in their best interest and to chose the life that they want for themselves. Again, he is clearly motivated by distain for those who are of a different race, religion or sexual orientation- not "heritage"

Your complaint is about his methods, ie his attempt to control his children's choices.

But your conclusion is about his goal, ie somehow his methods are, in your mind, evidence of bigotry.

NOt his goal, we already moved past that. It is his methods that you keep citing as evidence of bigotry.

That does not make sense.
We've agreed that maintaining a culture and/or heritage is a valid goal. Not a reason to call someone a bigot.

This guy is trying to control his children's choices. Or at least influence them.

That can be a lot of things, but it is not "bigotry".

It might be tyrannical. Or selfish. Or both.
We've been through this already and I say that it is clearly bigotry
I'm asking the question,

the question raised by your supporting the Jewish woman taking steps to maintain her heritage and culture,

while attacking the Christian White male for doing the same.
Jesus fucking Christ ! Are you really that obtuse? AGAIN, the difference is between an individual making a choice for herself for her own reason and that of someone else dictating what another must choose. And speaking of choice, homosexuality is not, so if one of his kids is gay, he is putting them in the position of having to live a lie as a straight person with all of the misery that would entail, or forgoing the inheritance.

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