Dallas Mavericks cease playing national anthem before games after decision by notorious owner Marc Cuban

Excellent decision. There is no correlation. And fuck that God Bless America bullshit, too.

If you hate America so much, why don't you leave?
Who says I'm even in America?

And does your question apply to you when you criticize Joseph Biden (God's choice)?

The flag is the symbol of the nation as a whole.

Biden is not.

You are a moron.
What does the flag (or the anthem) have to do with for-profit basketball?
They can play for the olympic team?
And before that Olympic game they should definitely play the anthem, because they're playing for their country not for their paycheck. You dumbass.
You didn't get the latest news why squid butt, they will play it before every game, ha ha ha
They're being forced to. He should find the fastest version available. I'll record him one that takes 15 seconds.

What kind of American has to be forced to play the American National Anthem?
What do you know about being an American? You support traitors because you hate America.
What ?
Anyone who still supports TR☭MP hates America and everything she stands for.
(1) Dallas is the only team I'm following these days because Doncic, Porzo, and Hardaway are fun to watch.

(2) It drives me crazy that they fail to play defense, and they NEVER pursue offensive rebounds.

(3) The solution for Marc Cuban is easy but he probably won't do it: He should have popular Dallas and Texas citizens sing the national anthem. Kinda like what the Cubs do with the 7th inning stretch. The Anthem is not an easy song to sing, but with a little preparation, anyone who is not completely tone deaf can do it.

But a popular local singing the Anthem will discourage players (and others) from acting like ass-holes.
Anti-American cocksuckers.
Oh my goodness...what the heck is the reason for such anger? Mark Cuban owns the team and has a right and a freedom to play whatever song he sees fit in his arena. Chill dude...

Actually he doesn’t have a right to make a decision like that independent of his other 29 partners. He tired to and got bitchslapped like the punk bitch he is.
Dallas Mavericks cease playing national anthem before games after decision by notorious owner Marc Cuban

smart move

who needs a controversy before each game

It was obviously a stupid move, which is why his partners told him to fuck off. And if he had gotten his way all of the anthem haters would just find something else to direct their rage at. It wouldn’t help anyone with anything and it certainly wouldn’t avoid any controversy.
No one ever talked about the anthem as being “political” before one retard decided to kneel, then all these woke people came out of the woodwork to claim standing for the anthem is a political expression. What honored tradition will they come after next to show their disdain for this country?
No one ever talked about the anthem as being “political” before one retard decided to kneel, then all these woke people came out of the woodwork to claim standing for the anthem is a political expression. What honored tradition will they come after next to show their disdain for this country?

can you grow up?

woke this, woke that, just grow the fuck up, ass hole
Excellent decision. There is no correlation. And fuck that God Bless America bullshit, too.

If you hate America so much, why don't you leave?
Who says I'm even in America?

And does your question apply to you when you criticize Joseph Biden (God's choice)?

The flag is the symbol of the nation as a whole.

Biden is not.

You are a moron.
What does the flag (or the anthem) have to do with for-profit basketball?
They can play for the olympic team?
And before that Olympic game they should definitely play the anthem, because they're playing for their country not for their paycheck. You dumbass.
You didn't get the latest news why squid butt, they will play it before every game, ha ha ha
They're being forced to. He should find the fastest version available. I'll record him one that takes 15 seconds.

What kind of American has to be forced to play the American National Anthem?
What do you know about being an American? You support traitors because you hate America.

I'm not the one on the side of people that are so anti-American that they can't sit there quietly while the Anthem is played, that their hate drives them to make an anti-American statement DURING the National Anthem.

That is you.
Excellent decision. There is no correlation. And fuck that God Bless America bullshit, too.

If you hate America so much, why don't you leave?
Who says I'm even in America?

And does your question apply to you when you criticize Joseph Biden (God's choice)?

The flag is the symbol of the nation as a whole.

Biden is not.

You are a moron.
What does the flag (or the anthem) have to do with for-profit basketball?
They can play for the olympic team?
And before that Olympic game they should definitely play the anthem, because they're playing for their country not for their paycheck. You dumbass.
You didn't get the latest news why squid butt, they will play it before every game, ha ha ha
They're being forced to. He should find the fastest version available. I'll record him one that takes 15 seconds.

What kind of American has to be forced to play the American National Anthem?
What do you know about being an American? You support traitors because you hate America.
What ?

The people that are so anti-American that they are offended by the National Anthem, are trying to question other people's patriotism.

They are utterly evil.
Excellent decision. There is no correlation. And fuck that God Bless America bullshit, too.

If you hate America so much, why don't you leave?
Who says I'm even in America?

And does your question apply to you when you criticize Joseph Biden (God's choice)?

The flag is the symbol of the nation as a whole.

Biden is not.

You are a moron.
What does the flag (or the anthem) have to do with for-profit basketball?
They can play for the olympic team?
And before that Olympic game they should definitely play the anthem, because they're playing for their country not for their paycheck. You dumbass.
You didn't get the latest news why squid butt, they will play it before every game, ha ha ha
They're being forced to. He should find the fastest version available. I'll record him one that takes 15 seconds.

What kind of American has to be forced to play the American National Anthem?
What do you know about being an American? You support traitors because you hate America.
What ?
Anyone who still supports TR☭MP hates America and everything she stands for.

1. YOu talk like a retarded baby.

2. Hilarious though to see a leftard redbaiting.

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