Dallas shooters = Muslims!!!!!

Let's let the legal system work this out before we come to any conclusions. We all need to calm down and stop letting the media (USMB posters or FOX news or MSNBC or YouTube) tell us what to think here. The truth will come out, be patient.
Are you saying the op is a lie? You want to let the facts come out right? Is this fact or fiction? If it's fact stfu
The OP may not be telling a lie. It is more probable the OP is just a brainwashed delusional retard.
Let's let the legal system works this out before we come to any conclusions. We all need to calm down ad stop letting the media (USMB posters or FOX news or MSNBC or YouTube) tell us what to think here. The truth will come out, be patient.
As a society we need to discuss and draw our own conclusions based on research and facts. You can wait for some agency or those you trust to tell you what to think.
You don't understand how this works, the judicial system IS the voice of our society. Not posters on the USMB or the internet. I just came off of jury duty, and we are obligated to follow laws that dictate jurisprudence, we don't have to like or agree with the rules.
Let's let the legal system work this out before we come to any conclusions. We all need to calm down and stop letting the media (USMB posters or FOX news or MSNBC or YouTube) tell us what to think here. The truth will come out, be patient.

Talking about legal system ....

The same rigged system....oops.....legal system that ruled over Clinton emails???

That system??? :eusa_whistle:
Let's let the legal system works this out before we come to any conclusions. We all need to calm down ad stop letting the media (USMB posters or FOX news or MSNBC or YouTube) tell us what to think here. The truth will come out, be patient.
As a society we need to discuss and draw our own conclusions based on research and facts. You can wait for some agency or those you trust to tell you what to think.
You don't understand how this works, the judicial system IS the voice of our society. Not posters on the USMB or the internet. I just came off of jury duty, and we are obligated to follow laws that dictate jurisprudence, we don't have to like or agree with the rules.

People don't trust the legal system and with reason. Do you?

Not after the this Clinton scandal anyway!:dunno:
Let's let the legal system work this out before we come to any conclusions. We all need to calm down and stop letting the media (USMB posters or FOX news or MSNBC or YouTube) tell us what to think here. The truth will come out, be patient.

Talking about legal system ....

The same rigged system....oops.....legal system that ruled over Clinton emails???

That system??? :eusa_whistle:
OK, that system. Why don't we all agree that the political judicial system is as broken as a black ghetto? I am up for major revolution, I don't want Trump or Hillary. I want a true democracy.
Let's let the legal system work this out before we come to any conclusions. We all need to calm down and stop letting the media (USMB posters or FOX news or MSNBC or YouTube) tell us what to think here. The truth will come out, be patient.

Talking about legal system ....

The same rigged system....oops.....legal system that ruled over Clinton emails???

That system??? :eusa_whistle:
OK, that system. Why don't we all agree that the political judicial system is as broken as a black ghetto? I am up for major revolution, I don't want Trump or Hillary. I want a true democracy.

Well you have to choose between one of the two!

You must.

and...... do not vote for Crooked Clinton.:nono: ;)
Let's let the legal system work this out before we come to any conclusions. We all need to calm down and stop letting the media (USMB posters or FOX news or MSNBC or YouTube) tell us what to think here. The truth will come out, be patient.
Are you saying the op is a lie? You want to let the facts come out right? Is this fact or fiction? If it's fact stfu

Since there was only one shooter, and all other suspects have been released, obviously it is a lie. Not rocket science here.
Let's let the legal system works this out before we come to any conclusions. We all need to calm down ad stop letting the media (USMB posters or FOX news or MSNBC or YouTube) tell us what to think here. The truth will come out, be patient.
As a society we need to discuss and draw our own conclusions based on research and facts. You can wait for some agency or those you trust to tell you what to think.
You don't understand how this works, the judicial system IS the voice of our society. Not posters on the USMB or the internet. I just came off of jury duty, and we are obligated to follow laws that dictate jurisprudence, we don't have to like or agree with the rules.
So you had jury duty and that makes you an expert how the judicial system is the voice of siciety.

Hardly, the chief purpose of a trial is to settle a dispute between two or more parties. Sometimes it is a process to determine the rights of a party that is called a declaratory judgement. There are two main types of juridical proceeding Civil and Criminal each must follow the Rules of Civil or Criminal procedure which may or may now allow certain facts to prove the truth of a matter. Then there are rules which are called "local rules" which a judge may or may not allow in his/her court room. Then there are Rules of Evidence which may or may not allow certain types of evidentiary material for which a matter may be determined. Then there is a system of laws which control the proceeding itself in the US it is Common law unless a place like Louisiana which has the Napoleonic Code. Then there may be an administrative hearing which may have a different conclusion based on the same evidence.

What you suggest is not the voice of society it is a legal proceeding and very limited at best.
Let's let the legal system work this out before we come to any conclusions. We all need to calm down and stop letting the media (USMB posters or FOX news or MSNBC or YouTube) tell us what to think here. The truth will come out, be patient.
Are you saying the op is a lie? You want to let the facts come out right? Is this fact or fiction? If it's fact stfu

Since there was only one shooter, and all other suspects have been released, obviously it is a lie. Not rocket science here.

That one shooter attended South Dallas Mosque= Islamic connection= not rocket science there.
ISLAM! 5 Dallas Shooting Suspects Are American Muslims Who Attended South Dallas Mosque • Now The End Begins

Ban guns, hell no, BAN FUCKING MUSLIMS!

Pity you're wrong. No Muslims involved in this, just a fucking idiot making up bullshit

...and another one!!!! :lmao:
The OP is not deliberately lying, probably letting his fears run wild.
ok so there was only 1 shooter. Read the details he belonged to a Mosque he's a Muslim. Ban all Muslims.
Reports: Dallas cop-killer a follower of Nation of Islam


I've known this was coming and just wondered how long it would take for somebody to report this. Saw a similar report yesterday but didn't report it as it was an anti-Islam site. But, this one cites the Los Angeles Times which isn't exactly a right-wing outlet.

On Friday, the Los Angeles Times reported that Micah Xavier Johnson, the 25-year-old veteran who told Dallas police he “wanted to kill white people, especially white officers,” followed and “liked” the Facebook pages for the founder of the Nation of Islam and the Black Riders Liberation Party, organizations classified as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

None of this actually reports he converted to Islam, so there's still a question about the claim.

Story @ Reports: Dallas cop-killer a follower of Nation of Islam

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